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Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre,Cliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque,Deuxime niveau,Troisime niveau,Quatrime niveau,Cinquime niveau,*,*,For Whom the Bell Tolls,丧钟为谁而鸣,Ernest Miller Hemingway,海明威,Ernest Miller Hemingway,Ernest Miller Hemingway(July 21,1899 July 2,1961)was an,American novelist,short-story writer,and,journalist,.He was part of the 1920s expatriate community(,外籍人士,)in Paris,as well as the veterans,(退伍军人),of World War One later known as“the Lost Generation”,as described in his memoir,A Moveable Feast,.He received the,Pulitzer Prize,(,普利策奖,),in 1953 for The,Old Man and the Sea,and,the Nobel Prize in Literature,Hemingways distinctive writing style is characterized by economy and understatement,in contrast to the style of his literary rival,William Faulkner,.,(,威廉福克纳,),It had a significant influence on the development of twentieth-century fiction writing.His characters are typically stoic(,坚忍的,)men who exhibit an ideal described as grace under pressure.Many of his works are now considered canonical(,典型,),in American literature,.,Hemingway wrote For Whom the Bell Tolls in Cuba,Key West,and Sun Valley,Idaho in 1939.In Cuba,he,lived,in the Hotel Ambos-Mundos,where he worked on the manuscript(,手稿,).The novel was finished in July 1940,and published in October.,The novel is based on his experiences during the Spanish Civil War,with an American named Robert Jordan who fights with Spanish soldiers for the republicans.The novel has three types of characters:those,who are purely fictional,;those,based on real people,but fictionalized;and those,who were actual figures,in the war.,Background,Abstract,For Whom the Bell Tolls is told primarily through the thoughts and experiences of Robert Jordan,a character inspired by,Hemingways own experiences,in the Spanish Civil War.Robert Jordan is an America,n,volunteer,for theRepublicanside in the,SpanishCivilWarwho is an expert in the use of explosives,he is assigned to,blow up a bridge,during an attack on the city of Segovia.,A superior has ordered him to travel behind enemy lines and destroy a bridge,using the aid of a group of guerrillas,(,游击队,),who have been living in the mountains nearby.In their camp,Robert Jordan,fall in love with,Mara,a young Spanish native whose life has been shattered by the outbreak of the war.,Finally he devoted his life,to finish his task.,The novel,vividly,describes the brutality,(,暴行,),of civil war.,Appriciation,No man is an island,entire of itself;,every man is a piece of the continent,a part of the main.,If a clod be washed away by the sea,Europe is the less,as well as if a promontory(,海角,)were,as well as if a manor(,庄园,)of the friends or,of thine,(你的),own were:,any mans death diminishes me,because I am involved in mankind,and,therefore,never send to know for whom the bells tolls;,it tolls for thee.,没有人能自全,,没有人是孤岛,,每人都是大陆的一片,,要为本土应卯。,一旦海水冲走,,欧洲就要变小。,不论是你的,还是朋友的,,任何人的死亡,都是我的减少,,作为人类的一员,,我与生灵共老。,丧钟在为谁敲,我本茫然不晓,,不为幽明永隔,它正为你哀悼。,那便是一方海角,,那便是一座庄园,谁都不是一座岛屿,自成一体;,每个人都是那广袤大陆的一部分。,如果海浪冲刷掉一个土块,,欧洲就少了一点;,如果一个海角,,如果你朋友或你自己的庄园被冲掉,,也是如此。,任何人的死亡都使我受到损失,,因为我包孕在人类之中。,所以别去打听丧钟为谁而鸣,,它为你敲响。,AnalysisofMajorCharacter,The,m,ajorcharacter of For Whom the Bell Tolls,Robert Jordan,left his job as a college instructor in the United States to,volunteer for the Republican side,in the Spanish Civil War.He believed in the Republican cause with a near-religious faith and felt an absolute brotherhood with his comrades,(,战友,)on the Republican side.,AnalysisofMajorCharacter,He knows that his job requires that he kill people but also knows that,he should not believe in killing in the abstract,.Despite his newfound love for Maria,he feels that there cannot be a place for her in his life while he also has his military work,.He claims not to be superstitious,(,迷信的,),but cannot stop thinking about the world as giving him signs of things to come.,These conflicts weigh heavily on Robert Jordan throughout the the novel.,AnalysisofMajorCharacter,Robert Jordan,in his final moments as he faces death.He accepts himself as a man of action rather than thought,as a man who believes in practicality rather than abstract theories,.He understands that,the war requires him to do some things that he does not believe in,.He also realizes that,though he cannot forget the unsavory(,名誉不好的,)deeds he has done in the past,he must avoid dwelling(,细想某事,)on them,to,get things done in the present.Finally,Robert Jordan is able to make room in his mind for both his love for Maria and his military mission,.By the end of the novel,just before he dies,his internal conflicts and tensions are resolved and he feels integrated into the world.(,融入世界,),Reflections,Death is a primary theme of the novel.When Robert Jordan is assigned to blow up the bridge,he knows that he will not survive it.Pablo and El Sordo,leaders of the Republican guerrilla bands(,游击队,),see that inevitability,(必然性),also.Almost all of the main,characters,combat for,their own deaths.,I hope everyone can,find something that w


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