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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,施工现场日常用语,罗时朋,第一局部 工作场所用语,1 问候和介绍,GREETINGS AND NTRODUCTIONS,Welcome to our job site. 欢送你到我们工地来。,I am a manager. (project manager, resident construction manager, construction superintendent, controller , staff member, engineer, technician, economist, supervisor, foreman, worker),我是经理。工程经理、驻工地总代表、工地主任、管理员、职员、工程师、技术员、经济员、监理员、工长、工人。,My technical specialty is civil engineering. (chemical engineering, process, mechanical equipment ,electrical, instrumentation, piping, welding, furnace building, corrosion prevention, thermal-insulation, heating-ventilation, quality control).,我的技术专业是土建工程。化工工程、工艺、机械设备、电气、仪表、管道、焊接、筑炉、防腐、保温、采暖通风、质量管理。,I am a mechanician (electrician, Pipelayer, welder, carpenter, turner, blacksmith, builder, erector, riveter , rigger, concrete worker, engine-driver, repair worker).,我是一个机械钳工。电工、管工、焊工、木工、车工、铁工、建筑工人、安装工人、铆工、起重工、混凝土工、司机、修理工。,2 工程工程,ENGINEERING PROJECT,A project execution is usually divided into some elementary phases, such as :engineering, procurement and transportation, field construction, procommissioning.,一个工程工程的实施通常可分为几个根本阶段:工程设计、采购和运输、现场施工、试车。,It is an inquiry (commercial and technical proposal, approval, agreement , protocol, annex, technical appendix) about this project.,这是这个工程的询价书。商务和技术报价书、批准书、协议、会议记录、附加条件、技术附件,The project team normally consists of project engineer, design engineer ,schedule engineer, and various specialists.,工程工作组通常包括有工程工程师、设计工程师、方案工程师、以及各类专家。,We can evaluate the results of field construction by four criteria, which are quality ,time, cost and safety.,我们可以通过四个指标来评价现场施工的成绩,即质量、时间进度、费用和平安。,Every month we shall establish construction schedule.,每个月我们都要制订建立进度方案。,We shall also make the project schedule report every day .,我们也将每天提出工程进度报告。,According to the technical standard (norm, rules of operation), the erection (alignment, testing )work is now getting on .,安装校准、试验工作正在根据技术标准标准、操作规程进展。,3 技术资料和图纸,TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS,This is a plot plan (general layout ,general arrangement, detail ,section, erection ,flow sheet, PID, assembly, civil, electrical, control and instrumentation, projection, piping, isometric ) drawing.,这是一张平面布置总平面、总布置、细部、剖面、安装、流程、带仪表控制点的管道、装配、土建、电气、自控和仪表、投影、配管、透视图。,That is a general (front, rear, side, left, right, top, vertical, bottom, elevation, auxiliary, cut-away, birds eye) view.,那是全视前视、后视、侧视、左视、右视、顶视、俯视、底视、立视、辅助、内部剖视、鸟瞰图。,The information to be placed in each title block of a drawing include: drawing number, drawing size, scale, weight, sheet number and number of sheets, drawing title and signatures of persons preparing, checking and approving the drawing.,每张图纸的图标栏内容包括:图号、图纸尺寸、比例、重量、张号和张数、图标、以及图纸的制图、校对、批准人的签字。,There are various types of lines on the drawing such as : border lines, visible lines, invisible lines, break lines, phantom lines.,图上有各种形式的线条,诸如:边框线、实线、虚线、剖面线、中心线、引出线、尺寸线、断裂线、假想线。,Please give us a copy of this information .(technical specification, instruction, manual, document, diagram, catalog),请给我们一份这个资料技术规程、说明书、手册、文件、图表、目录样本的复印本。,We comply with and carry out the Sabic specification (ANSI, BS, AFNOR, JIS, DIN) in this project.,在这个工程中我们遵守并执行SABIC标准。美国标准、英国标准、法国标准、日本标准、联邦德国标准,4 施工现场,CONSTRUCTION SITE,Here is our engineering office (drawing office, control room, laboratory, meeting room, common room, rest room).,这是我们的工程技术办公室绘图室、调度室、实验室、会议室、座谈室、休息室,I am in charge of this section.,我负责这个工段。,Here is our pipe prefabrication workshop (steel structure fabrication shop, machine shop, boiler room, air compressor station, concrete mixing unit).,这里是我们的管道预制车间钢构造制作厂、机械加工车间、锅炉房、空气压缩机站、混凝土搅拌装置。,There is a temporary facility for site brickwork.(wood work, ironwork, paintwork),这是一个现场砖工木工、铁工、油工临时设施。,It will be finished under five days.这将在5天内完成,I believe that all the machines to be shipped have been pre-assembled (inspected).,我相信所有发运的机器都曾经过预装配检验。,Where is the packing list (bill of lading, bill of materials),装箱单提货单、材料清单在那里?,What is the item number (case number) of this equipment,这台设备的位号箱号是多少?,Please pay attention to the following marks on the package:,请注意包装箱上的以下标志:,Use rollers 使用滚杠移 Heave here 从此提起,Handle with care 小心装卸 Top 上部,Bottom 底部Inflammable 易燃,Fragile 易碎Do not cast 勿掷,Keep upright 勿倒置 Keep in a cold (dry) place 存于冷干处,To be protected from cold (heat) 怕冷热,5 土建工程,CIVIL ENGINEERING,This is a working (plot plan, vertical layout, structure plan, floor plan, general plan) drawing.,这是施工平面布置、竖向布置、构造、屋间平面、总图。,The quality of civil engineering conforms with our domestic technical standard (China National Building Code).,土建工程的质量符合我们国内的技术标准中国建筑法规。,Our civil work include construction of roads, buildings, foundations and reinforced concrete structure.,The holes of anchor bolts will be grouted with normal (Portland ,non-shrinkage) cement mortar.,这些地脚螺孔将灌入普通波特兰,无收缩水泥砂浆。,We usually measure the strength of concrete at 28 days after which has been cast.,我们通常在混凝土灌注后28天测定其强度。,The average compressive strength of samples is 500kg/cm2.,试样的平均抗压强度为500公斤/平方厘米,Our concrete material is mixed in a rotating-drum batch mixer at the job site.,我们用的混凝土是在现场的间歇式转筒搅拌机中搅拌的。,Quality of concrete depends on proper placing, finishing, and curing.,混凝土的质量取决于适当的灌注、抹光和养护。,6 施工机械,CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY,The truck crane (gantry crane, tower crane, mobile slewing crane, bridge crane, crawler crane) can lift a weight of 15 tons.,这台汽车起重机龙门吊、塔式吊、悬臂汽车吊、桥式吊、履带式起重机能吊起15吨的重物。,What is the horsepower (H.P) of this engine (tractor, excavator, bulldozer, motor scraper, roller),这台发动机拖拉机、挖掘机、推土机、自行铲运机、压路机的马力是多少?,The concrete mixer (concrete truck mixer, concrete vibrator, concrete batch plant) made by Hua-Dong Works are steady in quality and reliable in performance.,华东工厂生产的混凝土搅拌机搅拌车、混凝土振动器、混凝土搅拌站质量稳定、性能可靠。,To maintain its efficiency, the machinery needs a regular service (check-over, repairing, overhaul).,这台机械需要进展一次定期保养全面检查、修理、大修,以维持其工作效率。,Is the machine accompanied with some tools (spare parts, accessories),这台机器随机带有一些工具备件、附件吗?,7 工程材料,ENGINEERING MATERIALS,Cement steel and timber are the most important construction materials used in civil engineering.,水泥、钢材和木材是土建工程中最重要的建筑材料。,Typical structural steel shapes include beams, channels, angles and tees.,典型的构造型钢包括工字钢、槽钢、角钢和丁字钢。,There are four broad classifications of steel : carbon steels, alloy steels, high-strength low-alloy steels and stainless steels.,钢材大致辞可分为四类,即:碳素钢、合金钢、高强度低合金钢和不锈钢。,Copper, zinc, lead, aluminium, bronze and brass are nonferrous metals or alloys.,铜、锌、铅、铝、青铜和黄铜都是有色金属或合金。,All site erection works will be performed by the Buyer under the technical instruction of the Seller.,所有的现场安装工作都应在卖方的技术指导下由买方完成。,The construction company is fully in charge of the administration of all erection work.,建立公司完全负责全部安装工程的行政管理。,Our company cover all construction activities, that is : piling , civil engineering, mechanical erection, piping, electrical, instrumentation, painting and insulation work.,我们公司涉及所有施工活动,包括:打桩、土建工程、机械安装、配管、电气、仪表、油漆和保温绝缘工作。,8 质量管理,QUALITY CONTROL,Total Quality ControlTQC is a better quality control system.,全面质量管理简称TQC是一种较好的质量管理体系。,To maintain the best quality of the construction work is the important responsibility of the field controllers.,保持施工工作的优良质量是现场管理人员的重要职责。,We possess skilled technician and complete measuring and test instruments used to ensure the quality of engineering .,我们拥有熟练的技术力量和齐全的检测手段,可以确保工程质量。,Field inspection work is handled (executed, directed )by our Inspection Section.,现场检查工作由我们的检查科管理实施、指导。,I want to see the certificate of quality (certificate of manufacturer, certificate of inspection, certificate of shipment, material certificate, certificate of proof).,我要看看质量证书制造厂证书、检查证明书、出口许可证书、材料合格证、检验证书。,Here is the report of chemical composition inspection.,这是化学成份检验报告。,Is it OK(good, guaranteed, satisfied, passed),那是正确的好的、保证的、满意的、合格的吗?,We shall take the sample to test its physical properties (mechanical properties, tensile strength, yield point, percentage elongation, reduction of area, impact value, Brinell hardness).,我们将取样试验其物理性能机械性能、抗拉强度、屈服点、延伸率、断面收缩率、冲击值、布氏硬度。,We shall soon put the chemical installation into commissioning test run. (performance test),我们将很快地把这个化工装置进展投料试生产。性能考核,According to the schedule, the first batch process will be produced on October first this year.,根据进度表,今年十月一日将首次批量生产。,The machine is in good working order.,这台机器运转良好。,9 HSE常用短语,Hand tools and equipment 手开工具和设备Housekeeping 文明施工 Excavation 开挖Scaffolding 脚手架 Working at heights 高空作业Confined space entry 受限空间进入Fall protection and barricading 防坠落及围护 Fire precaution 防火 Hazardous chemicals 危险化学品 Radiography 放射线作业Tag-out and lock out 挂牌和上锁Machine guarding 机械保护Permit to work system 许可证制度,safety manual; safety handbook平安手册safety objective平安目标 safety policy平安方针 safety responsibilities平安职责 safety organisation平安组织机构 safety coordination平安协调 safety plan平安方案 safety induction and training 平安教育和培训 management safety committee平安管理委员会 site emergency procedures现场应急程序,Pay attention to safety! 注意平安。,Put on your safety helmet (safety harness, safety footwear, safety goggle, ear defender), please. 请戴上平安帽平安带,平安靴,护目镜,护耳器!,Danger! 危险!,Look out! Be careful! 留神!,THANK YOU,


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