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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,短文改错复习指导,一 短文改错的话题选择,二 短文改错的设题切入口,三 短文改错的题型设计,四 解题指导与建议,1.短文改错的选材通常取自学生的作品,或,类似学生的作品。2009年短文改错题,依然是一,篇学生习作,设计的考点也与往年相同。,2.内容来自学生身边的常见话题。,3.篇章结构的难易程度符合学生的实际水平。,4.语言明白易懂。,5.基本上不涉及生僻的语言现象和繁难的语句结构。,6.试题并不是单纯检测语法知识,而是检测考生,写作能力中的校验能力。,一. 试题的话题选择,二. 短文改错的设题切入口,近五年高考短文改错题题型稳定、考查点,多、覆盖面广。一般以四种题型出现:对、,错、多、少。从错误比例上看,一般为多,词1处,少词1处,正确1处,错误67处。,设问的角度有三个:词法、句法和行文逻,辑。从这三个角度考查学生在语篇中综合,运用英语的准确性。,2009年高考短文改错分析,多词,少词,全国卷I,全国卷II,浙江卷,陕西卷,各1,各1,各1,词法,名词/代词,代词的选择(1),名词的数(1,名词的数(1),名词的数1,形容词,级别(1),形容词做定语1,副词,副词误用(1),副词误用(1),副词级别1,介词,搭配(1),误用 1,动词,时态(1)语态, (1)。搭配(1),时态(1)语态(1)搭配(1),时态(1)语态(1)形式),搭配(1),冠词,冠词误用(1 ),冠词误用(1),冠词误用(1),冠词误用(1),非谓语动词,非谓语动词2,句法,主谓一致,There be句型变体(1),单复数(1),单复数(1),惯用法,固定句型(1),语篇,逻辑,连词的使用(1),连词的使用(1),连词的使用(1),连词的使用(1),1.缺词是指由于漏掉某个词而使句子成份或固定搭配残缺不全。多表现为缺少,冠词,连词,介词,物主代词,助动词和不定式符号to,被动语态的be等。,The factory at the comer of Friendship Street and Zhongshan Road has been moved out of the city, and sports center has been built in its place. (2009全国卷1),分析,:sports前加a。 sports center是可数名词单数,表示不确定。,Some friends of his go to see him every day, they take,him,l,ot s of good books and fresh fruit. (2009陕西卷),分析:they take him- and. 前后文是并列关系,用并列连词and。,It was a lesson to us that it was possible,give without expecting anything in return.2009浙江卷,分析:考查固定句型。此处用 It is/was possible to do sth.句型,2.,多词,多词现象主要表现为,词义重复,,冗言。做题时不仅应注意分析句子结构,词义内涵,还应重视语篇整体构成。某些句子,独立分析似无懈可击,但根据行文逻辑进行分析,则错误迭现。,The market at the corner of Friendship Street and Xinhua Road has been given way to a supermarket.,(全国卷1),分析:去掉been。短语give way to “让路”,用主动语态。,Im sorry that I wasnt able to return to your bike on time yesterday.(2009全国卷2),分析:去掉to ,return归还,是及物动词,这里to多余,I stood there and couldnt believe in that a complete stranger was so thoughtful.2009浙江卷,分析:去掉believe后的in,这里不是信任而是相信的意思,3.,错词,此类错误涉及面较广,较为常见的是,搭配错误,和,语法,错误,。考生平时写作中易范的错误常常是命题的焦点。,介词错误,B.,名词单复数误用,C.,代词误用,D.,时态错误,E.,非谓语动词错误,F.,主谓不一致错误,G.,词性误用,H.,连词误用,I.,冠词误用,A. 介词错误,1. Im a newcomer here of a small town. (NMET2004),分析:,of 改为,from,。 from “来自于”,2. Im sure they will laugh to me and see me as a fool. (NMET2004),分析,: to改为,at,。 Laugh at 是固定搭配。,After five years away in my hometown, I find that the neighborhood which I used to live in has changed a lot. (2009全国卷1),分析: infrom。句意是我离开家乡五年,away from属于固定搭配。,B. 名词单复数误,用,I stayed here for one a nd a half hour. (2009全国卷2),分析:. hour改为hours,One rainy day while I was walking home with one of my friend, a trunk came to stop beside us. (2009浙江卷),分析:,考查名词数。one of 后受one of影响必须用名词复数形式,应改为friends.,C. 代词误,This man might need the umbrella himself, but,he preferred to give it to,everyone,else. (2009 浙江卷),【解析】 everyone-someone/somebody。,考查不定代词用法。everyone else 错误说法,每个人,就不可能再有别人;别人应表示为someone/somebody else。,I,m glad to know that you have an interest in Chinese,Food. Here Id like to tell you something about,them. (,2009重庆卷),分析:them-it依语境知。,D. 时态错,Im sorry that I wasnt able to return your bike on time yesterday. I mean to give it back to you before four in the afternoon, but was hold up on my way back. (2009全国卷2),分析: mean改为meant, hold改为held;,文章是描述过去发生的事情。,I,m glad to know that you,had,an interest in Chinese,food. (2009重庆卷),Food.,分析:had-have,描述现在的事情,E.非谓语动词,错,So I helped them going to the nearest hospital. (2009全国卷2),分析: going改为go考查非谓语动词的复合结构:help sb( to) do sth,My classmate, Joseph, is at present in hospital,w,ith a breaking leg,. (,2009陕西卷),【解析】 breaking- broken非谓语动词做定语,与所修饰词是被动关系,用过去分词,F. 主谓不一致错误,I stayed here for one a half hours and made sure that the girl were al l hope you understand. (2009 全国卷2),分析:.were改为was,主语是第三人称she,A little bit sweet,differ,from Sichuan food that is,rather,hot. (2009四川卷),.,分析:d,iffer-.,differs,The factory at the comer of Friendship Street and Zhongshan Road has been moved out of the city, and a sports center has been built in their place. ( 2009全国卷1),分析:their its。 前文中提到了名词The factory是单数,因此把their改为its。,代词应与指代对象一致。,。,G. 词性误用(常发生在动词与名词、名词与形容词,形容词与副词之间),He has a comfortable.,room, patiently nurses, and a great deal of time to read. (2009 陕西卷),分析; patiently- patient,.,so I grateful accepted the offer. (2009浙江卷),分析:grateful-gratefully考查副词用法。副词修饰动词accept,.,H.连词误,分析:they take him- and. 前后文是并列关系,用并列连词and。,Some friends of his go to see him every day, they take him,Lost of good books and fresh fruit.,(2009陕西卷),I meant to give it back to you before four in the afternoon,and I was hold up on my way back.,(全国卷2),分析,: and改为but,前后文是转折关系,用转折连词but,I. 冠词误,Every kind of the Chinese food is worth trying. (2009重庆卷),分析:,去掉the,【,解析】考查冠词用法。由umbrella 的发音可知,元音前应使用冠词an,The driver put the window down and offered us a umbrella. (2009浙江卷),J逻辑失误,A little girl was hurt and her mother needed help. So I helped them go to the nearest hospital. I stayed here for one and a half hours. (2009 全国卷2),分析:. here改为there;,短文改错纠错口诀,短文改错得分易,正确格式记心里:一看一致二词类,,三多四少五搭配,,六句七语八非谓,,九看逻辑对不对,,校验无误就全对。,解题指导,要提高短文改错的解题能力,不仅需要平时有计划地,按照语言知识的难易程度、语言使用规律,由浅入深、,由简到繁地进行训练,而且还应掌握一定的,解题技巧,,,以减少盲目性。,一、,通读全文,掌握大意,二、,整句理解,逐行推敲,三、,先易后难,各个击破,EXERCISE:,2009全国卷1,After five years away in my hometown, I find that 76. _,The neighborhood which I used to living in has changed 77._,a lot. The Sichuan Restaurant and the older fish shop 78 ._,across the,street from our middle school were gone. 79._,There exist now a park that has a small river running 80._,through. The factory at the comer of Friendship Street and 81. _,Zhongshan Road has been moved out of the city, and sports 82. _,center has been built in their place. The market at the corner of 83. _,Friendship Street and Xinhua Road has been given way to 84. _,a supermarket. Besides the bookstore next to our middle 85. _ school is still there.,【解析】,76. infrom。句意是我离开家乡五年,away from属于固定搭配。 77. living live。used to 后跟动词原形,表示“过去常常做某事请”。,78. older old。句中没有比较的意思。 79. were are。 根据上文可知饭店和鱼店消失都陈述的是现在的情况。 80. exist exists。 主语a park是单数第三人称。 81. 正确 82. sports前加a。 sports center是可数名词单数,表示不确定。 83. their its。 前文中提到了名词The factory是单数,因此把their改为its。 84. 去掉been。短语give way to“让路”,用主动语态。 85. Besides But。前后表示转折关系。,Hi, Susan.,Im sorry that I wasnt able to return to your,76,bike on time yesterday. I mean to give it,77,back to you before four in the afternoon,and I,78,was hold up on my way back. Just before I,79,turned corner of park street. I happened to,80,see an accident. A little girl was hurt and her,81,mother needed help. So I helped them going to,82,the nearest hospital. I stayed here for one and,83,a half hour and made sure that the girl was all,84,hope you understand.,85,Thank you!,Li Ling,2009全国卷2,答案:76. 去掉to; 77. mean改为meant; 78. and改为but; 79. hold改为held; 80. turned the corner; 81.正确;82. going改为go; 83. here改为there; 84. hour改为hours; 85.were改为was,


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