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内容索引,晨读晚诵,走进新课 一起读文,阅读鉴赏 一起思考,随堂练习,晨读晚诵,导语,:,我们都知道,选择一份适合自己的职业是非常重要的。那么选择职业时应该注意哪些问题呢,?,下面的文章会给你些提示。,A career means a job in which opportunities for advancement of promotion can be gained.In a broad sense,a career is an important aspect of one,s life pattern.For example,some of you who find a job as an office assistant may become office,supervisor,1,and may even be promoted as office manager.The work you do in different positions may be called your,career path and it is likely to influence your work habits,and daily,routine,2,.Choosing a career is an important,aspect of life.,Many of you may be thinking of getting a job in a firm or running a business of your own.Whether you will be able to do so depends on how you prepare yourself for the work you would like to do.And it also depends on what kind of life you would like to lead.Career choices will probably affect a person,s lifestyle more than any other choices he or she makes.Most of your thoughts on what you want to become probably come from what you have heard while watching television or surfing the Internet;you may also have read newspapers and magazines,which advertised jobs,or you may have been advised by parents and relatives about what you should be.On the basis of your understanding,you may think about the kind of work which can be handled easily by you.You,may start thinking clearly about your abilities and,qualifications,3,for the future career.This makes it necessary to know what employment opportunities are,available,4,and what abilities are required for different types of employment.,译文,:,事业意味着一份工作,在这份工作中可能会获得提升进步的机会。从广义上说,事业是一个人生活模式的重要方面。例如,你们中的一些人找到了办公室助理的工作,他们可能会成为办公室主管,甚至可能被提拔为办公室经理。你在不同岗位上做的工作或许可以被叫作你的职业之路,它很可能影响你的工作习惯和日常生活。选择一份职业是生活中的一个重要方面。,你们中的很多人或许想在一个公司里得到一份工作或者自己做生意。你能否做成取决于你为想做的事情准备得怎么样,还取决于你想过什么样的生活。职业选择可能比一个人所做的其他选择更能影响自己的生活方式。你们中的大多数人关于想做什么的想法或许来自看电视或上网时所听到的东西,;,你或许也看了刊登着工作广告的报纸和杂志,;,或者是父母和亲戚劝你应该做什么。根据你的理解,你或许会考虑你可以很容易驾驭的工作。你或许开始清晰地思考你在未来事业方面的能力和资质。这就有必要了解哪些工作机会是可以得到的以及不同类型的工作需要什么样的能力。,【词海拾贝】,1,.supervisor/,su,p,vaIz,(r)/,n.,指导者,;,主管人,2,.routine/ru,ti,n/,n.,常规,3,.qualification/,kw,lIfI,keI,n/,n.,资格,;,资历,4,.available/,veIl,bl/,adj.,可获得的,【理解诱思】,We can infer from the passage that,.,A.our parents and relatives can make a decision for us,B.we can depend on the advertisements completely when choosing a career,C.choosing a career is very important for us,D.everyone is sure to become an officer manager,答案,:,C,走进新课 一起读文,词汇新知,一、单词英汉互译,1,.,/ba,ns/,vi.,&,vt.,(,使,),弹起,;,上下晃动,n.,弹性,;,弹跳,;,活力,2,.,/,ptItju,d/,n.,天资,;,天赋,3,.,/s,n,􀱷,ri,/,n.,设想,;,方案,;,预测,4,.,/,sembl/,vt.,组装,;,装配,vi.,&,vt.,收集,;,聚集,;,集合,5,.,/d,i,m,tri/,n.,几何学,;,几何图形,6,.,/det/,n.,债务,;,欠款,7,.,/,k,t,􀱹,raIz/,vt.,把,分类,(,加以归类,),8,.,/,pr,faIl/,n.,简介,;,概述,;,侧面轮廓,vt.,扼要介绍,;,概述,;,写简介,bounce,aptitude,scenario,assemble,geometry,debt,categorise,profile,9,.participant/p,􀱷,tIsIp,nt/,n.,10,.code/k,d/,n.,vt.,11,.orient/,rient/,vt.,12,.detective/dI,tektIv/,n.,13,.graphic/,􀱹,r,fIk/,n.,adj.,14,.estate/I,steIt/,n.,15,.accountant/,ka,nt,nt/,n.,16,.spy/spaI/,n.,vi.,vt.,参与者,;,参加者,代码,;,密码,使适应,;,使面对,;,确定方向,侦探,;,警探,图表,;,图形,;,图画,绘画的,;,图案的,庄园,;,住宅区,;,工业区,会计,;,会计师,密探,;,间谍,突然看见,;,发现,编码,;,把,译成密码,从事间谍活动,二、短语英汉互译,1,.bounce around,2,.decide on,3,.be suited to,4,.,回顾,5,.,集中于,6,.,总之,蹦来蹦去,;,弹来弹去,选定,适合,look back,focus on,in conclusion,阅读理解,一、阅读课文,“,WORKING,OUT,WHAT,YOU,WANT,TO,DO,”,判断正,(,T,),误,(,F,),1,.While you are at school,you,d better not consider something about your career.(,),2,.It,s always easy to make a choice about your career.(,),3,.There are no right or wrong answers to a career aptitude test.(,),F,F,T,二、阅读课文,“,WORKING,OUT,WHAT,YOU,WANT,TO,DO,”,选择正确答案,1,.We can infer from the first paragraph that,.,A.thinking about the careers is very important for young people,B.when meeting someone new,you are sure to be asked about your career,C.your career is the most important thing in your life,D.young people can,t consider their careers,答案,:,A,2,.Which of the following statements is NOT true about a career aptitude test?,A.While completing the tests,you don,t need to worry about the answers.,B.There are a variety of such tests only for young people.,C.One popular career aptitude test deals with a person,s preferences.,D.The results of the tests will tell you which job is more suitable for you.,答案,:,B,3,.The main idea of the third paragraph is,.,A.we can find some free tests online,B.everyone will regret that he/she has chosen a wrong career,C.why we should complete a career aptitude test,D.all the tests will tell you how much you will get from a job,答案,:,C,4,.The code indicating the participant,s work personality will be used to,.,A.offer you some advice on careers,B.evaluate your education and experience level,C.decide on where you will live,D.help you find something interesting,答案,:,A,三、仔细阅读课文,“,WORKING,OUT,WHAT,YOU,WANT,TO,DO,”,并根据课文内容将短文补充完整,As an adult,your career is a very important part of who you are,so,1,.,(take)time to think about your career is an essential exercise for young people.The best time,2,.,(start) thinking about possible careers is while you are still at school.However,it is not always easy.One of the most,3,.,(effect) ways to get some insight on a possible career path is to complete a “career aptitude test”.The results of the test will tell you about your strengths and interests,and some tests also suggest careers that you may be,4,.,(suit) to.Getting a head start in,5,.,(consider) your,taking,to start,effective,suited,considering,future career may help you for,6,.,rest of your life.There are many different kinds of career aptitude tests.While,7,.,(complete) these sorts of tests,it is very important to be honestand don,t worrythere are no right,8,.,wrong answers.One popular test asks the participants to grade their preferences,9,.,a variety of work tasks,which will tell you some suggestions on your career.Of course,these suggestions are based on your education and experience level.In conclusion,career aptitude tests are,10,.,(clear) a very useful tool.However,the secret to a good career is finding something that you are passionate about.,the,completing,or,for,clearly,阅读鉴赏 一起思考,1.This,however,is,not,always,easy.,(,Page,50,),然而,这并不总是那么容易。,剖析,句中的,not always.,表示部分否定。当,all,everything,everybody,everywhere,always,both,the whole,等与,not,连用时,表示部分否定。,The girl doesn,t always like studying with her friend.,这个女孩并不总是喜欢和朋友一起学习。,【合作探究】,读一读,细观察,阅读并翻译下列句子,体会黑体部分的用法,As a matter of fact,he,hasnt,paid,the,whole,amount.,事实上,他还没有付清全部款项。,Not,everything,here makes him satisfied.,并不是这里的一切都让他满意。,【即学即用】,翻译句子,她的情况我并不全都知道。,他上午并不都在这里。,答案,:,I don,t know everything about her.,答案,:,He is not always here in the morning.,2.Some,people,know,what,they,want,to,do,from,a,young,age,but,many,others,just,have,a,few,ideas,bouncing,around,in,their,heads.,(,Page,50,),有些人年轻时就清楚自己想做什么,但更多的人往往是只有一些想法在脑子里晃来晃去。,bounce,vi.&,vt.,(,使,),弹起,;,上下晃动,n.,弹性,;,弹跳,;,活力,The ball,bounced,twice before he could reach it.,球弹跳了两次他才接到。,There,s not much,bounce,left in these balls.,这些球已没有多少弹性了。,【合作探究】,读一读,细观察,阅读下列句子,写出句中黑体词的词组和含义,The,little,girl,bounced,up,and,down,excitedly,on,the,bed.,词组,bounce up and down,含义,蹦蹦跳跳,He,s had a lot of problems,but he always seems to,bounce,back pretty quickly.,词组,bounce back,含义,恢复健康,(,或信心等,),The idea has been,bouncing,around in his head these days.,词组,bounce around,含义,蹦来蹦去,;,弹来弹去,说一说,勤归纳,【即学即用】,单句语法填空,The little girl,(bounce) up and down there is my daughter.,翻译句子,The boy once lost heart,but later he bounced back.,We were bounced around in the back of the carriage.,After the defeat,she bounced back to win the championship.,bouncing,答案,:,这个男孩曾经失去过信心,但是后来他又恢复了。,答案,:,我们在四轮马车的后面颠来颠去。,答案,:,经过这次失败后,她又重整旗鼓赢得了冠军。,3.I,wish,I,had,thought,more,about,what,I,really,wanted,to,do.,(,Page,50,),我真希望当年能再多想想自己真正想要做什么。,剖析,句中的,wish,表示愿望,其后接宾语从句时,从句要用虚拟语气。从句的谓语动词可用过去式,表示与现在事实相反,;,也可用,had+done,表示与过去事实相反,;,还可用,would+do,表示对未来的希望。,I wish I had enough money to help the poor children.,我希望我有足够的钱来帮助那些可怜的孩子。,She looks so sad. I wish I hadn,t told her the news.,她看上去那么伤心。要是我没有告诉她那个消息就好了。,I wish you would stay longer.,我希望你多待一会儿。,【合作探究】,读一读,细观察,阅读下列句子,写出句中黑体词的词组和含义,This,course,is,designed,for,people,wishing,to,update,their,computer,skills.,词组,wish to do sth,含义,希望做某事,I,wished,her a happy birthday.,词组,wish sb sth,含义,祝愿某人某事,【即学即用】,用所给词的适当形式填空,Everyone wishes,(have) a happy holiday.,The film was boring.I wish I,(not go) to see it.,翻译句子,I wish you wouldn,t leave your clothes all over the floor.,Before saying goodbye to us,he wished us a safe journey.,to have,hadnt gone,答案,:,我真希望你不要把衣服丢得满地都是。,答案,:,在和我们道别之前,他祝我们一路平安。,4.Help,and,advise,people,in,serious,debt,(,Page,50,),帮助和劝慰那些负债累累的人,debt,n.,债务,;,欠款,I need to pay off all my,debts,before I leave the country.,我需要在离开该国前偿清所有债务。,He had run up credit card,debts,of thousands of dollars.,他积欠了数千美元的信用卡借款。,【合作探究】,读一读,细观察,阅读下列句子,写出句中黑体词的词组和含义,I,will,try,my,best,to,help,the,person,who,is,in,heavy,debt,.,词组,in debt,含义,欠债,We were poor but we never got into,debt,.,词组,get into debt,含义,负债,To her relief,her son is out of,debt,now.,词组,out of debt,含义,不负债,说一说,勤归纳,【即学即用】,单句语法填空,I heard that the young man got,debt after his company was set up.,His father is,debt,so he hasn,t enough money to study in that country.,翻译句子,十年后,这对夫妇还清了所有的债务。,into,in,答案,:,Ten years later,the couple paid off all the debts.,5.Categorise,employee,profiles,(,Page,50,),把雇员的简介分类,categorise,vt.,把,分类,(,加以归类,),Participants were,categorised,according to age.,参加者按年龄分组。,His latest work cannot be,categorised,as either a novel or a poem.,他最近的作品既不属于小说也不属于诗歌。,【合作探究】,读一读,细观察,阅读下列句子,写出句中黑体词的词性、词组和含义,【高考典句】,(2019,天津高考,)Individuals or groups may enter one of the following,categories,.,词性,名词,含义,类别,;,种类,The books in the library are,classified,according to the subject.,词性,动词,含义,分类,Patients are,classified,into three categories.,词组,be classified into.,含义,被分为,说一说,勤归纳,categorise,vt.,把,分类,(,加以归类,),category,n.,类别,;,种类,classify,vt.,分类,be,classified,into.,被分为,【即学即用】,单句语法填空,The students will be,(categorise) according to their hobbies.,Computer viruses fall into three broad,(category).,完成句子,人口按照年龄和性别分类。,The population,age and sex.,categorised,categories,is categorised according to,6.accountant,n.,会计,;,会计师,(,Page,51,),The old man used to be a famous,accountant,when he was young.,这位老人年轻时是一位著名的会计。,【合作探究】,读一读,细观察,阅读下列句子,写出句中黑体词的词性、词组和含义,I,paid,the,cheque,into,my,savings,account,.,词性,名词,含义,账户,In English law a person is,accounted,innocent until they are proved guilty.,词性,动词,含义,认为是,;,视为,The ceremony was put off on,account,of the bad weather.,词组,on account of,含义,因为,;,由于,When making a decision,you,d better take everything into,account,.,词组,take.into account,含义,考虑到,;,顾及,The bad weather may have,accounted,for the small crowd.,词组,account for,含义,是,的原因,;,导致,The Japanese market,accounts,for 30% of the company,s revenue.,词组,account for,含义,(,数量上、比例上,),占,说一说,勤归纳,accountant,n.,会计,;,会计师,account,n.,账户,vt.,认为是,;,视为,on,account,of,因为,;,由于,take.into,account,考虑到,;,顾及,account,for,是,的原因,;,导致,;(,数量上、比例上,),占,【即学即用】,单句语法填空,She can,t work much,account of the children.,Repeat purchases account,73% of our sales.,完成句子,若干因素导致了这两个分数之间的不同。,A number of factors,the differences between the two scores.,人们在做演讲时必须考虑观众。,One must,when making speeches.,on,for,account for,take the audience into account,随堂练习,一、单词拼写,1,.The fact is that the girl has no,(,天资,) for nursing.,答案,:,aptitude,2,.You,ve been,(,集合,)for a very important reason.,答案,:,assembled,3,.The boy told us the books were,(,分类,)according to their titles.,答案,:,categorised,4,.Not all the,(,参与者,) were satisfied with the grand ceremony.,答案,:,participants,5,.She turned her better,(,侧面轮廓,)towards the camera.,答案,:,profile,6,.Anxiety comes from not being able to,(,确定方向,)yourself in your own existence.,答案,:,orient,7,.The boy was so excited when he saw his favourite,(,侦探,) in the hall.,答案,:,detective,二、用所给短语的适当形式填空,look back,in conclusion,decide on,be passionate about,work out,1,.The young couple,the island for their summer holiday.,答案,:,decided on,2,.,people around the world should protect the water resources.,答案,:,In conclusion,3,.He,and saw a policeman running after him.,答案,:,looked back,4,.I,m trying to,how much I spent each month.,答案,:,work out,5,.The fans,football and they often watch the football games.,答案,:,are passionate about,


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