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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,被动的使用,1、话题确实立,The fabulous Audi 100 (1983 version) was introduced into China in the late 1980s. It was first assembled in Shanghai Volkswagen company, and then was shifted to the First Automobile Works in Changchun. It was intended as an executive car for high ranking government officials and business executives to reduce the import of luxurious foreign cars.,2.,语篇的连贯,Perhaps,Naked Came the Stranger,was the greatest library hoax of the century. Newsday staff members wrote its chapters, (Its chapters were written by Newsday staff members, ) each writing independently and not knowing of the others work. It was intended as an incoherent promographic novel, to be published under the name Penelope Ashe.,A senior United Nations team has arrived in the Afghan capital to secure safety guarantees for UN staff from the ruling Taliban. This follows attacks against the UNs offices in Kabul during several days of the demonstrations.,The protests were triggered by,UN sanctions against Afghanistan after the Taliban refused to hand over exiled Saudi millionaire Osama Bin Laden, who,is accused by,the United States of being a terrorist. The sanctions,are expected to,hurt the Afghan people rather than make the Taliban suffer.,3. 礼貌原那么,There are other techniques that might help you with your studying. Only a few have been mentioned here.,It is generally considered not advisable to act that way.,Passengers are requested to cross the railway line by the footbridge only.,You are invited to a graduation party,Readers are requested to note that as from May 1, the library will be open during the following hours: 7:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m.,4.句子构造平衡的需要,防止头重脚轻。,All this is done by the rays called INFRARED, which have a wave length longer than that of visible light.,5.表达的客观性需要,多用于科技英语。,英语被动句的翻译,1.,译为被动:,Last year the region was visited by the worst drought in 60 years.,去年这个地区遭受了60年来最严重的旱灾。,Anyone who leaves litter in these woods shall be executed.,凡在这些树林里乱扔废物者将受到指控。,Most letters from his wife are read to him by the nurse in the hospital.,他妻子写给他的大多数信件是由医院里的护士念给他听的。,He was released immediately after the trial.,审判完毕后,他马上获释。,2. 译为主动句,1不改变句子构造:,That man cannot be relied upon.,那人不可信。,Every minute should be made good use of.,每一分钟都要很好利用。,Roger, you are wanted on the phone.,罗杰,你有 。,The happy man cannot be harried.,吉人自有天相。,The thing must be handled with care.,这东西必须轻拿轻放。,A new student is kept on probation for one semester.,新学生要见习一个星期。,If you are pushed for time, you had better give it up though its your favorite.,如果时间紧迫,你就忍痛割爱吧。,He has been wedded to translation.,他与翻译结下了不解之缘。,Poets are born, but orators are made.,诗人是天生的,而演说家那么是后天造就的。,2变状语为主语,把原主语变为宾语。,Their friendship was turned into enmity through idle gossips.,流言蜚语使他们之间的友谊变成了怨仇。,The news was passed on by word of mouth.,众口相传就把这那么新闻传开了。,3.,译为无主句,Methods are found to take these materials out of the rubbish and use them again.,现在已经找到了从垃圾中提取这些材料并加以利用的方法。,Quality of products must be guaranteed first.,首先要确保产品质量。,Children should be taught to speak the truth.,应该教孩子们说真话。,Time can always be found to do things one wants to do.,只要想干,总是可以找到时间的。,When the anthem had been played, the Congress began.,奏完国歌后,大会开场。,4.,转换主语,English is spoken in Britain, the U.S. and some other countries.,讲英语的国家有英国、美国和其他一些国家。,The findings of the court will be published on Wednesday.,法庭将在星期三公布调查结果。,Many voices have been raised demanding the setting up of an Arab common market.,许多人要求建立一个阿拉伯共同市场。,Many new opportunities will be opened up in the course of time for those with a university education.,今后,具有大学文化水平的人将会获得很多新的就业时机。,5.,惯用译法,It is reported that there are 300 million smokers in mainland China and they buy 1,600 billion cigarettes a year.,据报道中国大陆有三亿吸烟者,他们每年要消费16000亿支香烟。,It is suggested that the meeting be put off till next Monday.,有人建议会议推迟到下星期一举行。,C-E:,汉语被动句译成英语被动句,海外华侨现在不再被人轻视了。,Overseas Chinese are no longer looked down upon.,他被选为学生会主席。,He was elected Chairman of the Students Union.,一次被蛇咬,十年怕草绳。,He who is bitten once by a snake, for ten years will be afraid of a grass rope.,龙游浅水遭虾戏,A dragon is stranded in shallow water and teased by shrimps.,汉语被动句译成英语主动句,这个年轻人应该受到惩罚。,The young man deserves punishing.,此谋杀案正在受到调查。,The murder is now under investigation.,这篇论文经得起推敲。,The paper can stand criticizing.,这些书由我夫人保管。,These books were in the charge of my wife.,那一地区的严重问题远未被解决。,The serious problem in that area is far from its solution.,汉语形式上的主动句实质为被动译成英语的被动句。,假设要信到,请贴足邮票。,Letters will not be sent unless adequately stamped.,又一座立交桥将于年底通车。,Another flyover will be opened to traffic by the end of this year.,家家房顶上都装了供沐浴用的太阳能热水器。,A solar heater is installed on the roof of every house, providing warm water for the shower.,汉语形式上的主动句实质为被动译成英语形式上的主动句(实质为被动,他的戏剧不宜上演。,His plays wont act.,会议于五点钟休会。,The meeting adjourned at five oclock.,这根腰带扣不上。,This belt wont buckle.,这些苹果适于烹煮。,These apples cook well.,这门锁不上。,The door wont lock.,他的新小说销路很好。,His new novel is selling well.,这些食物容易腐烂。,These kinds of foods soon spoil.,这布很耐洗。,The cloth washes well.,这屋子租不出去。,The house wont let.,被动句在商务英语中的运用和翻译:,请来宾将外套存放衣帽间,Visitors are requested to leave their coats in the cloakroom.,欢送来函询购各种电器产品,Your inquiries for all types of electrical goods would be appreciated.,盼你方早日交货,We expect that the delivery will be effected at your earliest convenience.,急需此货,请即装运,The goods are urgently needed. Prompt shipment will be appreciated.,在收到你方信用证的两星期之内,我方即可发货,Shipment can be made within two weeks after the receipt of your L/C.,我们将于近日内送期票给你处承兑,The time draft will be sent to you for your acceptance within a couple of days.,Bills can be easily discounted in London.,汇票在伦敦贴现毫无困难,The goods will be shipped to China in five different lots within five years.,货物将在五年内分五次向中国发运,After the said license is approved, we shall establish an L/C in your favor.,许可证获准后,即开立以你方为受益人的信用证,All our prices are quoted C.I.F. to the port of destination.,我方所报全部价格均为目的港到岸价,Claims, if any, must be made within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, after which no claims will be entertained.,万一发生索赔,必须于货到目的地后,30,天内提出,过期不予受理,This contract shall be valid on and from the 1st day of February, 1994, and any of the articles in this contract shall not be changed or modified unless by mutual written consent.,本合同自,1994,年,2,月,1,日起生效,未经双方书面同意,本合同之任何条款不得变更或修改,商务英语语境的特殊词义,Average is of two kinds: General Average and Particular Average.,海损有两种:一种是共同海损,另一种是单独海损。,The exceptions provided in Paragraph (a) are subject to the following additional provisions.,甲款的例外规定应受以下补充规定的约束。,Every effort is made to,address,customer needs.,尽一切努力满足客户的要求。,The company is one of our major,accounts, so we should do our best to satisfy their needs.,这家公司是我们的主要客户,因此我们要尽可能满足他们的需求。,We received an,order,for thirty tons of coal.,我们收到一份,30,吨煤的,订单,。,To reduce loss and increase overall profits, the CEO decided to get rid of all the,dogs,.,为了减少亏损,全面增加利润,公司总经理决定销毁所有的,次品,。,She sued him for libel, and the court ordered him to pay her $1500,damages,.,她控告他诽谤,法庭责令他支付,1500,美元的赔偿金。,He made a large fortune in the,futures trading,.,他在期货交易中赚了一大笔钱。,完成货运后,出口商应按信用证备好各种单据。,After finishing the shipment of the goods, the exporter is to prepare the documents as required by the letter of credit.,由大连至东京,制止转船和分批装运。,Transshipment and partial shipment are not allowed from Dalian to Tokyo.,信用卡能使持卡人通过赊账的方式购置商品,得到效劳。,Credit cards enable their holders to obtain goods and services on credit.,早上第一件事就告知您我方报价。,First thing in the morning we will let you know our quotation.,商务英语的文体特点,1.,用词简洁:,Documents against payment,付款交单,Freight forward,运费到付,In your favor,以你方为受益人,All sales are final.,货物售出,概不退换。,2. 语义明确,A,confirmed irrevocable letter of credit,shall be established within 15 days after the,conclusion of the contract,and such letter of credit shall be maintained at least 15 days after,the month of,shipment,for the,negotiation,of the relative,draft,.,保兑的和不可撤销的信用证须在合约签订之后十五天内开立。而且,该信用证须在货物付运月份之后至少十五天内继续有效,以便议付有关汇票。,3.行文严谨,This agreement is made and entered into in Shanghai on 18th May, 2003 by and between AAA (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller) and BBB (hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer).,本协议由AAA以下称“卖方和BBB以下称“买方于2003年5月18日在上海签订。,Any and all notices and communications in connection with the Contract shall be written in the English language.,所有与本合同有关的通知和通讯均用英文书写。,同义词或近义词并立构造: is made and entered into; by and between; any and all,In the event the Buyer does not furnish the Seller with shipping information on or before May 19, 2003, the Seller may at his option cancel this contract.,假设买方未在2003年5月19日或在此之前向卖方提供装船通知,卖方可撤销本合同。,on or before 选择性并立构造,正规、庄重的用词:hereinbefore (以上, wheresoever无论何处, hereunto 迄今,Shipment is to be made,in two equal lots,at an interval of 30 days,.,货分两批按相等数量间隔,30,天装运。,The packing of our Mens Shirts is,each in a polybag,5 dozen to a carton,lined with waterproof paper,and,bound with two iron straps,outside.,我方男衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,,5,打装一纸箱,内衬防潮纸,外打铁箍两道。,4.措辞委婉,Enclosed please find,a copy of our price list.,随函寄上我方的价目表一份,请查收。,However, up to the present writing, we have not had the,pleasure,of hearing from you.,然而,迄今为止未见贵方赐复。,We should be much obliged,if you could make us a firm offer for 100 tons.,如能报给我方一个一百吨的实盘,我方将不胜感谢。,If you will,kindly inform us,as to his financial standing, reliability and reputation for paying bills, we shall,greatly appreciate,the offer.,如蒙贵方将他的财务情况、信用状况及付款方面的信誉情况告知我方,我方将非常感谢。,翻译要点,准确表达中的专业用语,Please quote us your lowest price,CIF,London for walnut.,请报我方胡桃最低伦敦到岸价。,In the event of,force majeure,or any other contingencies beyond our control, we shall not be held responsible for the late delivery or non-delivery of the goods.,如果发生不可抗力事件,或我们无法控制的任何其他意外事故,我方对迟交或不交货概不负责。,以普通此表达商务专业术语:,honour,承兑,Down payment,分期付款,Under separate cover,另邮,Meet each other half way,双方作同等的让步,Be subject to change without previous notice,可随时修改,不预先通知,Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any orders or to collect any accounts on and after May 28.,自5月28日起,甲方无权承受订单或账单。,The date of the receipt issued by transportation department concerned shall be regarded as the date of delivery of the goods.,由承运的运输机构所开具的收据日期即被视为交货日期。,It is agreed that a margin of 2 percent shall be allowed for over or short count.,双方同意,允许的数量误差为正负2%.,2. 力求简洁凝练,We should be much obliged for any information as to the standing of the firm, and you may rest assured that anything thus communicated will go no further.,如蒙惠告该公司的信用状况,我方将不胜感谢。对任何有关的资料,我们将予以保密,敬请放心。,I venture to invite you to have a look at our stand, and you may rest assured that you will not be pressed to buy.,本人冒昧地邀请贵方光临我方展台,购置与否,悉随尊便。,We are sorry to inform you that your claim against us for short weight is unsuited to the international insurance claim standards.,歉告你方提出的短重索赔与国际保险索赔的标准不符。,3. 套用商务套语,兹通告,友谊公司将采取一切必要的措施,追究任何未经许可制造或销售注有友谊商标的当事人。,Notice is hereby given that FRIENDSHIP Ltd. will take all necessary measures against any party manufacturing and / or selling any garments bearing the trademark of “FRIENDSHIP without being authorized.,自二零零三年四月十五日起,张莉女士与本公司脱离关系。,特此通告。,Notice is hereby given that,Ms. Zhang Li is no longer connected with our company, with effect from April 15, 2003.,WHEREAS Debtor cannot meet his payments to us; and WHEREAS we have agreed to accept 70% of the debt as full satisfaction of his debt to us;,THEREFORE, we promise and agree to accept from Debtor in any claim we have against him 70% of the debt to be paid as follows:,鉴于债务人无法归还债务;并鉴于我们已同意承受把付还七成债款当做已全部还清对我们的欠款;,因此,我们同意按以下条款承受债务人在我们对他的债权要求中归还七成债款:,4.调整句子构造,We inform you that your order has been dispatched.,贵方所订货物业已付运,特此奉告。,We acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 5th inst. and regret to learn that you are unable to extend the subject L/C.,本月五日来函收悉。得悉贵方未能将标题所列之信用证予以展期,深感遗憾。,5. 选用得体词语,Offer,开价,(F),发盘,报价,Reimbursement,还钱,(F),偿付,Document,文件,(F),单据,单证,Enquiry,问价,(F),询价,询盘,


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