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a kind of a little a bita few a piece ofa lot ofa pair ofaccording toabove alla number of1. An apple is _ fruit. 2. Her bag is_ heavy. 3. This small animal has _ green eyes. 4. I only have _ dollars with me, so I dont have enough money to buy it.5. It took the workers _ time to build the airport. They were really tired.6. Could you please give me _paper? 7. She is not _ tired. (=She is not tired at all.) 8. _ questions came up at the meeting. 9. What a child should do, _, is to do well in his studies. 10. _ our records, you have to return the books to the library today. agree toafter classall kinds ofagain and againallrightafter allall overagree withas a resultarrive in11. To improve my English, I have to practice speaking _.12._, the discussion was put off until the following week.13. There are _animals in the zoo.14. I m so glad I didnt _do it; it would have got me into serious trouble. 15. Thecomputerhadbeen_uptillyesterday. 16. Yes, youre right._, she is smart enough to go into business. 17. He has a fever and aches _. 18. Im happy that my French pen pal _ Beijing last night. 19. We often take part in activities _.20. I see your point, but I cant really _ you. 中考短语测试3as far as strict withbe proud of as wellas long asas soon as as well asas usual asasas if21. _ we are united, there is no difficulty we cannot overcome. 22. We mustnt be too _young people, nor can we let them do whatever they like. 23.Jim is _ outgoing _ his sister. 24.I write my own songs and I play the guitar _. 25._ I know, he is kind. 26.Ill write to you _I get to England. 27.A good teacher should inspire the students _ teach them. 28.Mary got up at six this morning and went to school _. 29.I won the first prize in English speech contest, my mother _me.30.It looks _it is going to rain.by busbothandby accidentbelong tobreak downby daybring upbreak out break inbuild up31.Whose guitar is this? It might _to Alice. She plays the guitar.32.He likes _English _Chinese. 33.She _on our conversation just now.34.This morning he went to school _.35. His car _last Friday and he was late. 36. Do you prefer travelling by night or_?37. The building has been _ since I moved.38. Do you think it is easy for fighting to _in that area?39.I met her _in a crowded bus.40. Her parents died when she was a baby, and she_ by her auby the waycall incall upcatch up withcare forcarry oncarry outcall onchange intocheck in41. Not bad. _, how is your mother? Is she all right?42. We should _ the students together in the gym now.43. If I am free, I _ the old man to ask him some questions.44. Yesterday Lily and I _ a friend first, and then we went shopping together. 45. -Do you _ this color? -Yes, of course. Its my favorite. 46. Lets stop here now. We _ our meeting tomorrow. 47. No matter what difficulty you will meet with, _ your plan.48. I have to work hard _ the other students.49. The ugly caterpillar _ a beautiful butterfly in a few months. 50. Passengers should _ in one hour before the planes take off. clear up come tocome acrosscome income outcome downcome oncome back check outcome from51. It is raining now, but I think it _ soon. 52. She _ England and now she lives in London. 53. I _ this book in an old bookstore in a small village last summer. 54. _, or we shall be too late for the party.55. The rain _ heavily, but I didnt take an umbrella with me. 56. His new book _ last month.57. He often asked me _ for a chat. 58. Please telephone me as soon as she _. 59. Mr. Smith is leaving for Shanghai the next day. He asks the clerk to _for him.60. The bill _ 1000 dollars last week. I felt worried. compare tocome truecut downcome up cut offcome up withconnect withday and nightcompare withcongratulateon61.He _ the girl _ the moon in the poem.62.I _ you _ your big success in English speech contest.63.We need the trees to make some furniture. The workers _ the trees for us. 64.She is trying to _a way to deal with the problem.65.The trained dog watches over the house _.66.Spring is coming. The flowers are just beginning to_. 67.This sentence does not seem to_ the context.68.The storm last night was so heavy that it _ power to the whole town.69. Lets _ this sentence _ that one to see which one is better. 70.Your dream will _ sooner or later if you work harder.divide intodo some cleaningearn his livingeitheror depend ondeal with do ones best each otherdie out be different from71.Lets _ it_ 3 pieces. Everyone will get one piece. 72. Many kinds of animals are in danger of _. We need to protect them. 73.Bob is a poor man. He _ by selling books. 74._ Mr. Li _ Mr. Zhang is in Hong Kong now. Im not sure. 75.Health _ good food, fresh air, more sports and enough sleep.76. Dont worry. I think we can think up some ways to _this difficult problem. 77. Study hard and _. Im sure you will be successful in the end. 78.We are friends and we should help _and learn from _. 79.Its your turn to _ today. Dont forget to sweep the floor. 80. The English language _ any other language. even ifenjoy onerselfeven thoughfeel like doingfall asleepfall illface to faceever since far fromfar away81._you saw him pick up the money, you cant be sure he stole it.82.You will go to Hainan for vacation. I hope you _there.83. On the way back home, my bike was broken on a lonely road _ a town.84. He hopes to meet his favorite pop star _, not on TV. 85.He lay down on the sofa and soon _.86.Mary had to stay home to take care of her son because he _. 87.What do you_ today? I want to stay at home and do some reading. 88.Weve been friends _ we met at school.89. _you do not like it, you must do it. Its your duty. 90. We can talk to those who live_ by telephone. from time to timefirst of allfor examplefrom then onfromtofor everfill infrom now onfind outfill.with91. Please _ this form, giving your name, address and business.92.Mum, dont be angry. I promise I wont go to play football at night _.93.Many great people rose from poor backgrounds, _, Lincoln. 94._, she knew she would win.95.Please take the books _ the room _ the next door.96.Dont worry. I will be with you _.97.To be more effective, you should have a rest _.98._, you can mix water into the flour, and then press it with your hands.99.Scientists who have studied the crop circles try to _ what causes them.100. He _ the bottle with wine just now.get downget offget awaygetting in get through get along withget close (to)get backget on with get on101. The little cat climbed to the top of the tree and became afraid to _.102. Were arriving at Jianguomen Station and please get ready to_.103.If you do bad things, dont think you can _ with them.104.The farmers are _ the crops _. 105. The line is busy now and I cant _.106.Tom is an easygoing boy and he can always _with others.107.I work hard now and I _ the success.108.I hope to _ to my hometown if I have free time this summer. 109. I find it difficult to _ that person. 110.Nancy, the train is just about to leave. Lets_give outget together give backget up go bygo aheadgive awaygive upgo awaygive in111.Yesterday I saw a man _ ads in the street.112.They only _ once a month because they are very busy. 113._ with your job without bothering me. You almost have no time. 114.Last Sunday he _at 8:30 and got to school late. 115.Youve missed the bus, it just _a few minutes ago.116._ the book to Tom. He needs it. 117.Never lose heart and _. Believe in yourself. 118.Some women _their jobs after they get married. 119._! I dont want to see you again!120.We have invited a famous actor to _the prizes.go for a walkgo offgo on doinggo throughgo on withgo shoppinggrow upgo overgo outgo on121. Would you like to _after dinner? Id love to. Its good for our health122. He _ todays newspapers, but he doesnt find anything important.123. He will become a writer if he_ well in writing.124. The thieves ran away from the supermarket when the alarm _.125. If we dont finish painting the kitchen today, we can _ it tomorrow.126. He _after he finishes the test. Hes sure he makes no mistakes. 127. A child has the right to _ in a healthful, caring environment. 128. They _ and bought a lot of new clothes.129. The fireman arrived in time and soon the fire _. 130. We should stop our work and _ tomorrow.have fun withhang up have tohad better not hang onhave a good timehave classeshave a coldhand outhand in131. -Must I _my exercise book now, Mr Zhao? -No, you neednt. You may give it to me tomorrow.132. Dont _ the telephone. Ill get my mom for you. 133. We _from Monday to Friday, but we stay at home on weekends.134. You_ sing here, because the baby is sleeping.135. Please _ the telephone for a moment. I will get him for you at once. 136. I hope you _ this summer vacation.137. Do we _ take a car to the city from here? No, you can ride a bike. 138. He still came to school, though he _ badly.139. What were you doing at that time yesterday? I _ ads with my friends.140. People who go there can not only enjoy their meals,they can also enjoy playingcomputer games and_ their family and friends on the Internet. hurry uphold ones breathhundreds ofhear of help dohelp oneself tohear fromin a hurryhelp outhold on 141.I cant get along well with her, can you give me some advice to _me _? 142._ for a few seconds, I will give you an examination. 143.Boys, make yourselves at home and _ some fruits. 144.I never saw or _ such a strange or surprising thing. I felt scared. 145. _ for a minute, I will get her on line. 146.She has trained _ young singers. So she is very experienced. 147.I am very glad to _ you and know everything is OK. 148.You will make mistakes if you do things _. 149._, or you will be late for class. 150. I often _ my mom_ housework on weekends. in order toin front ofin factin need ofin order thatin orderin allin commonin a wordin danger151._pass the exam, he studies very hard. 152. Rank tasks _of importance and write them down.153. It doesnt eat little. _, it often eats half its weight in food in one day!154. -What do all these pictures have_?-They all have houses. 155.Some animals are _. So we need to protect them. 156.Is Nancy behind Mary or_ her? 157.I have talked a lot about friendship. _, we should get on well with each other. 158. I find you look uncomfortable. Are you _ help?159._, we must just leave now.160. _ everybody can hear him, he spoke as loudly as possible. keep doingin other wordsin surpriseinstead ofin publicin the endin peacein timejust nowjoin in161.Please let me do my work _. Dont make any noise. 162.He was at home _, but now he isnt in. 163.Firemen reached the house on fire _. The fire was put out soon. 164.The shopkeeper gave us short weight: we got 7.5 kilos _ 10 kilos.165.Its a bad manner to talk loudly _. 166.After many years of hard work, he won the award_. 167.Although she was very tired, she _ homework. 168.He opened his eyes wide _because he couldnt believe what he saw. 169.We have to stay here. _, none of us can go to the movie.170.-Im interested in your game. Can I _ it? -Sure. Please come here. laugh atlet inkeep offkeep ones wordslet outknock atkeep onlead toknock into keep up171. Laziness _ failure, which is known to us all.172. Please open the window and _ some fresh air so that we can keep healthy. 173. _ your hands _my computer. Dont touch it. 174. Everyone should _. Its one of the public rules. 175. Dont _ the news to others. Its our secret. 176. When my mom was cooking at this time yesterday, I heard someone _ the door.177. It made me angry that he _ talking. We had to ask him to stop. 178. Its impolite for us to _ someone who makes mistakes. 179. The truck _ the tree in the accident last night. But nobody got hurt. 180. We asked her to stop talking loudly, but she didnt listen to us and _look uplook afterlook intolook forward to look aheadlook down uponlook outlook throughlook forlive on181. You should _ the right pronunciation of this word in the dictionary. 182.He still _ his parents after graduation. 183.The policemen promised to _ the matter. 184.The book is useful. Dont _ it. 185.I_ many books and decided to buy this one at last. 186.We _visiting Europe some day. 187._! Its too dangerous to cross the road when the traffic light is red. 188. _and you can see the lights of the city. 189. I _ my dictionary everywhere and I didnt find it. 190. Its very nice of you _ my old grandmother when I was out.neithernormake up ones withmillions ofmake a facemore or lessmake uplots of = a lot ofmake friends mindmake up ofnext to191. He sat _ an old man. So they were close to each other. 192. He _ different people and gets on well with each other. 193. _ years ago, this land was all covered with water. 194. The little boy _ and it made all of us laugh. 195. It is_ impossible to hold a conversation with someone who is deeply sad. 196. When people started asking questions, she had to _ more details.197. There is _milk in that bottle. You neednt buy any. 198.She said she could _ to give up smoking. 199.The USA is _50 states. 200.Its _ warm _ very cold today. So its really comfortable. not any moreof coursenot at allnow and thenon foot not untilnot soasnot onlybut also on dutyno longer201.Li Lei _studies _does sports well. 202.-Can I play here? -Yes, _ you can. 203.I do _like this book_. Its too boring. 204. He did _get up _8:00 last Sunday morning. 205.Its easier to get there _ than by car.206.He went to see his grandmother _.207.The work is _ difficult _ you imagine. 208.My father stops smoking and he _smoke_. 209.Who is _ today? I am. Ill clean the floor. 210.He _sleeps in class. He listens to the teachers carefully. on timeout of workon/over the radioought toout of breathone after anotheronce upon a timeon showonce moreonce again211.Our teacher asked us to practice the pronunciation _after we made mistakes. 212.They are waiting in line _. No one jumped the line. 213.We got information _, but now we get it on TV or Internet. 214.-Whats _ at this store? -You can see lots of toy cars. 215.After the long race, we are all _. So we need to rest. 216.He is fired, that is to say, he is _. So he needs to find a new job. 217._, there lived a poor fisherman who had no children. 218.We _ protect environment. Its our duty to do that. 219.Though he is ill, he still gets to school _.220.I cant follow you. Could you tell me _?6


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