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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,汉译英,1,Learning Objectives,To understand the requirements of translation for CET4,To know fields of improvement,To build up related skills,To practise,2,2013年12月新题型 大学英语四级考试,翻译题型: 段落翻译(汉译英),目标:测试学生把汉语所承载的信息用英语表达出来的能力。,分值比例:15%,考试时间:30分钟。,内容:中国历史、文化、经济、社会发展,长度:140-160个汉字;,3,评分标准,13-15分:译文准确表达了原文的意思。用词贴切,行文流畅,基本上 无语言错误,仅有个别小错,10-12分:译文基本上表达了原文的意思。文字通顺、连贯,无重大语言错误。 译文勉强表达了原文的意思。,7-9分:用词欠准确,语言错误相当多, 其中有些是严重语言错误。,4-6:分译文仅表达了一小部分原文的意思。用词不准确,有相当多 的严重语言错误。,1-3分:译文支离破碎。除个别词语或句子,绝大部分文字没有表达 原文意思。 未作答,或只有几个孤立的词,或译文与原文毫不相关。,4,To know fields of improvement,13-15分:译文准确表达了原文的意思。用词贴切,行文流畅,基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错,10-12分:译文基本上表达了原文的意思。文字通顺、连贯,无重大语言错误。 译文勉强表达了原文的意思。,Based on the standards, which fields are worthy of our efforts?,5,(一)恰当选词: 固定结构的用法,(二)中英文句式之间的对应与转换,(三)语态之间的转换,(四)词性的转换,(五)长短句之间的转化,6,恰当选词: 固定结构的用法,首先要尽量避免过于笼统的词语,选用其下义词或更确切的词语。,例如:,“他养了一条牧羊犬”,He raised a dog,He raised a shepherd dog.,He runs very fast.,He gave us a quick answer.,7,(二)中英文句式之间的对应与转换,有些中文句子结构与含义可以对应英文中的某些句型。若考生可以恰当使用这些句型,可达到事半功倍的效果。,如:,只有在海洋中我们才能发现鲸鱼,Only,in the ocean,can we,find whales.,8,倒装结构,英语中的倒装结构分为全部倒装和部分倒装。以下都是考生应当重视的地方。,1. 哪些否定词或者短语前置能引起倒装句,2. 部分倒装和全部倒装有何区别,3. as和so在倒装结构中的用法及意义等,,9,(1),用于句首状语的否定句。,never, hardly, seldom, rarely, not, until,scarcely, in no case(不管怎样也不),in no way(不管怎么也不),by no means(决不),on no account(不论什么原因也不),at no time(无论什么时候也不)等否定词放在句首时,句子要全部倒装。,他一点也不知道警察就在旁边,Little did he know that the police were around.,我从没听说过这样一个名字,Never have I heard of such a name.,她几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛,Hardly could she believe her own eyes,10,我们绝不能停止保护环境。,By no means shall we cease to protect our environment.,入口需要随时有人把守。,At no time can the entrance be left unguarded.,11,(2) 从属连词as和though也可以用于让步状语从句中,部分倒装。,1) (虽然自行车小,但是给我们带来不少方便。),Small as a bicycle is, it can bring a lot of convenience to our lives.,2) (他看起来样子傻傻的,可似乎总是能提出最聪明的建议。),Foolish though he looks, he always seems to make the wisest proposals.,12,3) (你尽管可以试,但决不会成功)。,Try as you may, you will never succeed.,Pretty as Mary is, she is not clever.,如果表语是单数可数名词, 该词前一般不加冠词,Child as he is ,he knows a lot.,13,(3) 在no soonerthan, hardlywhen, not onlybut also句型中,前面的句子要部分倒装,No sooner had I reached the station than the train left.,Hardly had I reached the station when the train left.,Not only does he like English but also he learns it well.,注: not onlybut also, neithernor连接两个主语时不倒装,Not only he but also I went to the Park.,14,例如:_(鲇鱼walking fish不仅可以离开水存活), but they can also travel short distances over land,答案:Not only can walking fish live out of water(部分倒装),15,1. 至于计算机化的影响,没有什么地方比银行能更清楚地看到其成果。,2. 要不是来自政府的及时投资,我们的公司不会像现在这样繁荣昌盛。,3. 只是过了一年,我就开始看到我工作的成绩。,4. 该组织没有违反规章,但是它也没有负责任地认真工作。,5. 几乎每个月都有消息报道调查中国公民中科学教育文盲问题的严重性。,16,1. As for the influence of computerization, nowhere have we seen the results more clearly than in the bank.,2. Had it not been for the timely investment from the government, our company would not be thriving as it is.,3. Only after a year did I begin to see the results of my work.,4. The organization had broken no rules, but neither had it acted responsibly.,5. Hardly a month goes by without word of another survey revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among Chinese citizens.,17,6. 打算离婚的父母没有很好地培养孩子应对将要到来的危机的能力,他们也没有向孩子们作出很有必要的保证:会有人照顾你们的。,7. 虽然他聪明机智,也觉得解决这个问题很难。,8. 她不仅学习刻苦,而且很有礼貌。,9. 树下坐着的人,是我见过的最高大的人之一。,10. 只有当研究者获得充分的数据,他们才能得出一个正确的结论。,18,6. Parents planning to divorce do not sufficiently prepare their children for the coming crisis, nor do they provide them with the necessary assurances that they will be cared for in the aftermath.,7. Clever and resourceful though he was, he found more than a little difficulty solving the problem.,8. Not only was she a hard worker, but she was also very polite.,9. Under a tree was sitting one of the biggest men I had ever seen.,10. Only when the researchers have obtained sufficient data can they come to a sound conclusion.,19,非谓语结构和独立主格结构,一般说来,在句子中没有连接词的情况下,逗号是不能连接两个句子的,,其中一个分句要么是非谓语形式,要么是独立主格结构。这两种结构都作状语,不同的是独立主格结构有自己的逻辑主语,而非谓语结构则需要考生判断逻辑主语和非谓语动词之间的关系,确定使用主动语态或被动语态。,可以表示对象、方式、伴随、对照、结果、让步等,正确地使用能够让学生在汉译英的过程中化繁为简。,20,例如:_(她一动不动地躺在床上),she fixed her eyes on the last leaf hanging against the wall,答案:Lying in bed without any movement,由那个男孩带路,我们很容易就找到了那奇怪的洞。,_, we had no trouble finding the strange cave.,答案: The boy leading the way,21,经理看上去很着急, 有这么多的事情要处理。,The manager looks worried,many things to settle.,事情还没有处理,而且是由经理本人来处理,用不定式to settle,表示将来的时间,许多事情已经处理好了,经理看上去很轻松。,The manager looks relaxed, many things settled.,事情已经处理好了,用过去分词settled表示动作已经结束,The food being cooked, the boy was watching TV.,22,没有别的事可讨论,我们都回家了。,There being no further business to discuss, we all went home.,我脱掉鞋子后,走进一间屋顶很低的房间,小心翼翼地踩在柔软的塌塌米垫子上。,My shoes removed,I entered a low-ceilinged room,treading cautiously on the soft tatami matting,如果天气允许的话,他们将在明天组织一次海滨郊游。,Weather permitting,they will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow,如果情况如此的话,你没有理由解聘他。,Such being the case,you have no grounds for dismissing him,23,介词with/ without引起的状语结构,介词with与名词或名词结构搭配引起的状语可以表示对象、方式、伴随、对照、结果、让步等,正确地使用with能够让学生在汉译英的过程中化繁为简。,例如:_(有了这些措施),we can change our society into one in which natural resources will be fully cherished,答案:With these measures,此外,代词和连接词的使用、状语从句以及名词性从句和形容词性从句的用法也是考生应该重点复习的对象。,24,强调句型,强调句的基本结构是“It is/was. that/who.”,考生务必明确强调的部分可以是句子中除了谓语以外的任何成分,要特别注意强调句与“not until”的连用。,例如:_(直到失去健康)that people know the value of health.,答案:It is not until they lose it,25,中英文句式之间的对应与转换,1. 比较的表达,据说,游客每天在利兹的花销仅为在伦敦的一半。,1) asmany/ much名词as,It is said that visitors spend only half as much money in a day in Leeds as in Lon-don.,倍数词as形容词as,这个水库的面积是十年前三倍。,The reservoir is three times as big as it was ten years ago.,26,2) 倍数词+ more +名词形容词十than,吸烟对人体健康的危害极大,每年死于吸烟的人比死于车祸的人多七倍。,Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills seven times more people each year than automobile accidents.,3)(not)as/ so. as(和(不)一样),环境问题没有他们在报告中说得那么严重。,The environmental problems are not as serious as they suggested in their report.,27,4)no more. than(与一样不),一个女学生固然不宜当经理,她也同样不宜。,She is no more fit to be a manager than a schoolgirl would be.,5)Nothing is more. than(没有比更的;是最的),没有比接受教育更重要的事。,Nothing is more important than to receive education.,28,6) the morethe more(越越),一个国家的经济发展越快,它的人口增长就越慢。,The faster a countrys economy develops,the slower its population grows.,29,2. 感官动词of名词 (的感觉),他们仓皇地逃人一个充满恐怖气氛的山洞。,They hurriedly escaped into a cave that smelt of terror.,3. without (not so much as)(甚至没有),出于对丈夫的失望,玛丽离开了家,甚至都没有回头看他一眼。,Disappointed with her husband,Mary left home without so much as looking back at him,4. (n) either.(n) or.(既不也不;或者或者),他既不喜欢故事情节也不喜欢背景音乐,所以在电影院里睡着了。,Liking neither the story nor the background music,he fell asleep in the cinema.,30,5. too.to.(太而不能;极其地),他们选择在地震多发的地区定居,这可不是个明智的决定。,It was not too bright of them to settle in an area where earthquakes frequently occur.,6. only to find/ see(结果却;没想到会),为了买那只据说能下金蛋的母鸡,他几乎倾家荡产,没想到这只鸡根本不会下蛋。,He spent almost all his money to buy the hen which was said to be able to lay gold eggs, only to find it could not lay eggs at all.,7. It is undoubted that/ There is no doubt that(毫无疑问,),毫无疑问,如果我们肯认真和谈就能避免战争。,There is no doubt that war can be avoided if we get down to peace talk.,31,8. rather than(而不是),我们应该集中精力改善自我,而不是追求金钱的享乐。,Rather than pursue money to achieve happiness,we should focus on the improvement of ourselves.,9. not. until(直到才),直到获得有关当局的批准我们才能发行那部电影。,We cant release the film until we have the approval from the authority concerned.,32,10)so/ such()that(如此以至于),在谣言迅速散播的情况下,他们焦虑异常,无法人睡。,With the rumor spreading fast, their anxiety was such that they could not sleep/they became so anxious that they could not sleep.,11)(The)chances are that(很可能),她很可能已经知道了,所以我们没有必要再保守这个秘密。,Chances are that she has already known it, and there is no need for us to keep the secret.,12)It occurred to sb. that(突然想到),从来没有想到她会成为一位王妃。,It had never occurred to Cinderella she would become a princess someday. Cinderella,33,语态之间的转换,中译英经常会涉及语态之间的转换。,人们让我们相信,得到心里渴望的东西是件很容易的事。,We have been assured that achieving our hearts desires would be a piece of cake,通常中文中的主语过于宽泛的时候,如“人们”,“别人”“这”等等,都可以转化成英文的被动语态,省略原来的主语。,34,词性的转换,词性转换指的是中英文之间词性的转换,如在中文里是名词,到了英文句子中就变成了动词。这里主要提示四种情况。,名词转换成动词,例如:查理的梦想是将来成为一个侦探。(“梦想”是名词),译为:Charlie dreams of becoming a detective in the future.(“dream 是动词),35,动词转化成名词,例如:用害怕这个词来描述可能会更准确。(“描述”是动词),译为:Afraid would be a more accurate description.( description是名词),36,名词转化成形容词,例如:吉姆成功的可能性很小。(“可能性”是名词),译为:It is almost unlikely/impossible for Jim to succeed.(“unlikely和“impossible都是形容词),形容词转化成名词,例如:在这紧张的时刻他感到非常紧张。(“紧张的”是形容词),译为:The intensity of the moment filled his mind with intensity.( intensity是名词),37,此外,在翻译过程中,还需要注意的就是,中文句子通常比较短小,逗号使用较多,且逗号可连续使用。而英文中则经常出现由并列结构和主从结构所构成的长句,逗号不可以随意使用。这时需要注意所译英文句子不要因中文影响而出现残句或粘连句。例如:“我收到了。”译成“I have received.”就是残句,应为“I have received it.”。将“玛丽五年前住在旧金山,在那儿她写了三本小说。”译成Mary lived in San Francisco five years ago,there she wrote three novels.”就是粘连句,应该是“Mary lived in San Francisco five years ago,and there she wrote three novels”,38,1. The substance does not dissolve in water _(不管是否加热).2. Not only _(他向我收费过高), but he didnt do a good repair job either.,3. Your losses in trade this year are nothing _(与我的相比).4. On average, it is said, visitors spend only _ (一半的钱)in a day in Leeds as in London.5. By contrast, Americans mothers were more likely _(把孩子的成功归因于)natural talent.6. Today, _(随着生活节奏的加快), people usually do not have as much time to write letters as before.7. With the rise in population, the traffic in cities _ (日益拥挤).8. Opportunity often _(起重要作用) ones choice of a career.9. It is easier to _(染上坏习惯) than to get into good ones.10. However troublesome the problem is, _(他都耐心地去面对).,39,1. whether (it is) heated or not考点:让步状语从句与被动语态,2. did he charge me too much/did he overcharge me考点:not only置于句首时,其后从句要进行倒装3. compared with mine/in comparison with mine考点:“与相比”表达法4. half as much (money) 考点:英语比较结构原级比较一般用 as as ; not as as ; the same as ; 特殊结构 A is to B what / as X is Y ; A+倍数或几分之几 as + adj. / adv. + as +B. 难点结构:as+adj.+n.+as分句 和 as much/many + 名词+ as 分句5. to attribute their childrens success to考点:be likely to do; attribute sth to sb/sth,40,6. with the quick pace of life考点:介词结构作状语;另外需注意with复合结构作独立主格表伴随时的用法: with +名词(代词)+现在分词/过去分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语,7. becomes heavier and heavier/ is increasingly heavy考点:heavy traffic这一搭配方法,“日益”表达法,8. plays an important role/part in考点:“起作用”的表达法,9. fall into bad habits考点:固定词组的翻译;另需主义本句比较结构的用法,10. he faces it with patience难点:逐字翻译时主句中face宾语it容易漏掉,41,


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