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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.,Section B(2a3b),Project,Learn about Abing and his music,and comment on our favorite things.,Talk about music around us,I like music that/which_.,When Im,happy,I enjoy listening music that/which_,When Im,down or tired,I would like to listen to music that/which_.,_ is,the musical intrument,that I want to play.,cucurbit flute,flute,suona,pipa,zheng,erhu,1.Which musicians does the passage mainly talk about?,2.What is the name of his most famous piece of music?,3.How do you feel about this piece of music?,Look at the photo,and answer,Read and find the main idea of each paragraph,1.,I was _by a piece of music named,Erquan Yinyue,.,2.,Abing lived a very _life.,3.,Abings musical skills made him very _,_,_,.,popular,poor/hard,moved,1.How does the writer feel about this piece of music?,2.Why does he think so?,Read Para 1 and answer the questions.,1.It was,one of the most moving pieces,of music,that,the writer has ever heard.,2.The erhu,sounded like,someone,crying,and the writer almost cried,along with,it,as,he listened.,Abing lived a very _life.,Reasons:,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,Read Para 2 and get to know about Abings life.,hard/difficult/miserable/.,His mother died when he was young.,He was very poor.,He developed a serious illness and became blind.,For several years,he had no home.,He lived on the streets and played music to make money.,Read Para 3 and fill in the blank.,Abings amazing _ made him very _ during his _._his life,he could play over 600 pieces of music.Many of these _ by Abing himself.Its _ that only six pieces of music _ were _ for the future world to hear,but his _ continued to this day.,musical skills,lifetime,By the end of,were written,in total,a pity,recorded,popular,popularity,Today,Erquan Yingyue is a piece which all the great erhu _ play and _.It has become one of Chinas _.Its sad beauty _ paints a picture of Abings own life,_ makes people _ their deepest _ from their own sad or _.,painful experiences,masters,praise,national treasures,not only,but also,recall,wounds,Language points,1)moved,作为及物动词,意为“打动;使感动”可用于被动语态。,What he said moved everyone present.,We were all moved by his story.,move,还可以意为“移动;搬动”常用“,move to”,搬到某地。,That chair is in the way,please move it.,My family move to Beijing when I was young.,2)sense(to become aware of sth.Even though you cannot see it,hear it,ect.),动词意为“感觉到意识到”。,The horses sensed danger and stopped.,Lisa sensed that he did not believe her.,sense,作为名词,意为“感觉;意识”常见搭配有,make sense“,有意义;有道理”,I lost my sense of taste.,The sentence doesnt make sense.,3)pain,意为,“,痛苦;疼痛;苦恼”,His leg was broken and he suffered great pain.,His has a pain in his knee.,4)sadness,意为“悲痛;悲伤”,其反义词为,happiness,。意为“幸福”。,Tom loved his wife do much that he didnt get over the sadness of losing her last year.,5)perform,动词,意为“表演;演奏;执行”,He wants to perform in the show.,He performed perfectly on the piano.,performance,为其名词,意为“表演;演出”,I hear there will be two performances tomorrow.,performer,意为“表演者”,The performer act the play wonderfully.,6)by the end of,意为“到,的末尾”,其后跟不同的时间,主句则对应不同的时态。,By the end of this week,I have written two books.,By the end of next month,I will finishing reading this book.,By the end of last month,I had planted thousands of trees.,7)Its a pity that,从句,为保持句子平衡,常用,it,作形式主语,,that,引导的从句后置才为真正的主语。,Its a pity that he has lost his watch.,pity,在这里作可数名词,表示具体意义的“可惜的事;遗憾的事”,相当于,shame,。,What a pity/shame you have to go to another school!,master,意为“能手;名家;大师;主人”,The painting is the work of a master.,8)Praise,及物动词,意为“表扬;赞扬”,后面直接跟表示人或物的名词或者代词作宾语。常用结构,praise sb for sth;“,因为某事而表扬某人”,be praised for,意为“因,而受到表扬”,The guest praised the meal.,Though he was wrong,his father praised him for telling the truth.,He was praised for helping an old man.,Circle that or who and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,Abing played music(that/who)could touch the hearts of people.When we listen to his music,we can _ both the beauty and the sadness,in it.It makes us think about the_,_,_ and _(that/who)we have experienced in the past.For this reason,many people_ him as,the musician(that/who)has greatly influenced erhu music.So it is really a_ that not many pieces of his music were recorded.,pain wounds sense pity praise,2d,sense,wounds,pain,praise,pity,Group work:,Task1,:A performance Interview Abing,Task2,A report of Abings life and music,Homework:,


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