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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,A Few Simple Forms of English Poems,NSEFC Book 6 Unit 2,By Yuan Xirong from Wuhan No. 2 Senior High School,Hush, little baby, dont say a ,Papas going to buy you a mocking .,If that mockingbird wont ,Papas going to buy you a diamond .,If that diamond ring turns to ,Papas going to buy you a looking-,.,If that looking-glass gets,Papas going to buy you a billy- .,If that billy-goat runs ,Papas going to buy you another .,word,bird,sing,ring,brass,glass,broke,goat,away,today,Nursery rhyme,appreciation:,w,ord,b,ird,s,ing,r,ing,br,ass,gl,ass,br,oke,g,oat,aw,ay,to,day,Appreciation:,Features of,nursery rhymes:,Strong rhythm and rhyme.,Concrete and imaginative words,Sometimes contradictory.,Features of list poems,They list things.,Repeated phrases.,Flexible line length.,Some rhyme, others not.,English poems do not have,to rhyme!,Brother,Beautiful, athletic,Teas,ing, shout,ing, laugh,ing,Friend and enemy too,mine,Cinquain,Line 1,1 word,noun,to announce the topic,Line 2,2 words,adjective,to describe the topic,Line 3,3 words,V-ing,to express action,Line 4,4 words,phrase,to express feeling,Line 5,1 word,another word for Line 1,to rename the topic,A fallen blossom,is coming back to the branch.,look, a butterfly!,(by,Snow having melted,The whole village is brimful,of happy children,(by Issa),Haiku (,俳句诗,),17 syllables,Haiku,a picture is a silent poem!,a Greek writer,A poem is a speaking picture;,Tang poem,Where she awaits her husband,On and on the river flows,Never looking back,Transformed into stone.,Day by day upon the mountain top,wind and rain revolve.,Should the travller return,this stone would utter speech.,(by Wang Jian),望夫石,-,王健,望夫处,江悠悠。,化为石,不回头。,山头日日风复雨,,行人归来石应语。,Poems can be bridges between the East and West.,Quietly, we embrace,In a world lit up by words.,Line 1,1 word,noun,to announce the topic,Line 2,2 words,adjective,to describe the topic,Line 3,3 words,V-ing,to express action,Line 4,4 words,phrase,to express feeling,Line 5,1 word,another word for Line 1,to rename the topic,Create your own poems!,Cinquain,Life is a leaf of paper white, there on each of us may write his word or two.,Life itself is a poem!,Love Poem Love Life!,


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