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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Uncomfortable shoes,Lesson 75,Lillian,buy,buy,s,buy,ing,bought,Translation:,1.我每天放学都买一个苹果派给我的妹妹。buyfor,I,buys,an apple pie,for,my sister after school,everyday,.,2. 昨天王教师买了一条新连衣裙。,Miss Wang,bought,a new dress,yesterday,.,3. 看!那个和尚正在肉店买肉。monk,Look,!,That monk,is buying,meat at the butchers,.,pair n.,双,对,一副手套是件好礼物。,A pair of glove,s,is,a nice present.,a pair of ,一副;一双;一对,two pairs of,两双鞋,two pairs of shoes,Can you think of other familiar forms,开动脑筋,你能想出其他的量词组合吗?,A bottle of wine,A hand of bananas,A pair of shoes,fashion n. 服装的流行式样,be in fashion 是流行的,今年流行这种颜色。,be out of fashion,不流行的,This color is in fashion this year.,fashion,able,adj.,流行的,时髦的,loveable有爱的 reasonable合理的,This dress was _ (fashion) last year.,2. Sunglasses are always in _ (fashion).,我的滑板鞋,,时尚时尚最时尚!,comfortable,comfortable,adj.,舒适的,自在的,这双鞋看起来很舒适。,This pair of shoes is comfortable,.,comfortable = comfort + able,comfort vt. 使抚慰、舒适,eg: He is comforting the sad woman.,n. 抚慰、舒适,eg: Theres no comfort here.,comfort,able,adj.,舒适的、自在的,enjoy、wash、read,un,comfort,able,adj.,不舒适的,happy、lucky、healthy,Tips:Please read loudly.,Fill in the blanks with “comfort / comfortable / uncomfortable,The nurse _ the ill child now.,This bedroom is very_.I like it very much.,This letter is a _.It makes him happy.,This skirt is too small. Its _.,I feel _ because of the bad air.,Use the new words to fill in the blanks.,Yesterday my mother went shopping and saw a _ of shoes. They were in _ but a little bit small. At last my mother _ it.,Oh, Women always wear _ shoes!,uncomfortable,pair,buy,fashion,Now lets describe them!,Thats all.,comfortable,un,uncomfortable adj.,不舒服的,adj.,不舒服的,她穿紧身的靴子觉得不舒服。,She feels uncomfortable in tight boots.,adj.,不安的;不自在的,如果你自己坐在那就会有不自在的感觉。,Youll have an uncomfortable feeling if you sit there alone.,他和陌生人在一起时经常觉得不安。,He often feels uncomfortable with strangers.,adj.,令人不舒服的,不舒适的,这双鞋看起来不舒适。,This pair of shoes look very uncomfortable.,comfortable,in fashion,un,comfortable,fashion n. 服装的流行式样,be in fashion 是流行的,今年流行这种颜色,This color is in fashion this year.,be out of fashion 不流行,把上面句子变成否认句,Look at the video.,pair,pair n.,双,对,一副手套是件好礼物,A pair of gloves is a nice present.,I have only one pair of hands.,我只有一双手,(,忙不过来,),buy,bought,Wear ago pair,wear,wore,wear,表穿着的状态,那个女孩每天都穿粉红色的衬衣,That girl wears a pink shirt every day.,put on,表穿上的动作,请穿上你的外套,Please put on your coat.,be dressed in,穿着,衣服,侧重打扮,dress sb.,给某人打扮,穿衣服,那位女士在昨天晚上的晚会上穿了一件很滑稽的外套,还戴了一个很大的帽子。,The lady was dressed in a funny coat and a large hat at the party last night.,ago,a,year,Listen and answer the question:,课文讲解,Do you have any shoes like these,其中,like为副词:像、一样,like these是副词短语作定语,来修饰shoes。,照这样做,Do it like this.,我不会像你一样做这事情,I wont do it like you.,2、-What size -Size five. -What colour -Black.,都是省略句,省略了主语和谓语,补全如下:,-What size of shoes do you want -I want size five.,-What colour of shoes do you want -I want black.,3,、,We dont have any (shoes like those).,省略句。,4、But my sister bought this pair (of shoes) last month. 省略句。,but 可是,但是,不过。连词,表转折。,bought是buy的过去式。last month是一般过去时的标志。,双,对,副:a pair of shoes/socks/jeans/trousers/glasses/scissors看作单数,two pairs of .看作复数,5、Did she buy them here She bought them here.,【回想】一般过去时的陈述句变一般疑问句的方法。,口诀:主语之前did 添,谓语动词须复原。,这里的them代指the shoes,所以是复数。如果用单数,可以说Did she buy this pair here,6,、,No, she bought them in the U.S.,省略句。,补全:,No, she didnt buy them here. She bought them in the U.S.,U.S. = the United States (of America) = USA,7、We had some shoes like those a month ago, but we dont have any (shoes like those) now.,前半句话意义完整,后半句话承前省略。,前半句话是一般过去时.ago,后半句话是一般现在时(now)。,前半句话是肯定句some,后半句话是否认句any。,举例:Long long ago, there lived a monk. 很久很久以前,有一个和尚。,8、Can you get a pair for me, please,get本义是得到、获得,在这里是取、拿的意思口语。,get还可以有多种别的意思,例如:get a book from library 借书。,for 为、给。介词。for me 介宾短语,所以me用了宾格。,词组:get sth. for sb. 为某人拿、,9,、,Im afraid that I cant.,宾语从句。,afraid adj.,恐怕的、害怕的。,例句:,Im afraid that I cant help you. Im afraid that I forgot my keys.,10,、,be in fashion = fashionable,流行的、时尚的,be not in fashion = be out of fashion = unfashionable,不流行了、过时了,流行的,popular,,,fashionable,,,He is a popular star.,11,、,the year before last last year this year next year the year after next,过去时 过去时 现在时 将来时 将来时,造句:,They,were in fashion,last year and the year before last.,They,are in fashion,this year.,They,are going to be in fashion,next year and the year after next.,12、They look very uncomfortable. 其中look是感官系动词,作用与be动词相当,后接形容词。,They are very uncomfortable. 其中are斜体,表示强调,要重读,译为“确实、确实。,这两个句子是典型的“主+系+表构造。表语可以是形容词或者名词。,感官系动词:look, sound, smell, taste, feel等。 Sounds very good. Smells bad. Feels awful. Tastes good .,13,、,Women always wear uncomfortable shoes!,always,总是。频率副词,是一般现在时的标志词。,wear ,穿着;戴着;佩带着:,wear glasses,,,She never wears perfume.,面带;呈现;保持:,Hes wearing a cheerful smile.,tips,局部形容词加上前缀un- 可以构成形容词的反义词,例如: interesting -uninteresting,lucky-unlucky,pleasant -unpleasant,fashionable -unfashionable,comfortable-uncomfortable,tidy -untidy,What does the lady show to the shop assistant,A pair of shoes .,Whose shoes are these,Her sisters.,Why does she show him those shoes,Because she wants a pair like them.,What size does she want,Size five .,What colour does she want,Black .,Where did her sister buy those shoes,In the U.S .,When did the shop have some shoes like these,A month ago .,Can they get any shoes like those now,No ,they cant .,Why cant they get any,Because theyre not in fashion this year .,Whats wrong with the fashionable shoes,They are uncomfortable .,Do you _any shoes like these,What _and _colour,madam,_five,_,Im _. We dont have _,But my sister _them last _,_she _them here,No, she _them in _ U.S.,We _ some shoes like those _ month _ ,but we _have _ now.,Can you _a _ for me, please,Im afraid _I cant .,They _ in fashion last _ and the year before _. But theyre not _ fashion this _.,have,size,what,Size,black,any,month,bought,sorry,Did,buy,bought,the,had,a,any,dont,ago,get,pair,that,year,in,year,were,last,Do you have any shoes like these,What size,Size five.,What colour,Black.,Im sorry. We dont have any.,But my sister bought this pair last month.,Did she buy them here,No. She bought them in the U.S.,We had some shoes like those a month ago.,But we dont have any now.,Can you get a pair for me, please,Im afaid that I cant.,They were in fashion last year and the year before last.,But they are not in fashion this year.,e,These shoes are in fashion now.,They,look,very uncomfortable.,They,are,very uncomfortable.,But women always,wear,uncomfortable shoes!,Key points:,like these/those,像这样或那样,have not any= have no,没有,a month ago,一个月前,get sth. for sb.,为某人拿、,Im afraid that,恐怕、,in fashion,时尚,the year before last,前年,this month,this year,this week,last year,week,last week,ago,the month before last,the year before last,the week before last,last month,two days,six years,an hour,表过去的时间状语,一般过去时,表示过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。谓语动词要用一般过去式。,经常与yesterday昨天, last week上周, last month上个月, last year去年two months ago两个月前, the day before yesterday前天,in 1990 (在1990年), in those days 在那些日子里等表示过去的时间状语连用。,实义动词的一般过去时态,肯定句:主语+动词过去式,如: I went home at nine oclock yesterday.,否认句:主语+didnt +动词原形,如:I didnt go home yesterday.,疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形,如: Did you go home yesterday,肯定答复: Yes, I did.,否认答复:No, I didnt.,对时间提问:When did you,对动作提问:What did you do,an hour ago,a minute ago,last week,an hour ago,last year,five minutes ago,a month ago,last,week,last month,two weeks ago,an hour ago,three hours ago,the year before last,a year ago,a day ago,Homework:,1.,单词各,5,遍,会默。,2.,完成练习册第,75-76,课。,3.,熟读并背诵第,75,课,家长签字。,4.,预习第,77,课。,


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