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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,MENU,NHCE-BI-Unit 4 VIII: Homework,L/O/G/O,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,L/O/G/O,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Unit 7,Not on My Block,Block,opium,opium,opium,hemp,ice and heroin,Whitney Houston,Marilyn Monroe,Before Reading,Before Reading,After looking at the above pictures, please discuss the following questions:,1. Whats your opinion on drug scandals of the stars Should the prodigal son be forgiven if he/she has returned,Before Reading,After looking at the above pictures, please discuss the following questions:,2. What is your first reaction when hearing about drug or drug dealer,3. what will you do if they are in your neighborhood,Background Information,The Oliver neighborhood of East Baltimore,An area of approximately thirty-two square blocks in east-central Baltimore City. The district consists of brick row houses that are still residential.,stoop,n.,(in North America) porch or unroofed platform or set of steps at the entrance to a house,Background Information,2.,The tragic story of the Dawson family in Baltimore,This shocking event happened in October, 2002. The Dawson family Angela Dawson, her husband, and five children ,were all killed when a drug dealer set their house on fire,in retaliation for Mrs. Dawsons undaunted,stand against drug trafficking,in their Baltimore neighborhood.,Background Information,A child may need,Foster Care,because the parents/legal guardian is unable to care for their children.,Reading comprehension,Reading comprehension 1,Why did Ethel Armstead take to the gray row house right away,Para 1,2. What did Armstead see when she came home from work that first night after moving into her new house,Para 2,3. How did the young men respond when Armstead told them to make way for her,Para 3,4. Who were the young men Why did they occupy Armsteads front step,Para 4,Reading comprehesion 2,5. What was the unexpected challenge Arstead had to meet back in the mid-1990s How did she respond to the challenge,Para 7,6. What did Armstead decide to do a month or so after she moved in,Para 8,7. What did Armstead tell the young mens leader why did she keep her face a mask when talking to them,8. Did the young men do as they were told to,Para 11,Para 12,9. What happened after Armstead repeated her request over and over again,Para 13 and Para 14,10. Who was Angela Dawson What happened to her and her family,Para 16,11. What did Armstead and BUILD do for the community,Para 17,12. How does Armstead feel about the impact shes had,Read comprehension 3,Para 19,Useful expressions 1,1. 鼓起勇气,2. 一下子,立刻,3. 毒品贩子,4. 注射毒品,5. 消磨时间,闲荡,6. 进展战斗,7. 承受挑战,8. 耽溺于,上瘾,9. 看护,领养,10. 翻滚,打翻,11. 看望,探知,1.,summon up the courage,2.,right off,3.,drug dealers / drug pushers,4.,shoot up,5.,hang out,6.,fight the battle,7.,rise to the challenge,8.,be addicted to,9. foster care,10.,turn over,11.,check in on,Useful expressions 2,12. 开场,13. 顶嘴,反驳,14.轻易得来的钱,15. 说明立场,16.燃烧,17.推动力,18.一块空地,19.逐步增加,提升,20.偶遇,21.对谦虚,12.,take to,13.,talk back,14.,fast money,15.,take a stand,16.,set on fire,17.,driving force,18.,a vacant lot,19. step up,20.,run into,21.,be modest about,Useful expressions 3,2,2,.,照顾,监护,2,3,. 使.明白,2,4,.,源源不断的,25. 从事交易,2,2,.,get custody of sb.,2,3,. get through to sb,2,4,. a steady stream of,25. conduct business,Text Analysis,5 Ws of the story,Structure of the Text,Global,Reading,Global,Reading,5 Ws of the story,When: the summer of 2000,Where: on her steps (“on my block),Who: a 50-sth. mother, a gang of seven,What: The heroin stood up to the gang.,Why: Why did they choose to deal drugs on her stoop What prompted the heroine to confront the gang Etc.,Part,Para.,Main Idea,Drug dealer and addicts often apeared on Mrs. Armstead s step,Armstead fought against drug dealers by repeated talking and participating in BUILD,Armstead felt good about the impact shes had,1,2,3,1-6,7-17,18-19,Global,Reading,Structure of the Text:,What and How,Retell the story according to the following pictures:,get custody of sb.:,照顾,监护,(para.7),自从她的父母去世后, 她的姨母照顾她。,Her aunt get custody of her after her parents death.,Detailed,Reading,get through : 使.明白 (para.19),你的想法是不是总能如你所愿地让人们明白呢?,Do your ideas always get through to people in the way you intended,get through,Thank you!,


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