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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,写作层级训练,综合,演练七,用名词性从句补全句子,1,(2021,全国高考甲卷书面表达,),为了得到更多的点击,你最好告诉我你们西方人喜欢哪种中国文化。,In order to get more clicks,,,youd better tell me,_ _.,2,(2019,全国卷,书面表达,),可以预测,这是一场势均力敌的比赛。,_,this is a close match.,which Chinese culture you westerners prefer,It can be predicted that,3,(2019,天津高考书面表达,),我坚信这也给了我一些生活和学习的动力。,_,it also has given me some motivation of life and study.,4,(2018,全国卷,书面表达,),我想强调的是你最好带一些礼物。,_,youd better bring some gifts.,5,(2018,全国卷,书面表达,),然后消息传来我们学校将放映一部英文短片,它是一部关于我们学校历史的纪录片。,Then came,_ _,,,which is a documentary on the history of our school.,I hold the firm belief,that,What I want to stress is,that,the news that an English short film will be shown in our school,6,(2018,北京高考书面表达,),这就是为什么我建议你申请北京大学,中国最好的大学之一。,_,Peking University,,,one of the best universities in China.,7,(2017,北京高考书面表达,),我确实希望我的建议能对你有些帮助,也希望你在中国玩得开心。,_,and that youll have a good time in China.,8,(,全国卷,书面表达,),然而,我不确定措辞和格式是否正确。,However,,,I am not sure about,_ _.,That is why I suggest you apply for,I do hope that my advice will be of some help to you,whether the words and format are correct,增分句式,(,五,),言简意赅的非谓语动词,在写作中,如果出现太多的简单句,会让人觉得单调乏味,水平不高;而如果出现太多的复合句会让人觉得读起来费劲。所以适当地使用非谓语动词对简单句和复合句进行转换,不但显得句式丰富,而且提升了文章的档次。,1,运用非谓语动词转换简单句,运用非谓语动词转换简单句可采用,“,三步法,”,。,第一步:写出两个简单句。,(1)I felt quite sorry for that.,(2)I began to think about what to do to help.,第二步:根据两个简单句的意思找出两个句子的对接点,让一个简单句作为主句,另一个简单句用非谓语动词进行改写。,让句,(2),作为主句,用非谓语动词改写句,(1),。,第三步:根据主句主语和动词之间的关系来确定用何种非谓语动词。,主句的主语是,I,,与动词,felt,之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作状语。,Feeling quite sorry for that,,,I began to think about what to do to help.,常用转换的其他例子:,(1),农场位于我们学校附近的山脚下,被绿树环绕。,(2020,全国卷,书面表达,),The farm is surrounded by green trees. The farm is located at the foot of the hill near our school.,Surrounded by,green trees,,,the farm is located at the foot of the hill near our school. (,过去分词作状语,),(2),首先,我从小就接触过外教,可以用英语自由地与他人交流。,(2019,全国卷,书面表达,),First of all,,,I have been exposed to foreign teachers since a young age.I can communicate freely with others in English.,First of all,,,having been exposed,to foreign teachers since a young age,,,I can communicate freely with others in English.(,现在分词作原因状语,),(,3),它是一个让你了解我们学校历史的更好的机会。,It is a better chance for you.You should learn about the history of our school.,It is a better chance for you,to learn about,the history of our,school. (,动词不定式作主语,),2,用非谓语动词转换复合句,使语言简练,相对于用非谓语动词转化简单句,转化复合句相对要简单一些,只需要两步。因为需要转化的一般是从句部分,只要根据主句的主语和从句谓语动词的逻辑关系判断用哪种非谓语动词,再确定好时态语态即可。,第一步:写出复合句。,After we had practiced playing basketball for almost two months,,,we strongly desired to be the winner.,第二步:把,after,引导的时间状语从句转换为非谓语动词,,practice,与,we,之间为主谓关系,且表示完成,故用动词,-ing,形式的完成式作状语。,Having practiced playing basketball for almost two months,,,we strongly desired to be the winner.,转换的几个其他例子:,(1),从每个班选出的学生参加了比赛。,(2020,新全国卷,书面表达,),The students,who were selected from,every class took part in the competition.,The students,selected from,every class took part in the competition. (,过去分词作后置定语,),(2),因为不知道如何解这个难题,他求助老师。,Because he didnt know how to work out the difficult problem,,,he asked the teacher for help.,Not knowing how to work out the difficult problem,,,he asked the teacher for help.(,现在分词作原因状语,),(3),由于老师的帮助,我的英语进步很大。因为我的英语进步很大,我确信我能考上更好的大学。,Because my teacher helps me,,,my English has greatly improved,. Because,my English has greatly improved,,,Im sure I will go to a better university.,With my teacher helping me,,,my English has greatly improved.,Because of this,,,Im sure I will go to a better university.,简析:,“,原句,”,两处重复出现由,because,引导的从句,读起来很别扭。换用,“,with,现在分词的复合结构,”,及,“,because of.,”,后,读起来给人的感觉大不一样。,(4),因为天热,我们去游泳了。,As it was hot,,,we went swimming.,It being hot,,,we went swimming.,(5),如果天气允许的话,我会去那儿。,If weather permits,,,I will go there.,Weather permitting,,,I will go there.,3,注意在写作中非谓语动词的常用句型,(1)remain to be done,有待于被,Many questions have to be settled and much remains to be done in our educational work.,我们的教育工作中还有许多问题要解决,还有许多事情要去做。,(2),连词,when/while/unless/although.,doing/done,When searching for some information,,,we can operate by touching the screen.,当查找一些信息时,我们可以通过触摸屏来操作。,(3)compared with/to.,与,比较,Compared with the escaped driver,,,I am proud of what I did.,与逃逸的司机相比,我为自己所做的事感到非常自豪。,(4)be said/reported/considered.to do.,据说,/,报道,/,认为,A bus full of passengers was reported to have gone out of control on a highway south of the city.,据报道一辆满载乘客的公共汽车在城南的一条公路上失去了控制。,句型转换,1,The letter that was posted yesterday will reach her next week.,The letter _ will reach her next week.,2,(2019,全国卷,,书面表达,)Im writing to invite you to take part in the music festival which is arranged at 7:00 p,m. next Sunday.,Im writing to invite you to take part in the music festival,_ _.,3,The building that is being built now will be our library.,The building _ will be our library.,posted,yesterday,arranged at 7:00 p.m. next Sunday,being built now,4,Though they were beaten by the opposite team,,,the players were not discouraged and practised even harder.,_,,,the players were not discouraged and practised even harder.,5,(2019,全国卷,书面表达,)When I know a Chinese painting exhibition will be held at the gallery next month,,,I am writing to apply to become a volunteer.,_,,,I am writing to apply to become a volunteer.,Beaten by the opposite team,Knowing a Chinese painting exhibition will be held at the gallery next month,


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