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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,Anatomy,Unit 1,English for Graduate Students,Contents, Brain-stormings,1,Background Information,2, Text Explanation,3, Discussion and Presentation,4,V Translation in Medical Literature,5, After-class Reading and Writing,6,I Brainstorming,Lets review some of the words you have learnt concerning anatomy:,Systematic anatomy,Topographic anatomy,Anterior posterior,Internal external,Superficial profound,Proximal distal,Ulnar radial,系统解剖,局部解剖,前,后,内,外,浅,深,近侧,远侧,尺侧,桡侧,II Background information,Who do you know is the father of anatomy? Please say something about him.,Who do you know is the father of contemprory anatomy?,Herophilus,Herophilus,of Chalcedon is the,early,Father of Anatomy and,Galen,remarked that he was the,first,to have,dissected,human,and,animal,bodies,. Pliny,states,Herophilus,was the,first,man,to,search,for the,cause,of,disease,by,human,dissection, and goes on to,say,that,Pharaoh,Ptolemy witnessed some of these dissections. Celsus gave Herophilus credit for using prisoners condemned to,die,as,subjects,of,study,immediately previous to their,last,breath, by,order,of the,sovereign,.,He was the,first,to accurately,differentiate,nerves,tendons, and,arteries,from,veins,. He,divided,motor,from,sensory,nerves. He taught that the,brain,was the,seat,of the,intelligence,. He recognised,pulsations,in,arteries,and counted them with the aid of a clepshydra or,water,-clock.,Herophilus,gave us the,name,of the first,part,of the,small intestine, the,duodenum, which,means,12,fingers,long,. He also named the,prostate gland,which means guard of the,bladder,.,His name is attached to the,confluence,of the,venous,sinuses,in the,occipital,region,of the,cerebrum,(the torcular of Herophili).,This,keen,anatomist,described the,liver,pancreas,salivary glands,chyliferous,vessels, and,genital,organs,from which he wrote at,least,nine treatises. Is there any wonder that he is referred to as the,early,Father,of,Anatomy,III Text Explanation,In this unit, we are going to learn the structure of a lung and a kidney.,First, please read the new words and expressions.,Please match column A with column B,A B,1vascular a,肋间的,2 bronchial b,主动脉,3 nutritive c,营养的,4 alveolar d,心室,5 aorta e,支气管的,6 intercostal f,血管的,7 ventricle j,小气泡,f,e,c,j,b,a,d,1 shunt a,门,2 hilum b,小动脉,3 coronal c,心房,4 cortex d,髓质,5 medulla e,皮质,6 periphery f,毛细血管,7 arteriole g,分流,8 capillary h,外周的,9 atrium I,冠状的,g,a,i,e,d,h,b,f,c,III-2 In-class Reading,Part A,The Blood Vessels of the Lung,In-class,reading,.,Part B,Elements of Renal Structure,Part A,The Blood Vessels of the Lung,The lung receives its blood supply from two vascular systemsthe bronchial and pulmonary circulations. The nutritive blood flow to all but the alveolar structures comes from the bronchial circulation, which originates from the aorta and upper intercostal arteries and receives about 1,per cent of the,cardiac output.,About one third of the venous effluent of the bronchial circulation drains into the systemic veins and back to the right ventricle. The remainder drains into the pulmonary veins and, along with the contribution from the thebesian veins in the heart, represents a component of the 1 to 2 per cent right-to-left shunt found in normal subjects. The pulmonary arterial system runs alongside the airways from the hila,(肺门),to the periphery.,The arteries down to the level of the subsegmental airways (2-mm diameter) are thin-walled, predominantly elastic vessels. Beyond this, the arteries become muscularized until they reach diameters of 30m, at which point the muscular coat disappears.,Most of the arterial pressure drop takes place in these small muscular arteries, which are responsible for the active control of blood flow distribution in the lung.,The pulmonary arterioles empty into an extensive capillary network and drain into thin-walled pulmonary veins, which eventually join with the arteries and bronchi at the hilum and exit the lung to enter the left atrium. (P133),Questions,1. Where do the lungs get their blood supply?,2. Does the nutritive blood flow to the alveolar structures?,The lung receives its blood supply from two vascular systemsthe bronchial and pulmonary circulations.,No. It flows to all but the alveolar structures,.,3. Where does 1 per cent of the cardiac output go?,4. What are the arteries down to the level of the subsegmental airways?,It goes to the bronchial circulation.,They are thin-walled, predominantly elastic vessels.,5. What is/ are responsible for the active control of blood flow distribution in the lung?,Small muscular arteries are responsible for the active control of blood flow distribution in the lung.,Part B,Elements of Renal Structure,The human kidneys are anatomically positioned in the,retroperitoneal,space at level of the lower thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae. Each adult kidney weighs approximately 150gm and measures about 12 by 6 by3cm. A coronal section of the kidney reveals two distinct regions.,The outer region, the,cortex,is about 1 cm in thickness. The inner region is the,medulla,and is made up of several conical structures. The bases of these pyramidal structures are located at the,corticomedullary,junction, and the,apices,extend into the,hilum,of the kidney as the,papillae,.,Each papilla is enclosed by a minor,calyx,; these calyces collectively communicate with major calyces, forming the,renal pelvis.,Urine that flows from the papillae is collected in the renal pelvis and passes to the bladder through the,ureters.,Blood is delivered to each kidney from a main renal artery branching from the aorta. The main artery usually divides into two main segmental branches, which are further subdivided into lobar arteries supplying the upper, middle, and lower regions of the kidney.,These vessels subdivide further as they enter the renal,parenchyma,and create interlobar arteries that course toward the renal cortex. These smaller arteries provide perpendicular branches, the arcuate arteries, at the corticomedullary junction.,Interlobular arteries arising from the arcuates extend into the cortex. The glomerular capillaries receive blood through afferent arterioles that originate from these terminal interlobular arteries.,Histologically, the kidney is composed of a,basic structural unit known as the,nephron.Each human kidney contains,approximately 1 million,nephrons.,The,nephron is composed of two major components:,a filtering element composed of an,enclosed capillary network (the,glomerulus),and an attached tubule. The tubule,contains several distinct anatomic and,functional segments. (518words),(from (P182 CECIL Essentials of Medicine 3rd edition by Thomas E.Anderoli,J.Claude Bennett, Charles C.J. Carpenter, Fred Plum and Lloyd H. Smith, Jr. ),Questions,6.Where do afferent arterioles come from?,7.What do the interlobular arteries provide at the corticomedullary junction?,Afferent arterioles come from terminal interlobular arteries.,These small arteries provide perpendicular branches, the arcuate arteries, at the corticomedulary junction.,Word Formation,kidney ,英,肾,ren- ,拉, (,prefix,),肾,renal,adj.,肾的,renal duct,输尿管,(ureter),renal function test (= kidney function test),肾功能试验,renal calculus klkjuls,肾结石,nephr(o)- ,希, (,prefix,),肾,nephric,adj.,肾的,(,同,renal),nephric duct,肾管,nephritis nefraitis,n.,肾炎,(nephritic adj.,肾炎的,),nephritic calculus klkjuls,肾结石,(,同,renal calculus ),Word formation,heart ,英,心,cardi(o)- ,希, (,prefix,),心,cardiac- adj.,心的,cardiac muscle,心肌,cardiac output,心输出量,cardioacceleratory, .k: dikselrtri ,adj.,心动加速的,Word formation,lung ,英,肺,pulmo- pulmon(o)- ,拉,(prefix),肺,pulmonary plmnri ,adj.,肺的,pulmogram plm grm,n.,肺部造影片,pulmonology plmnldi,n.,肺病学,Word formation,cut ,英,切(断),-tomy ,希, (,suffix,),切开术,oophorotomy .frtmi ,n.,卵巢切开术,卵巢切除术,ototomy ttmi ,n.,耳切开术,urethrotomy .jrirtmi ,n.,尿道切开术,IV Discussion and presentation,Now we are going to read a passage and then according to what you have read, make a 3-minute presentation,.,V- 1 Translation (EnglishChinese),Bronchiectasis (chronic dilatation and inflammation of large or small bronchi and bronchioli) has a predilection for the basal segments of both lower lobes, the right middle lobe and the lingual of the left upper lobe.,The nutritive blood flow to all but the alveolar structures comes from the bronchial circulation, which originates from the aorta and upper intercostal arteries and receives about 1 per cent of the cardiac output.,These vessels subdivide further as they enter the renal parenchyma and create interlobar arteries that course toward the renal cortex.,Answers,支气管扩张,(,大支气管或小支气管以及细支气管慢性扩张和炎症,),特别容易发生在两肺下叶基底部,右肺中叶和左肺上叶小舌。,因为支气管循环始于肺主动脉和上部肋间动脉,获得约百分之一的心输出量,所以肺除气泡以外的其他部位都依赖支气管循环提供营养血液。,当这些血管进入肾实质并形成肾皮质走向的叶间动脉时,将不断向周围分出许多侧支。,V -2 Translation ( Chinese -English),医学英语文摘翻译,文摘的标题,文摘的标题应简明、注目,突出论文中心,便于检索。,大多数标题使用,:,名词短语,+,介词(或修饰语),例如:,Aortic Valve Insufficiency in a 45-year-old Male,一,45,岁男性二尖瓣关闭不全病例讨论,(Case Studies, Lab Medicine, June 2005),2,),Pleural Fluid Neopterin Levels in Tuberculous Pleurisy,(Clinical Biochemisty ,2007),副标题的作用,1,突出重点内容,3) Acute-on-Chronic Renal Failure in the Rat: Functional Compensation and Hypoxia Tolerance,(Nephrology, February 24, 2006),2,突出研究方法,4) New Insights into Erectile Dysfunction: A Practical Approach,(American Journal of Medicine, August 1998),3,突出病例数,5) 62,例心脏超声指导室间隔缺损介入治疗的应用研究,Echocardiography in transcatheter closure of ventricule septal deficit,:,a practical study of 62 cases,Translation Exercise,Please translate the following,sentences into English:,1.,进行性肾脏病的新靶点趋化因子受体,CCR1,研究,2.,糖尿病酮症酸中毒诊断和治疗综述,.,3,对慢性肾病及,Tx,移植病人血浆,Cystatin C,和肌酸酐之间的关系研究,Answers,1.Chemokine Receptor CCR1: A new target for progressive kidney disease,(Nephrology ,July 22, 2005),2.Overview of the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis.,(The American Journal of the Medical Sciences),3.Relationship between Plasma Cystatin C and Creatinine in Chronic Renal Diseases and Tx-transplant patients,( Clinical Biochemistry),VI After class reading and writing,Please read the following passage after class and write a summery .,Answer,Synopsis,How does the food people eat get to the cells? It is well known that the food people eat goes into the body through the mouth, the gullet and the stomach. And then what causes it to be digested to send nutrishous food to the cells, which gives people energy to do whatever they want to do? Dr. William Beaumont found out by observing a wounded stomach that what gave rise to digestion, a process of the changes in food as it went through the digestive tract was juice. And later Ivan P. Pavlov, a Russian scientist found out by an experiment on a dogs stomach how the juice was created.,And now we know when food enters the mouth, a nerve impulse goes to the medulla, which is sent back by the nerves to the stomach. When the impulse reaches the stomach, muscles contract and the cells secret their juice in the stomach and gastrin, a hormone which makes the stomachs juice-secreting cells pour out more juices, into blood. The food is thus made to keep changing from big molecules to small ones.,In four or five hours, it enters the intestine, which will bring about a whole new set of cells secreting in intestine as well as in the liver and the pancreas. At this time the food has been broken down into molecules small enough to be sent by the cells of the intestine into the blood vessels.,Thank You !,


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