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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4,Pygmalion,Pygmalion, a gifted artist, makes a,stone statue of a beautiful woman.,He asks the Greek Goddess to bring,her to life.,His wish is granted.,Discussion,Do you think that Pygmalion and his,statuewife will be happy together,2. What problem do you think they,will have,Pygmalion, the play by George Bernard Shaw, is an adaptation of the Greek story.,Company Logo,Questions:,Who wrote the play,George Bernard Shaw,Company Logo,A brief introduction,1.He is a very humorous Irish(,爱尔兰,),playwright.,2.In,1925,he was awarded the,Nobel Prize for Literature,. Shaw accepted the honor but refused the money.,George Bernard Shaw,(1856-1950),Pygmalion,Act one,Fateful meetings,Eliza Doolittle,Henry,Higgins,Colonel,Pickering,Main characters,Eliza Doolittle(E):,a poor flower girl who is,ambitious to improve herself.,Professor Higgins(H):,an expert in phonetics,convinced that the quality of a persons English,decides his/her position in society.,Colonel Pickering(P):,an officer in the army,and later a friend of Higgins who sets him a task.,when,where,who,what,11:15,PM in 1914,London, England,Eliza, Professor Higgins,Colonel,Pickering,fateful,meetings,Fast reading,6,Pygmalion,Act one,Fateful meetings,Eliza Doolittle,Henry,Higgins,Colonel,Pickering,answer these questions.,Comprehending,1. Why is Eliza frightened of Higgins at first,2. Where has Colonel Pickering been living,and what has he studied,3. Who is Henry Higgins anxious to meet,and why,4. What job does Eliza want to do What does,she decide to do about it,1. Why is Eliza frightened of him at first,2. Where has Colonel Pickering been living,and what has he studied,She thinks he is a policeman in disguise.,He has been living in India and has,studied many Indian dialects.,3. Who is Henry Higgins anxious to meet,and why,He is anxious to meet Colonel Pickering,because he is working in the same,academic field as Pickering.,4. What job does Eliza want to do What does she decide to do about it,She wants to be a shop assistant and she decides,to learn better English from Higgins.,3. Can you recognize each characters,social position by their behaviour and,language Is he or she from the upper,class, middle class or lower class,Give your reasons.,Character,Position in society,Evidence in the play,Eliza,Lower class,Language: calls gentleman “sir and _ (or captain) which is a compliment,Behaviour,: _,to people of higher class,respectful,“capin,Fill in the chart.,Character,Position in society,Evidence in the play,Henry Higgins,Language: calls Eliza “_ and Pickering “_,Behaviour,:,_ to lower class; _ to same or upper class,Middle,class,rude,polite,you,silly,girl,my,dear,man,Character,Position in society,Evidence in the play,Colonel Pickering,Upper,class,Language: generous to_ by saying “thats quite brilliant/ Extraordinary.,Behaviour,:,generally confident and _,polite,praise,Choose those adjectives in the list which,best describe each character in the play.,In pairs discuss them and then place them,in the boxes below. Some can be used more,than once.,impatient kind polite rude confident,anxious eager enthusiastic motional,self-important ambitious generous,unsure superior dynamic,kind, polite, generous,enthusiastic, eager, confident,impatient, rude, confident,superior, self-important,anxious, eager, emotional,ambitious, unsure, dynamic,5 Suppose you have a chance to help,Eliza improve her use of the English,language. Correct all these sentences,in terms of grammar, spelling, etc, so,that she can use them properly.,1. Come overere, capin, and buy me flowers,off a poor girl.,Come over here, captain, and buy some,flowers from a poor girl.,2. I aint done nothing wrong by speaking to,that gentleman.,I havent done anything wrong by,speaking to that gentleman.,I thought maybe you were a policeman in disguise.,4. How do I know whether ou took me down right,How do I know whether you took me down,accurately,5. A shop assistant Now thats sommat I want,that is!,A shop assistant Now thats something I want!,3. I thought maybe you was a policeman in disguise.,Professor Higgins (H): an expert in phonetics,convinced,that the quality of a persons English,decides his/her position in society.,1),convince,sb to do sth,说服,去,我们说服了他坐火车去,不要搭飞机去。,We,convinced him to go,by train rather plane.,Language points,2) convince sb + of sth/that 从句 “使确信,3) be convinced + of sth/ that 从句 “坚信,我确信他是清白的。,I am,convinced of,his innocence.,=I am,convinced,that,he was innocent.,我不认为她的强颜欢笑能使她父亲相信她过得很开心。,I dont think her forced smile,_,will convince her father that she lives happily.,2. While watching,he makes notes.,他一边观察,一边做笔记。,while watching,为,while he is watching,省略句。,1) When_ help, one often says “Thank you.,or “Its kind of you.,A. offering B. to offer,C. to be offered D. offered,2) While_ the river, he saw a big crocodile.,A. to cross B. crossing C. cross D. crossed,3) -Whats the matter with you,-_ the window, my finger was cut.,A. Cleaning B. To clean,C. While cleaning D. While I was cleaning,D,B,D,3.,hesitate,v.,犹豫,踌躇,hesitate to do sth.,对做某事犹豫不决,hesitate about (doing) sth.,对做某事犹豫不决,I always hesitate _ advising my friends,on what to read.,A. with B. to C. for D. about,If you have any questions, dont hesitate _,me.,A. ask B. asked C. to ask D. asking,D,C,4. I aint done nothing wrong by speaking to,that gentleman., aint 是不标准的语言, 相当于am not,is not, has not, have not。, We aint coming. 我们不来了。, They aint got it. 他们没有那玩意儿。,5. in disguise 意为“乔装,这位皇帝喜欢微服私访。,The emperor liked travelling,in,disguise,.,6. But they,betray,themselves every time they,open their mouths.,betray oneself,无意中露出本性,;,背叛,相当多的人面对金钱的诱惑便原形毕露。,_,when they are tempted by money.,Quite a lot of people will betray themselves,betray,1),vt.,give away,泄露,(,秘密,),他向所有的朋友透露了这个消息。,_,He betrayed the news to all his friends.,2) vt. to be disloyal or unfaithful to,出卖,;,背叛,他的最好的朋友背叛了他。,_,His best friend betrayed him.,他背叛祖国,向敌人投降了。,_.,He betrayed his country to the enemy,7.,The English that will,condemn,her,to,the,gutter,to the end of her days.,condemn vt.,判刑,谴责,使,注定,condemn sb./sth for sth.,因为,指责,.,她知道社会将会谴责她遗弃孩子,.,She knew that society would,condemn her for,deserting her child.,condemn sb to sth.,判某人,刑罚,使,注定,The judge,condemned,the criminal,to death,.,His bad leg,condemne,d him,to,a wheelchair.,我很久以前已经认识他了。,我懂得这门语言。,8.,acquaintance,n.,相识,;,了解,acquaint,vt.,I have some,acquaintance,with the language.,I made his,acquaintance,long ago.,make ones acquaintance /,make the acquaintance of sb.,结识某人,have some/little acquaintance with,不了解,have a nodding acquaintance with sb.,与某人为点头之交,The musician had little acquaintance,_ modern science.,A. in B. with C. to D. of,I am delighted to _ your acquaintance.,A. pull B. take C. have D. make,B,D,18. a fortune! 一笔财富,U success; good luck 成功; 好运, 幸运,Fortune smiled on him. 他事事顺利.,By good fortune he was not hurt.,2) C 未来的命运; 运道; 运气,What will be our fortune,One day good fortune befell him.,3) C 财富,He received a large fortune when his father died.,fortunate adj. 幸运的 fortunately adv. 幸运地,make a fortune 发财 seek ones fortune 外出找出路,try ones fortune 碰运气,be fortunate to do sth./ in doing sth. 幸运地做某事,19. Generally speaking, people are more polite to,those whom they think are of higher social class.,总的来说, 人们对那些他们认为属于较高社会阶层,的人更礼貌一些。,1) 本句中的of 表示附属关系。,物以类聚, 人以群分。Birds of a feather flock together.,2) be of + 形容词+抽象名词=be +副词+与该抽象,名词同根的形容词。如: 我所说的非常重要。,What I said is of great importance.,= What I said is very important.,可用于以上构造的抽象名词及相对应的,形容词有: ability-able, help-helpful,importance-important, interest-interesting,significance-significant, use-useful,value-valuable.,20. superior 作为形容词有两大用法:,1) 作为普通形容词, 意为“傲慢的。例如:,我讨厌他那傲慢的态度。,I hate his superior manner.,2) 作为暗含比较级的形容词, 意为“较高级、,“较好的、“较为优秀的。,由于superior本身隐含着比较意义, 因此不能,在前面再加more。在与另一事物进展比较时,与之搭配的介词要用to, 不能than。如:,约翰逊的数学比王先生好。,Johnson is superior to Mr. Wang in mathematics.,与superior用法一样的词还有inferior,senior, junior, prior等。,比优越, 不屈服于 be superior to,低于 be inferior to,比年长 be senior to,比年轻 be junior to,如: 青铜不如金子。Brass is inferior to gold.,他比我小很多岁。,He is junior to me by many years.,我母亲在结婚前曾经是电工。,Prior to her marriage, my mother was an,electrician.,21.,in terms of,就来说,从角度,In terms of natural resources it is one of the,poorest countries in Western Europe.,In terms of money were quite rich, but not in,terms of happiness.,就安置房子你做了什么,What have you done in terms of fixing the house,in the long/ short term,从长期,/,短期而言,be ambitious to,convince sb. of sth./that/to do sth.,decide,set sb. a task,hide from the rain,shelter from the rain,make notes /take notes,hold up,better than nothing,雄心勃勃的,使确信,决定,/,影响,安排某人任务,躲雨,作笔记,举起,比没有好,Phrases,in disguise,hand over,push sth back,if Im not mistaken,what if,every time,end in,betray sb/sth/oneself,dismissively,9.,假装,装扮,10.,移交,11.,推迟延迟,12.,如果我没有搞错的话,13.,要是,又会怎样,14.,每次,15.,以,为结尾,16.,背叛,泄露,17.,轻蔑地,condemn sb. to sth.,the gutter,to the end of her days,find employment,make ones acquaintance,a handful of,in amazement,deep in conversation,fancy oneself,18. 迫使承受困境,19. 社会底层贫民窟,20. 余生,21. 找工作,22. 结识,23. 一把,24. 惊谔地,25. 专心谈话,26. 自负自命非凡,quite a common kind of,badly dressed,ask sb. a favour,treat sb. like dirt,have the face to do,the other day,take away,pass sb. off as,go off stage,fade out,27.相当普通的一种,28.穿着很差,29.请求帮助,30.视如粪土蔑视,31.恬不知耻做,32.几天前,33.带走, 外卖,34.冒充,35.退下舞台,36.逐渐模糊,Homework,Review the text. Try to act out the play.,Write a short passage to introduce the,story briefly.,3. Find out some difficult words and,expressions in the play.,


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