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,十六,Module 6,Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary,【,基础全面练,】,.,单词拼写,1. The wealth of society is,_,(,创造,) by the working people.,2. Without the,_,(,许可,) of the police, no one can enter this area.,3. Does each cup,_,(,含有,) the same amount of milk?,4. Humor is a more effective,_,(,防御,) than violence.,5. The newly-built school library will be a useful,_,(,来源,) of information for us.,6. The,_,(,故障,) of the computer system is caused by the new virus.,created,permission,contain,defence,source,breakdown,7. This kind of stamp is,_,(,设计,) by some students who are learning art at,our university.,8. Whats the,_,(,百分率,) of forest cover in your city?,9. The computer is one of the most wonderful,_,(,发明,).,10. Our,_,(,途径,通道,) to history is mainly through writing.,designed,percentage,inventions,access,.,单句改错,1. The team consists in four Europeans and two Americans. (,),2. Hangzhou has become known for a heaven on earth. (,),3. The price has brought down, but I doubt whether it will remain so.,( ),4. With that moment on, Paul recognized that his life would never be the same. (,),5. Students have full access for all resources. (,),inof,foras,broughtgone,或,has,后面加,been,WithFrom,forto,6. He can speak Spanish as well English. (,),7. To log to the home page, you have to type a username and password.,(,),8. The members of the committee have come up for suggestions of their own. (,),well,后加,as,log,后加,on,forwith,完成句子,1. WeChat,_,more convenient,_,with each other.,微信使人们互相交流更方便了。,2. While,_,downstairs, Li Ming knocked into his teacher.,当李明跑下楼时,撞上了他的老师。,3. Mary sat by the window of the classroom,_.,玛丽坐在教室的窗户旁,正在读一本书。,4. The meeting,_,is of great importance.,昨天举行的会议非常重要。,5. York,_, is a nice old city.,约克是个美丽而古老的城市,我去年参观过它。,made it,for people to communicate,he was running,reading a book,held yesterday,which I visited last year,【,综合应用练,】,.,阅读理解,A,Smartphones, tablets and smart watches are banned (,禁止,) at school for all children under 15 in France. Under the ban students are not able to use their phones at all during school hours, including meal breaks.,“I think its a good thing. School is not about being on your phone, ” Paris mum Marie-Caroline Madeleine told AFP. “Its hard for kids. You cant control what they see and thats one of the things that worry me as a parent. ”,There is no law like this in Australia, but some Australian schools have banned phones.,McKinnon Secondary School in Victoria introduced a total ban in February and Principal Pitsa Binnion said this has been a success.,McKinnon students still have a,Chromebook,to use in every class for day-to-day learning but theyre not allowed to use social media. Ms Binnion said at first “teachers cheered and students moaned (,抱怨,), ” but now theyre seeing the advantages. “They come to school and theyre not allowed to use phones at all during the school day, including lunch breaks, ” she said.,“Its been wonderful in terms of students communicating with each other at lunchtime and not looking at their screens, ” she said.,Ms Binnion also leads by example and doesnt use her mobile phone in school. “I think anyone can do it if weve done it. ”,Not everyone agrees with the ban. Western Sydney University technology researcher Dr Joanne Orlando wrote in online magazine,The,Conversation,earlier this year that Australia should not ban phones in schools because its important to educate kids to live in the age they are raised in.,“A good education for students today is knowing how to use technology to learn, communicate and work with ideas, ” she wrote. “Banning students from using smartphones is a 1950s response to a 2018 state-of-play. ”,【,文章大意,】,本文为说明文。文章主要介绍了澳大利亚的一些学校禁止学生在学校使用手机,人们对此有不同的看法。,1. Why did Madeleine welcome the ban?,A. School is for studying.,B. Kids behave badly nowadays.,C. Teachers find it hard to control kids.,D. Her kids depend too much on phones.,【,解析,】,选,A,。推理判断题。根据第二段中的,I think its a good thing. School is not about being on your phone,可知, Madeleine,认为这是一件好事,学校不是玩手机的地方,由此推知她认为学校是学习的地方。故,A,选项正确。,2. What can we learn about the ban in McKinnon Secondary School?,A. Some teachers were against it at first.,B. Students can now see the good of the ban.,C. Students can use their phones at lunch breaks.,D. Teachers have stopped using phones at school as well.,【,解析,】,选,B,。细节理解题。根据第五段中的,Ms Binnion said at first “teachers cheered and students moaned, ” but now theyre seeing the advantages,可知,开始的时候老师们欢呼、学生们抱怨,但是现在他们看到了好处。故,B,选项正确。,3. What does the underlined word “Chromebook” in Paragraph 5 probably refer to?,A. A book.,B. A notebook.,C. A learning website. D. A kind of computer.,【,解析,】,选,D,。词义猜测题。根据第五段中的,to use in every class for day-to-day learning but theyre not allowed to use social media,可知, Chromebook,应该是可在课堂上使用的一种电子设备。故,D,选项正确。,4. What does Dr Joanne Orlando think of banning phones in schools?,A. It will disconnect parents and kids.,B. It will cause kids to communicate less.,C. It will prevent kids being tech-minded.,D. It will make education go back 60 years.,【,解析,】,选,C,。推理判断题。根据倒数第一、二段的内容可知, Dr Joanne Orlando,认为澳大利亚不应该禁止学生在学校使用手机,因为教育孩子生活在他们成长的时代里很重要,而且今天对学生的良好教育是知道如何使用科技学习、交流和实现想法。由此推知,禁止学生在学校使用手机会阻断孩子们与科技的联系。故,C,选项正确。,B,(2021,青岛高一检测,),A few years ago, my sister-in-law started to feel concerned about her teenage daughter. What was she doing after school?Where was she spending her time?My niece was an excellent student, and took part in all kinds of after-class activities. Even so, her mom decided to put a tracking app (,跟踪应用程序,) on the kids phone.,At first, this made my sister-in-law “feel better”. Then the good situation suddenly ended. She recalled, “I found out that she was someplace that she said she wasnt. I went out in the middle of the night and found her walking without shoes in the middle of the street with some friends. ” Things went quickly downhill for the mother and the daughter after that.,With 73% of teens having their own smartphones now, according to a 2015 Pew study, more and more of their parents are facing the question: To watch or not?,Ana Homayoun, founder of Green Ivy Educational Consulting, has advised many parents and their kids about this. “Ive found teens are more receptive to tracking apps when it is included as part of a family agreement to improve safety than when it is placed as a secret tool to watch them, ” she said.,Mark Bell, a father of a teenage girl, said, “We dont have tracking apps, but we have set some ground rules that my daughter must follow in exchange for us providing a smart phone, ”he said. For example, his daughter must “friend” him on social media so that he can read posts, and must share all passwords.,When youre trying to build trust, you need to create an environment that encourages it. So, to win their trust, you always need to be straight with your children. “Parents must let children know how and when theyll be watching them, ” said Doctor Pauleh Weigle. If theyre not open about it, he warns, it can “greatly damage the parent and child relationship”.,【,文章大意,】,本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述现在家长为了了解自己的孩子而使用追踪应用程序,并对该程序的使用注意事项进行了说明。,5. Whats result of the authors sister-in-law using the app?,A. She felt good with knowing her daughters after-school activities.,B. She wasnt worried about her daughter any more.,C. She had more communication with her daughter.,D. She had more conflicts with her daughter.,【,解析,】,选,D,。推理判断题。根据文章第二段,Then the good situation suddenly ended.,和,Things went quickly downhill for the mother and the daughter after that.,可知使用了跟踪应用程序后母女之间的关系不好了,故推测她们有了更多的冲突。,6. What can we learn about todays teens from Homayoun?,A. They doubt family agreements.,B. They are worried about online safety.,C. They dislike being watched secretly with tracking apps.,D. They welcome the use of tracking apps.,【,解析,】,选,C,。细节理解题。根据文章第四段,Ive found teens are more receptive to tracking apps when it is included as part of a family agreement to improve safety than when it is placed as a secret tool to watch them,可知孩子们不喜欢被应用程序秘密地监视。,7. Why are Mark Bell and his daughter mentioned in Paragraph 5?,A. To show how to use smart phone safely.,B. To give an example of being straight with children.,C. To teach how to put tracking app on phones.,D. To tell the importance of being childrens friend.,【,解析,】,选,B,。细节理解题。结合文章五六段内容可知,第五段的例子是为了说明第六段中的,So, to win their trust, you always need to be straight with your children.,为了赢得孩子的信任,你必须对孩子坦诚相待。故选,B,项。,8. What should be done before using a tracking app according to Weigle?,A. Teach the kid how to use it.,B. Check the kids phone.,C. Tell the kid about it.,D. Advise the kid to use his phone less.,【,解析,】,选,C,。细节理解题。根据最后一段的,“,Parents must let children know how and when theyll be watching them, ” said Doctor Pauleh Weigle.,可知,Weigle,认为当父母要监视孩子时,应该让孩子知道他们通过什么方式、什么时间监视。即父母应让孩子知晓这件事。,.,阅读填句,Its 4: 35 p. m. You feel like the bottom of a marathoners shoe, flat and sore. Its been a day of fighting anxiety, racing to meetings, staying awake, endless work, and trying to get stuff done.,1,It causes you unwilling to stay for one more minute at the office. But how to improve your productivity of your entire work on the end of the day?,The biggest step in this end-of-day process is to respond to as many emails as possible in thirty minutes of time. The majority of emails hit your inbox during workday hours. By responding to 80% of these or so, you can effectively reduce tomorrows workload.,2,If you can get this done before tomorrow begins, youll be ahead of the game.,If you use your computer or mobile phone for scheduling your day or taking notes, youll want to keep them on. But please close whatever programs are allowing email or chat messages to ruin your end-of-the-day productivity. Before turning off your computer, you should also exit your Internet browser, and close the web pages you had opened. If you start your new day by seeing that articles you were reading, you are starting in the wrong frame of mind.,3,Its important to plan your day before it starts.,4,A day that starts without a plan is like an engine that needs to warm up before its safe to drive. Perform your planning the day before, because a day planned in advance allows you to jump in fully prepared, fully planned, and fully ready to get stuff done.,Your office space is known as an “environmental factor. ”,5,As,Inc. com,reported, dirty office can actually ruin your job performance. Then tiding up your office, you will become more productive. Its just that simple. By doing so, you feel good with a peaceful state of mind, a sense of refreshment and energy, which will be enough for the following day.,A. Each day deserves a fresh start.,B. So it is important to have a cleaner.,C. The condition of it changes the way you think and work.,D. You can be less effective when finishing dealing with them.,E. Write down everything on your mind that you need to do.,F. You are so upset and disappointed about your whole days productivity.,G. This is one of the biggest gains you can make towards your productivity.,答案,:,15. FGAEC,【,文章大意,】,这是一篇说明文。文章就如何在一天结束的时候提高工作效率提出了一些建议。,1.,【,解析,】,选,F,。上一句提到,:,这是一个与焦虑作斗争、参加会议、保持清醒、没完没了的工作、努力把事情做完的日子。下一句提到,:,这会导致你不愿意在办公室多待一分钟。该空应该对后一句中的,“,It”,作出解释,明确是什么导致你不愿意在办公室多待一分钟。承接上文, F,选项切题,:,你对一整天的工作效率感到非常沮丧和失望。故选,F,。,2.,【,解析,】,选,G,。前一句提到,:,通过回复其中的,80%,左右,你可以有效地减少明天的工作量。承接该句, G,选项切题,:,这是你能在提高工作效率方面所能取得的最大改进之一。故选,G,。,3.,【,解析,】,选,A,。前文提到,:,如果你从之前阅读的文章开始新的一天,那你的出发点就错了。可知该空应该提到每一天应该如何开始,故,A,选项切题,:,每一天都应该有一个新的开始。故选,A,。,4.,【,解析,】,选,E,。前文提到,:,在开始前计划好你的一天是很重要的。那么该空应该提到如何计划好自己的一天。故,E,选项切题,:,把你需要做的事都写下来。,故选,E,。,5.,【,解析,】,选,C,。前文提到,:,你的办公空间被称为,“,环境因素,”,。下一句提到,: dirty office can actually ruin your job performance,脏的办公室会毁掉你的工作绩效。那么该空应该提到你的办公空间会影响你。故,C,选项切题,:,它的状况改变了你思考和工作的方式。故选,C,。,


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