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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit One,知识点,1.,stair,n.,台阶,come down the stairs,下楼,go up the stairs,上楼,2.,time,at a time,=each time,eg,.Do one thing,at a time,.,at times=,sometimes,eg,.He,practises,playing the piano at times.,他时不时会练习钢琴,一次做一件事。,辨析:,sometimes,有时,sometime,在某个时候,some time,一段时间,some times,几次,I will be away for _.,I saw him _ in May.,Although Mary had tried _,she still failed.,She always go to school by bus,but _by bike.,some time,sometime,some times,sometimes,3.no longer,=,not any longer,不再,But the captain of the guards was,no longer,listening.,=But the captain of the guards was_ listening _ _.,e.g.,他把腿摔断了,不能再走了。,He broke his leg and could,no longer,walk.,He broke his leg and could,not,walk,any longer,.,not,any,longer,4.beyond=on the far side of,在,远处,prep.,e.g.,在平原的那边有一个湖。,Beyond the plain,there is a lake.,beyond,超出,e.g.,我们的成功超出了我们的预料。,Our success was beyond what we thought.,车已损坏,无法修理。,The car was beyond repair.,5.Outside the main gates of the city,stood,a huge horse made of wood.,倒装句,强调处所。,改为陈述句:,A huge horse made of wood,stood,outside the main gates of the city.,e.g.,银行门外站着两个持枪的警察。,Outside the entrance of the bank stood two police officers with guns.,6.Its,so,big,that,they couldnt take it with them.,sothat+,肯定句(如此,以至于能),=adj.+enough+(for sb.)to do,(1)He is,so,clever,that,he can work out this problem.,He is_ _ to work out this problem.,(2)This problem is,so,easy,that,anyone can,work out.,This problem is_ _ _ anyone to work out.,clever enough,easy enough for,sothat+,否定句,(,如此,以至于不能,),=tooto=not,adj,enough to do,e.g.He was,so,excited,that,he,couldnt,say a word.,He was_ excited _say a word.,We are,so,weak,that,we,cant,open the door.,We are _ weak _ open the door.,We are _ _ _ to open the door.,too,to,too,to,not strong enough,他,如此,高,以至于,可以碰到墙上的画,e is,so,tall,that,he can touch the picture on the wall.,He is,tall enough to,touch the picture on the wall.,他太矮了,以至于不,能碰到墙上的画,He is,so,short,that,he,cant,touch the picture on the wall.,He is,not tall enough to,touch the picture on the wall.,He is,too,short,to,touch the picture on the wall.,她跑得很快,为了,赶上末班车,She ran fast,so that,she can catch the last bus.,She ran fast,in order to,catch the last bus.,She ran fast,in order that,she can catch the last bus.,7.,securely,=safely,adv.,安全地,secure,adj.,secure,v,.security,n,.,safe save safety,a,secure,city/town,land on the earth,securely,a sense of,security,8.They all want to sleep,including,the gate guard.,including prep.include v.,包括,Six people were killed,_ a policeman.,He _ a large of funny stories in his speech.,including,included,9.,By,midnight,the square was empty,except for,the giant horse.,by=before,except for,除。之外,except,除此之外(排除在外),besides,除此之外(包括在内),except for,除此之外(肯定主要部分,否定次要部分),_ Tom,other three student failed in the exam.,Your composition is good,_some spelling,mistakes.,All the students went on a picnic,_ Peter.,Besides,except for,except,10.No guards stopped them,as,they opened the,main gates.,as=when,当。时,随着,e.g.,随着年龄的增长,她的理解力增强了。,As she grew older,she understood things better.,as=because,因为,由于,e.g.,他在这里不认识什么人,因为他是新来的。,He doesnt know many people here as he is new.,as,正如,如同,e.g.,正如我所说的,他考试通过了。,He passed the exam as what I said.,11.They,succeed,ed in capturing it through a trick.,succeed,in,doing,sth,.v.,=be,successful,in doing,sth,.adj.,=have,success,in doing,sth,.n.,=do,sth,.,successfully,adv.,=,manage to,do,sth,.,He succeeded in winning the first place.,=He _ _ in winning the first place.,=He _ _ in winning the first place.,=He _ _win the first place.,=He won the first place _.,was successful,had success,managed to,successfully,Unit 2,课文要点分析,1.of average,height(n.),neither tall nor short,It is of,great help,.=It is helpful.,This meeting is of,no importance,.,=The meeting is not important.,2.although=though (conj.),不能和,but,连用,Although he was hardworking,he still failed.,尽管他很努力,他还是失败了。,3.,elderly,(a.),上了年纪的,中年以上和老年中间,old,(a.),年迈的,aged,(a.),老龄,通常意味体弱,old older oldest /old elder eldest,elder,辈份大,e.g.elder brother,older,年龄大,e.g.He is older than me.,Su is,an elderly woman,with gray hair.,老妇人,My,elder sister,is 5 years older than I.,姐姐,4.enough (a.adv.pron.),I dont have,enough time,to go for a holiday.,足够时间,Are you sure he is,old enough,?,够大,Although the UK says efforts are being made,they are not,doing enough,.,5.be good at +,sth,.(,doing,sth,.),He is good at,maths,so he always gets high marks in,maths,tests.=does well in,6.be used to do,被用来做某事,use,sth,to do,sth,.,be used to,doing,习惯于做某事,used to do =often did,过去常常做某事,be used to do,be used to doing,used to do,My father,used to,_(smoke),but now,he has given it up.,2.Wood,is used to,_(make)furniture.,3.They come from France.Now they,are used,to,_(live)in Shanghai.,smoke,make,living,Wood,is used to,make paper.,He,is used to listening,music after dinner now.,I,used to,go to school on foot in the past.,=I _often_ _,went_to,school on foot.,7.Up to,a.,合计达,Comorants,can stay under water for,up to,2 minutes.,b.,做什么,干,(,不好的事,),What are the children,up to,


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