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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,A car crash 车祸,NCE Lessons 87-88,Daily English,No,cross,no,crown,.,不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹,!,Lets review!,Words,Text,1,2,3,Lesson,85 & 86,4,Exercises,Grammar in use,I. Revision:,Words in L8,5,-8,6,1. n.,巴黎,2. n.,电影院,3. n.,电影,4. adj.,漂亮的,5. n.,城市,6.,adv.,从来没有,7.,adv.,在任何时候,/p,r,i,s/,/s,i,n,m,/,/f,i,lm/,/bju:t,i,f,u,l/,/s,i,t,i,/,/n,e,v,/,/,e,v,/,Paris,cinema,film,beautiful,city,never,ever,I. Revision: Text in L8,5,-8,6,GEORGE: Hello, Ken.KEN: Hi, George.GEORGE: Have you just been to the cinemaKEN: Yes, I have.,GEORGE: Whats onKEN: Paris in the spring.GEORGE: Oh, Ive already seen it.,I saw it on television last year.,Its an old film,but its very good.,I. Revision: Text in L8,5,-8,6,KEN: Paris is a beautiful city.GEORGE: Ive never been there. Have you ever been there, KenKEN: Yes, I have. I was there in April.,GEORGE: Pairs in the spring, ehKEN: It was spring,but the weather was awful.,It rained all the time.GEORGE: Just like London!,I. Revision: Grammar points in L8,5,-8,6,现在完成时与一般过去时态的区别,I. Revision: Now lets do,some,exercises,Lesson 8,7,A car crash,New words and expressions:,a,tt,e,nd,a,nt,t,e,nd,nt,n. 接待员,br,i,ng,br,i,v. 带来,送来,(brought, brought) br,:,t,g,a,r,a,ge,r,:,d,n. 车库,汽车修理厂,cr,a,sh,kr,n. 碰撞,l,a,mp-p,o,st,l,mp-p,u,st,n.,灯杆,r,e,p,air,r,i,p,e,v. 修理,tr,y,tr,ai,v. 努力,设法,attendant,n.效劳员,侍者,e.g.,我们酒店有30位接待员。,Our hotel has thirty attendants.,与attendant意思相近的还有,:,w,aiter: 男侍者,w,aitress: 女侍者,a,ttend,v.,参加,出席,a,ttend school,上学;读;读书;念书,a,ttend a meeting,参加会议,a,ttend a wedding,参加婚礼,列车员,train,attendant,(,bring,-,brought,-,brought,),bring sth. to sb.,=,bring sb. sth.,她给我带来了一个好消息。,She,brings a piece of good news to me.,=,take:带走,Take me home.,带我回家。,take sth to some place把带去哪里,bring,:给某人带来某物,fetch:带去并且做取过来,是双程的。,She,brings me a piece of good news.,bring & take,bring sb./sth. to some place,把,某人或某物,带到哪里来,take sb./sth. to some place,把,某人或某物,带去哪里,他带了些朋友到家里来。,He brought some friends to his home.,她,将,带弟弟来参加我的生日聚会。,She will bring her little brother to my birthday party.,别把玩具带,到,学校,去,。,Dont take the toys to school.,她昨晚带儿子去了医院。,She took her son to hospital last night.,garage:车库,汽车修理厂,在私家车库进展的家中旧货出售,车库售物,garage sale,crash,n.碰、撞,a car crash,汽车相撞,an air crash,飞机坠毁,A car crash,ed,.,A plane crash,ed,.,crash,vi.碰、撞,If you see crashes, what will you do,Dont be nervous. Never,c,ry/run.,Call the police.,Send the people to the near hospital.,Why are there crashesMaybe:.,Lets play,match,!,Tell your father or your mother to be careful when he/she drives a car!,Dont drive a_ drinking.,Dont t_,_,_ people when you drive.,Dont drive q_.,Dont drive when you are very t_.,Dont drive in the t_ weather.,fter,elephone,uickly,ired,errible,lamp-post,灯杆,路灯柱,gate post 门柱,post:支柱。,repair:,.修,修理动词,名词均可,我打算把我的车送去修理。,I am going to have my car repaired.,这台机器正在修理。,This machine is under repair.,.弥补,修复,赔偿,How can I repair the mistake I have made,我如何才能弥补我所犯的错误呢?,try: n./ v.设法,努力,try to do sth.努力,企图做某事。,try doing sth. 试验,试着做某事(不一定成功),try to do 表示“非常努力地试图做某事,而try doing表示“只是试试做某事,主观尝试的努力不及try to do。,try on试穿,Please try on this coat.,请试穿一下这件大衣。,try ones best to do sth.尽某人自己最大的努力去做某事。,Let me try.让我试试。,have a try试一试,.Whats the number of Mr. Woods car,Its LFZ 312 G.,2.When did he bright it to the garage,He broght it there three days ago.,3. How did he have a crash,He drove it into the lamp-post.,4.Can the mechanics repair Mr. Woods car,No, they cant.,Mr. Wood:Is my car ready yet,Attendant:I dont know, sir.,Whats the number of,your car,Mr. Wood:Its LFZ 312 G.,the number of ,的号码,用its 来答复,be ready,做好-的准备,yet 尚且,还;用于否认句或疑问句中。是现在完成时的标志词,但有时也用于现在进展时表已经,three days ago 是一般过去时的时间标志词,bring sth. to sb. =bring sb. sth. 把某物带给某人 eg: bring your car to us bring 带来由远及近take带来由近及远,Attendant:When did you bring it,to us,Mr. Wood:I brought it here,three days ago.,Attendant:Ah yes, I remember,now.,When,:,什么时候,,特殊疑问词,When did you bring it to us,您什么时候送来的?,bring,something,to,somebody,bring,somebody something,bring,带来,由远及近,take,带走,由近及远,I,brought,it here,three days ago,.,我3天前送来的。,brought,: bring 的过去式,1、他为我带来了一些花。,2、他带走了一些花给她。,He,brings,me some flowers.,He,brings,some flowers,to,me.,He,takes,some flowers,to,her.,Mr. Wood:Have your mechanics finished yet,Attendant:No, theyre still working on it.,Lets go into the garage,and have a look at it.,Attendant:Isnt that your car,Mr. Wood:Well, it was my car.,Still 是现在进展时标志,表示仍然,还在,work on,表示从事,做某事,have a look= look 名词look,后加东西时,还要加介词at,Well, it was my car.,唔,这曾是我的车。,well 是感慨词。,was 用了斜体,强调以前是,但现在不是了。读的时候要重读。,仿照书上例句造句:,1、你已经完成了你的作业了吗?没有,我仍然在做呢。,2、他已经吃完午饭了吗?没有,他还在吃呢。,Have you finished your homework yet,No, I am,still working on,it.,Has he finished his lunch yet,No, he is,still working on,it.,Isnt that your car 这难道不是您的车吗?,否认疑问句,希望得到肯定答复。,变为一般疑问句:,变为肯定句:,变为否认句:,Is that you car,That is your car.,That isnt your car.,Attendant:Didnt you have a crash,Mr. Wood: Thats right. She drove it into,a lamp post电线杆.,Can your mechanics repair it,Attendant:Well, theyre trying to repair,it, sir. But to tell you the,truth, you need a new car,have a crash 出车祸,try to do sth. 尽力去做,努力想到达目的try doing sth.尝试做某事,只是试着做,没有十分想成功的意思,to tell you the truth告诉你事实,truth实话,而true为真实的,2.have译为“进展,从事时,和名词或名词短语构成短语。它的疑问和否认形式只能由助动词引导。可以代替常用动词如:eat,enjoy,drink , take等,e.g. 洗澡 have a bath,喝酒 have a drink,度假 have a holiday,看一下 have a look,抽支烟 have a cigarette,试一下 have a try,休息一下have a break,谈一谈 have a talk,Didnt you have a crash,难道您没有出车祸吗?,否认疑问句,变成一般疑问句:,变成肯定句:,变成否认句:,Did you have a crash,You had a crash.,You didnt have a crash.,I,drove,it,into,a lamp-post,我把汽车撞在电线杆上了。,drove,:,drive,的过去式,表示,开车,drive into,: 撞倒,To tell you the truth,告诉你实话吧!,Well, theyre,trying to,repair it, sir.,啊,他们正设法修呢。,try to,do,something,尝试做,后面接动词原形。,他试着翻开那扇门。,He,tries to,open,the door.,Grammar,现在完成时与一般过去时的比照:,3.现在完成时一般,不可,和,明确表示过去的,时间状语连用。,2. 一般过去时时,强调过去某个特定时间发生的动作或者存在的状态,,不强调过去的动作与现在的关系。,1.现在完成时强调过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,这个动作到现在已经完毕或者还要延续下去。,.现在完成时变为一般疑问句或者否认句时:有如下变化,already变成_,而且位置要放在_.,yet,句末,4.一般过去时往往有一个,明确表示过去的,时间状语连用。,动词原形 过去式 过去分词,buy,find,get,have,hear,leave,lose,make,meet,send,sweep,tell,brought,found,got,had,heard,left,lost,made,met,sent,swept,told,A-B-B构造,brought,found,got,had,heard,left,lost,made,met,sent,swept,told,Lesson 88 Have you . yet,Has Karen had breakfast yet,Yes, she,has,already,had breakfast.,When did she have breakfast,She had breakfast at six o clock.,Karen,have breakfast,at 6 oclock,Has Lucy made the bed yet,Yes,she,has,.,She,has,already,made the bed.,When did she make the bed,She made the bed at 12 oclock.,Lucy,make the bed, at 12 oclock,Lucy,make the bed, at 12 oclock,Yes,s,he,has,.,She has already swept the floor.,When did she sweep the floor,Has grandmother swept the floor yet,S,he,swept the floor yesterday morming.,grandmother,sweep,the floor,yesterday morning,Look at the forms on your book Page 179.,Lets read them loudly!,Open your book and finish Part,A,and,B,on Page 180.,Lesson 87 A car crash!Can you say sth. about the picture,Is, my car,ready,Whats, car, number,What happened,our mechanics, still, try to .repair,it.but, you, need , a new car, afraid.,Role play.,Lets read it together first.,Try to read it and,try to retell!,Show it before the class.,Now lets do some exercises.,A,A,A,B,A,A,B,A,C,C,Lily has already swept the floor.,Have you told an interesting story yet,What have you done,Have you sent the letter yet,I havent found my glasses yet.,Homework!,Recite the dialogue.,Finish the related exercise.,Learn the new words by heart.,


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