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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,8,Accidents,Module,Unit 1,While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared.,Do you know what do these lights mean,Do you know people often have these bad behaviors(行为),No drinking while driving!,Key words :,round, corner, hit, glad, in time, fall off, side,side by side.,2. key structure:,A boy was riding his bike and listening to,music on the road.,While the lights were changing to red, a car,suddenly appeared round the corner.,3. Ability:,To know how to avoid accidents.,To talk about what was happing at a specific time.,Teaching aims,/p,e,I,l/,/,p,I,/,/r,a,nd /,/k,n,/,/h,t,/,/,gl,d /,苍白的,adj.,pale,出现;显露,v.,appear,转到某物的另一边 prep.,corner,拐角;街角,n.,(hit/hIt)(使碰撞 v.,round,快乐的;欢喜的 adj.,hit,Words and expressions,从,跌落,fall off.,及时,glad,in time,/r,sk,/,/,t,en,n,/,/s,a,d/,危险;风险,n.,risk,注意力,n.,attention,注意;留心,side,物体或形状的侧面 n.,并排地;肩并肩地,pay attention,side by side,1 Look at the picture and say what is,happening.,accident driver happen mobile phone policeman road,1 The driver,was /was not,going fast,2 The driver,was /was not,looking.,3 The driver,was/ was not,talking on his mobile,phone.,2 Listen and underline the correct words,_,_,_,3. Watch and read,Everyday English,Are you all right,Thats very dangerous!,Thats too bad.,Anything else,Listen and read,B: Good morning, Ms James! You look pale. Are you,all right,M: Im ok, but I saw an accident. A boy was riding his,bike and listening to music on the road.,D: Thats very dangerous.,M: I was waiting to cross the road. While the lights were,changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round,the corner. It wasnt going fast, but it didnt stop.,L: Did the boy stop,M: No. And the driver was talking on his mobile phone.,B: So did the car hit the boy,M: No, Im glad to say. The car stopped just in time, but the boy fell off his bike and hurt his knee.,T: Thats too bad.,M: So when youre on your bike, think about the risk of an accident! Pay attention, stop at the red lights and what else,B: Dont ride too fast.,D: Dont ride side by side with your friends.,M: Anything else,All: Dont listen to music!,Now,complete the following advice.,When you are riding a bike, think about the risk of an accident!,Pay _ and stop at the_.,Dont,too fast.,Dont ride _with your friends.,Dont _!,attention,red lights,ride,side by side,listen to music,4 Complete the passage with the words,in the box.,Accidents do not happen very often, I am _ to say. However, when you are riding your bike, pay _all the time, especially on the corner of the road and at traffic light. Do not ride side by _with your friends. Sometimes cars _round the corner and do not stop. They may _you.,appear attention glad hit side,glad,attention,side,appear,hit,5 Listen and mark when the speaker,pauses.,1 While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner.,2 When I was waiting to cross the road, the accident happened,Now listen again and repeat.,6 Work in groups of four,Student A: You are a policeman at an accident scene,in the street. Ask people questions.,Student B, C and D: You saw the accident. Answer,the policemans questions.,A: What were you doing when the accident happened,B: When the accident happened, I was walking along the street.,C: When the accident happened, ,D: ,Language points,1.The car stopped just in time, but the boy fell off his bike.,汽车及时停了下来,但是男孩从自行车上摔了下来,in time表示“及时,just强调“刚刚,正好。表示“及时做某事可以用in time to do sth.。例如:,If we dont hurry up, we wont be in time to catch the train.如果不抓紧时间的话,我们就来不及赶火车了。,2. Pay attention, stop at the red lights and.what else,注意,红灯处要停下来还有什么?,pay attention的意思是“注意。,例如:,If you dont pay attention now, youll get it all wrong later.,如果你们现在不注意的话,一会你们会全部做错的,please pay attention to spelling.,请注意拼写。,3. Dont ride side by side with your friends.,不要和你的朋友们并肩汽车。,side by side的意思是“肩并肩,挨着,一起。,例如:,Derek and Henry sat side by side on the sofa.,德里克和亨利并肩做在沙发上 。,They worked side by side with the police to pull,their neighbors out of the damaged car.,他们和警察一起把邻居们从损坏的车里拽了出来。,现在,将来,过去,B:I,was leaving,for school when,Wen chuan Earthquake happened.,二过去进展时 的构成:,动词,was/were,现在分词,(一)定义,过去进展时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间,里正在进展的动作。,过去进展时,(,三,),标志词:,1.at this/that time,2.at this/that time yesterday (last night/Sunday/week ),3.at+,点钟,+yesterday (last night / Sunday ),,,4. when sb/sth. did sth. last evening,5. the whole morning, all day , from nine to ten, while,等。,例如:,I was making fruit salad at this time.,They were studying from 8:00 to 11:00 yesterday.,四一般过去时的肯定句、否认句、疑问句及答复。,1. 肯定句: 主语+was/were+V-ing+其它.,I was watching TV at that time last night.,2. 否认句: 主语+was/were+not+V-ing+其它.,I was watching TV at that time last night.,I was not watching TV at that time last night.,3.一般疑问句:was/were主语+V-ing+其它,I was watching TV at that time last night.,Were you watching TV at that time last night,肯定答复:Yes, I was.,否认答复:No, I wasnt.,4. 特殊问句: 疑问词was/were主语+V-ing+其它,I was watching TV at that time last night.,What were you doing at that time last night,1.,昨天的这个时候,我正在做作业。,I,was doing,my homework at that time yesterday.,2.,昨晚,我一直在看电视。,I,watched,TV last night.,I.过去进展时常表示过去某一时刻或过去某一阶段内正在进展的动作。,过去某一时刻,过去某一阶段内,五) 过去进展时的用法:,I,was watching,TV last night.,强调过程,强调过去的事实,II.过去进展时可表示一个动作发生时,另一个动作,正在进展。,当我到家时,她正在做饭。,When,(当. 时侯),I came home, she was cooking dinner.,一般过去式,过去进展时,While (When),you were speaking to the teacher,I saw you.,1.你在和教师谈话时我看见了你。,III.过去进展时可表示一个动作正在进展,另一个动作突然发生 。,用一般过去式,用过去进展时,while“当. 时侯和进展时连用并且连用的动,词要用延续性动词),2.,我正在做饭,就在那时,她敲门了。,I was cooking,when(,就在那时,),she knocked at the door.,when=and then,就在那时,when,当,.,时侯,IV.过去进展时可表示两个动作同时进展.,While I was watching TV, my mother was cooking.,当我在看电视时,我母亲在做饭。,过去进展时和 When 连用,A was/were +doing sth When B +did sth.,长时动作,短时动作,V.,When and While,-What were the girl doing,when the teacher came in,- She,was,were,draw,ing,.,While,What were they doing yesterday afternoon,过去进展时和 while 连用,A was/were +doing sth While B + was/were +doing sth,长时动作,长时动作,Use,while,to describe(,描述,) pictures,A monkey was .,while,two cats were,at 3 p.m. yesterday,at 9 p.m. yesterday,A rabbit was .,While,a pig was.,1. I _at 8:00 yesterday.,A. was sleeping late B. slept late C. sleep late,2.They _at this time.,talking on the phone,B. were talking on the phone,C. was talking on the phone,3.Lily was standing in front of the library _.,A. two hours ago,B. tomorrow,C. at that time yesterday,I.,单项选择。,A,B,C,5. My father was reading newspaper _my mother,was cooking dinner.,A. when B. while C. what,6. The reporter said that the UFO _ east to west,when he saw it. A. was traveling B. traveled C. traveling,7. My mother _while my father _ TV.,A. cooked, was watching,B. was cooking, was watching,C. cooked, watched,B,A,B,1.I was getting out of bed when the UFO landed.,对划线局部提问,_ _ you _ when the UFO landed,2. They played tennis yesterday afternoon.,(用at 5:00 yesterday afternoon改写句子),They _ _ tennis at 5:00 yesterday afternoon.,3. While it was raining ,the plane took off.,改为同义句,It was raining _ the plane _ off.,II,、按要求改写句子。,What are doing,were playing,while taking,4.昨晚八点钟我爸爸在看报纸。,My father _ _ a newspaper at 8:00 yesterday evening.,5. 响时,我妈妈在做晚饭。,My mother _ _ _ when the phone_.,6. 当外星人买纪念品时,我报了警。,_ the alien was buying a souvenir ,I _ the police.,7.I was washing my shoes at that time.,改为一般问句,_ _ _ your shoes at that time,was watching,was cooking dinner,rang,While called,Were you washing,Homework,Learn to make a difference between “when,and “while then practice making sentences.,


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