英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language

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Haga clic para cambiar el estilo de ttulo,Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrn,Segundo nivel,Tercer nivel,Cuarto nivel,Quinto nivel,*,Metafunctions of Language,Hallidays Model,12英语2班,丁王婷、陈楠、刘燕妹,庞林艳、高志鹏、翟小波,Hallidays three metafunctions of language,Ideational function,(概念元功能),Interpersonal functio,n(人际元功能),Textual function,(语篇元功能),Ideational function,(概念元功能),The ideational function is to,organize peoples experience of the real or imaginary world, such as a persons attitude, evaluation, feelings and emotions.,e.g W,e have different hobbies:I like traveling while,you dont like it.,Ideational function,(概念元功能),Ideational function comprises two components, the,experiential function,and,the logical function,.,The experiential function is when language enables users to “build a mental picture of reality,to make sense of what goes on around them and inside them”. It distinguishes the diverse patterns of experiences of participants.,The,logical,is when “which is represented in the linguistic system in the form of parataxis and hypotaxis,including such relations as coordination, apposition, condition and reported speech”.,Interpersonal functio,n(人际元功能),The interpersonal function is to,express the speakers role in the speech situation to indicate, establish, or maintain social relationships,.,e.g,W,e say “Thank you” to express the gratitude to,the person who help you. We say “Sorry” when,we make trouble to others.,Interpersonal function also consists of two parts:,the interactional function,and,the affective function,. The interactional part expresses“the speech-defined role relationship”and the affective component,describes,“the speakers emotions,judgment and attitudes”.,Textual function,(语篇元功能),The textual function is to,organize written or spoken texts in such a manner to fit the particular situation in which they are used.,Textual function is represented through two categories of resources,structural resources,which consist of thematic structure and thematic progression, and,nonstructural resources,which comprise all kinds of cohesive device.,Thanks!,


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