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(充分利用资源),For many students this new semester can be a difficult adjustment.,Is this you,I either sleep too much or not at all,Its hard to wake up each morning,Classes are boring,Teachers are not interested in me,I dont even like my major,Sometimes I dont even want to eat Sometimes,I just sit and stare out the window,I miss my middle school friends,I miss the food from my home town,There is nothing to do here,Sometimes I feel like quitting school,I am seriously depressed,My English is so poor compared to others!,Well, you are not alone!,Why does,this happen?,Studies show that nearly,one,out of every,three,students has great difficulty adjusting to university life and many leave without completing their degree.,Unexpected,freedom,Lack of motivation,So you must quickly make a choice as to how you will view your new life,As we say in English, will you look at life as,How you view your life,is your decision.,Think of it this way: you have four years at Univercity to improve your resume简历.,What will you do to improve your resume other than to plan on “getting good grades 好分数,UNLOCKING THE DOOR INTO THE FUTURE,TEN KEYS TO SUCCESS AT UNIVERSITY,Make new friends,#,10,But keep the old,.,Get involved,#,9,“,What we think or what we believe is, in the end, of no consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do. -John Ruskin,Join a club,join a group,join a team,Learn a skill,Try a sport,HAVE A DREAM!,Start now!,#,8,Your time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life.,Dont be trapped by dogma (规那么- which is living with the results of other peoples thinking.,Dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice. 别让别人的观点淹没了你自己的声音,And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition 直觉. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.,Steve Jobs and,Bill Gates,Challenge yourself,#,7,We learn our best lessons in life when we accept new challenges and test our own abilities in a unique manner.,To challenge yourself, you must have,Confidence,When learning English, the greatest problem in class for most students is their fear of making a mistake.,Only by making mistakes can you truly learn,.,Find good role models (典范),#,6,Or, to express it another way,Find your own heroes.,Look at things differently,#,5,PROBLEMS CANNOT BE SOLVED BY,THINKING WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK,IN WHICH THE,PROBLEMS WERE,CREATED. (,ALBERT,EINSTEIN),Embrace change,#,4,LEARN TO THINK IN,NEW WAYS,It can make you very successful!,Dont,be alone,#,3,Many students spend far too much time in solitary study,Is this you,This does not mean that you should never stand alone.,Try to make a difference,#,2,Enjoy the journey,#,1,Will you be ready to take part in this exciting drama,


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