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,自主素养储备,知识素养积淀,课时素养达标,Unit 1,Cultural Heritage,Period 2,Reading and Thinking (),要点内化课,自主素养储备,.,根据汉语提示及首字母写出正确的单词,1. Im c_ (,安排,)a visit to the Aswan Dam in Egypt.,2. Mr Wang doesnt agree to the experts p_ (,提议,) that the temple be,taken down piece by piece.,3. A b_ (,平衡的,) development is necessary for economy and society.,4. The locals p_(,抗议,) against the governments proposal of building a,nuclear power station in the area.,5. The key to e_(,建立,)a harmonious society lies in the over-all,development of urban-rural relation.,onducting,roposal,alanced,rotested,stablishing,6.(2020,江苏高考,)Wilson received several international awards for his great c_(,贡献),.,7. We d_ (,捐赠,) money, books and clothes to children from poor families,yesterday.,8. Several a_ (,尝试,) had been made until we finally achieved what we,longed for.,9. The relics of some cultures are d_ (,消失,) because of humans,destruction.,10. I was worried because my student ID card, cellphone, wallet and some,d_ (,文件,) were all in it, which are very important to me.,onated,ttempts,isappearing,ocuments,ontributions,.,根据语境及所给提示词填空,1. They grieved at the _ (lose) of such a good comrade.,2. The _ (propose) supported by a large majority of the committee was,accepted.,3. He believed his spending plan would achieve a _ (balance) budget.,4. The _(establish) of the new college provides a chance for the poor,children to achieve their dreams.,5. He outlined the _ (limit) of British power.,loss,proposal,balanced,establishment,limits,6. He was awarded a prize for his _ (contribute) to world peace.,7. Experiments of this kind _(conduct) in both the U. S. and,Europe well before the Second World War.,8. The airliner _ (disappear) off their radar.,9. To my disappointment, she gave up after several _ (attempt).,10. It might be _ (worthwhile) to write to them.,contribution,had been conducted,disappeared,attempts,worthwhile,.,根据语境填入适当的介词,A reward will be offered to the information leading _the arrest of the bank,robber.,2. Keeping a balance _ rest and work will save people from illnesses.,3. The grey clouds gradually broke up and gave way _ a blue sky.,4. Farmers have turned _ keeping deer because it can make a lot of money.,5. They may be prevented _ leaving the country.,6. The money donated _ charity is used to help those who are in need in the,community.,to,between,to,to,from,to,1. There comes a time when. . .,总有一天,【,观察,悟,】,There comes a time when,you have to fight for what you want.,总有一天,你不得不为你想要的东西而奋斗。,(2019,全国卷,),There was a time when,people may have felt awkward about asking for a table for one, but those days are over.,(,高考典句,),曾几何时,人们可能会因为要一张单人桌而感到尴尬,但那样的年代已经一去不复返了。,It was a time when,the killer whales helped the whalers catch the baleen whales.,那是虎鲸帮助捕鲸者捕捉须鲸的时期。,知识素养积淀,【,生成,得,】,本句为地点副词开头的完全,_,句式。,该句式构成为“地点副词,+_+,主语”。,句中,when,引导的从句是,_,从句,它修饰先行词,a time,。,倒装,谓语动词,定语,【,点拨迷津,】,time,的常用句式有哪些,?,It is (high) time that. . .,是,的时候了,(,从句谓语动词用,should+,动词原形或一般过去时,),It is the first/second. . . time that . . . .,是第,次,(,从句谓语动词要用现在完成时,),It was the first/second. . . time that. . . .,是第,次,(,从句谓语动词要用过去完成时,),It is/was time for sb. to do sth.,是某人应该做某事的时候了,【,内化,用,】,_(,总有一天,) he will be recognized by the world.,_(,曾几何时,)we had to wait for a long time before,receiving a letter.,It is the first time that I _(,与,一起工作,)such a great,person.,翻译句子,(,用倒装句式,),。,铃声一响,孩子们就从教室里冲了出来。,译,:_,There comes a time when,There was a time when,have worked with,Out rushed the children from the classroom as soon as the bell rang.,2. give way to,让步,;,屈服,【,观察,悟,】,(2019,全国卷,) It ends abruptly at 3, 000 meters,giving way,to,lands of low growing plants.,(,高考典句,),它在,3 000,米处突然结束,被生长着低矮植物的土地所替代。,If you always,give in to,others, you will end up feeling like a doormat.,如果你总是屈服于人,你最终会觉得自己像一个受气包。,(2019,浙江高考,)For legal reasons, most restaurants have a policy against,giving away,food waste.,(,高考典句,),因为法律的原因,大多数餐馆都有禁止捐赠食物残渣的规定。,【,生成,得,】,give way to,在表示“屈服于”时相当于,_,。,【,知识延伸,】,give away,赠送,;,泄露,give in,屈服,让步,;,上交,give up,放弃,;,投降,give off,发出,(,光、热、声音、气体等,),give out,分发,;,用尽,;,发出,(,热、声音、信号等,),give birth to,生产,;,分娩,give in to,【,内化,用,】,他不是一个屈服于压力的人。,译,:_,用含,give,的短语填空。,Please _your examination papers now.,They stood there, _the leaflets to the passers-by.,She _ a beautiful baby girl last night.,Old McDonald _smoking for a while, but soon returned to his old way.,He was not a man to give way to/give in to pressure.,give in,giving out,gave birth to,gave up,3. balance,n.,平衡,;,均匀,vt.,使平衡派生,balanced,adj.,平衡的,;,均衡的,【,观察,悟,】,Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need,a balance of,yin,and,yang,to be healthy.,(,话题典句,),传统中医认为我们需要阴阳平衡来保持健康。,Its very important to,keep a balance between,making,and,spending money.,在挣钱和花钱上保持平衡非常重要。,They can,balance work and study,and plan their time properly.,他们能够平衡工作和学习,并且合理安排好他们的时间。,【,生成,得,】,keep a/the balance of,_,keep a/the balance between A and B _,balance A and B _,保持,的平衡,保持,A,和,B,之间的平衡,平衡,A,和,B,【,内化,用,】,语法填空。,The best way to get rid of stress is to have a _ (balance) life.,Only by further _ (balance) and developing our economy can we get,rid of poverty.,To protect our environment, we need to _.,为了保护我们的环境,我们需要保持自然平衡。,balanced,balancing,keep the balance of nature,4. proposal,n.,提议,;,建议派生,propose,v.,提议,;,建议,【,观察,悟,】,But the,proposal,led to protests.,但是,这一提议引发了抗议。,(,教材典句,),The scientists came up with a new,proposal for,separating the temple into several parts.,科学家们提出了一个把寺庙分成几个部分的新建议。,I,make a proposal,that we (should) hold a meeting next week.,我提议我们下个星期召开一次会议。,【,生成,得,】,a proposal _,有关,的提议,/,建议,make a proposal _,【,联想空间,】,表示“提议,;,建议”的词还有,:,advice, suggestion (,名词,); advise, suggest (,动词,),for,提出建议,【,内化,用,】,语法填空。,They are against the _ (propose), for it takes up too much farmland.,The president put forward a proposal _ the project at the meeting.,The monitor made a proposal _ the whole class discuss the matter.,proposal,for,that,5. likely,adj.,可能的,adv.,可能地,【,观察,悟,】,Water from the dam would,likely,damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypts cultural heritage.,(,教材典句,),来自大坝的水可能会破坏众多寺庙,并破坏作为埃及文化遗产重要组成部分的文物。,(2019,全国卷,)Hospital patients who see tree branches out their window,are likely to recover,at a faster rate than patients who see buildings or sky instead.,(,高考典句,),看到窗外树枝的病人有可能比只看到建筑物和天空的病人恢复得更快。,Hes,likely,to ring me tonight.,=Its likely that hell ring me tonight.,他今晚可能会给我打电话。,The UK told the people aged 70 and older to stay indoors,likely,for a period of up to four months.,英国要求年龄在,70,岁及以上的老人居家隔离,隔离期可能会持续四个月之久。,【,生成,得,】,_,很可能做某事,_,很可能,not likely_,【,联想空间,】,表示“可能”的词汇还有,:,形容词,:possible, probable,副词,:possibly, probably, perhaps, maybe,be likely to do sth.,Its likely that. . .,不太可能,【,内化,用,】,语法填空。,If you find something you love doing in the wild, youll be less likely,_(bring) it home.,同义替换。,Its likely that they will disagree.,=Its _that they will agree.,=They will _ disagree.,他们不太可能同意。,to bring,not likely,likely,6. limit,n.,限度,;,限制,vt.,限制,;,限定派生,limited,adj.,有限的,;unlimited,adj.,无限的,; limitless,adj.,无限制的,【,观察,悟,】,A committee was established to,limit,damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.,(,教材典句,),为限制对埃及建筑的破坏并防止文物损失而成立了一个委员会。,Life is,limited, but there is,no limit to,learning.,(,话题典句,),生命是有限的,但是学习是无限的。,Mother,limits,his pocket money,to,3,yuan,a day.,妈妈把他的零花钱限制在一天,3,元。,【,生成,得,】,limit. . . _. . .,把,限制在,theres no limit to. . . _,to,没有限制,/,止境,【,内化,用,】,语法填空。,There is no limit _ practice nor to innovation.,It is known to all that the time we can use is _ (limit).,Lei Feng once said, “Human life is limited, but serving the people is,_ (limit)”.,They are planning to _.,他们正在计划将这个俱乐部变为一家有限公司。,to,limited,unlimited,turn the club into a limited company,7. contribution,n.,捐款,;,贡献,;,捐赠 派生,contribute,v.,捐献,;,捐助,;,投稿,【,观察,悟,】,The group asked for,contributions,from different departments and raised funds within the international community.,(,教材典句,),该小组请求不同部门捐款,并在国际社会内筹集资金。,China has made a great,contribution,to the war against COVID-19 in the world.,中国为世界抗击新冠肺炎做出了巨大贡献。,The company,contributed,a lot of food and clothes,to,the poor.,这家公司为穷人捐赠了许多食物和衣服。,He studied hard in his youth, which,contributed to,his great success in later life.,他年轻时学习刻苦,这促成了他在以后的生活中的巨大成功。,【,生成,得,】,make _ to. . .,对,做出贡献,_,对,做出贡献,;,促成,;,导致,;,有助于,contribute. . . to. . . _,contributions,contribute to,向,捐献,/,捐赠,/,投稿,【,内化,用,】,语法填空。,The greatest thing a parent can do for his children is to help them find how,they can make greatest _ to the world.,Those who are weak should exercise every day, since it _ (contribute),to better health.,contributions,contributes,8. attempt,n. &vt.,企图,;,试图,;,尝试,【,观察,悟,】,Why did the Egyptian government want to,attempt,the building of the dam?,(,教材典句,),为何埃及政府想尝试筑坝工程呢,?,He,attempted to,mount the horse.,他试图爬到马身上。,He,made an attempt at,winning the first prize.,他试图去赢得一等奖。,【,生成,得,】,attempt sth.,_,attempt _,试图做某事,make an attempt _. . .,尝试,尝试某物,to do sth.,at,【,内化,用,】,语法填空。,He attempted _(walk) to the North Pole alone.,He made an attempt _ the world record.,More advanced technology has been adopted in an attempt _on the,cost of the products.,已经采用了更先进的技术以减少产品的成本。,He _a joke.,他试图说笑话。,to walk,at,to cut down,made an attempt at,9. worthwhile,adj.,值得做的,;,值得花时间的,【,观察,悟,】,Its worthwhile,to read literary books because they can help us to know more about society and life.,读文学类图书是值得的,因为它们能帮助我们更多地了解社会和生活。,In my opinion, it is,worthwhile,for people to take regular physical exercise so as to keep fit.,在我看来,人们定期进行体育锻炼来保持健康是值得的。,We had a long wait, but it was,worthwhile,because we got the book.,我们等了很久,但是它是值得的,因为我们买到了那本书。,Being a volunteer in holiday is a really,worthwhile,experience.,假期做志愿者真的是一个有价值的经历。,【,生成,得,】,its worthwhile doing sth. /to do sth. _,worthwhile,可以单独作,_,和,_(,句子成分,),【,联想空间,】,表示“某事值得做”的表达还有,:,sth. be (well) worth doing,sth. be worthy of sth.,sth. be worthy to be done,做某事是值得的,表语,定语,【,内化,用,】,一句多译,:,这个节日很值得体验。,_,_,_,It is very worthwhile to experience this festival.,This festival will be a very worthwhile experience.,This festival is well worth experiencing.,10.,Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also,learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.,这些国家不仅找到了一条不以牺牲古迹为代价的未来发展之路,而且明白了多个国家合作创造美好未来的可能性。,【,观察,悟,】,Not only does the British girl speak,Chinese, but she also knows how to type.,这个英国女孩不但会说汉语,还知道怎么打字。,The Americans and the British,not only speak,the same language,but also share,a large number of social customs.,美国人和英国人不但语言相同,而且有很多相同的风俗习惯。,Not only,the students,but also,their teacher enjoys the cartoon.,不仅学生而且他们的老师也喜欢这部动画片。,【,生成,得,】,“not only had the countries found. . . , but they had also learnt. . . ”,是,_,句式。其构成为“,not only+_+,主语,+,谓语,+,其他, but+,主语,+,also+,谓语,+,其他”。,not only. . . but also. . .,位于句首连接两个句子时, _,一分句用部分倒装,_,一分句不用倒装。,not only. . . but also. . .,连接两个相同的成分时,如果连接的是主语,则句子,_,倒装并且谓语动词与,but also,后的主语在数上保持一致。,部分倒装,助动词,前,后,不,【,知识延伸,】,连接两个句子且使用部分倒装的连词还有,:,neither. . . nor. . .,既不,也不,no sooner. . . than. . .,一,就,hardly. . . . when. . .,一,就,【,内化,用,】,语法填空。,Not only _ he invite me to a cinema, but he also gave me a present.,Not only I but also Tom and Mary _ (be) fond of watching television.,Hardly _ they left the burning building _ its roof fell off.,did,are,had,when,【,备选要点,】,1. prevent,vt.,阻止,;,阻碍,;,阻挠,;,预防 派生,prevention,n.,阻止,;,预防,【,观察,悟,】,Its necessary for people to grasp the method of,preventing,heart disease.,人们有必要掌握预防心脏病的方法。,The bad cold,prevented,him,from,taking part in sports.,重感冒阻止了他参加体育活动。,Thanks to the effective,prevention, few people were infected with the virus.,由于有效的预防,几乎没有人感染病毒。,【,联想空间,】,表示“阻止某人做某事”的表达还有哪些,?,_,【,生成,得,】,prevent sb. /sth.,_,prevent. . ._. . .,阻止,做,stop/keep sb. from doing sth.,阻止某人或某事,from,【,内化,用,】,语法填空。,A tourist will be prevented from _ the country without a valid,passport.,I am greatly convinced that _ (prevent) is better than cure.,entering,prevention,2. conduct,n.,行为,;,举止,;,管理方法,v.,组织,;,安排,;,带领,;,实施,进行,;,指挥,;,举止,;,表现,派生,conductor,n.,售票员,;,列车长,;,指挥,【,观察,悟,】,写出下列各句中,conduct,的词性和词义。,Your,conduct,doesnt agree with what you say.,你的,(,),和你说的不相符。,He,conducted,me around the factory.,他,(,),我在工厂内四处参观。,n.,行为,v.,带领,The orchestra is,conducted,by a child of 13 years old.,管弦乐队由一个,13,岁的小孩,(,),。,Recently we conducted a survey of 1, 000 senior students to learn more about,students reading habits.,为了了解学生更多的阅读习惯,我们最近对,1 000,名高中生,(,v.,),了调查。,v.,指挥,进行,【,生成,得,】,conduct,的同义词有,:behave; _ (,带领,); _ (,指挥,); do,等。,【,内化,用,】,同义替换。,Im doing (=_) a survey about the differences between Chinese,students and British students in their holidays.,We will be shown (=_) around the city:schools, museums, and some,other places.,show,direct,conducting,conducted,3. donate,vt.,(,尤指向慈善机构,),捐赠,;,赠送,;,献,(,血,),派生,donation,n.,捐赠,;,赠送,【,观察,悟,】,Fifty countries,donated,nearly $80 million,to,the project.,(,教材典句,),50,个国家向该项目捐赠了近,8 000,万美元。,Many people offered to,donate blood,and skin for the badly burnt worker.,很多人主动为那个严重烧伤的工人献血献皮。,The project has raised more than 2. 5 billion,yuan,of,donations,from different countries.,这一工程已经从各国募集了超过,25,亿元的捐款。,【,生成,得,】,donate. . . to. . .,把,_,donate blood_,捐赠给,献血,【,内化,用,】,语法填空。,All the _ (donate) will go directly to charities.,The retired man _ (donate) most of his savings to the school damaged,by the earthquake.,They used to _the Red Cross every year.,他们过去每年都向红十字会捐献大笔的钱。,donations,donated,donate a large sum of money to,.,单词拼写,You can spend some time on your hobbies, but you should,achieve a _ (,平衡,) between study and hobbies.,2. Martin Luther King was a worldwide symbol of non-violent _ (,抗议,),against racial injustice.,3. The school is trying to _(,建立,) an effective management system to,create a better educational environment.,4. Before closing, I want to mention all those who _ (,捐助,) so,generously.,课时素养达标,balance,protest,establish,contributed,5. My sister graduated from the English _ (,系,) of a key university five,years ago.,6. The talk was _ (,进行,) in a mixture of English, Russian and French.,7. If we cut down our forests, a lot of plants and animals will _ (,消失,),from the world.,8. More and more students choose to study abroad as they think it is,_ (,值得的,).,9. The case has been _ (,调查,) by the police for nearly two years.,10. Six-month-old babies are strictly _ (,限制,) in what they can remember,about the objects they see in the world.,department,conducted,disappear,worthwhile,investigated,limited,.,单句语法填空,Nothing can be done to make up for the _ (lose) caused by his wrong,decision.,2. He thinks it worthwhile _(go) to such a high-tech exhibition.,3. He made a great _ (contribute) to the success of the project.,4. A _ (balance) diet should contain some fat, some fiber, a little salt,and so on.,5. His _ (propose)that the system should be changed was rejected.,loss,going/to go,contribution,balanced,proposal,6. APEC, _ (establish) in 1989, is short for Asia-Pacific Economic,Cooperation.,7. That car accident ruined all his life. After that he was limited _ a wheelchair.,8. The car _(disappear)round the bend in the road.,9. Every year about 40, 000 people attempt _(climb) Kilimanjaro, the,highest mountain in Africa.,10. Water _(conduct)heat faster than air.,established,to,disappeared,to climb,conducts,.,完成句子,1. _everyone of us will look back at our life.,总有一天,我们每一个人都要回忆我们的生活。,2. This zoo is not the only place _.,这个动物园并不是唯一能够看到这种动物的地方。,3. _the book, but he remembered what he had read.,他不仅读过这本书,而且他还记得他读过的内容。,There comes a time when,where the animal can be seen,Not only did he read,4. There are two paths before us, one _, the other to the,castle.,我们面前有两条路,一条通向海滩,另一条通向城堡。,5. I believe thats the best way _.,我认为那是阻止此类事情再次发生的最好方法。,leading to the beach,to prevent such a thing from happening again,词 汇 清 单,You can click here to add what you want to add. It is easy to change.,You can click here to add what you want to add. It is easy to change.,认知词汇,:,heritage, temple, relic, mount, former, clue, cypress, dam, protest, committee, establish, department, fund, within, investigate, issue, document,拓展词汇:,1.,preserve preservation,2.,application apply,applicant applied,3.,proposal propose,4.,promote promotion,5.,limit limited limitless,6.,contribute contribution,7.,balance balanced,8.,disappear disappearance,appear appearance,9.,donate donation,10.,creative creatively,create creation creator,11.,loss lose lost,12.conductconductor,应用词汇:,1.balance:,keep a/the balance of;balance A and B,2.proposal:,make a proposal; propose doing sth; propose that,3.likely:,be likely to do; It is likely that,4.limit:,limit to; without limit,5.contribution:,make contributions to;contribute to,6.attempt:,attempt to do; make an attempt to do; at the first attempt,7.worthwhile:,It is worthwhile to do/ doing,8.preserve,:,preserve from,核心短语,重点句式,Not only,had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but,they had,also,learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.,(,not only but also,),take part in;,give way to;,keep balance;,lead to;,make a proposal;,turn to;,prevent from;,donate to;,make sure,


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