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,课堂互动,析考点,综合运用,提素养,栏目多的在上面加,做超链接,且各个栏目居中放;只有,“,考点,”,的图书,只上,”,考点一,“,这种简化标题,栏目多的在上面加,做超链接,且各个栏目居中放;只有,“,考点,”,的图书,只上,”,考点一,“,这种简化标题,课堂互动,析考点,综合运用,提素养,必修一,Module 4,A Social SurveyMy Neighbourhood,(主题语境:人与社会人际关系和社会交往),1,.,bother,v,.打扰;烦扰;麻烦,单句填空,There are a lot of tourists around.Don,t they,(bother) you?(教材原句),My older brother couldn,t be bothered,(play) with me. (2020浙江),课堂互动,析考点,bother,to play,If a lot of people say a film is not good, I won,t bother,(see) it.,I am sorry to have bothered you,so many questions on such an occasion.,Around two o,clock every night, Sue will start talking in her dream. It some-,what,(bother) us.,to see,with,bothers,完成句子,既然国内有这么多大学,何必去国外学习呢?,abroad to study when there are so many universities at home?,不要为这些不重要的事情烦恼。,Dont,such unimportant matters.,Why bother to go,bother about,点拨,(1)bother about sth. 为某事烦恼,bother to do sth. 费心做某事,bother sb. with sth. 用某事麻烦某人,bother oneself about 为,操心/焦虑/困扰,why bother为何那么麻烦;没必要;何必,(2)Sorry to bother you.很抱歉打扰你。,Dont bother.别费事了。/不用麻烦了。,2,.,approach,v,.临近;接近,n,.接近;通路;方法,单句填空,Now we,re leaving the business district and,(approach) the,harbour.(教材原句),China,s approach to,(protect) its environment while feeding,its citizens “offers useful lessons for agriculture and food policymakers world-,wide.”(2018课标全国),They settled in at a comfortable East Side cafe and within minutes, another,customer was,(approach) their table.,approaching,protecting,approaching,(approach) the city center, we saw a stone statue of about ten,meters in height.,With the big day of my speech,(approach), I tried to familiarize myself with what I would be saying.,句型转换,With the Double Ninth Festival approaching, we decide to go to the nearby nursing,home to visit the old people.,Approaching,approaching, we decide to go to the nearby nursing home to visit the old people.(around the corner), we decide to go to the nearby nursing home to visit the old,people.(draw near),we decide to go to the nearby nursing home to visit the old people.(独立主格结构),With the Double Ninth Festival around the corner,With the Double Ninth Festival drawing near,The Double Ninth Festival drawing near/approaching,点拨,approach sb./sth. 靠近/接近某人/某物,with.approaching在,快到的时候,(an)approach to接近;近似;(做某事)的方法/途径,the approach of sth.某事的临近,归纳,表示“,来临”的表达有:,be approaching,be drawing near,be around the corner,易错,approach作名词时,后面常跟介词to,表示“,的方法”。,3,.,exchange,v,.&,n,.交换;兑换,单句填空,.many other places where people can meet and,(exchange),ideas.(教材原句),Perhaps the neighbors just happened to “overhear” the cry;so information,(exchange).(2017课标全国),Its illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money in exchange,favors to them.,exchange,was exchanged,for,If the course fails to satisfy you, you can exchange it,any other course that,we offer.,完成句子,(孩子们和父母亲交换思想是必要的) from time to time, who are rich in experience.,for,It is necessary for children to exchange ideas with parents,点拨,(1)make an exchange交换,in exchange(for.)作为交换(,),an exchange student 一个交换生,(2)exchange sth. for sth.用某物交换某物,exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物,exchange ideas 交换意见,4,.,afford,v,.买得起,负担得起;提供,给予,单句填空,The price of homes goes up and people from the area cannot afford,(buy) a house there.(教材原句),I encourage readers to go to their local library when they can,t afford,(purchase) a book. (2020课标全国),Eating out once or twice a week may be,(afford) but doing,this most days adds up.,to buy,to purchase,affordable,完成句子,在困难时期,能够买得起一杯酒喝也是一件令人很宽慰的事。,a drink would be a comfort in the tough times.,他太忙了。他没有足够的时间来陪儿子,即使他想这样。,He is so busy. He,with his son even if he wants to.,这项计划给年轻人提供了获得工作经验的机会。,The programme,to gain work experience.,Being able to afford,cannot afford enough time,affords young people the chance,点拨,(1)afford sth. 买得起某物,负担得起某物,afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事(的费用或代价),afford sb. sth.给予某人某物,(2)affordable,adj,.能支付得起的,易错,afford 意为“买得起,负担得起”时,常与can、could、be able to连用,后接名,词、代词或不定式。,5,.,survive,v,.死里逃生;大难不死;在,之后继续生存,单句填空用survive的适当形式填空。,All these things mean that many villages in western Europe are fighting,.(教材原句),Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking;,is never certain.,She created a website page, matching,in need with donors,who wanted to help.,to survive,survival,survivors,He was the only,who,the earthquake.He told,us he,on a bottle of water.Everyone said his,was a wonder.,单句改错,The drug can help people survive from heart attacks.,Only a few houses were survived after the earthquake.,survivor,survived,had survived,survival,删掉from,删掉were,点拨,(1)survive the war/accident/earthquake 经过战争/事故/地震而幸存下来,(2)survive sb. (by+时间)比某人多活(多长时间),(3)survive on 靠,生存下来,(4)survival,n,.生存,幸存;残存物,survivor,n,.幸存者,生还者,易错,survive表示“从地震、火灾、事故中幸存下来”时,其后通常不接介词from或,in。,6,.,contact,v,.联络;联系(某人),n,.接触;联系,单句填空,(contact) your neighbourhood committee.(教材原句),Mike asked the policeman with whom he worked,(contact),him whenever there was an accident.,Air traffic control lost radio contact,the pilot of the aircraft,ten minutes before the accident.,Contact,to contact,with,The World Expo is like a great stage for cultural exchanges, bringing people,closer contact with the rest of the world.,完成句子,Don,t worry.We will try to,(联系,接触)other schools in the,area to help your child.,They have,(与,失去联系)each other for nearly,30 years.,into,make contact with,been out of contact with,点拨,(1)make contact with联络;联系,get into contact with与,取得联系,lose contact with与,失去联系,keep in contact with与,保持联系,be in/out of contact with与,有/没有联系,bring sb. into contact with使某人接触,(2)contact sb. 联系某人(此时contact是及物动词,后面不能跟with),7,.,fortunate,adj,. 幸运的;吉祥的,单句填空,I feel very fortunate,(live) here. (教材原句),(fortunate), after a brief stay in hospital, Ben was well e-,nough to be allowed to leave and later the family met up for dinner.(2018课标全,国),Many graduates are trying their,(fortunate) in medium-sized,cities due to the fierce competition in big ones.,living,Fortunately,fortune,But,(fortunate), the landlady could not accommodate us be-,cause all her rooms had been booked.,The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands of people to believe that a,(fortunate) was to be made.,一句多译,她很幸运遇到了一位优秀的英语老师。,.,.,.,unfortunately,fortune,She is fortunate to meet an excellent English teacher,She is fortunate in meeting an excellent English teacher,Fortunately, she meets an excellent English teacher,点拨,(1)be fortunate to do sth./be fortunate(in) doing sth.很幸运做某事,Its fortunate that.幸运的是,(2)fortune,n,.运气;财富,try/seek ones fortune碰运气,make a good fortune发大财,(3)fortunately,adv,.幸运地,unfortunate,adj,.不幸的,unfortunately,adv,.不幸地,易错,fortunate的副词形式往往置于句首,用逗号与主句分开,说明后面主句表达的,意思。,1,.,put up 修建;举起;架起;张贴;投宿,(在,)过夜;提高,赏句猜义写出下列句中put up 的含义。,Theyve,put up,a lot of high-rise buildings recently.(教材原句),We,put up,at a motel.,Put up,your hands if you have any questions.,They are,putting up,several new office blocks in the center of the town.,修建,投宿;住宿,举起,修建;建造,单句填空,The proposal put,by Dobrindt aims to help promote fully au-,tomatic driving.,Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can put,almost every,word her teacher says.,The forest guards often find campfires that have not been put,completely.,It is wise to have some money put,for old age.,He will have to find some other work, for he can,t put up,this loud noise,any more.,forward,down,out,away,with,点拨,put away储存(钱);储存,以备用;储蓄,put forward提出(意见、建议),推荐;将,提前;将(钟表等)向前拨,put off推迟;拖延,put out扑灭(火);熄灭,put on穿上;增加;上演,put down放下;写下;记下;镇压,put up with忍受;忍耐,2,.,get away from摆脱,单句填空,I love cities,but there are times when I need to get out into the countryside and,get away,the noise,the dirt and the people.(教材原句),School uniforms are traditional in Britain, but some schools are starting to get,rid,them. (2019浙江),If we can get,our present difficulties, everything would be all,right.,I spoke slowly, but my meaning didn,t get,.,from,of,over,across,How are you getting along,your essay?,Anyway, were here now, so lets get down,some serious,work.,写作微测,在如此短的时间内他几乎不能完成这么多工作。(hardly引起的倒装句;get,through),with,to,Hardly could he get through this amount of work in such a short time.,点拨,get away走开;离开,get over克服,get across被传达;被理解;把,讲清楚,get away with逃脱惩罚,get down to(doing)sth.着手(做)某事,get through完成(工作);结束;用完;顺利通过(考试等),get on/along with与,相处;进展,get rid of摆脱掉;除去,3,.,go up上升,上涨,单句填空,The price of homes goes,and people from the area cannot af-,ford to buy a house there.(教材原句),If you dont go,what you want, you will never have it.,There was no beer left in the refrigerator and the store was closed, so you had,to go,tonight.,Life isnt meant to be easy and you have to go,some pain to,learn the skills to move forward.,up,after,without,through,There seems to be a growing tendency for young people to go,what their parents say.,The manager approved of the secretarys course of action, so he told her to go,.,完成句子,The incomes of skilled workers,(上涨). Meanwhile, unskilled,workers saw their earnings fall.,against,ahead,went up,点拨,go ahead前进;干吧;说吧,go after追求;追逐,go against 违背;对,不利,go by时光流逝,go off爆炸;离开;(警报器)发出响声,go through经历;经过,go without将就;没有,也行,1,.,It is/has been+一段时间+since.,教材原句,Its been six years since,we last saw each other, you know.你知道,自从我们上,次见面已经有六年了。,选词填空(since/when/before/that),If you miss this chance, it will be years,you get another one.,It was the middle of the night,my father woke me up and told,me to watch the football game.,before,when,It has been a month,Tom recovered from his injury.,It was yesterday,the news was broadcast on TV.,He,d moved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13,years,Id last seen him.(2018课标全国),单句填空,It will be another week before he,(return).,It was several years since the war,(break)out.,since,that,since,returns,had broken,点拨,(1)It+be+时间段+since.意为“自从,以来已经有,时间了”。,(2)It was/will be+一段时间+before.意为“过了一段时间就发生了,/要过,一段时间才能发生,”。,(3)It is/was+时间点+when.意为“当,时已是,时候了”。,(4)It+be+介词+时间点/段+that.是强调句型,强调介词短语。,2 It/This is the first time(that).,教材原句,And,this is the first time,Ive visited your hometown.这是我第一次到你的家乡,来参观。,单句填空,This is the first time we,(see)a film in the cinema together as,a family.,It was the first time that Tim,(tell) a lie. He was scared.,have seen,had told,Jack is a great talker. Its high time that he,(do)something instead of just,talking.,Excuse me. Visiting hours are over. Its time for you,(leave).,did,to leave,点拨,(1)This/It is the first/second.time+that从句,意思是“这是某人第一/二,次,做某事”,其中that引导定语从句,that在口语中常省略。主句使用is,定语从句,使用现在完成时;主句用was,定语从句用过去完成时。,(2)It is time for sb. to do sth.到某人该做某事的时间了。,(3)It is high time that sb. did/should do sth.到某人该做某事的时候了。,1,.,教材与语法填空,阅读所学课文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形,式。,Xiao Li,s hometown,1.,(lie) in the northwest of Xiamen, is one of the,most,2.,(attract), interesting and lovely places. The people there are,3.,(friend). It is hot and wet in the summer, but it can be quite cold in,the winter. Every year thousands of,4.,(tour) come to enjoy its beautiful,scenery. In the business district, lots of high-rise buildings,5.,综合素养,提素练,lying,attractive,friendly,tourists,have been put,(put) up, and the rent is very high. There,6.,(be) some great shopping malls,too. The western district is,7.,most interesting part of the city, 8.,there are many pretty parks. There is a nice little fish restaurant and you can park,there to have,9.,rest or a big meal when you are starving or tired. Gulangyu,Island is a gorgeous one,10.,some really interesting architecture.,are,the,where,a,with,2,.,教材与短文改错,根据课文内容,对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有,两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。,In some countries in western Europe,the countryside is changing.Life has,become difficult for many village and some are disappeared.There are number of,reasons for this.Firstly,young people want to live somewhere more livelier and,move to towns and do not return.Secondly,there are very little jobs in the coun-,tryside.Another problem is whether it is becoming more and more difficult of,farmers to make money from their farms.Sometimes villages remain because,people from the cities have bought houses in the village,where they come to live,in at weekends.Thats why the price of the house goes down in the city and they,cant afford one.,答案,1.第二句:villagevillages2.第二句:disappeareddisappearing,3.第三句:number前加a4.第四句:去掉more 5.第五句:littlefew,6.第六句:whetherthat7.第六句:offor8.第七句:wherewhich,9.第八句:whybecause10.第八句:downup,3 教材与话题写作,.写作要点,根据下面的素材,用本模块所学词汇和句式结构完成句子。,1.这对夫妇自从上次见面已有一年了。,2.她的丈夫在广州郊区盖楼。,3.一天,她打电话联系他说,她决定来看他。,4.广州是她到过的最吸引人的地方之一。她决定去购物。,5.当她快到一家购物中心时发生了交通事故,她伤得很重。,6.听到这个噩耗,她丈夫立刻来到医院并和医生交换了看法。在医生的帮助,下她活了下来。,.连句成篇,将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的短文。,答案,One possible version:,It has been a year,since,the couple last saw each other. Her husband is,putting up,buildings,in the,suburb,of Guangzhou. One day, she,made contact with,him by,telephone, saying she decided to see him. Guangzhou is one of the most,attrac-,tive,places she has been to, so she decided to do some shopping. However, she,had a,traffic,accident when she,was approaching,a shopping center and was bad-,ly hurt. On hearing the bad news, her husband came to the hospital at once and,exchanged,his opinion with the doctor. She,survived,with the doctors help.,


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