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中考英语作文万能模板汇总中考英语作文万能模板:说明原因型Currently,A has been the order of the day .This does demonstrate the theory - nothing is more valuable than A .It is clear that _If you _, as a result ,your dreams will come true . On the contrary, if you_failure will be following with you .It turns out that all your plan falls through .No one can deny another fact that _ .You donnt have to look very far to find out the truth , in respect that we all know_ .It will exert a profound influence upon _.With reference to my standpoint ,I think _.中考英语作文万能模板:现象说明文Recently _,what amazes us most is_,it is ture that_.There are many reasons explaining_.The main reason is_.what is more_.thirdly_.As a result_.Considering all there,_.For one thing_,for another_In Conclusion_.中考英语作文万能模板:图表作文的框架As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage inthetable(graph/picture/pie/chart), _作文题目的议题_ has been on rise/ decrease (goesup/increases/drops/decreases),significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from_ in _ to _ in _. From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that _.There are at least two good reasons accounting for _. On the one hand, _. On theother hand,_ is due to the fact that _.In addition, _ is responsible for _.Maybe there are some other reasons to show _. But it is generally believed that theabove mentioned reasons are commonly convincing.As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that _. I am sure my opinion is both soundand well-grounded.中考英语作文万能模板:议论文的框架(1) 不同观点列举型( 选择型 )There is a widespread concern over the issue that _作文题目_. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that _ 观点一_. In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, _原因一_.Furthermore, in the second place, _原因二_. So it goes without saying that _观点一_.People,however,differintheir opinionsonthismatter.Somepeoplehold the idea that _观点二_. In their point of view, on the one hand, _原因一_. On the other hand, _原因二_. Therefore, thereis nodoubtthat _观点二_.As far as I am concerned, Ifirmlysupporttheviewthat _观点一或二_.Itis not only because _, but also because _. The more _, the more _.(2)利弊型的议论文Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)_作文题目_. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in _题目议题_. Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, _优点一_. And secondly _优点二_.Just As a popular saying goes, every coin has two sides, _讨论议题_ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, _缺点一_. In addition, _缺点二_.To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of _讨论议题_ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the _讨论议题_.中考英语作文万能模板:说明利弊题型这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 说明事物现状 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 你对现状(或前景)的看法Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First -(的优点之一). Besides -(的优点之二).But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that -(的第一个缺点)To make matters worse,-(的第二个缺点)Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to -(我的看法)(From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, -(对前景的预测)中考英语作文万能模板:解决方法题型要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 问题现状 怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)In recent days, we have to face I problem-A, which is becoming more and more serious. First, -(说明的现状)Second, -(举例进一步说明现状)Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, -(解决方法一). For another -(解决方法二). Finally, -(解决方法三).Personally, I believe that -(我的解决方法). Consequently, Im confident that a bright future isawaiting us because -(带来的好处). 中考英语满分作文精选大汇总1、voluntary labour你于五一前夕 -4 月 28 日上午九点钟,与全班同学一起到学校附近的公园参加一次公益劳动( voluntary labour ),全班分成了三组。你在第三组。请你用日记的形式写一篇短文。劳动任务安排参考词汇: litter 果皮纸屑等废弃物注意:1. 短文必须写出提示及表格所列出的全部内容。2. 词数 100 左右。3. 日记的格式已为你写好。参考范文:April 28th Saturday FineIt was Saturday, just before May Day. My classmates and I went to the park nearby, we didnt go there for amusement but took part in voluntary labor.We got there at 9:00. We were divided into three groups and then began working. The students in Group One planted trees and watered flowers. The task for Group Two was collecting the litter left about by tourists and cleaning the benches. The group I was in got to the Childrens Playground and wiped all the equipment clean. We worked very hard. At 11:00, when all the work was finished up, all my classmates met again. Although everyone was in a sweat, yet we felt happy because we had done good job.2、My Chinese Teacher以My Chinese Teacher为标题写一篇字数为80-100之间的英语短文。提示内容如下:1、孙老师今年36岁,中等身材。2、她关心。热爱学生,工作认真负责。3、她语文课讲得生动。有趣。參考范文:My Chinese TeacherOf all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher. Though she has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and love her very much.My Chinese teacher is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.Ms Sun works very hard. She is always the first to come and the last to leave her office. She tries to make her classes lively and interesting. And we enjoy her lessons very much.Ms Sun is very kind and friendly to us. And were getting on well with each other. But she is very strict with us in our studies.Ms Sun teaches us so well that we all enjoy learning Chinese. All the students think she is one of the most popular teachers in our school.3、对作弊现象的建议目前,学生考试作弊现象严重,请围绕以下要点谈谈其中原因以及个人建议。原因:1.考试太滥 2.自身勤奋不够 3.把大量时间用在上网和玩游戏上 4.为了骗取家长和老师高兴看法与建议:1、作弊有害;2、要做人诚实,学习发奋;3、学校应减少考试。要求:1、字数80-100;2、围绕要点可适当发挥;3、文章开头已给出,不计入总字数。At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit-cheating in examinations.參考范文:At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit - cheating in examinations.There are three main reasons. First, schools have given students too many exams, some of which are too difficult. Second, some students are not hard-working and they dont work hard at their lessons. Third, they waste a lot of time playing games or surfing the Internet. So they havent enough time to prepare for the exams. Finally, students have to do so to make their teachers and parents happy.In my opinion, cheating in exams does great harm to our study. We students should be honest and diligent, and only in this way can we improve our study and make progress. Besides, our teachers should offer us fewer exams and more time to study for ourselves.4、询问学习外语的建议四川资阳中考英语满分作文:询问学习外语的建议假设你叫李华,你的英国笔友Linda为了来中国参观奥运会而报名参加了汉语培训班学习汉语。她最近写信向你询问学习外语的建议。请根据下列提示和你 学习英语的体会给Linda写一封回信。注意:1回信需要包括全部要点;2开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3字数60左右。Dear Linda,Im very glad that youll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isnt easy to learn a foreign language,but I have some ideas that may help. Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China._Yours,Li Hua參考范文:Dear Linda,Im very glad that youll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isnt easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. Firstly, its very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. Dont be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese. Whats more, youd better plan your time well and study it regularly every day.Above all, you should be confident in yourself and dont give up whenever you meet with difficulty. Im sure you will succeed through your hard work.Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China.Yours,Li Hua5、成为志愿者后的打算浙江绍兴中考英语满分作文:成为志愿者后的打算A.假如你叫Ben,即将参加奥运会志愿者面试,请你根据自己的实际情况,完成下面的自我介绍并用一句话说明你成为志愿者后的打算。(文中所填内容必须全部用英语表达)班级新闻:演讲比赛1.这些天我班的李佳坚持在老师的帮助下刻苦训练口语;2.星期三下午的英语演讲比赛中,李佳获得第一名。好人好事1. 昨天为四川灾区学生捐书200本,捐书包50个,捐款4200元2.何立捐了500元,全班最多。简要评价I am Ben ,a student in Class 3,Grade 3. I am _ years old.My hobby is _.I work hard at my school and I good at _. To be a volunteer for Beijing Olympic games is my dream. If I become a volunteer,_.B.假如你是今天英语课上的值日生,请根据表中信息完成主题为班级新闻的值日报告。要求:1.报告必须包括表中全部内容,可适当增加细节,但不要逐条翻译;2.简要评价必须在2个句子以上;3.报告的开头和结尾已经给出(不计入总词数),你只需接着写4.词数必须在80左右(参考词汇:捐赠 donate)Hello,Everyone! Here are two important activities that happened this week._Thats all,thank you!參考范文:Hello,Everyone! Here are two important activities that happened this week. These days,Li Jia,our classmate,has kept practising spoken English hard with the teachers help. On Wednesday afternoon,she won the first prizein the English speech contest. How exciting it is!We should learn from her. Yesterday,we donated 200 books, 50 backpacks and 4200 yuan for the students in Sichuan. He Li alone donated 500 yuan,the most of all. Thats good. I think that as a student,we neednt care how much we should give. Showing our love is the most important.Thats all,thank you!6、The Ways for Students to Relax浙江杭州中考英语满分作文:适当方式放松自己(浙江杭州)中学生学习时间长、压力大,专家建议学生每天课后应采取适当的方式放松自己。你代表班级在一次 The Ways for Students to Relax的学校座谈中与二(1)班的Terry讨论了这一话题,请根据他的观点和你自己的观点,用英语给你的外籍教师Mr. Griffin写一篇有关这次讨论的汇报材料。His ideas Your ideas1. Watching TV 1. 2. Playing computer games 2. 3. Hanging out with friends 3. 注意:1. 开头和结尾已经写好;2. 可以适当增加谈论话题时经常用到的话语,使内容连贯3. 所写内容必须包括上面表格中他的观点和你自己至少三个观点4. 词数:70字左右。Mr. Griffin,Recently I have had a discussion about The Ways for Students to Relax with Terry, a student from Class One Grade Two. _Terry參考范文:Mr. Griffin,Recently I have had a discussion about The Ways for Students to Relax with Terry, a student from Class One Grade Two . (As we study too long every day, every student should choose ways to relax.) In his opinion, the best ways are watching TV and playing computer games. He also believes that sometimes hanging out with friends isnt a bad way.However, Im not quite agree with him. In my opinion, watching TV or playing computer games is not a good way to help us relax. I think listening to music and playing sports are good ways because they can help us keep healthy. I often play Pingpong after class and I find it really helpful to both my health and my study. Besides, I think chatting with our friends isnt a bad way. I think it can help me get on better with my friends.Terry7、创建和谐校园(浙江金华中考作文)Tom去年来到大明所在的学校学习。在学习期间,他对学校提倡的创建和谐校园活动感触颇深。他发现该校的学生学习主动,兴 趣广泛,友爱互助,师生之间关系融洽,人与环境和谐相处(如:保持环境卫生,爱护花草树木,不随地乱扔废弃物等)。(15 分)请你以Tom 的名义,给远在美国的父母写一封信,介绍学校的现状并谈谈你的感受。文中不得出现真实的姓名,校名或地名。词数80左右。信的开头与结尾已给出,不记入总词数。以下词汇仅供参考:build up建立,创建 a harmonious campus和谐校园 impress vt. 给留下印象Dear Mum and Dad,Time flies! Ive been here for nearly a year. Im very pleased to find that our school is really a good one. The students in our school_Yours,Tom參考范文:Dear Mum and Dad,Time flies! Ive been here for nearly a year. Im very pleased to find that our school is really a good one. The students in our school work hard at their lessons. They take an active part in activities that help to improve their qualities and health. They are friendly to each other and always ready to help each other.The teachers here all enjoy their work and they love their students. They work hard and do what they can do to help their students. And the students respect their teachers. They get on well with each other. The students in our school try their best to kkp the school yard clean and tidy. They never throw waste about nor pick the flowers.In a word, I am deeply impressed by the harmonious atmosphere in this school. I love my new school.Yours,Tom8、My English Learning(浙江丽水中考满分作文)Ellen看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待,感到特别高兴。为了鼓励大家学好英语,他准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。请 根据以下问题和答案的提示并结合你的实际情况,以My English Learning为题写一篇80词左右的英文稿件,要求至少涉及其中的三个问题,并且不能出现你的真实姓名、校名和县名等。提示:When did you start learning English? (in /years ago)How do you learn English? (listen carefully, study with a group, read English every day)What is difficult to learn? (listening, grammar)What other helpful ways do you know to learn English well? (watch English movies, sing English songs)參考范文:English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.9、A letter to David四川绵阳中考英语满分作文:不久前你在九洲体育馆认识了美国志愿者David并与他成了好朋友,回国后他十分牵挂你和你的同学,并写信询问你们的现状。请你用英文回信,介绍你们 目前的生活,学习情况。回信应包含以下内容:生活1.有安全地方住2.有饭吃3.有干净水喝学习1.都已回到学校学习2.大多数在本地上帐篷学校(tent school)3.有的去了外地上学4.很多志愿者(volunteers)到校与我们一起唱歌,游泳,并教我们英语注意:1.字数60-80;可适当增加细节,但不能漏掉以上内容 2.信的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数Dear David,Im very glad to hear from you and thank you very much for your care. Now _Best wishes!YoursWang Nin參考范文:Dear David,Im very glad to hear from you and thank you very much for your care. Now we all have safe places to live, enough to eat and clean water to drink. Dont worry about us.All of us have gone back to school. Most of us go to local tent schools. Some have gone to other parts of China to go to school. Many volunteers like you came to our schools to stay with us. We sing and play games together. They also teach us English.Best wishes!Yours,Wang Nin10、初中生能否骑电动自行车四川成都中考英语满分作文上周,你们班就初中生能否骑电动自行车上学进行了一次讨论。现在,请你根据下表用英语写一篇介绍讨论情况的短文。注意:1短文须包括写作提示和表格中所列的全部内容;2时态运用正确,书写工整规范;3词数80-100个左右。生词提示: electric adj. 电动的 whether conj 能否讨论结果 25人表示同意 35人表示不同意同意理由1这样很方便2能节约上学途中的时间不同意理由1年龄太小,骑电动自行车不安全2早上交通拥挤,骑电动自行车也快不起来參考范文:Last week,our school had a discussion about whether junior students could ride electric bycycles to go to school. 25 students of our class agreed with it, because they say it was convenient for them and it could take less time to go to school. But the other 35 students didnt agree with them. They said it was not safe for the junior students to get to school by electric bycycles, for they were too young. They also said in the morning the traffic was very busy and the students couldnt ride electric bycycles quickly.


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