William Shakespeare sonnet 18

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Introduction to Shakespeare,2. Understanding of Sonnet 18,3. Introduction to Sonnet,Ben Jonson,dedicated a poem in praise of the author:,“Soul of the Age!,The applause! Delight! the wonder of our stage!,Triumph, my Britain, thou hast one to show,To whom all scenes of Europe homage owe.,He was not of an age, but for all time!”,1.life,Some documents that we have are baptismal registration, marriage license, and records of real estate transactions.,6,Stratford-Upon-Avon, where Shakespeare was born and grew up,London, where Shakespeares reputation was born (and where the Globe was located),2. family,Middle-Class parents,Shakespeare was 3,rd,of 8 children,at 14, family in debt,at 18 married Anne Hathaway, 8 years older,1586 left for London; theater:,support the growing family,9,Anne Hathaways Home-his wifes home, say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains.,You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.,You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows.,This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too.,-William Shakespeare,3. Career,37plays; 2 narrative peoms and 154 sonnets,First Period 1590-1600:,history+comedy,Second Period 1601-1608 :,tragdy,Third Period 1609-1612:,tragi-comdy,37 plays; divided into,comedies,histories, and,tragedies,The First Period,(,1590-1600,):,The first period of Shakespeares dramatic composition was his,apprenticeship,in play writing.,He wrote the historical plays:,Henry VI, Part I, II, and III,Richard III,;,the revenge tragedy:,Titus Andronicus,(,泰托斯,安东尼,);,the romantic tragedy:,Romeo and Juliet,(,罗密欧与朱丽叶,),;,and four comedies:,The Comedy of Errors,(,错误的喜剧,),The Two Gentlemen of Verona,(,维洛那二绅士,),The Taming of the Shrew,(,驯悍记,), and,Loves Labours Lost,(,爱的徒劳,).,Romeo and Juliet,Loves Labours Lost,The First Period,(,1590-1600,),:,This was,h,is mature period, mainly a period of “great comedies” and mature historical plays,. In this period, Shakespeares style and approach became highly individualized.,In this period, he wrote,five historical plays:,Richard II,King John,Henry IV, Parts I and II, and,Henry V,;,six comedies:,A Midsummer Nights Dream,(,仲夏夜之梦,),The Merchant of Venice,(威尼斯商人),Much Ado About Nothing,(无事生非),As You Like It,(皆大欢喜),Twelfth Night,(第十二夜), and,The Merry Wives of Windsor,(温莎的风流娘儿,; and a Roman tragedy:,Julius Caesar,(裘利斯,恺撒),.,A Midsummer Nights Dream,The,Second,Period,(1601-160,8,):,The third period of Shakespeares dramatic career is mainly the period of,“great tragedies” and “dark comedies”.,It includes five tragedies:,Hamlet,(,哈姆莱特,),Othello,(奥塞罗),King Lear,(李尔王),Macbeth,(麦克白),;,Timon of Athens,(雅典的泰蒙),; three comedies:,Troilus and Cressida,(特洛伊勒斯与克利西达),Alls Well That Ends Well,(终成眷属),Measure for Measure,(一报还一报),; and two Roman tragedies:,Antony and Cleopatra,(安东尼与克利奥佩特拉),Coriolanus,(科里奥拉那斯),.,Othello,Shakespeares,Four Comedies,莎士比亚 四大喜剧 是:,仲夏夜之梦, A Midsummer Nights Dream,皆大欢喜,As you like it,第十二夜,Twelfth Night,威尼斯商人,The merchant of Venice,The,Third,Period,(160,9,-1612):,This includes his principal romantic tragicomedies:,Pericles,(,伯里克利,),Cymbeline,(辛白林),The Winters Tale,(冬天的故事),and,The Tempest,(暴风雨),;,and his two final plays:,Henry VIII,and,The Two Noble Kinsmen,(两位贵族亲戚),. With this period we turn from the storm, the gloom, and the whirlwind of the third period to “a great peacefulness of light”, and a harmony of earth and heaven.,Recommendation,Tales from Shakespeare,Charles Lamb,Shakespeares,Four Tragedies,莎士比亚四大悲剧,:,Hamlet ,哈姆雷特,Othello ,奥赛罗,King Lear ,李尔王,Macbeth ,麦克白,4. Death,Shakespeare died April 23, 1616 (52 years later on his birthday),He is buried under the old stone floor of Holy Trinity Church in Stratford.,The following is carved on his tombstone.,“Good friend, for Jesus sake forbear,To dig the dust enclosed here.,Blessed be the man that spares these stones,And cursed be he that moves my bones”,Which can be translated to;,Good friend for Jesus sake forbear,To dig the dust enclosed here!,Blest be the man that spares these stones,And curst be he that moves my bones.,朋友,看在上帝的情分上, 千万别掘此墓, 动土者将受灾,保护者会得福,墓志铭一词英语中用Gravestone Epitaph表示,22,Trinity Church, burial site of Shakespeare,sonnet 18,1). Introduction to sonnet 18,2). Indepth study,3). Translation,4). Theme,1) introduction to Shakespeares Sonnets,154 sonnets,:,1-126 addressed to a young man, beloved of the poet, of superior beauty and rank but of somewhat questionable morals and constancy,127-152 to a mysterious “Dark Lady”, who is sensual, promiscuous, and irresistible,153-154 translation or adaptations of some Greek epigram 警句,What is it about?,now you have read the poem for the first time. what do you think it is about?,sonnet 18,In-depth study of sonnet,Comprehension notes:,(,1,) “a summers day”: in the rainy and foggy England, summer is a mild and flowering season. “The darling buds of May” in the third line further proves this.,(,2,),temperate: moderate, tempered word play on weather that is temperate=not too hot; and on character that is temperate=gentle, not swayed by passion.,Comprehension notes:,(3)rough: not calm nor gentle; violent,(3) shake= shake off,(4),“lease”: time span,(,6,),his: its,gold complexion=golden-colored face,dim: it becomes less bright 变暗,The golden-colored face would be dimmed by coulds and overcast(cloudy & gloomy) days generally.,Comprehension notes:,(,7,),Every thing of beauty will at some point diminish in beauty.=the beauty of everything beautiful thing decays sooner or later.,“every fair”: everything lovely,Either a day that turns into poor weather, or the shift from summer into autumn.,Comprehension notes:,(,8,),chance=accident, bad luck,natures changing course: natural decay,untrimmed=changed in appearance(literally, stripped of ornament),(,11,),shade: in classical mythology, is the ghost of a dead person.,Comprehension notes:,(,12,),eternal lines=immortal verse,to time thou growst:,you become grafted to time and thus will last as long as time lasts.,(,14,),life= immortality,Shakespeare Sonnet 18,Shall I compare thee to a summers day?,我應否把你和夏日比美,?,Thou art more lovely and more temperate:,你比夏日更其美好溫和;,Sonnet 18,Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,強風誠有吹撼五月可愛的花蕾,,And summers lease hath all too short a date:,夏之為期全太短暫匆匆忽過;,Sonnet 18,Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,天上日照有時又何炎熾,,And often is his gold complexion dimmd;,太陽的黃金臉色也復常被陰翳掩沒;,Sonnet 18,And every fair from fair sometime declines,美麗的事物終有一天會失去著它們的美麗,By chance, or natures changing,course untrimmed:,只因它們遭遇不測或者自然之變的剝奪,Sonnet 18,But thy eternal summer shall not fade,但是你的常住之夏將要永不消褪,,Nor lose possession of that fair thou owst,那為你所有之美也將永無改觀;,Sonnet 18,Nor shall death brag thou wanderst,in his shade,死神便休再誇口你正在他的陰影中盤桓,,When in eternal lines to time thou growest:,當你已在不朽的詩篇中和時間合一,;,Sonnet 18,So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,斯世尚有人視息,,So long lives this and this gives life to thee.,我詩長存,予君生命至無極。,Sonnet 18,Shall I compare thee to a summers day?,Thou art more lovely and more temperate:,Rough winds,do shake the darling buds of May,And,summers,lease hath all too short a date,:,Sometime,too hot,the eye of heaven shines,And often is,his gold complexion dimmed,And,every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance, or natures changing course untrimmed:,But thy,eternal,summer,shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou owst,Nor shall death brag thou wanderst in his shade,When in,eternal,lines to time thou,growst,So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this,gives life to thee,.,The,octave,(,十四行诗的前八行,),describes the,ways in which the summer,s day is inferior,to the beloved.,The,sestet,describes,the ways in which the beloved is superior,to the summer,s day.,我怎么能将你比作是夏天? 你不但比它可爱也比它柔婉: 狂风将五月宠爱的嫩蕊糟蹋, 夏天出赁的租期又未免太短: 有时天上的眼睛照得太暴烈, 它那灿烂的金颜又常受掩蔽: 让机缘或不定的天道所摧折, 没有芳菲不终于凋谢或销毁。 可是你的永夏永远不会凋落, 也不会损失你这纯红的芬芳, 或死神夸口你在他影中徘徊, 当你在永存的诗里与天同长。 只要终究有人类或人有眼睛, 这诗将永存,并且赐予你生命。,(朱生豪译),What rhetorical devices are used by the poet?,1. inversion 倒装,2.metaphor 暗喻,3. personfication 拟人,4. hyperbole 夸张,5. contrast 对比、反衬,style,The language is almost too simple when comparing it to the rest of shakespeares sonnet;,it is not heavy with alliteration or verse, and nearly everyline is its own self-contained clause.,But it is this that makes sonnet 18 stands out for the rest in the book. It allows the readers to fully understand how great his lover truly is.,The theme of the poem,In prasising the lovers beauty, the speaker points out the transience of beauty in nature; in contrast, the immortalizing power of poetry is clear.,What is a sonnet?,A sonnet is a fourteen-line poem in iambic pentameter.,Iambic what?,Oh dear, this is,going to be a,weird lesson!,A sonnet is,a lyric poem,consisting of fourteen lines,written in iambic pentameter,with a definite rime scheme,and a definite thought structure,The Sonnet,A poem with 14 lines,The “Shakespearean” variety uses the following rhyme pattern:,Acoat,Bbill,Agoat,Bdill,Cfrank,Dteam,Crank,Dseem,Ehat,Ffish,Ecat,Fdish,Gbook,Ghook,COUPLET: The lines that sum it all up.,AND,Its usually all about,LOVE,Sonnet 18,Shall I compare thee to a summers d,ay,?,Thou art more lovely and more temper,ate,:,Rough winds do shake the darling buds of M,ay,And summers lease hath all too short a d,ate,:,Sometime too hot the eye of heaven sh,ines,And often is his gold complexion d,immed,And every fair from fair sometime decl,ines,By chance, or natures changing course untr,immed,:,But thy eternal summer shall not f,ade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou,owst,Nor shall death brag thou wanderst in his sh,ade,When in eternal lines to time thou gr,owst,So long as men can breathe, or eyes can s,ee,So long lives this, and this gives life to th,ee,.,A,B,A,B,C,d,C,D,E,F,E,F,G,G,rhyme scheme,Iambic Pentameter,iamb: A “soft” beat followed by a “loud” beat:,daDA daDA daDA daDA,One “daDA” = one “foot”,pentameter,penta = 5,meter = how many iambs (aka “feet”) per line,iambic pentameter = 5 iambs in each line,(,soft,LOUD,soft,LOUD,soft,LOUD,soft,LOUD,soft,LOUD,):,my,MI,stress,EYES,are,NO,thing,LIKE,the,SUN,my,MI,stress,EYES,are,NO,thing,LIKE,the,SUN,An iamb is a metrical foot consisting ofan unaccented syllable,U,followed by an accented syllable,/,.,U /,a gain,U / U /,im mor tal ize,To be or not to be, that is the question,Iambic pentameter,U / U / U / U / U /,One day I wrote her name u pon the strand,U / U / U / U / U /,But came the waves and wash ed it a way:,U / U / U / U / U /,A gain I wrote it with a sec ond hand,U / U / U / U / U /,But came the tide, and made my pains his prey,Edmund Spenser, Amoretti, Sonnet 75,1,2,3 4 5,Shakespeare Sonnet 18,Shall I compare thee to a summers day?,Thou art more lovely and more temperate.,Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summers lease hath all too short a date.,Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimmed.,And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance or natures changing course untrimmed.,But thy eternal summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest,Nor shall Death brag thou wanderst in his shade,When in eternal lines time thou growst.,So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.,A,B,A,B,C,D,C,D,E,F,E,F,G,G,iambic pentameter,Shakespearean,conceit,(hyperbole),volta,(a break indicating a change of mood),*,theme,immortality of,fair,youth through verse,Dispraise = opposition to achieve praise,discussion?,Sonnet 18 has been variously described as sincere and emotionally truthful, and as boastful and over-exaggerated. Which description comes closer to your own view of the sonnet?,more than 150 words,Now, write your own sonnet!,Remember:,14 Lines,Rhyme scheme: ABAB CDCD EFEF GG,Its about,LOVE,!,Forget about the whole iambic pentameter thingthats for the professionals (and people who maybe want a little extra credit).,preview question?,1.Who is John Milton?,2. What is the theme of To Cyriack Skinner?,3. What is the story of Paradise Lost?,


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