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课时,4 Section B (1a-1d),安徽人教版八年级下,Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,基础巩固练,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,答案呈现,gold,silk,nobody,cheat,stupider,B,B,D,C,10,A,13,14,15,kept; for,Once upon a time,trying to improve,11,12,Look at,isnt wearing,答案呈现,能力提升练,16,Because he had important work to do.,18,Sometimes having too many friends means no friends.,17,Four.,一、根据首字母和汉语提示完成单词。,1. My father bought my mother a nice ring made,of,g,(,金子,)last,Sunday.,2. The,s,(,丝绸,)T-shirt,looks really nice.,Why not,buy it for your brother?,3. Bill thinks,n,(,没有人,)in,the world,understands him, so he is very sad,.,old,ilk,obody,4. Its not right to,c,(,欺骗,)your teachers or parents.,5. I think this idea is much,s,(,愚蠢的,)than that one.,heat,tupider,二、单项选择。,6,. I read,_ story,about Shen Nong. Do,you know,who he was?,Yes. He was _,emperor,in ancient China.,A. a; /,B,. a; an,C,. an; a,D,. an; /,B,7,.,中考,安徽, This time, we must depend,on ourselves,to solve the problem., I,agree.,_,but,we ourselves can find a way out.,A. Everybody,B,. Nobody,C. Somebody,D,. Anybody,B,8,. Joe never tells the truth. I was _,enough to trust,him.,A. independent,B,. lonely,C. strong,D,.,stupid,D,9,. Mike, please tell me the names of,some everyday,_.,OK. The cup, the umbrella and the table.,A.,clothes B,. languages,C. objects,D,. examples,C,10.,安徽,阜阳九中期中,The teacher is very angry because,Mandy _ in,the exam.,A. cheated,B,. hid,C. succeeded,D,. reminded,A,三、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。,11.,看我买的新,T,恤。它多漂亮呀!,_,_,the,new T-shirt I bought.,How nice,it is,!,Look at,12,.,图片中这个小男孩什么也没有穿。,The little boy in the picture _ _,any clothes,.,isnt wearing,13.,这个骗子把这些钱藏着留给了他自己。,The cheat hid the money and,_ it,_,himself.,kept for,14,.,从前有个皇帝,他有三个女儿。,_,_,_,_,there,was an,emperor who had three daughters,.,Once upon a time,15.,我,正努力提高我的英语口语水平。,Im_ _ _my spoken English,.,trying to improve,四、任务型阅读。,16. Why didnt the horse help the rabbit?,(不超过,10,个词,),_,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,49,页原文。,Because he had important work to do.,【,点拨,】,根据原文第一段中句子,So she went to the horse,and asked him to take her away from the hounds on his,back. But he did not, because he had important work to do.,可知答案。,17. How many animals did the rabbit ask for help?,(不超过,5,个词,),_,Four.,【,点拨,】,根据原文可知,the rabbit,找了,the horse,、,the bull,、,the sheep,、,the calf,四位朋友帮忙。,18. What does the writer want to tell us?,(不超过,10,个词),_,Sometimes having too many friends means no friends.,【,点拨,】,文中通过讲述兔子有许多朋友,可是有危险时没有一个朋友愿意帮助它,可知文章主要是告诉我们有许多朋友跟没有朋友没有什么区别。,


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