英译汉2comparison between c and e

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lecture 2,Comparison between English and Chinese,Introduction,As you know,our native language Chinese is quite different from English,. There is really a big gap between the characteristics of the two languages. In order to learn the translation course better, we have to study the comparison between the source language and the target language. Just because all the theories, methods, techniques concerning English-Chinese translation are based on the comparison, it is very important, so to speak, to master the languages peculiarities. Only by doing so can we raise our distinguishing ability, have a good command of the characteristics and apply the techniques consciously in our translation. Thus we can achieve better,comprehension,and better,representation.,The comparison here will be shown in the following points.,Why,?,Language Families (,语系,),English belongs to the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family(,印欧语系,). Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family(,汉藏语系,). It is well known that English has the richest vocabulary of any European language. On the basis of Angles language (Anglo-Saxon), English was built by absorbing words in various languages:,E.g.:,Latin:,Pen, pencil, cup, butter, silk,French:,pork, feast, sir, noble,Italian:,piano, solo, studio, opera, umbrella,Spanish:,cargo, cigarette, cigar,Greek:,paper, alphabet, dialogue, comedy,Chinese:,tea, typhoon, kowtow, toufu,世界上主要的,语系有七大类,:,印欧语系,Indo-European language family,闪含语系 又称亚非语系、,汉藏语系、,Sino-Tibetan language family,阿尔泰语系:,Altaic language family,德拉维达语系 又称达罗毗荼语系、,高加索语系、,乌拉尔语系,印欧语系,是最大的语系,下分印度、伊朗、日耳曼、拉丁、斯拉夫、波罗的海等语族。印度语族包括梵语、印地语、巴利语等。,日耳曼语族包括英语、德语、荷兰语、斯堪的纳维亚半岛各主要语言。,拉丁语族包括法语、意大利语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语和罗马尼亚语。斯拉夫语族有俄语、保加利亚语、波兰语,.,汉藏语系,下分汉语和藏缅、壮侗、苗瑶等语族,包括汉语、藏语、缅甸语、克伦语、壮语、苗语、瑶语等。,1. Similarity,1.1 Both English and Chinese words are characteristic of,polysemy,(one word has many meanings.),Eg. broken,a broken man,一个绝望的人,a broken soldier,一个残废军人,broken money,零钱,a broken promise,背弃的诺言,a broken spirit,消沉的意志,看,看电视,watch TV,看黑板,look at the blackboard,看电影,see a film,看地图,study a map,看小说,read a novel,看朋友,visit a friend,1.2 Both English and Chinese polysemic words often share more than one part of speech.,black adj.,black sheep,black market,black tea,v.,to black ones shoes,将鞋擦黑,In war time, government often,blacks out,news and gives false one.,战时,政府经常封锁消息,散布虚假消息。,n.,There were both blacks and whites at the meeting.,参加会议的有白人也有黑人。,1.3 Share the same basic parts of speech:,N, V, Pron, Conj, Prep, Adj, Adv, etc.,1.4 Some proper nouns like the names of some historical places are often used by British and Chinese writers in figuration to give the vivid picture of some historical figures.,Eg. He thinks he is a Don Juan, but none of the girls like him.,他自以为是位风流才子,可姑娘们却都不喜欢他。,He is a fascist who out-Hitlers Hitler.,他是个法西斯分子,比希特勒还希特勒,(,残暴,),。,The candidate met his Waterloo in the national election.,在全国大选中,他遭到了滑铁卢,(,惨败,),。,说曹操,曹操到。,Talk of the devil and he comes. ORSpeak of the devil, and he will appear.,2. Diversity,2.1 Hypotaxis vs Parataxis,English is compact. Its syntax is very stiff and inflexible. English syntax emphasizes hypotaxis , which means clauses, sentences, even some parts of phrases are joined by,connectives.,Its structure is well-knit. Chinese is concise; its syntax is very flexible. Chinese syntax emphasizes parataxis, which means sentences, clauses are joined by,meaning,instead of by connectives.,形合,意合,Onthewholesuchaconclusioncanbedrawnwithacertaindegreeofconfidencebutonlyifthechildcanbeassumedtohavehadthesameattitudetowardsthetestastheotherwithwhomheiscompared,andonlyifhewasnotpunishedby,lackofrelevantinformationwhichtheypossessed.,译文:总的来说,得出这样一个结论是有一定程度把握的,但是必须具备两个条件:能够假定这个孩子对测试的态度和与他相比的另一个孩子的态度相同;他也没有因缺乏别的孩子已掌握的有关知识而被扣分。,他不来,我不走。,I wont go unless he comes. or,:,I will stay until he comes.,1,st,two periods,2.2,Different function words (,功能词,) or structure words (,结构词,),:,Eg.,English,:,articles,助词: 着、了、过;吗,呢,,量词:个、座、把、头、块,2.3 Static vs Dynamic,In Chinese,verbs,are used frequently than nouns, connectives are seldom used. In English,nouns,are frequently used than verbs,connectives,prepositions,are frequently used.,宝玉听如此说,便吓得欲退不能退,果觉自形污秽不堪。,AtthesewordsBaoyuwassuddenlyoverwhelmedwitha,senseoftheuncleanness andimpurityofhis ownbodyandsoughtinvainforsomewhereto escapeto.,一看见他,我就感到紧张。,The very sight of him makes me nervous.,2.4 Substitutive vs Repetitive,In English,pronouns,are often used while in Chinese, content words are frequently repeated.,Hehatedfailure;hehadconquereditallhis,life,risenaboveit, anddespiseditinothers.,他讨厌失败,他一生中曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且藐视别人的失败。,Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness.,健康比财富更重要,因为财富不能像健康那样带来幸福。,2.5 Impersonal vs personal,An English sentence often contains subject, but sentences without subject are often found in Chinese.,English: Impersonal Subject + Predicate,Chinese: Personal Subject + Predicate;,No-Subject,下雨了!,It is raining.,不行!,Itwon,tdo!,Not a sound reached our ears.,我们没有听到任何声音。,2.6 The positions of adverbs, adverbial phrase, clause is somewhat different between English and Chinese.,In English, adverbs are often found in front position or at the back of sentence. In Chinese, they are in middle position between subject and predicate.,Eg.,He works all day long.,We have to be there early.,2.7 Tense,E: Synthetic,(综合性),language; C: Analytic,(分析性),language,E: 16 tenses,C: no tenses,English verbs are used in various tenses while Chinese verbs,keep unchanged with tenses expressed by adding adverbs or auxiliary words.,Example:,Old Zhang was an army officer, but he is in prison now.,老张,以前,是个军官,,现在,是犯人啦。,我已经有很多年没有溜冰了,现在溜得不如,以前,快。,Its been years since I skated last. Now I cant skate as fast as I could.,They tried their best but failed.,他们尽,了,力,但失败,了,。,2.8 Voice: passive vs active,Passive voice is widely used in English language. Almost all the transitive verbs and part of intransitive verbal phrases can be used in passive voice. Chinese are prone to active structures.,坐在花园的篱笆旁,一个黄蜂刺了我。,Sittingagainstafenceinmygarden,Iwas,stungbyawasp.,(TEM-8 1999,年,) During this transfer, traditional historical methods,were augmented,by additional methodologies,designed,to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.,试译:在这个转变过程中,传统的历史研究方法被增加了附加的方法论,这些附加的方法论是用来解释历史研究中的新的证据形式的。,在这个转变过程中,传统的历史研究方法中增加了新的(研究)方法,这些新方法是用来解释历史研究中一些新证据的,.,这本书已经译成了好几种语言。,The book has already been translated into many languages.,大家认为这样做是不妥当的。,It is generally considered not advisable to act that way.,他们明年要在这里建一座住宅楼, 就建在办公楼旁边。,They are going to build an apartment house here next year. It is going to be built beside the office building.,2.9. Sentence structure:,Chinese,:“波浪型”,汉语句子往往是句子较短,结构紧凑,好似“万倾碧波层层推进”,“左分支” 结构,(left-branching),“狮子头”(头大尾小,):,首开放性,(open-beginning),尾封闭性,(close-ending),“,后重心”:重要信息放在后面。,English: “,多枝共干型” 或“葡萄串型”,英语句子如“老树参天,枝杈横生”,句子长,插入成分多,形成复杂嵌套结构,.,“,右分支” 结构,(right-branching ),“孔雀尾”:头小尾大,:,首封闭性,(close-beginning),尾开放性,(open-ending),“,前重心”:主要信息放在主句中,放在句首。前重后轻。,句首开放性(左分支),对。,不对。,他不对。,我认为他不对。,我告诉过你我认为他不对。,我明明告诉过你我认为他不对。,我开会时明明告诉过你我认为他不对。,我昨天开会时明明告诉过你我认为他不对。,句尾开放性(右分支),He is reading.,He is reading a book.,He is reading a book written by Mark Twain.,He is reading a book written by Mark Twain in the reading-room.,He is reading a book written by Mark Twain in the reading-room on the second floor of our library.,He is reading a book written by Mark Twain in the reading-room on the second floor of our library which has just opened.,More examples for you to examine the difference between C and E.,wet,wet to skin,湿透,wet paint,油漆未干,She was wet behind the ears to bear such responsibility.,她太嫩了(乳臭味干),难当如此重任。,In private, Thatcher scoffed at her continental allies “bloody wets”.,私下里,撒切尔嘲笑她的欧洲盟友一点也没种。,wet,窝囊,You are all wet if you think the governor will approve this scheme.,如果你认为州长会同意这项计划,那你就大错特错了。,But Smith showed unexpected strength especially in the wet districts.,史密斯出其不意地赢得了很多选票,特别是在那些非禁酒地区。,She had a wet nurse for the infant.,她给婴儿雇了名奶妈。,poor,A poor student,成绩差的学生,A poor sailor,晕船的水手,In my poor opinion, you would let him go.,以鄙人之见,最好让他走。,There was a poor attendance at the meeting.,与会的人寥寥无几。,green,green-eyed,妒忌,green would,久治未愈的伤口,green old age,老当益壮,green winter,温暖的冬天,green duck,子鸭,green recollection,记忆犹新,as green as grass,幼稚、无知,keep memory green,永志不忘,Last evening I went to a,do,held by our China Study Group.,昨晚我出席了中国研讨会举办的宴会。,She told me that her 18-old-year son was the,baby,.,她告诉我,她十八岁的儿子排行老幺。,There is,no come and go,with him.,他非常固执,怎么劝也劝不动。,Thats too Greek to me.,那个对我来说,一窍不通,。,He is dead, as I live.,他真的死了。,I knew he,meant business,.,我知道他不是在开玩笑。,The naughty boy was upsetting the other children, so I,showed him the door,.,那个淘气的男孩在捣乱,所以我把他撵了出去。,Id be glad to,see the back of,him.,我巴不得他快点滚。,I ask you to pass through life at my side, to be my second self and best earthly companion.,我求你在我身边过一辈子,做我的挚友和最好的人间伴侣。,I have a government grant which is enough for my,keep,.,我得到一笔足够我生活需要的政府拨款。,A high school student should be able to date, if she is dependable and has a sense of responsibility.,如果一个女中学生足可以使人放心,又比较懂事,就可以交男朋友了。,hand,He never read a book in his life and wrote,a schoolboy hand,.,他一辈子没读过书,字写得像小学生那样歪歪倒倒。,Debts were,on every hand,. They haunted him, robbed him of sleep.,他到处欠债,这些债务烦恼着他,使他不得安宁。,His secretary was his,right hand,.,他的秘书是他的心腹。,He started his business three years ago without a penny. Now hes making money,hand over fist,.,三年前他白手起家,现在是日进斗金(腰缠万贯)。,Exercise,:事,thing,?,1,、我们对这件事当然有发言权。(,matter,),2,、真是想不到的事!(,surprise,),3,、这是今年文化界的大事。,(event)4,、各族人民的代表共聚一堂,商讨国家大事。,(affairs)5,、这绝不是轻而易举的事。,6,、关心学生是教师份内的事。,7,、我已把事情讲清楚了。,8,、我可以举出好几件事来证明。,9,、这不是开玩笑的事儿。,10,、那是件普通小事。,11,、给你说件事。,12,、那是另外一回事了。,13,、大家事大家管。,14,、什么事?,15,、没你的事。,16,、事儿做了就做了。,R,e,ference,:,1,、我们对这件事当然有发言权。(,matter,),Ofcoursewehaveasayinthismatter.2,、真是想不到的事!(,surprise,),Whatasurprise!3,、这是今年文化界的大事。,(event)This wastheculturaleventoftheyear.4,、各族人民的代表共聚一堂,商讨国家大事。,(affairs)Representativesfromdifferentnationalitiesgatherin thesamehalltodiscussaffairsofthestate.5,、这绝不是轻而易举的事。,(job)It,scertainlynoeasyjob.,6,、关心学生是教师份内的事。,(duty)It,stheteacher,sdutytobeconcerned,about,the students.,7,、我已把事情讲清楚了。,(case)I,vealreadyputthecaseclear.,8,、我可以举出好几件事来证明。,(instance)Icancitequiteafewinstancestoillustrateit.9,、这不是开玩笑的事儿。,(joke)Thisisnojoke.,10,、那是件普通小事。,(incident)Thisisanordinaryincident,(,a trifling or minor matter,),.,11,、给你说件事。,I have something to tell you.,12,、那是另外一回事了。,That is another cup of tea .,13,、大家事大家管。,Public business is everybodys business.,14,、什么事?,Whats the matter? (Whats up?),15,、没你的事。,It has nothing to do with you.,16,、事儿做了就做了。,What is done is done.,Thank you for your attention!,


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