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,课堂互动,析考点,综合运用,提素养,栏目多的在上面加,做超链接,且各个栏目居中放;只有,“,考点,”,的图书,只上,”,考点一,“,这种简化标题,栏目多的在上面加,做超链接,且各个栏目居中放;只有,“,考点,”,的图书,只上,”,考点一,“,这种简化标题,课堂互动,析考点,综合运用,提素养,必修二,Module 5,Newspapers and Magazines,(主题语境:人与社会社会与文化),1,.,congratulation,n,.祝贺,选词填空(congratulate/celebrate),The party is a chance for friends and family to,the person on,the new home.(2020课标全国),They,the 25th wedding anniversary in China and all their old,friends went to,them on their silver wedding, which moved,them deeply.,课堂互动,析考点,congratulate,celebrated,congratulate,单句填空,When Yang landed, Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Centre to of-,fer his,(congratulate).(教材原句),Chinese New Year is a,(celebrate) marking the end of the,winter season and the beginning of spring. (2020课标全国),一句多译,我祝贺你们通过了高考。,congratulations,celebration,your passing the College Entrance Examination.,I,your passing the College Entrance Examination.,Congratulations on,congratulate you on,点拨,(1)congratulations to sb. on/upon sth. 祝贺某人某事,Congratulations!恭喜!,(2)congratulate sb. on/upon(doing)sth. 就(做了)某事向某人祝贺,辨析congratulate/celebrate,congratulate,意为“祝贺,道贺”,celebrate,意为“庆祝”,宾语为节日、胜利、成功等,2,.,aboard,adv,.&,prep,.在船(飞机、火车、公共汽车)上;上船,登机;上车,选词填空(abroad/aboard/board/broad),While he was travelling in space, Yang spoke to two astronauts,the International Space Station.(教材原句),Ten people,the ship are going,to visit their family members,each having paid $1,000 for,on the,sea.,aboard,aboard,abroad,boarding,broad,完成句子,飞机就要起飞了。请上飞机。,The plane is taking off. Please,.,半年前,谢烈告别了中国的亲朋好友登上了飞机。,Six months ago Xie Lie said goodbye to her friends and family in China and,.,后来我们才听说,飞机上有位非常重要的人物。,Later we learnt that there was a very important person,.,go aboard,went aboard the plane/boarded the plane,on board,点拨,go aboard (the plane) 登机,All aboard! (口)请大家上船/车/飞机!,Welcome aboard! 欢迎乘坐!,on board=aboard在(车、船、飞机等)上,辨析aboard/abroad/board/broad,aboard,副词、介词,表示“在(车、船、飞机等)上”,abroad,副词,指“在国外”,board,动词,表示“登机、上船、付膳食费用”,也可以是名词,表示“木板;董事会”,broad,形容词,意为“宽阔的”,3,.,replace,vt,.代替;取代;把,放回原处,单句填空,In the first sentence, the word,when,can,(replace) with,as,soon,as,.(教材原句),How much time and money would it cost,(replace) the con-,tents of that little wallet?,We have to replace these old lamps,the new energy-efficient,ones because they consume too much electricity.,be replaced,to replace,with/by,The glass doors have taken,place of the wooden ones at the entrance,letting in the natural light during the day.,I don,t feel well. Can you go there,place of me?,the,in,点拨,(1)replace=take the place of 代替,替代,replace.with/by.用,替换;以,接替,(2)take ones place 代替;就位,就座,in ones place=in place of 代替,联想,前缀“re-”(重复,再一次):,replay 重放, renew更新,rewrite重写,retell复述,review复习,reunite重聚,restart,重新开始,4,.,delighted,adj,.高兴的;快乐的,单句填空,“This is my first visit to China,” he said, “and Im delighted,(be) here.”(教材原句),So imagine my,(delighted) when he emailed me saying he wanted,to come to visit me.(2018课标全国),I am always,(delight) when I receive an email from you.,Now there are some laid-off workers,(delight) taking up the,work to take care of patients in hospitals.,to be,delight,delighted,delightedly,完成句子,小女孩看到玩具时高兴地拍手。,When the little girl saw the toys she clapped her hands,.,令球迷高兴的是他在奥运会上的出色表现。,was that he performed extremely well in the Olympic,Games.,令我高兴的是,我从数百名申请者中被选中去参加开幕式。, I was chosen from hundreds of applicants to attend the open-,ing ceremony.,with delight,What delighted the fans,To my delight,点拨,(1)delighted,adj,.高兴的;快乐的,be delighted at/with/by.对,感到高兴,be delighted to do sth.很高兴做某事,be delighted that 很高兴,(2)take (great) delight in 以,为乐,with delight高兴地;愉快地,to ones delight/to the delight of sb.令某人高兴的是,(3)delight sb. with sth. 用某物使某人高兴,delight in(doing)sth. 以(做)某事为乐,5,.,achievement,n,.成就;功业;完成,完成句子,美国国家航空航天局的先奥基夫说杨的太空飞行是一项重要的历史成就,(教材原句),Sean O,Keefe from NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in,the US said that Yangs space flight was,“,.”,如果你设定的目标高于你的能力,你就不能期望取得巨大的成就。,You cannot expect to,if you set the goal above your,ability.,an important historical achievement,make great achievements,中国人民对过去十年取得的成就感到自豪。,The Chinese people are proud of,in the past ten years.,他给我们提供了一个让我们改变生活、实现梦想的方式。,He offered a way to us to change our lives and,.,what they have achieved,achieve our dreams,点拨,(1)a sense of achievement成就感,make a great achievement取得巨大成就,scientific achievement科学成就,(2)achieve,vt,.完成;达到,achieve success取得成功,achieve ones dream实现梦想,1 in total总共;合计,单句填空,total, these astronauts have spent more than 26,000 days in space.,(教材原句),The town square was,(total) full. I think almost all the people in the,town were there.(2019课标全国),Out of,total of 25 students only 15 passed the test.,In,totally,a,Average global temperatures have increased by about 0.8 degrees Celsius,since 1880,total.,句型转换,There were probably 30 people attending this conference in all.,There were probably,30 people attending this conference.,There were probably 30 people attending this conference,.,in,a total of,in total,点拨,(1)total,n,.总数;总量;总额,in total 总计;合计,a total of 总数为,(2)total,adj,.总的;全部的,the total number 总数,(3)total,v,.总数达到;共计,total up 计算,的总和;把,相加起来,(4)totally,adv,.完全;全部地,2,.,believe in 相信,完成句子,你不相信有外星人,是吗?(教材原句),You,aliens, do you?,我不相信你说的话,但是如果你能证明的话,你还是可能会说服我的。, but if you can prove it, you may be able to,convince me.,收到她的来信真是太好了。信不信由你,我们30多年没见面了。,It is so nice to hear from her., we last met more than thirty,years ago.,dont believe in,I dont believe what you said,Believe it or not,当今在中国父母抚养一个孩子长大要花50万元,这让人难以置信。,that parents have to spend nearly 500,000,yuan,bringing up a,child in China nowadays.,一句多译,人们认为露西已经出国了。,Lucy is believed,.,It is believed that,.,Its beyond belief,to have gone abroad,Lucy has gone abroad,点拨,(1)believe in=trust 信任,believe sb.=believe ones words相信某人说的话,believe it or not 信不信由你,It is believed to be/that 人们认为,(2)belief,n,.信念;信条,have belief in.相信,beyond belief=unbelievable令人难以置信,believe,表示相信某人的话、相信某事,believe in,指对人的信任时,多指品德、能力方面的相信,另外还可表示“信仰(宗教、神等)”,辨析believe/believe in,1,.,教材与语法填空,阅读所学课文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。,At nine a.m.yesterday Chinas first taikonaut Yang Liwei took off from Jiuquan,in northwest China,1.,made China the third nation,2.,(send)a man,into space.While,3.,(travel)in space Yang spoke to two astronauts,aboard the International Space Station.When he,4.,(orbit)in the,capsule,Yang took photographs of the earth.This morning he landed,5.,综合素养,提素练,which,to send,travelling,was orbiting,safely,(safe)in the Shenzhou capsule in Inner Mongolia.,6.,total,Yang was in space,for twenty-one and a half hours and,7.,(make)14 orbits of the earth. The,Beijing Space Control Center said the flight was,8.,“complete success”.Soon,after that,Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the control center,9.,(offer)his congratulations. Many countries sent messages of,10.,(congratulate), too.,In,made,a,to offer/offering,congratulations,2,.,教材与短文改错,根据课文内容,对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有,两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。,Newspapers in Britain can be divided into two type.Quality newspapers,have home and international news, sports and culture events, as well as financial,reports.,The,Times,are the most famous quality newspaper.Comparing with quali,-ty newspapers,popular newspapers have larger headlines,photographs and con-,centrated on news and events about famous people and news about the British,royal family.,The,Sun,found in 1964, is most successful of the popular newspa-,pers.It sells more than any other daily newspaper. In the USA, newspapers usual-,ly have the name of the city in where they are produced. The US also has much,tabloid newspapers, which are similar in British tabloid newspapers.,答案,1.第一句:typetypes2.第二句:culturecultural3.第三句:areis,4.第四句:ComparingCompared5.第四句:concentratedconcentrate,6.第五句:foundfounded 7.第五句:most前加the8.第七句:去掉第二个in或,wherewhich9.第八句:muchmany10.第八句:into,3 教材与话题写作,.写作要点,根据下面的素材,用本模块所学词汇和句式结构完成句子。,1.中国已成为世界上第三个把人送往太空的国家。,2.在2016年10月17日,神舟十一号成功起飞。,3.总共有两名宇航员登上此船,包括宇航员景海鹏。,4.由于他是第三次执行任务,他被任命为指令长。,5.当神舟十一号发射时,许多国家领导人观看了发射过程。他们向全体人员,取得的成就表示祝贺。,6.我信任我们的科学家。我相信2020年会建成太空实验室的。,.连句成篇,将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的短文。,答案,One possible version:,As is known to us all, China has become,the third country to send a man into,space,in the world. On October 17, 2016, Shenzhou ,took off,successfully.,There were two cosmonauts,aboard,it,in total, including a,taikonaut,called Jing,Haipeng.,Now that,he performed the task for the third time, he was appointed as,commander. When Shenzhou XI was being sent up, many national leaders,watched the whole process and offered their,congratulations,to the staff on their,achievements,. I,believe in,our scientists and believe our skylab will be,founded,in 2020,.,


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