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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 8 Time off,Unit 1,I can,hard,ly,believe were in the city centre.,hard,ly,adv.,几乎不,休假,,放假,我简直不能相信我们在城市中心。,Where is it,I guess it is .,.,one of,t,he,s,igh,ts,in Beijing,Beihai Park,/ s,a,ts/,n.,用复数风景;,名胜,What can you see in the pictures,ancient buildings,The lake,takes up,over half of the park area.,at the top of,the hill,在,.,顶部,占据,What can we do in the park,I think,we can,walk along,the lake,cross,the bridge,climb up,the hill,have a picnic,But,I dont think,we can,go for a swim,in the lake ,because it is dangerous.,往上爬,去游泳,沿着,走,横过,吃野餐,When are you going to visit it,I hope,I will .,What is the park like,Im sure,it is,interesting/beautiful/large/popular/ busy,visit it soon.,What else do you know about Beihai Park,How old is Beihai Park,Over 800 years old,Listen again and choose the correct answer.,1 Tony,has,/,hasnt,heard about,Beihai Park.,2 Tony guesses that the park is,very popular,/,not very popular,.,3 Lingling suggests that,they spend the day there,/,Daming and Betty come too,.,4 Lingling,thinks,/,doesnt think,the park will be busy.,hear of/about,听说,Watch,the dialogue and answer the following questions.,1. Who is introducing Beihai Park,2. What is the park famous for,Lingling is introducing Beihai Park.,This park is famous for its lake, bridges and the ancient buildings on the hill.,Is it quiet in Beihai Park,Where is Beihai Park,How big is the lake,Why Daming doesnt want to climb,Where do they have their picnic,Reading,Its,so,quiet here,that,I can even,hear,the birds,singing,.,so that,如此,以致,hear sb.doing,听到正在做,Its,in the center of,Beijing.,It,takes up,half of the park area.,take up,占据,Because its hot and hes tired.,They have there picnic at the top of the hill.,1. Beihai Park is so _ that you can even hear the birds singing.,2. The park is famous for its _, bridges and the ancient buildings on the hill.,3. The lake takes up _ of the park area.,quiet,lake,over half,Complete the sentences about Beihai Park.,4. You can point out the _ of Beijing from the top of the hill.,5. They do not allow people to swim _.,sights,in the lake,Read the sentences and answer the questions.,hardly sights thirsty waste,1 “I can hardly believe were in the city centre.,Does Tony know they are in the city centre or not,Tony knows they are in the city centre.,2 “Then I can point out the sights of Beijing for you.,Does Lingling want them to look at something or listen to something,Lingling wants them to look at something.,4 “Lets not waste any more time.,Does Tony think they are spending their time well or badly,3 “Im so hungry and thirsty.,Does Daming want something to drink,Daming wants something to drink.,Tony thinks they are spending their time badly.,Underline the phrases.,1. so that,2. hear the birds singing,3. can hardly believe,4. the ancient buildings,5. take up,6. point out,7. the sights of,8. Why dont we go for a swim,9. allow sb to do sth,10. at the top of ,11. Lets not waste any more time,1.如此以至于,2.听见鸟儿在唱歌,3.几乎不相信,4.古建筑,5.占据,6.指出,7.的风光,8.为什么不去游泳?,9.允许某人做某事,10.在顶端,11.让我们不要再浪费时间。,1.time off 休假,放假,take/have +一段时间+off:休假多久,eg: (1)你太辛苦了,应该休息一段时间。,You work too hard. You should take_ _ _.,(2)下周我要休假两天。,I wil have _ _ _next week.,请假 ask for leave,Language points,some time off,two days off,2. hardly (adv.) 几乎不,几乎没有(表否认),hard (adv.) 努力地 (adj.) 难的;硬的,(1)He can _ _ English, _ he,他几乎不会说日语,是吗?,(2)You must _ _.,你必须努力工作。,(3) This is _ work.,(4) My father _ goes to work by car.,hardly speak can,work hard,hard,hardly,3. so/suchthat如此以至于,so+ adj/adv + that,such + n + that,I was _ _ _I slept in this chair.,(1)我太累了,以至于在椅子上睡着了。,Hes such _ _ _ _ we all like him.,=Hes _ _ _ we all like him.,(2)他是一个如此得意的小男孩,以致我们都喜欢他。,so tired that,a lovely boy that,so lovely that,4. take up占用,花费(时间、空间或精力等,This desk _ _ _ _ _.,这张桌子太占地方。,I dont _ _ _ _too much of your time.,我不想占用你太多的时间。,takes up too much space,want to take up,5. point out 指出,point at指向(某点) point to 指向(大方向),Did Ms Du _ _ where you were wrong,杜教师有没有指出你什么地方错了 ?,Daming pointed at the stars and told us their names.,大明指着星星,告诉我们它们的名字。,point out,6. allow sb. to do sth. sb. 不可以省略,允许某人做某事,allow doing sth. 允许做某事,His parents wont _ _ _ _ out late.,他的父母不会允许他在外待得很晚。,They _ _ in this room only.,他们只允许在这间屋子里抽烟。,allow,him,to,stay,allowed,smoking,找出对话中的,宾语从句,1.Tony,guesses,that,the park is very popular.,2 Lingling,suggests,that,they spend the day there.,3 Lingling doesnt,think,that,the park will be busy.,4.I can hardly,believe,that,were in the city centre.,5.I,am sure,that,itll be fantastic to see the city,from the top.,6.I dont,think,that,they allow people to swim in,the lake.,7.I think its better to have our picnic at the top of the hill.,8. I,hope,that,it will be cooler up there.,that,可以省略,It was raining very _. Whats worse,my car broke down.,A. heavy B. hardly C. hard D. heavier,2. China is _for its delicious food.,A. good B. famous C. popular D. like,Exercise,一、,单项,选择题。,C,B,3. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to,the bookstore,Walk along the road and _ the bridge,and you will see it in front of you.,A. across B. cross C. through D. over,4. We dont allow people _in the cinema.,A. smoke B. smoked,C. smoking D. to smoke,B,D,5. I believe _ my dream will come true,one day.,A. what B. which C. who D. that,6. Look! The boys are trying to climb _,the tree to pick some apples.,A. with B. off C. of D. up,7. - Did you find the small village yesterday - Yes, without any difficulty, for it has,_ changed over years. 2021年安徽,A.hardlyB. greatly C. clearly D. nearly,D,D,A,8. The Internet is very useful for us. We can find information_.,(2021年河北)A. easy B. easily C. hard D.hardly,9. - Would you like some coffee - No, thanks. I _ drink coffee. Coffee,is bad for my stomach. 2021四川省宜宾市A. almost B. already C.hardlyD. still,B,C,1. I like the beautiful s_ of this city.,2. He is very t_ and he needs some,water now.,3. I can h_ understand what he said,because he speaks English too quickly.,4. They walked around the lake and c_,the small bridge.,二、,根据句意和,首字母,提示写单词。,ights,hirsty,ardly,ross,Quiz,注,: word,文档,点击此处链接,.,选择适当的词填空。,hardly thirsty sights waste,1. She has _ her money on things she doesnt need.,2. Theres _ any coal left.,3. Come and see the _ of London!,4. Salty food makes you _.,wasted,hardly,sights,thirsty,. 翻译句子。,1. 我的办公室在楼的顶层。,_,2. 这张桌子太占地方。,_,3. 老板不许我使用 。,_,4.我希望能再次见到这些得意的动物。,_,My office is at the top of the building.,This table takes up too much room.,My boss doesnt allow me to use the phone.,Ihope to see theselovelyanimalsagain.,1. sothat,2. take up,3. be famous for,4. point out,5. at the top of,5. I can,hardly,believe,6. I dont think they allow people to swim in the lake.,本课时主要短语和句型,Summary,


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