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Click here to type page title,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,bc,Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc.,Performance Review Criteria,BOS,bc,Performance,Review Criteria,November 1998,Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc.,1,Objective,This module is intended to provide some general guidelines to ACs, Consultants, and Managers on the skills they are expected to demonstrate,2,Agenda,New AC,Experienced AC,SAC/First Year Consultant,Experienced Consultant/CTL,New Manager,Experienced Manager,3,New Associate Consultant,Value Addition,Client/,Communication,Extraordinary Teams,Perform analysis reliably and accurately,demonstrate effective and creative data gathering,execute,zero-defect analysis,develop clear and detailed audit trails and back-up,Organize and present materials in standard Bain format,Listen actively,and take good notes in caseteam and client situations,Convey professionalism and maturity in all interactions,Demonstrate basic Bain team skills,meet deadlines,constructively share analysis and ideas with team,work well under pressure (with enthusiasm, energy and dedication),demonstrate professionalism and consideration in all interactions,effectively manage multiple workstreams and responsibilities,&,+,+,+,+,4,Experienced Associate Consultant,Value Addition,Client/Communication,Extraordinary Teams,Deliver high quality analysis, with limited supervision,master the set of basic Bain strategic analyses,use,80/20,+,to test hypothesis and overcome obstacles,develop “expert status” on own workstream,develop insights, implications of analysis,Communicate business insights,Make focused contributions in caseteam and client meetings,Conduct focused internal and external meetings,Develop collaborative,relationships with clients,:,be sensitive to clients needs, culture,earn clients respect,Leverage supervisors time,Proactively seek out other team members to share ideas and information,Demonstrate initiative in maintaining/improving team morale,Provide responsible, mature,feedback,+, both upwards and downwards,+,5,Senior Associate Consultant/First Year Consultant,Value Addition,Client/Communication,Extraordinary Teams,Assume responsibility for piece of analysis; drive to answers,develop workplan,using hypothesis-driven approach and linear logic flow,perform effective reality checks and quality control,leverage Bain tools when required,use business judgment to develop persuasive conclusions and insights,suggest additional analysis and next steps for continued value creation,Demonstrate clear, logical written and oral communication,Earn clients respect in joint as well as independent interactions,listen effectively,demonstrate professionalism, discretion,keeps supervisor informed of key developments,Add value through client process,handle all client interactions thoughtfully, confidently,effectively present analysis, persuading and motivating clients to act,build collaborative relationships with clients; gain expert status,Contribute to team effectiveness/morale,plan and organize time effectively,maintain sense of humor,pitch in wherever needed,express enthusiasm and intellectual curiosity,informally drive teams energy and output,Treat team members and administrative staff with respect,Be willing and eager to contribute to firm on non-client activities, when asked,+,6,Experienced Consultant/Caseteam Leader,Value Addition,Client/Communication,Extraordinary Teams,Drive analytic value-creation process,develop hypotheses jointly with supervisor,focus on critical issues,design and execute workplans,update hypothesis; have working conclusion available at all times,effectively proof analysis,produce actionable, implementable solutions,show analytic creativity by developing new way to look at business problems,develop integrative view of entire case/client,codify team results (Brava),Demonstrate logical written communication,effectively communicate simple, compelling ideas,use strategic frameworks,develop credible first pass at storyline for presentation,Effectively and persuasively present Bain work orally,read and engage audience,handle questions well,lead client thinking on issues,Manage substantial piece of client relationship,help orchestrate Bain-client relationship,build consensus on work, answer, action implications,drive clients to act,Actively participate in all aspects of team management,allocate time and resources appropriately,conduct efficient meetings,delegate work differentially,achieve high level of output, morale from team,provide PD opportunities,be an effective coach,manage supervisors appropriately; leverage their time, give feedback, and use them as sounding board,Contribute proactively in office/firm asset building,7,New Manager,Value Addition,Client/Communication,Extraordinary Teams,Assume responsibility for caseteams value creation,provide intellectual leadership to team by demonstrating creative thinking about clients business issues, prioritizing critical issues and designing approach to address them,maintain high standards of analytic thoroughness and quality,determine appropriate format for communicating analytic results to convince clients to take action,capture/summarize lessons learned/value created in order to build firm assets,Craft logical, tight Bain-style presentations, relatively independently,Build and maintain consensus with client on goals of work, analytical tasks to be undertaken, and potential implications,build professional credibility such that client executives believe you have understood the issues facing their business and that you will develop creative solutions supported by the organization,develop client support for continued Bain involvement beyond current case, when appropriate,Create an extraordinary team,effectively manage the PD of each team member (skill planning, coaching and performance feedback),balances caseteam goals with the professional growth and satisfaction of each team member,initiate timely and focused communications with supervisors, asking for their advice on specific issues,promote effective teamwork (create an atmosphere of enthusiasm, fun, and commitment to personal, team, and firm success),Enthusiastically take responsibility for non-client activity, when asked,Contribute to office morale,8,Experienced Manager,Value Addition,Client/Communication,Extraordinary Teams,Assume full responsibility for value creation for the client,Start-up:,gain consensus with client on case objectives, critical issues, client participation, deliverables, and timeframe,provide intellectual leadership to the team,Case process:,ensure high quality analytic and conceptual output,develop client commitment to recommendations,capture, measure, and monitor value addition,Selling:,support VPs, when asked, in identifying opportunities for further value creation,Master the nuances of presentation preparation ranging from across-the-table updates to junior clients to standup presentations to CEOs/Boards,Manage the client organization through the value addition process,build and maintain consensus with client on objectives, critical issues, workplan, recommendations and implementation,develop relationships with key client executives (expert, advisor),support the VP in achieving the most productive client relationship and in communicating Bains full capabilities to deal with issues confronting the client organization,Be a role model for Bain values,translate the vision, instill the values, teach the concepts, provide the leadership to both consulting and administrative staff,manage formal and informal PD needs of team leaders (skill planning, coaching, and performance feedback). Monitor PD of all indirect reports,assume supervisory responsibility for significant internal/non-client activity, when asked,9,


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