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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 5,Shopping,Unit 1What can I do for you,m,ar,k,e,t,What can you buy,Lets say.,vegetables,meat,fruit,str,aw,b,e,rr,y,l,e,m,o,n,str,:,b,r,i,l,e,m,n,fr,e,sh,fr,e,bean,What can you buy,Lets say.,clothes shop,size,price,T-shirt,scarf,s,ai,z,pr,ai,s,small,middle,large,low,high,s,u,p,er,market,What can you buy,Lets say.,biscuit,b,i,sk,i,t,What else,What else would you like,market,supermarket,biscuit,lemon,strawberry,Mothers Day,size,take,may,n. 市场,n. 超市,n. 饼干,n. 柠檬,n. 草莓,母亲节,n. 尺码;号,v. 穿(某尺寸的衣服或鞋子),v. aux. 可以;可能,Words and expressions,try,try on,try it on,certainly,wait a minute,sale,price,look,fresh,v. 尝试;试穿,试穿,试穿它,adv. 当然;行,别急;稍等一会,n. 降价出售,n. 价格,v. 看起来;显得,adj. 新鲜的,Words and expressions,Mothers Day 母亲节,What are you going to buy for your mother on Mothers Day,Listen and answer the questions.,2,1 What is Lingling going to buy for her,mother on Mothers Day,A. A T-shirt B. A cake C. A watch,2 What is Betty going to make for her,mother,A. A T-shirt B. A cake C. A watch,3 What does Betty want to buy,A.Strawberries B. biscuits C. some lemons,D. Strawberries, biscuits and some lemons.,4 When are they going to the shops,On Monday B. at the weekend,C. Tomorrow afternoon.,A T-shirt.,A cake.,Strawberries, biscuits and some lemons.,Tomorrow afternoon.,3.,Listen and answer the questions.,1.What does Lingling buy for her mother,2. What colour does her mother like,3. What size does her mother take,4. What is the price of it,A,T-shirt,Purple,Small.,Its 198 yuan,Listen,again and,answer the,questions.,1. How much are sausages,2. How much would Lingling like,3.What else would Liling like,4.How much are strawberries,Thirty-eight,yuan,a kilo,Half a kilo.,A kilo of beans and two lemons.,Ten,yuan,a kilo.,Listen and repeat.,Find what the worker says(找出文中效劳员用语并熟记),What can I do for you/Can I help you,What colour does she like,What size does she take,What about this one,How much would you like,What else would you like,Theres a sale on today.,Everything is half price.,Thatll be thirty yuan.,Find what the customer says(找出文中顾客用语并熟记),Id like to buy.,I Iike.,I want a small/ large/middle one.,May I tryit on,Look at the price. It is .,That is too much.,Ok! I will take it.,Ive got some food to buy,Id like some sausages.,How much are they,看下面两组图片,做对话,1. 2kilos,特价6元/kg,2.black, middle, 180元,Language points,- What can I do for you,- Id like to buy a T-shirt for my mum.,走进商店或市场,效劳人员常这样招呼顾客:Can / May I help you / What can I do for you / Is there anything I can do for you,顾客表示想买某物,常这样表达:Id,like to look at / I want / Id like / Id like to buy / Id like to see / Can I have a look at ,【练习】选择填空。, _, Yes, I want a coat.,A. What do you want,B. How much is the coat,C. What colour is the coat,D. Can I help you,buy sth,for,sb = buy sb sth,.,给某人买某物,I want to,buy,a dress,for,my mother.,= I want to buy my mother a dress.,on,today/tomorrow 具体到某一天,用介词,on.,on Mothers Day,在母亲节,May I try it on,try on意为 “试穿衣、鞋、帽等, 它是由“动词+介词构成的短语,其后接,名词作宾语,将其置于介词on之后或之前均可,但如果宾语是人称代词,那么只能将,人称代词宾格置于on之前。如:,You can try on this skirt before you buy it.,= You can try this skirt on before you buy it.,【练习】完成句子。,These shoes are nice. May I _ (试穿它们),try them on,- What else would you like,- A kilo of beans and two lemons.,“数词+名词+of+物质名词构造常用来表达物质名词的数量。假设要表示量的复数 概念时,把(表计量的)名词改为复数形式。,a pair of a glass of a cup of,【拓展】 当“数词+名词+of+物质名词构造作主语时,谓语动词应与(表计量的)名词的单复数一致。如: This pair of shoes is very cheap.,Two glasses of water are on the table.,How much 多少钱,用来询问价格。,How much+ 不可数,How many+可数复数 用来询问数量,How much are those wallets,那些钱包多少钱?,How much water do you drink every day你每天喝多少水?,A kilo of 一千克.,two kilos of ., _would you like, _ milk.,A. What other; Two kilos of,B. What else; Two kilos of,C. What other; Two kilos,D. What else; Two kilos,B,wait a minute = wait a moment 稍等,too,much,+不可数n.,too,many,+可数n.,All light. 好的,行,Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.,The strawberries look very _ and the _ is only ten yuan a kilo. _ is so cheap.,-This is my _. Can I try it on,-_. The clothes are _ price today.,certainly everything fresh half price size,fresh,price,Everything,size,Certainly,half,达标练习,一、根据中文提示完成句子:,1. I am going to buy for my mother on,_ (母亲) Day,2. My brother likes eating _,(草莓).,3. Theres a _ (降价) on today.,4. Everything is half _ (价格).,5. What _ (别的) would you like,Mothers,strawberries,sale,price,else,二、补全对话:,1. _ can I do _ you,Id like to buy a T-shirt for my son.,2. _ does he like, He likes white.,3. _ do you like, Small.,4. May I try it on,_.,What for,What colour,What size,Certainly / Sure / OK/ Of course,5. _ would you like, Half a kilo.,6. _are they,Thirty-eight yuan kilo.,7. _ lemons are there,on the table,There are seven lemons on the table.,How much,How much,How many,三. 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。,1. 我可以试穿一下这件短裙吗?,Can I _ _ this skirt,2. 李梅想在母亲节为母亲做一顿饭。,Li Mei wants to cook a meal on,_ _.,3. 盼盼每天都有太多的作业做。,Panpan has _ _ homework,to do every day.,too much,try on,Mothers Day,4. 张力,你还想要其他什么东西?,_ _ would you like,Zhang Li,5. 稍等!我有重要的事情告诉你们。,_ _ _! I have something,important to tell you.,Wait a minute,What else,我想给我爸爸买一件大衣。,1I _ _ _ a coat for my father.,2) I _ _ _ _ a coat for my father.,2. 你还想买点儿其他什么吗?,_ _ would you like to buy,3.你穿多大尺码的鞋?,_ _ shoes do you _,4. 这条裤子怎么样? 你可以试穿一下。,_ _ the trousers You can _ it _.,5. “你想买多少草莓?,“两公斤。,-_ _ strawberries would you like,- _ _.,Have a try.,根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词。,want to buy,would like to buy,What else,What size take,What about try on,How much,Two kilos,d like to buy,Thank you for listening to me !,


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