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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3,How do you get to school,Period 3,go,*,小方课件,精心打造,Enjoy a song,d,e,b,c,将单词与图片配对,复习,TAXI,take the bus,take the plane,take the taxi,take the,train,drive the car,take the,subway,ride the bike,walk,用三种不同方式来表达上学,例,I get to school,by bus,.,I get to school,on the bus,.,I,take,the bus to school.,复习,A,扮,Jane,B,扮,Tom,用,2b,中信息问答,问时间长度,问距离,(me),复习,点击播放动画,并将交通方式改同义句,Boat, boat, take a boat,How do you get to school,Train, train, take the train,Bus, bus, take the bus,subway, subway,take the subway,Taxi, taxi, take a taxi,Bike, bike, ride a bike,chant,bus,stop,连读,bus station,subway,station,train,station,a,c,d,将图片与单词配对,1a,I ride my bike to the,subway station.,home,school,Then,I take the subway to school.,very far,假设你用两种交通工具到达学校,请编对话,to school.,1b,大学上学就远了哟,,try,train station,bus station,airport,How do you get to school,bike,car,train,plane,subway,挑战自己,试用三种以上方式组合上学,First,I take .,Then,I .,Next,I .,At,last,I to school.,bus,听并打勾,Mary,想知道什么问题,1c,间接引语,再听对话,打勾,Bob,到达祖父母家的交通方式,1d,听力原文,M: I love your home ,Bob. Its so big .,B: Thanks, Mary .My grandparents home,is very big ,too.,M: Where do they _,B: Very _ _ my home .,M : Oh, how far,B: Its _ five _ kilometers from here.,M : Well, thats far .,B: Yes, it is. So I go there to see my grandparents,_ one or two _ a year .,M: How do you get there,B: I usually _ the train .,live,far from,about,hundred,only,times,take,M: _ _ does it take,B: It _ about six hours ,and _ I take,the bus _ the train station _the home .,M: Well, thats a _ trip .,How long,takes,then,from,to,long,听力原文,B:,First,he,Then,he,take,s,the bus from the train,station to the home,take,s,the train .,谈论,Bob,到祖父母家的交通方式,A: How does your grandpa get to HangzhouB: First, he to C: Next, he to D: At last he ,注意三单形式,A: How does Mary get to Mount Putuo,注意三单形式,B: First, sheto,Next, sheto,At last she,A: How do you get to the Great Wall,B: First, I ,Next, I ,At last I ,注意三单形式,the Great Wall,退出,The end,Unit 3,How do you get to school,Period 4,go,a,c,d,将图片与单词配对,复习,假设你用两种交通工具到达学校,请编对话,to school.,复习,A,扮,Jane,B,扮,Tom,用,2b,中信息问答,问时间长度,问距离,(me),复习,点击播放动画,并将交通方式改同义句,It is about how students go to school.,看图片与标题,猜文章是关于什么内容,2a,Look at the picture and title below. Guess what the passage is about.,take a,ropeway,=,go no a,ropeway,The students go on a ropeway to,cross the river,.,cross the river,big,river,school,village,village,r,their school,betweenand,There is a big river between their school,and the village.,It is difficult for students,in,one small village,to get to school.,The river,runs too quickly,for boats.,The villagers,dont have much money.,=go on,boat,bridge,difficult,Liangliang,one 11-year-ol,d,boy,He is not,afraid,.,his classmates,He love,s to,play with his classmates,villag,ers,leave the village,It is their,dream,to have a,brige,.,have a bridge,读文章,答复以下问题,How does Liang ling go to school every day,_,He go,es,on a ropeway to cross the river to school.,读文章,答复以下问题,2b,Read the passage and answer the questions.,1. How do the students in the village go to school,2. Why do they go to school like this,3. Does the boy like his school Why,4. What is the villagers dream Do you think their dream can come true How,1. How do the students in the village go to school,2. Why do they go to school like this,They go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.,There is no bridge, and the river runs too quickly for boats.,3. Does the boy like his school Why,4. What is the villagers dream Do you think their dream can come true How,Yes, he does. He loves to play with his classmates. He loves his teacher.,Their dream is to have a bridge. I think their dream can come true. Maybe the government can build a bridge for them.,2c,Read the passage again. Complete the sentences with words from the passage.,1. For the students in the village, it is _ to get to school.,2. They have to cross a very _ river between their school and the village.,difficult,big,3. They cannot go by boat because the river runs too _.,4. It is not to cross the river on a ropeway, but the boy is not _.,5. The students and villagers want to have a bridge. Can their dream come _,quickly,afraid,true,Remember the new words,and expressions in this,period.,2. Try to retell the passage,after class.,Homework,读美国笔友,Tom,的邮件,用方框中的单词填空,get to,leave,walk,kilometers,takes,boring,向全班介绍你的笔友,Tom,的交通方式,用三单,回电子邮件,用以下问题,Dear Tom,Thanks for your last letter. Well, I leave,home at,6 oclock,. It is,10 km,from to,. I get to school,by bus,. ,Li Mei,1. think of 认为,What does Bob think of the trip鲍勃认为旅行怎么样?,【拓展】,What do/does sb. think of 某人觉得怎么样?,= How do/does sb. like,How does Bob like the trip,Language points,2. Between and ,在,与,之间,between,是个介词,表示在两者之,间。,如:,Mary is between Jane and Linda in the line.,在队伍中,玛丽在简和琳达之间。,3. cross,横过,;,穿越,(,指横向穿过马路、河等,),Look out before you,cross,the road.,过马路前要细心看!,4. year,年;年纪,Mary is only six,years,old.,玛丽仅六岁。,There are 365 days in a,year,.,一年中有,365,天。,5. afraid 害怕;恐惧 ; 形容词,1be afraid 害怕的,The girl is very afraid.,小女孩很害怕。,2be afraid of 害怕 ,My sister is afraid of snakes.,我妹妹害怕蛇。,Lets do some exersises,Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words, then make your own sentences:,ride take from think of get to,How do you _ school in the morning,What do you _ the transportation in your home town,When it rains I _ a taxi .,How far is your home _ the bus station,I like to _my bike on the weekend.,get to,think of,take,from,ride,1. Tom takes the bus to school.,2. I walk to school every day.,Tom gets to school by bus.,I get to school on foot every day.,3. They go to the USA by plane.,They take the plane to the USA.,写出以下句子的同义句。,They ride their bikes to school. (就画线局部提问,2. It takes 50 minutes to get here. (就画线局部提问,_ _ _ get to school,_ _ _ it take to get here,How do they,How long does,句型转换。,3. Do your parents drive to work (作否认答复) _,4. Mary goes to school by bike (划线局部提问) _,5. Linda lives ten kilometers from school. (划线局部提问),_,句型转换。,No, they dont.,How does Mary go to school,How far does Linda live from school,退出,The end,


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