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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 3 Picnic,Unit2 On Monday Ill go swimming.,外研版(三起)四年级下册,Monday,,,Tuesday,,,Wednesday, school! Thursday, Friday, lots of rules! On Saturday and Sunday, we can play! Lets start again and sing the days!,MONDAY,TUESDAY,Sing a song:,Monday Tuesday.,1 Monday,2 Tuesday,3 Wednesday,4 Thursday,5 Friday,6 Saturday,7 Sunday,Group discussion,Next week is a holiday.,What will you do,Next week is a holiday. What will Shanshan do,Listen and answer:,What will Shanshan do on Monday,What will Shanshan do on Tuesday,What will Shanshan do on Wednesday,On Wednesday shell go to the park.,What will Shanshan do on Sunday,On Sunday shell read her books.,On Monday,shell go swimming.,On Tuesday,shell play with,her,friends.,go swimming,play with my friends,go to the park,do my homework,visit my grandma,help my mother,read my books,Shell,On,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday,In pairs,Chant,:,What will Shanshan do,On Monday she will go swimming.,On Wednesday she will go to the park.,On Sunday she will read her books.,On Sunday she will read her books.,Wonderful,Game:,Today is Monday and tomorrow is Tuesday.,Today is Tuesday and tomorrow is Wednesday.,Today is Wednesday and ,today,今天,tomorrow,明天,seasons,in,Spring,in,Summer,in,Autumn,in,Winter,Weeks,On,Monday,On,Tuesday,On,Wednesday,On,Thursday,On,Friday,On,Saturday,On,Sunday,Months,January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December,in,Look and say,practice:,I. Group competition(教师说星期的汉语,看哪组用英语说的既快又好。,Well done!,II. 选出正确的单词,将句子补充完整。wont homework Because Friday Saturday1. On _ Amy will go swimming.2. Ill do my_ on Monday.3. Lingling will not take her kite. _ tomorrow is not Sunday.4. Will you go to the park tomorrow No, I _.5. Today is Thursday. Tomorrow is _.,Saturday,homework,Because,wont,Friday,做个有方案的好孩子,合理安排时间,做事有方案对我们有很多好处: 1能让我们学会把握时间,所谓方案做事,就是在规定的时间内,做好自己的事情。只有将自己的方案放到实际生活之中,切身体会到时间在飞快地溜走,我们,才能学会珍惜时间,把握好每一分每一秒。 2能使我们的生活有张有弛 做事情有方案,才能合理的安排自己的时间,才能在规定的时间内将事情做完,才能防止因事情没有完成而用玩的时间来还债。在该玩的时候玩,该学的时候学,才能提高做事的效率,使生活有张有弛。 3能锻炼我们的思维能力 有了明确的目标,确定起点和终点的时候,要思考的便是确定从起点到达终点的路线。制订方案的过程,便是不断思考和筛选,以到达最优效果的过程。这种筛选的过程也正是一个锻炼我们思维能力的过程。 所以,我们一定要成为一个有方案的好孩子!,Homework,Make a weekly study plan and activities.(制定自己一周的学习和课外活动方案。),Thank you for your watching,


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