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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Well begin is half done.,好的开场是成功的一半。,Knowledge reviewing,知识回忆,Grammar,一 词法,1 代词人称代词,物主代词,指示代词,不定代词,2 介词表示时间,表示方位,,3 名词可数名词,不可数名词,4 序数词,5 动词时态,情态动词,6 连词and, but, or ,7 形容词(比较级和最高级)和副词频度副词,8 冠词a, an,the,二 时态,1 一般现在时,2 现在 进展时(现在进展时表示将来),3 一般过去时,4 一般将来时be going to +V.,New knowledge in book IV,1. 一般将来时will + V.).,2. 情态动词,3. 过去进展时,4. 直接引语和间接引语,5. If 引导的条件状语从句,6. 现在完成进展时,7. 现在完成时,8. 反意疑问句,难点,1,词汇量大,2,语法难度大,3,阅读难度大,教材编制,1.本册书共10个单元,其中包括2个复习单元;,2.每个单元分为两局部:,A局部是根本的语言内容,B局部是本单元知识的扩展和综合的语言运用;,3.每个单元的Self check是用来自我检测所学的语言知识;,4. 为了加强阅读能力,每单元后参加了跨文化内容的阅读reading strategy及相关练习.,学习任务和要求,.提前做好新单元的预习;生词,重点句型,大段课文的阅读理解等,.认真听讲做笔记,课后听读录音内容并按时完成笔头作业,自觉落实当堂所学;,.背诵或 熟读Reading Section 2;,.自觉加大课后练习,尤其在阅读与完型上有意识的扩大词汇量从而提升整体水平;,.提倡课下的切磋,讨论,多提问题,共同提高,1.全面提高听说读写四方面的学习能力,有意识的利用课内外时间不断积累,整体提高.,2. 养成良好习惯,认真按时完成教师布置的英语学习任务,自觉加大课下投入.,具体措施:,1 提高课堂效率。,2 及时完成作业,默写单词和背诵课文,3 增加阅读量。, What are you going to do next weekend, I am going to .,Free talk,have a picnic,have a party,Lead-in,do ones homework,stay in bed, What will you do at the weekend, Ill ,do the housework,have an English lesson,have a party,have a piano lesson,in the future,People will have robots at home.,People will live to be 200 years old,.,Kids wont go to school.,There will only be one country.,Kids in the year 3000,Unit One,Life in the future,space n.太空,空间,space station 太空站 in the space 在太空,在空中,spaceship 太空船 spacesuit 太空衣,fly (v.) 飞行,第三人称单数:flies 现在分词:flying,过去式:flew,took (v.) take过去式,take the train 乘火车 take away 拿走,moon (n.) 月亮,moon在句中必须与定冠词the联用,the moon 月亮,月球 moonlight 月光,mooncake 月饼 moonless 没有月亮的,fall(v.) 落下,三单:falls 现在分词:falling 过去式:fell,fall in love with 爱上某人或某物,fall down(from) 从.掉下来,认读单词,alone (adj/adv.) 单独的;单独地;单独,live alone 单独一个人住,alone是副词“独 自地,与by oneself同义,probably (adv.),大概,也许,形容词:probably 大概的,可能的,副词在句中主要修饰动词,形容词,副词或介词短语,go skating,去滑冰,go shopping 去超市,go fishing 去钓鱼,go swimming 去游泳,go camping 去露营,machine 机器,able,(adj.) 能够的,名词:ability,be able to do sth :,有能力做某事,会做某事,be able to :,有能力做某事,会做某事,一样:be able to与can意思一样,,不一样:be able to可以用于任何时态的句子中。,can 那么只有一般时态和一般过去时两种时态,16.already (adv. 早已,已经,多用于现在完成时态的肯定句中,在一般疑问句或否认句中通变yet,17.suchadj.) 这样的;这种,such as 像,so .that和such.that都是如此.以至于.的意思。 so后须跟形容词或副词,而such后须跟名词,18.possible (adj.)可能的,副词:possibly 名词:possibility,seem possible 似乎可能 impossible 不可能的,19.seem (v.) 像是,似乎,seem to do 似乎做.,seem+adj 似乎怎么样 it seems that+句子似乎.,in ten years 在100年之后 take the train to school乘火车上学,a piece of paper一张纸 on paper 在纸上,study on computers 通过电脑学习 live to be.活到.,less free time 更少的自由时间 fewer cars 更少的小汽车,more pollution 更多的污染 use the subway less 更少的使用地铁,(be)in high school在高中 be)in college 在大学,more tall bulidings更多的高大建筑物 live alone 单独生活,fly rockets to the moon乘火箭去月球 on a space station 在太空站,fall in love with 爱上某人/某物 go skating 去滑冰,next year 明年 fly to the moon 飞向月球,be able to do sth 有能力做某事 come true 希望能实现;到达,短语归纳,6. People will live to be 200 years old.,Some more predictions预测 about things in 200 years.,1.People will have robots in their homes.,2.People wont use money. Everything will be free.,3. Books will only be on computers, not on paper.,4. Kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on,computers.,5.There will only be one country.,Agree or disagree,People will have robots in their homes.,People wont use money. Everything will be free.,Books will only be on computers, not on paper.,Kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computers.,There will only be one country.,People will live to be 200 years old.,1b: listen and circle,A: Will it be small or big,B: It will be small.,A: Will it be heavy or light,B: It will be light.,A: What will the computer do,B: It will do many things for people.,Look, ask and answer,Pairwork,For example:,Will you go to work in five years,Yes, they will.,No, they wont. I will go to college.,There will be more/less/fewer people.,There will be more/less/fewer free time.,There will be more/less/fewer cars.,There will be more/less/fewer pollution.,There will be more/less/fewer trees.,Activity 2a,Tom has,friends though he is new here.,Sally feels sad because she has,_,friends in the new school.,a few,few,a few 一些修饰可数名词,few adj. 少的 几乎没有,a little一些修饰不可数名词,little adj 一点点 几乎没有,1.There is,_,water in the bottle. Please get some.,2. Hurry up, there is,_,time left.,3. Don,t worry. We still have,_,time.,little,little,a little,language point:,many more,much more,few fewer,little less,more 更多的 修饰不可数也可以修饰可数名词more trees, more pollution,less 更少的修饰不可数名词less money,fewer更少的修饰可数名词fewer trees,看表,用,more, less,或,fewer,完成练习。,In 100 years,There will be _ houses.,There will be _ pollution.,There will be _ schools.,There will be _ people.,There will be _ snow.,There will be _ movie theaters.,Now,In 100 years,600 houses,1000 houses,A lot of pollution,Almost no pollution,Seven schools,Two schools,2400 people,3500 people,A lot of snow,A little snow,Six movie theaters,Two movie theaters,看表,用,more, less,或,fewer,完成练习。,In 100 years,There will be _,more,_ houses.,There will be _,less,_ pollution.,There will be _,fewer,_ schools.,There will be _,more,_ people.,There will be _,less,_ snow.,There will be _,fewer,_ movie theaters.,Now,In 100 years,600 houses,1000 houses,A lot of pollution,Almost no pollution,Seven schools,Two schools,2400 people,3500 people,A lot of snow,A little snow,Six movie theaters,Two movie theaters,Activity 2b,1. There will be _ people.,2. There will be _free time.,3. There will be _pollution.,5. There will be _ astronauts.,less,less,more,more,翻译:,1.,那将有更少的人。,2.,那将有更少的自由时间。,3.,那将有更多的污染。,4.,那将有更多的宇航员,astronaut,。,C,Pair work,For example:,Will there be more students in this school next year,Yes, there will.,No, there wont. Kids wont go to school. They will study at home on computers.,Will there be less pollution,No, there wont. There will be more pollution.,Will there be fewer trees,Yes, there will.,Listen and read,Review,What can you see in the picture,farm farmer machine,Will the farmer do the dull job,What,will,you do,ma,ga,zine,read a,I,will,read a magazine,this,after,noon,.,(,今天下午我将会看本杂志,.),this afternoon,What will you do,t,ake a,tri,p,(,去旅行,),this weekend,I,will,_,t,ake a,tri,p,.,I,will,+,动词原形,What will you do,zoo,What,will,you do,I,will,go to,the,_.,this morning,this afternoon,tonight,next week,tomorrow,_,zoo,read a magazine,What will you do ,I,will,this afternoon,this afternoon,read a magazine,.,read books,What ,I will .,this morning,will you do this morning,read books,.,play chess,What ,I will .,this Saturday,will you do this Saturday,play chess,.,clean my room,What ,I will ,this evening,will you do this evening,clean my room.,take picutes,What ,I will .,next week,will you do next week,take picures,.,tomorrow,write an e-mail,What ,I will .,will you do tomorrow,write an e-mail,.,What will you go,alone与lonely的区别,alone(adj.)作表语 单独的,单独的,lonely(adj.)作表语或定语 孤独的,寂寞的,偏僻的,be able to和can的区别,be able to 接动词原形,用于多种时态,有人称和数的变化,表示经过努力后成功或在动词不定式之后,can 没有人称和数的变化,过去式could,表示可能性。,such修饰名词,so修饰形容词 这样的,这种,seem 似乎,好似,seem+(to do)+名词/形容词,例如:It seems (to be)a good sweater.似乎是一件毛衣。,seems+to do sth,例如:He doest seems to have any friends.他似乎没有朋友。,It seems that+句子,例如:It seems that like this pen.=He seems to like this pen.,他似乎喜欢这支钢笔。,come on,go to the,I,will,go to,the cinema,.,What will you do this evening,ci,ne,ma,下周,今天上午,今天下午,今天晚上,今晚,明天,next week,this morning,this afternoon,this,evening,to,ni,ght,to,morr,ow,Phrases,Pair work,一般将来时:,will,如果表示的不是打算,意图或方案,而是未来的事实或对将来的预测等,就要用“will+动词原形来表达。,Language focus,Will people have robots,词语对对碰,in,vs,after,一样点: 这两个词后都可接时间,表示“在 以后,不同点:,“in+一段时间表示以现在为起点的将来一段时间以后,常与将来时连用.,“after+一段时间表示以过去某一时间点开场的一段时间以后,常于一般,过去时连用. 当after后接某一时间点时,仍可用于将来时.,试做以下试题,:,Itll be finished _ five minutes.,He rang you up _supper.,Ill be free _ nine oclock.,Its two oclock.Ill come _ an hour.,in,after,after,in,Will people have robots,词语对对碰,fewer,vs.,less,一样点: 这两个词后都是比较级,均可表示“较少的,不同点:,fewer是few的比较级,只能修饰可数名词的复数.,less是little的比较级,只能修饰不可数名词的复数.,试做以下试题,:,I earn _ money than my sister.,There are _ cars parked outside than yesterday.,We have _ students this year than last year.,You ought to smoke _ cigarettes and drink _ beer .,fewer,fewer,fewer,less,less,SO和SUCH的区别,两者都可以表示“这样,“如此的意思。,(1)so是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词。,例如:I am so glad to hear from my friend.收到我朋友的信我真快乐。 He writes so well.他写得这么好。,(2)such,是形容词,用来修饰名词或名词短语,(,名词前面可以带形容词,也可以不带,),。如果修饰单数可数名词,,such,后需加不定冠词,a,或,an.,例如,: You are interested in,such things,.,你对这种事感兴趣。,He told us,such a funny story,.,他给我们讲了一个这么有趣的故事。,注意:当单数可数名词前面有形容词修饰时,也可以用,so,但要改变冠词的位置。例如,: He told us,so funny a story,.,巧记,so,和,such,的用法,名前such,形副so,多多少少也用so. little属特殊,“小用such,“少用so.,说明:1.当名词前有many, much, few和little等词修饰时,要用so而不用such.如:There are so many people/ so many students/ so few days.There is so little time that we cant finish work on time.,2.当little作“小的讲,修饰名词时,其前面仍须用such,而不用so.如:They are such little children that they cant do anything.,He is such a little boy.,Everything (不定代词,Everything is ready.一切都准备好了。,Everything begins to grow in spring. 万物在春天开 始生长。,in和after的区别(在.之后,in:用在表示将来时间的句子里面。in+一段时间,例如:I will play football with my friengs in two hours.,我将在两小时后和我的朋友们踢足球。,after:用于过去式,后面加某一点时间或某一段时间。,例如:He left for America after two days.,两天后他启程去了美国。,few和little的区别,few,fewer 修饰可数名词复数,little,less修饰不可数名词,few,little 几乎没有表否认,已经没有了,a few,a little一点,少许表肯定,重点突破,in the future, in future,仔细观察下面的句子,归纳两者的区别:,Will there be schools in the future,将来会有学校吗?,Dont be late again in future,以后别再迟到了。,词语辨析,区别:,从含义上看, in the future 意为“_,_; in future意为“_。,从与“现在的关系看, in the future 距离现,在较 _, 而in future距离现在较 _。,在将来,;,在未来,今后,;,从今以后,远,近,一般将来时,用be doing表示将来:主要意义是表示按方案、安排即将发生的动作,常用于位置转移的动词,如:go, come, leave, arrive, drive, fly, return, work, sleep, stay, play, do, have, wear等, 也可用于其他动作动词。,We are leaving for Shanghai next Monday.,We are moving to a different hotel the day after tomorrow.,Grammar focus,e.g. There,will,be a computer on every,desk in the future.,Students,will,use computers to learn.,Planes,will,be very large, so flying,will,be very cheap.,可以看出, will表示的一般将来时, 本身没有人称和数的变化。如果要表达“将来不会, 就用它的否认形式, will后面直接加not,它的的缩写形式是wont。,e.g. The teachers wont write on the,blackboard with chalk.,如果询问将来的事, 用它的疑问形式, 将will 提到句首,e.g. Will students go to school in the,future,Will there be computers in school,请根据句意选择正确的选项填空。,1. Well _ for you outside the school gate.,A. waits B. waitingC. wait,2. Each of the students will _ a computer on their desk.,A. have B. hasC. having,Exercises,C,A,3. I _ my aunt tomorrow evening.,A. visit B. will visit C. will visits,4. Everyone will write on a computer. _ wont use paper.,A. They B. ItC. We,5. _ a lot of books for your classmates next term,A. Are there will B. Will there be,C. Will there are,B,B,A,1.Why are you in such a hurry,Mike,There_an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.,A.will have B.will be C.is going to have D.are going to be,2.The farmer keeps_cows on his farm.,A.hundred B.hundred of C.hundreds D.hundreds of,3.The small child was not old enough to_himself.,A.have B.wear C. dress D.put,4.Im very tired these days because of studying for physics.,Why not_music It can make you_.,A.listening to;relaxing B.to listen to ;to relax,C.listening to;relax D.listen to;relax,5.This year the villagers have produced_rice_they did two years ago.,A.less;than B.as less;as C.fewer;than D.as fer;as,中考在线,1. We will play basketball tomorrow. (改为否认句),We _ basketball tomorrow.,请根据括号内的要求完成以下句子,每空一词含缩写。,wont play,2. The students will use computers in school.,(改为一般疑问句,并作肯、否认答复), _ the students _ computers in school, _, _ ., _, _ .,they wont,Will,use,Yes,they will,No,3. There will be some sheep near the tree.,改为一般疑问句,并作肯、否认答复, _ there be _ sheep near the tree, _, _ ., _, _ .,Will,any,Yes,there will,No,there wont,4. His brother is walking up the Great Wall. (,用,will,改写句子,),His brother _ the Great Wall.,5. There is a class meeting every Tuesday. (,用,tomorrow,改写句子,),There _ a class meeting _ .,tomorrow,will walk up,will be,1. 将来会有商店吗?,_ shops _,2. 学生将用电子邮件把作业发送给教师。,The students _ their home-work to the teacher _ .,请根据汉语句子完成英语句子,每空词数不限。,Will there be,in the future,will send,by email,3. 人们将通过电脑互相谈话。,People _ on their computers.,4. 将没有人再用动物干农活。,_ farm work any more.,5. 教师们不再用粉笔在黑板上写字。,The teachers _ a blackboard _ .,with chalk,will talk to each other,No one will use animals to do,wont write on,Review,Will people have robots(肯定答复,否认答复),Kids will go to school.(否认句),Kids will study at home on computers.(一般疑问),I think she will be a doctor.(划提),She will play tennis.(划提),I think robots will help people do chores.(划提),I will live on a space station.(划提),


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