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Large-scale rebuilding in the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) established the present scale and pattern of Beihai Park. In 1925, the park was first opened to the public, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world every year.,Though it was a royal garden, it remains grand with a hint of exquisite elegance as well. It covers an area of 69 hectares (171 acres), with over a half covered by water. The whole park can be divided into four scenic areas: Qionghua Islet (Jade Flower Islet), Circular City, the eastern bank area and the northern bank area.,Admission Fee,Opening Hours,Bus Route,CNY 10,November1-March 31,April 1-October 31,CNY 5,06:30-21:00,5, 101, 103, 109, 124, 202, 211, 685, 814, 846 to Beihai (,北海,),13, 24, 107, 111, 118, 204, 701, 810, 823, 850 to Beihai Beimen,(,北海北门,),Have you ever been to Beihai Park When did you go there,We can,We can see,go boating,climb the Baita,go for a walk,go sightseeing,beautiful flowers,ferry,clear water,different kinds of boats,The conversation is about going to Beihai Park.,Look at the photo and listen. What is the conversation about,Listen again and choose the correct answer.,Tony has / hasnt heard about,Beihai,Park.,Tony guesses that the park is very popular / not very popular.,Lingling,suggests that they spend the day there /,Daming,and Betty come to.,Lingling,thinks / doesnt think ,A: Ive heard that _ is very beautiful.,B: Yes, it is. Shall we _ there,A: Thats a great idea. Maybe Daming and Betty will come, too.,Read the conversation and fill in the blanks.,go for a walk,Beihai Park,B: Lets tell them that were going to _ the day there.,A: I guess its a very _ place. Will there be lots of people there,B: Well, lots of people go there, but its a big park, so I dont think itll be very _.,A: I hope not.,popular,spend,busy,1. What is Beihai Park famous for,2. Where are they have a picnic,At the top of the hill.,This park is famous for its lake, bridges and ancient building on the hill.,Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.,3.Where are Lingling, Tony and Daming,4.How does Tony feel about the park,Theyre in Beihai Park.,Its so quiet. He can even hear the birds singing.,5. Why does Daming want to climb the hill,Because he is so tired and the weather is so hot.,Read and complete the sentences about Beihai Park.,1. Beihai Park is so _ that you can even hear the birds singing.,2. The park is famous for its _, bridges and the ancient building on the hill.,3. The lake takes up _ of the park area.,4. You can point out the _ of Beijing from the top of the hill.,5. They do not allow people to swim _.,quiet,lake,over half,sights,in the lake,Read again and answer the questions.,1. I can hardly believe were in the city centre.,Does Tony think they are in the city centre or not,Tony doesnt think they are in the city centre.,2. Then I can point out the sights of Beijing for you.,Does Lingling want them to look at something or listen to something,Lingling wants them to look at something.,3. Im so hungry and thirsty.,Does Daming want something to drink,Yes, he does.,4. Lets not waste any more time.,Does Tony think they are spending their time well or badly,Tony thinks they are spending their time badly.,Language points,1. time off,time off 意思是“ 正式规定的休假或放假。如:,If you are feeling tired, you should take some time off.,Will you mind if I have some time off,He gave up holidays and other time off.,welcome (sb.) to . 欢送某人进入.。如:,Welcome to our school.,Welcome home.,welcome也可以作名词, “欢送。 如:,give visitors a warm welcome,receive a cold welcome,别人说thank you 或thanks时,可以用You are welcome.来答复。,2.Welcome to Beihai Park.,3. I can hardly believe .,hardly adv.“几乎不,仅仅,含有否认的意味,放于be 动词或助动词之后、行为动词之前。如:,It was so dark that I could hardly see anything.,The old people can hardly speak English.,I havent seen her for years but she has hardly changed at all.,辨析:hard、hardly,1、hard可用作形容词或副词。用作形容词时意为“困难的,硬的,勤奋的,严厉的,苛刻的;用作副词时,意为“努力地,猛烈地,剧烈地。,2、hardly是副词,意为“几乎不,多和can连用,接近almost not,也可表示“几乎没有的意思,和any连用时,相当于almost not。,4. The lake takes up over half .,.,take up,(1)占,占去时间;空间,That big table takes up too much room.,Learning English takes up a lot of my time.,That boy took my time up with his questions.,(2)开场从事,He had studied Japanese for a year and a half before he took up English.,We took up physical chemistry at college.,The scientist has taken up a new subject.,Practice,1. When did he take up football,2. The work took up all his time.,他是什么时候开场踢足球的,那工作花费了他所有的时间。,After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane _ her job as a doctor in the countryside.,A. set out B. took over,C. took up D. set up,答案:,C,5. point out,point out,指出,说明;使注意到,Did he point out where you were wrong,No matter who point out our shortcoming, we will correct them.,Point out the mistake in this sentence, please.,point to和point at都有“指向之意,有时可以互换。,point to多指较远距离的事物,to着重于指方向,主语既可以是人,也可以是物;,point at多指向较近距离的事物,at着重于指的对象,其主语通常是人;但point at是“瞄准 之意;,point out是“指出之意,out是副词。,辨析, point at, point to, point out,1). Dont _ the words while you are reading.,2). As he started the operation, the hour hand of the clock _ 9.,3). The teacher _ many mistakes in my homework.,4). Will you please _ the man who saved the boys life,5). They _ their guns _ her head, but she was not afraid.,point at,pointed out,point out,pointed to,pointed,at,Practice,6. Why dont we go for a swim,Why dont do = Why not do “为什么不? 。如:,Why dont you come earlier,Why not come earlier,1). - _ come and join us in the game,- Id like to. But I must go to meet Mr. Smith at the airport.,A. Why not B. Why dont,C. Why not to D. Why,【答案与解析】很显然这是对 why not do 和 why dont you do sth. 句型的考察,这里用排除法很容易就能排除 B 项,缺少主语 you;排除 C 项,不需要加 to;排除 D 项,缺少 not;所以选 A。,Practice,2). -Why not come and join us in the game,-_. But I must go to meet Mr. Smith at the airport.,A. Id like to B. Lets go,C. Yes, please D. Its a pleasure,【答案与解析】 此题考察Why not do .句型的答复。根据句意:-来参加我们的比赛,怎么样? -我想去,但是我必须去机场接 Smith 先生。不难看出应该选择 A。其他的选项不符合句意。,Practice,Read and practice the conversation with your partners.,Make a new conversation.,Pronunciation and speaking,Listen and notice how the speaker pronounces the words.,Its so quiet here that I can even hear the birds singing.,Lets walk along the lake, cross the bridge and climb up the hill.,I dont want to climb.,Student A: Youre a visitor from another country.,Student B: Youre introducing a place of interest in your home town to student A. You can talk about:,Work in pairs. Take about a place of interest in your home town.,Home work,Where it is,How big it is,How old it is,What is special about it,Any other information you know about it,Use the expressions:,I guess (that) ,I know (that) ,I think (that) ,Im sure (that) ,I cant believe (that) ,Thank you,


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