B3Unit1 Language Points

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Book3Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations,Language points,Useful phrases,1.,节日和庆典,2.,自古以来,3.,有很多由来,4.,亡灵节,5.,纪念死者,6.,使祖先得到满足,7.,损害、伤害、危害,8.,扫墓,9.,烧香,10.,纪念,追念,1. festivals and celebrations,2. since ancient times,3. have many origins,4. festivals of the dead,5. honour the dead,6. satisfy the ancestors,7. do harm (to),8. clean graves,9. light incense,10. in memory of,Useful phrases,11.,把祖先引回到世上,12.,在这个重要的节日里,13.,以颅骨的形状,14.,给,提供,15.,古老的信念,16.,亡者的灵魂,17.,乔装打扮,18.,捉弄某人,11. lead the ancestors back,to earth,12. on this important feast day,13. in the shape of skulls,14. offer sth. to sb.,15. old beliefs,16. the spirits of dead people,17. dress up,18. play a trick on sb.,1. Festivals,are meant to,celebrate,important times of year.,(1,),_,意在做某事,旨在做某事,Eg:,广泛阅读旨在提高我们的阅读能力。,Reading more books is meant to improve our,reading ability.,be meant to do. = have to do.,应该做某事,Eg: I think the police are meant to protect people.,(2),be meant,for“打算作用,为,.,而准备的”,That room is meant for our reading room. (,翻译,),那个房间打算用作我们的阅览室。,Language Points,be meant to do.,(3,) mean to do,sth,打算做某事,We mean to call on you tomorrow.,我们打算明天去看望你。,(4,) mean,doing sth,意味着做某事,Playing computers means wasting time.,玩电脑游戏意味着浪费时间。,(5),What does the sentence,mean,?,He is so,mean,that he wouldnt lend me the money.,The two countries achieved the goal by peaceful,means,.,Whats the,meaning,of your words?,Everyone should try to lead a,meaningful,lifestyle.,v.,意思是,.,adj.,吝啬的,卑鄙的,苛刻的,n.,方式,方法,手段,工具,n.,意思,含义,adj.,富有意义的,意味深长的,A.,happen 偶然发生,碰巧发生,B.,take place 指经过安排的事情发生,引申为,“,举行,进行,”,take-took-taken,C.,come about,发生,同happen,come-come-come,D.,break out 灾难、疾病、战争等突然爆发,break-broke-broken,金榜学案,P3,及学及练,4. broke out,5. take place,6. happened,2. take place 发生,举行,进行,7. comes about,happen,take place,come about,break out,以上都是不及物单词或不及物短语,无被动语态!,sth happen/take place/ come about/ break out,2008,年四川发生了一场大地震。,(A or B ),A. In 2008 Sichuan Province broke out a huge earthquake.,B. In 2008 a huge earthquake broke out in Sichuan,Province.,时间作时间状语,地点作地点状语,in+,某地,作主语的永远是,“,某件事,”,发生某事,=sth happen,我们家乡近几年发生了很大变化。,(take place),Great changes have taken place in my hometown these years.,2. take place 发生,举行,进行,其他词组:,(1),take the place of sb/sth,代替某人,接替某人的位置,(2),in place of,代替,用,而不用,(3) in place,放在原来的位置,适当的,A. Its difficult to find a man to _him.,B. A new teacher will give you a lesson _me.,C. Youd better puteverything _.,take the place of,in place of,in place,(1) v. 挨饿,饿死,A. I,am starving, and I need sth to eat as soon as possible.,我,快饿死啦,,我要尽快吃点东西,.,B. These animals,starved to death,without eating food.,没有吃食物,这些动物都,饿死,了。,starve to death =die of starvation,(2) 缺乏,渴望获得某事物,A. I starve to make some friends in the new class.,starve to do sth,渴望做某事,B.,The homeless children are starving for love .,starve for sth,渴望得到某物,金榜学案,P4,即学即练,3.starve,金榜学案,P4,归纳拓展,&,即学即练,4,. in memory of,sb,纪念某人,= in honour of sb,A.,Dragon Boat Festival,is,in,memory of,Qu Yuan.,作表语,be in memory of sb,B. She,set up an educational fund(,基金,),in memory of,her mother.,作状语,主句,+ in memory of sb,(1),改错,The Nobel prize in memory of the famous,scientist Nobel.,(2),翻译,:,为纪念这位伟大的艺术家我们举办了一场晚会。,We held a party in memory of the great artist.,Useful phrases,19.,端午节,龙舟节,20.,全国性节日,21.,赢得独立,22.,农活,23.,用,来装饰,24.,因,而获奖,25.,赏月,26.,盼望、期待、期望,27.,压岁钱,19. The Dragon Boat Festivals,20. a national festival,21. gain its independence,22. the agricultural work,23. decorate with,24. win awards for,25. admire the moon,26. look forward to,27. lucky money,Useful phrases,28.,红包,29.,日夜、昼夜、整天,30.,各种艳丽的节日盛装,31.,庆祝耶稣复活,32.,由,覆盖,33.,好像,34.,玩得开心,35.,为,而自豪,28. red paper,29. day and night,30. colourful clothing of all kinds,31. celebrate the return of Jesus,32. be covered with,33. as though,34. have fun with,35. be proud of,dress(vt.) dress sb./oneself,(in .),给某人,/,自己穿,.,A. You have to dress youself soon.,B. Parents always dress theis children in new clothes,on the Spring Festival.,5. dress up,打扮,化装,A. She likes to dress up for a party every weekend.,B. Tom,dressed up,_the Vampire(,吸血鬼,) on Halloween.,装扮成,.,打扮成,.,as,A. You myst hurry up and get dressed.,你要快点穿上衣服。,B. The girl was dressed in red.,这个女孩穿着一身红衣服。,_,穿衣服,(,表动作,),_,穿着,.,衣服(表状态,),C. _(dress) in stange clothes, she caught much,attention from others.,get dressed,(,in,.),be dressed,(,in,.),Dressed,6.,award,(1),n.,奖, 奖品,奖金,win/receive an award (for sth/ doing.),(,因为,.),赢得,/,得到奖励,Mo Yan won a great award from the Nobel Prize Committee.,莫言获得了诺贝尔委员会颁发的大奖。,(2),v. 授予,奖励,award sb. sth.,/ award sth to sb,奖励,/,授予某人某物,They awarded John the first prize.,他们授予约翰一等奖,.,award sb for sth/doing.,因为,.,奖励某人,Lily was awarded a medal for her bravery.,莉莉因勇敢而获得奖章,.,被动语态:,sb be awarded sth (for sth/doing.),award:,主要指因优异成绩或卓越贡献而得到奖励,奖品,reward:,主要指对某人付出的劳动和出色表现的一种回报和报酬,award sb. for. reward sb. for sth.,award sb. sth. reward sb.,with,sth.,award,&,reward,(1) He wrote such a good article that he won the,(2) Everyone could get for his hard,working.,(3),因为你帮助了我,我要送你一束花作为回报,.,I will for your help.,(4),老师,因为他的诚实而奖励他,.,award,reward,reward you with flowers,The teacher awarded him for his honesty.,7,.look forward to(介词) + n/,do,ing 盼望,期待,常用于进行时态,be looking forward to .,(1) Students are always looking forward to (have) a holiday.,(2),我期待你早日回复,(reply),我。,-ward 向着方向,backward 向后,forward 向前,outward,向外,having,Im looking forward to your early reply.,8.,The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looks,as though,it is covered with pink snow.,整个国家到处是盛开的樱花,看上去似乎覆盖了一层粉红色的雪。,(1) as though /as if,似乎,好像,A.,引导表语从句,跟在,look, seem, sound, smell, taste,等系动词后面,.,It seems as if the boy has lost his way.,The terrible dish smells as though it has been for long.,B.,引导方式状语从句,置于主句之后,.,She treats the boy as though he were her own child.,她就像对待自己的孩子一样对待这个男孩。,(2,)as if/ though 引导的从句如果表示很可能的事实就用,陈述语气,即谓语动词遵循时态需求使用对应的形式。,It looks as if it,is going to,rain.,(3,) as if/ though 引导的从句如果不是事实而是一种假设 则使用,虚拟语气:,A.,与现在事实相反的假设,则谓语动词用过去式,did/were,The man behaves as if he,got,a successful lottery(,彩票,).,The child talked to us as though he,were,a grown-up,.,B.,与过去事实相反的假设,则谓语动词用,had done,My teacher looked as though he,had known,everything.,He behaved as though nothing,had happened.,


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