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,十四,Module 5,Grammar,【,基础全面练,】,.,单句语法填空,1. I think its too expensive. Id like a,_,(cheap) one.,2. The more difficult the problem is,_,more careful you should be.,3. The new building is three times the,_,(high) of the old one.,4. The restaurant wasnt half as good,_,other restaurants we had been to.,5. She looks much,_,(beautiful) without her glasses.,6. This one is the,_,(big) of the two houses.,cheaper,the,height,as,more beautiful,bigger,7. My friend earned much more money,_,I did last year.,8. As the winter is drawing near, its getting colder,_,colder.,9. Life is very much,_,(easy) than it was twenty years ago.,10. I try to find as much information,_,I can about the survey.,than,and,easier,as,.,单句改错,1. The more magazines you sell, the much money you will get. (,),2. The air in Beijing is getting much clean now than a few years ago. (,),3. Mobile phones are very popular now and they are cheaper as before. (,),4. The driver was more than two time over the legal limit. (,),5. Wait until we get a satisfactory reply, will you?,I couldnt agree much. The idea sounds great to me. (,),muchmore,cleancleaner,asthan,time times,muchmore,6. Mr Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been,popular. (,),7. The dining hall is three times large than that one. (,),8. As the saying goes, the grass is green on the other side.,( ),9. George did much work than anyone else. (,),10. The new designs are more better than the old ones. (,),popular,前面加,more,largelarger,green greener,much more,more much,【,综合应用练,】,.,阅读理解,We all know that water is tasteless. But it happens from time to time: you pick up the bottle of water you didnt finish yesterday, and it tastes strange. Most often, you tend to drop the bottle in the trash bin, believing that the water has gone bad. But is it true?,According to,Time, of course not, taste has little to do with quality of water.,According to,Time, when water is exposed to the air for 12 hours, carbon dioxide interacts with the H,2,O in the water, and the PH value lowers slightly. As a result, the water has a different taste.,“,But its most likely safe to drink, ” Norwegian expert Truls Krogh told,Science,Nordic,. “If the water is covered and of good quality to start with, in principle it can last a thousand years. Thats because when water is fresh, it contains little organic matter(,有机物质,). As long as water is held in clean glasses or bottles, no polluted substances will enter it to harm our health. ”,People in countries like the US, the UK and Australia usually drink tap water. According to,Time, if tap water is drunk within six months, the chlorine (,氯气,) in the water will be enough to kill any bacteria(,细菌,) and keep it safe to drink.,However, there are also some exceptions. If you accidentally put your fingers into water or store water in unclean containers, day after day, microorganism (,微生物,) will enter the water.,With the help of surrounding temperature, and sunlight streaming through windows, these microorganisms increase quickly. Sooner or later, the water will be in the charge of the unfriendly bacteria. And if you drink this kind of water too often, then youre more likely to be ill.,And what about water in plastic bottles? “Heat and plastic are a bad combination, ”the US researcher Kellogg Schwab says. “When plastic bottles are used at high temperatures, they produce a chemical called BPA. BPA is linked with several health damage, including heart disease and cancer, ”,Time,reported.,Schwab suggests replacing plastic bottles with the containers made of metal or glass to deal with BPA.,【,文章大意,】,本文为说明文。本文就喝剩下的水是否会变坏进行了研究。研究表明没喝完的水虽然味道有点怪,但只要水质是好的,保存恰当不被细菌污染,是不会变坏的。但专家建议不要用塑料杯要用金属或玻璃制品装热水。,1. The purpose of the first paragraph is to _.,A. show an exampleB. draw a conclusion,C. analyze a phenomenonD. introduce a topic,【,解析,】,选,D,。推理判断题。结合下文的内容可知,写第一段的目的就是引出下文的话题,故选,D,。,2. Which of the following may Truls Krogh agree?,A. If the water tastes different, we shouldnt drink it.,B. The water held in a clean container is likely safe to drink.,C. Although kept fresh, water may still have much organic matter.,D. Covered water can last for a thousand years.,【,解析,】,选,B,。细节理解题。根据第四段,Truls Krogh,的话“,But its most likely safe to drink, ”,及“,As long as water is held in clean glasses or bottles, no polluted substances will enter it to harm our health. ”,可知,只要水质好,保存在干净的容器内,就不会有污染物,都是安全可饮用的。故选,B,。,3. What can we infer from the passage?,A. BPA does little harm to our health.,B. Tap water is always safe to drink.,C. Microorganisms are easy to produce in the heat.,D. Plastic bottles have been banned already.,【,解析,】,选,C,。推理判断题。根据第七段,With the help of surrounding temperature, and sunlight streaming through windows, these microorganisms increase quickly.,可知,在周围温度和阳光透过窗户的帮助下,这些微生物迅速增加。由此可推断出,微生物容易在高温下产生。故选,C,。,4. What can be the best title of the passage?,A. Why Water is Tasteless,B. How to Get Clean Water,C. Does Water Really Go Bad?,D. Learn to Protect Water,【,解析,】,选,C,。主旨大意题。本文第一段引出问题,:,昨天没有喝完的水虽然味道有点怪,水质真的坏了吗,?,接着对这个问题,“,But is it true?”,进行了大量的研究调查,证明只要水质好,保存在干净的容器内,不被污染的水都是安全可饮用的。由此可推断出,C,项,(,水真的会坏吗,?),符合题意,故选,C,。,.,完形填空,(2021,绍兴高一检测,),Jenna, a popular girl from Westwood Middle School, had graduated first in her class and was ready for new,1,in high school.,2, high school was different. In the first week, Jenna went to tryouts for cheerleaders. She was competing against very talented girls, and she knew it would be,3,for her to be selected. Two hours later, the,4,read a list of the girls for a second tryout. Her heart,5,as the list ended without her name. Feeling,6, she walked home carrying her schoolbag full of homework.,Arriving home, she started with math. She had always been a good math student, but now she was,7,. She moved on to English and history, and was,8,to find that she didnt have any trouble with those,9,. Feeling better, she decided not to,10,math at present.,The next day Jenna went to see Mrs Biden about being on the school,11,. Mrs Biden wasnt as enthusiastic as Jenna. “Im sorry, but we have enough,12,for the newspaper already. Come back next year and well talk then. ” Jenna smiled,13,and left. “Why is high school so different?” she,14,.,Later in,15,class, Jenna devoted herself to figuring out the problems that had given her so much,16,. By the end of class, she understood how to get them right, As she gathered her books, Jenna decided shed continue to try to,17,at her new school. She wasnt sure if shed succeed, but she knew she had to,18,. High school was just as her mom had said, “You will feel like a small fish in a big pond,19,a big fish in a small pond. The challenge is to become the,20,fish you can be. ”,1. A. processes,B. decisionsC. challengesD. exercises,2. A. ThereforeB. HoweverC. OtherwiseD. Besides,3. A. boringB. easyC. difficultD. interesting,4. A. editor,B. boss,C. candidate,D. judge,5. A. jumpedB. stoppedC. sank D. raced,6. A. awfulB. strangeC. happyD. lonely,7. A. strugglingB. improvingC. working D. complaining,8. A. ashamedB. disappointedC. confusedD. relieved,9. A. homeworkB. booksC. subjectsD. objects,10. A. put upB. prepare forC. worry aboutD. give up,11. A. committeeB. radioC. newspaperD. team,12. A. speakersB. readersC. cheerleadersD. writers,13. A. widelyB. brightlyC. excitedlyD. weakly,14. A. addedB. shoutedC. sighedD. announced,15. A. physicsB. historyC. EnglishD. math,16. A. pleasureB. troubleC. hopeD. sorrow,17. A. fit inB. look outC. stay upD. get around,18. A. swimB. tryC. askD. escape,19. A. in return forB. in case ofC. in terms ofD. instead of,20. A. slimmestB. bestC. weakestD. gentlest,【,文章大意,】,本文是记叙文。本文讲述了,Jenna,以优异的成绩考上了高中。当她,来到高中后,感觉很多事情都不顺利,甚至自己曾经很擅长的数学学习方面,也出,现了很多困难,但是,Jenna,并没有放弃,而是不断的努力尝试,她的挑战就是成为,最好的学生。,1.,【,解析,】,选,C,。根据后文,“,high school was different”,可知,Jenna,进入了新的高中,可以推断,此处应为迎接新的挑战。最后一段最后一句,“,The challenge is to become”,也是提示。故选,C,。,2.,【,解析,】,选,B,。结合上下文语境,可知为转折关系,应用,However,。故选,B,。,3.,【,解析,】,选,C,。根据上文,“,She was competing against very talented girls”,可知,对手是很有天赋的女孩, Jenna,知道自己很难被选中。故选,C,4.,【,解析,】,选,D,。根据后文,“,read a list of the girls for a second tryout”,以及常识可知,是由裁判宣布进入下一轮选拔的名单。故选,D,。,5.,【,解析,】,选,C,。根据后文,“,as the list ended without her name(,名单上没有她的名字,)”,可知,得知没有自己的名字,没有进入下一轮选拔, Jenna,心情沉重。,sb. s heart sinks“,心情沉重,情绪低落,”,。故选,C,。,6.,【,解析,】,选,A,。结合上文,“,as the list ended without her name”,可知由于被淘汰了, Jenna,感觉糟糕。故选,A,。,7.,【,解析,】,选,A,。根据上文,“,She had always been a good math student, but now she”,可知, but,表示转折,她曾经擅长数学,但现在感觉有些吃力。故选,A,。,8.,【,解析,】,选,D,。根据下文,“,that she didnt have any trouble with those”,可知,Jenna,在英语和历史学科上没有遇到任何问题很欣慰,与下文的,“,Feeling better”,呼应。故选,D,。,9.,【,解析,】,选,C,。根据前文,“,English and history”,可知,此处指在这些科目上没有问题。故选,C,。,10.,【,解析,】,选,C,。根据后文,“,math at present”,结合后文说明第二天去校报应聘,可知, Jenna,暂时不担心她的数学了。故选,C,。,11.,【,解析,】,选,C,。根据下文,“,for the newspaper already”,可推知,她找拜登太太是谈应聘校报的事。故选,C,。,12.,【,解析,】,选,D,。结合后文,“,for the newspaper already”,可以推断是去校报应聘,但是撰稿作家已经够了。故选,D,。,13.,【,解析,】,选,D,。根据上文,“,Come back next year and well talk then(,明年再来,我们到时候再谈,)”,可知, Jenna,被校报拒绝了,因此只是淡淡地笑着离开了。故选,D,。,14.,【,解析,】,选,C,。根据前文可知, Jenna,数学成绩变得不好,接着又被校报拒绝了,可以推断,此处为发出叹息。故选,C,。,15.,【,解析,】,选,D,。根据后文,“,Jenna devoted herself to figuring out the problems that had given her”,结合前文提到的,Jenna,数学不好,可知,此处为解决数学上的问题。故选,D,。,16.,【,解析,】,选,B,。根据下文“,By the end of class, she understood how to get them right. ”,可知,因为数学上有困难,所以对,Jenna,来说是麻烦。故选,B,。,17.,【,解析,】,选,A,。她解决了数学难题,获得了信心,所以,当,Jenna,收拾课本的时候,决心继续努力适应新的学校生活。故选,A,。,18.,【,解析,】,选,B,。努力才会成功,且根据,“,succeed”,可以推断,此处为要尝试。故选,B,。,19.,【,解析,】,选,D,。根据前后文语境,“,You will feel like a small fish in a big pond _a big fish in a small pond. ”,可知,像大池塘里的小鱼,而不是小池塘里的大鱼。,instead of,符合语境。故选,D,。,20.,【,解析,】,选,B,。根据前文可以推断,无论是大池塘里的小鱼,还是小池塘里的大鱼,都要努力成为最好的鱼。故选,B,。,.,语法填空,There is good news for those who enjoy 1. _ (run) around in rain and dont want to get their clothes dirtied or those who play soccer but dont want their shirts to get soiled or wet with sweat. British scientists have created a fabric (,织物,)that never gets dirty or wet! The cloth 2. _ (treat) with a special non-sticky chemical that resists oil and water. This ensures that the clothes made 3. _ it remain clean. But the scientists are not yet ready to make public the 4. _ (detail) information of this “miracle” chemical.,A well-known French company recently launched 5. _ new range of jackets that have Teflon in them. Teflon is the plastic coating on non-stick cooking pans, 6. _ has a special characteristic: No reaction to anything. As a result, dirt and water slip away from the Teflon fabric, as 7. _ (easy) as oil slips out of a Teflon-coated pan.,American scientists have gone a step 8. _ (far). They have added insecticide (,杀虫剂,) to the fabric that kills mosquitoes on contact. This new anti-mosquito fabric 9. _ (find) immediate buyers shortly after its invention. According to reports, several mosquito net producers are planning 10. _ (compete) with each other in the bid (,投标,) in order to use this new technology.,【,文章大意,】,这是一篇说明文。介绍了一种特殊的不粘的化学物质处理过的布料,它能防水防油从而能使衣服保持干净。,1.,【,解析,】,running,。考查非谓语动词。句意,:,对于那些喜欢在雨中跑步,不想把衣服弄脏的人,或者那些踢足球,但又不想让衬衫被汗水弄脏弄湿的人来说,这是个好消息。短语,enjoy doing sth. “,喜欢做某事,”,故填,running,。,2.,【,解析,】,is treated,。考查动词的时态和语态。句意,:,这种布料是用一种特殊的不粘的化学物质处理过的,它能防水防油。描述客观事实用一般现在时,且主语,cloth,是不可数名词,与谓语动词构成被动,故填,is treated,。,3.,【,解析,】,of,。考查介词。句意,:,这确保了用这种布料做的衣服能保持干净。,it,指代,cloth,短语,made of “,用,制作,”,表示能看出原材料,故填,of,。,4.,【,解析,】,detailed,。考查形容词。句意,:,但是科学家们还没有准备好公开这种,“,奇迹,”,化学物质的详细信息。,information,为名词,需要形容词修饰,故填,detailed,表示,“,详细的,”,。,5.,【,解析,】,a,。考查冠词。句意,:,一家著名的法国公司最近推出了一系列新的含有聚四氟乙烯的夹克。短语,a range of“,一系列,;,一套,”,故填,a,。,6.,【,解析,】,which,。考查定语从句的连接词。句意,:,聚四氟乙烯是一种不粘锅上的塑料涂层,它有一个特殊的特点,:,对任何东西都没有反应。本句为非限定性定语从句修饰先行词,Teflon,且先行词在从句中作主语,指物,故填关系代词,which,。,7.,【,解析,】,easily,。考查副词。句意,:,结果,灰尘和水从聚四氟乙烯织物上滑落,就像油从涂有聚四氟乙烯的平底锅里滑落一样容易。修饰动词,slip,用副词,故填,easily,。,8.,【,解析,】,further,。考查形容词比较级。句意,:,美国科学家则更进一步。此处表示,“,(,程度,),更深,”,表示程度。应填,further,。,9.,【,解析,】,found/has found,。考查动词时态。句意,:,这种新型防蚊织物发明后不久就立即找到了买主。根据句意可知应用一般过去时或现在完成时,故填,found/has found,。,10.,【,解析,】,to compete,。考查非谓语动词。句意,:,据报道,几家蚊帐生产商正计划竞争投标,以便能使用这项新技术。短语,plan to do sth. “,计划做某事,”,后跟不定式,故填,to compete,。,


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