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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,英语数词用法,目录,单元重点语法讲解,一.,how much 引导的疑问句,考点1:用来询问事物的价格、价钱,意思是“多少钱”,eg:,How much are these socks?,What a beautiful key ring ! is it?,a .How old b .How far,c .How long d.How much,一、,how long的用法,how long有以下两个主要意思:,1.,表示多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days, four weeks 等)提问,。如:,A:How long did he stay here? 他在这儿呆了多久?,B:About two weeks. 大约两个星期。,A:How long does it take to get to London from here? 从这里到伦敦要多长时间?,B:At least ten hours. 至少要10个小时。,2.,表示某东西有多长,。如:,A:How long is the river? 这条河有多长?,B:About 500 km. 大约500千米。,二、,how often的用法,how often 指每隔多久,;多长时间一次。,主要用来对频度副词或状语(如:once a week, three times a month 等)提问。,如:,A:How often does he come here? 他(每隔)多久来一次?,B:Once a month. 每月一次。,A:How often do you visit your mother? 你多长时间看你妈妈一次?,B:Once a week. 一周一次。,三、,how soon的用法,how soon 指再过多久,主要用来对表示将来的一段时间(如:in an hour, in two weeks 等)提问。,如:,A:How soon will he be back? 他要多久才回来?,B:In an hour. 1 小时以后。,A:How soon shall we know the results? 我们多久能知道结果?,B:I dont know. 我不知道。,How far 和How long 的区别,A:,持续多长时间(多久),how long,How long have you been here?,For five months.,长度(多长,),how long,How long is the bridge?,Its 500 metres.,距离(多远),how far,How far is it from here to the zoo?,Its 6 kilometres,考向一(易错点):,时间、金钱、距离作主语时,不论数量多少,谓语动词用单数。,-How much the glasses?,-Five pounds enough.,二(易错点):,谈到货币时,经常考查dollar和yuan的区别。,-How much the glasses?,- 。,a. Ten yuans b. Ten yuan c.Ten dollars,dollar有单复数,大于一美元时,加s.,yuan 不可以。,基数词的用法,数词分为:,基数词,序数词。表示数量的多少的词叫基数词。,如:one,teo ,three等。,考点一:数词的拼写。,特殊基数词,1,000one(a) thousand,一千,10,000,ten thousand,一万,100,000,one hundred thousand,十万,1,000,000,one million,百万,10,000,000ten million,千万,100,000,000,one hundred million,一亿,1,000,000,000,billion十亿,108,one hundred and eight,500,five hundred,1813,one thousand eight hundred and thirteen.,多位数的读法, 从后向前数,每三位数加一个,;第一个,号前为thousand(千),第二个,号前为million(百万),然后再逐段表达。, 三位数数词要在百位和十位(若无十位则和个位)之间加and。,45,632,798 读作 forty-five million, six hundred and thirty-two thousand, seven hundred and ninety-eight,记住英语数字读法特点。以下面一个数字为例:,6,500,431,729,hundred,thousand,million,billion,注意每三个数为一个单位,按照百、,十、个向下读。,6,500,431,729,seven hundred and twenty-nine,thousand,million,billion,six,billion,five hundred million,four hundred and thirty-one thousand,hundred,基数词表示,确切,的数时,,不用复数,形式. 表示,不确切,数,如成百、成千上万,则用,复数,。,There are,hundreds of,people in the hall,320 three,hundred and,twenty,人的不确切岁数或年代,用几十的复数形式。He became a professor,in his thirties,It was,in the 1960s,基数词的句法功能可作主语、宾语、定语、表语、同位语。,The two,happily opened the box(作主语),They three,tried to finish the task (作同位语),The,nine,boys are from Tianjin.,这九个男孩子是天津人。 (作定语),Six plus four is,ten,. 六加四等于十。 (作表语),序数词,英语的序数词基本变法:,一般在基数词后加,th,ve,结尾的改为,-fth,-ty,结尾的改为,-tieth,熟记特殊词,:,first, second, third, fifth,eighth,ninth, twelfth,表示第几十几时,用几十的基数词+,连字符“”+个位序数词,。thirty-first 第三十一 fifty-sixth 第五十六,1,st,2,nd,3,rd,4,th,5,th,6,th,7,th,8,th,9,th,10,th,11,th,12,th,first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth,13,th,14,th,15,th,16,th,17,th,18,th,19,th,thirteen,th,fourteenth,fifteenth,sixteenth,seventeenth,eighteenth,nineteenth,20,th,30,th,40,th,50,th,60,th,70,th,80,th,90,th,100,th,twent,ieth,thirtieth,fortieth,fiftieth,sixtieth,seventieth,eightieth,ninetieth,one hundredth,21,st,22,nd,23,rd,35,th,101,st,twenty-first,twenty-second,twenty-third,thirty-fifth,one hundred and first,序数词的句法功能,序数词在句中可作主语、宾语、定语和表语。The second is what I really need(作主语)He choose the second(作宾语)We are to carry out the first plan(作定语)She is the second in our class(作表语),一、序号表示法,the +序数词+名词,名词+基数词,the first lessonLesson Onethe twenty-first roomRoom 21(twenty-one),The First World/ World War One.,基数词,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,twenty,thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,one(a) hundred,23,35,101,twenty-three,thirty-five,one hundred and one,基数词表示,确切,的数时,,不用复数,形式. 表示,不确切,数,如成百、成千上万,则用,复数,。,There are,hundreds,/thousands,of,people in the hall,320 three,hundred and,twenty,成千上百的,hundreds,and thousands,of,三三两两,in twos and threes,eg:Students go to the classroom in twos and threes .,人的不确切岁数或年代,用几十的复数形式,。,He became a professor,in his,thirties,在二十世纪六十年代,It was,in the 1960s,“,century 世纪” 在20世纪早/晚期,in the early/late century of twenty,数词名词用连在一起作定语,后面名词不用复数。,eg.,He is,a four-year-old boy,.,He is four years old.,英语中有一些短语包含数词,不能从表面上理解它们的意义,one and the only 唯一,be at one with 与 一致,one and the same 同一个;完全一样,ten to one 十之八九,talk nineteen to the dozen 滔滔不绝,by twos and threes 三三两两,in ones and twos 三三两两,first and last 总共,first of all 首先,from the first 从一开始,.,1、,章节、页数的读法,第一章:the first chapter Chapter One,第二节:the second section Section Two,第三课:the third lesson Lesson Three,第463页:page four six three,第2564页:page two five six four或twenty-five sixty-four,注意:如果页码的数字较长,通常用基数词。,2.,房间、门牌、电话号码的读法,第305房间:Room three o(零)five,长安街76号:seventy-six Changan Street,电话号码:204-2244:telephone number two o(零) four two two(double two) four four,十一路公共汽车:Bus(No.) eleven,3. 年代、日期的读法,年份是四位数字时,各分成二位来读, eg. 公元1995年:1995(=nineteen ninety-five),日期使用一般的序数词来读取 eg. 5月10日:May 10th(=May tenth),年代表示法: eg. 二十世纪九十年代:1990s nineteen nineties,二、,时刻表示法,1. 几点钟 5:00 读作 five,oclock,2. 几点过几分 five,past,seven 七点过五分half past six 六点半a quarter past eight 八点过一刻,3. 几点差几分,ten to eight 差十分八点a quarter to twelve 差一刻十二点twenty to six 差二十分六点,三、倍数、分数、小数、百分数表示法,1.,倍数的表达法,倍数用在,as+形容词/副词(原形)+as,结构之前.,倍数放在形容词或副词的比较级之前或by+倍数用在比较级之后,倍数用在表示度量名词前其基本结构为倍数,+the+size/length/weight-+of+,表示比较对象的名词,A is+倍数+比较级 thanB,A is +倍数+as+adj.原形+as B,A is 倍数 the +n. +of B,This bridge is three times as wide as that one.(这座桥是那座桥的三倍宽。),=This bridge is twice wider than that one.(这座桥比那座桥宽两倍。),=This bridge is three times width of that one.(这座桥的宽度是那座桥的三倍。),2.,分数表示法,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1,分母用复数,。如:三分之一,one- third;七分之三, three-sevenths。,分子与分母之间加in,分子在前,分母在后,分子分母都用基数词,。如:十分之一,one in ten;五分之八,eight in five。,分子与分母之间加out of,分子在前,分母在后,分子分母都用基数词,。如:one out of ten; five out of eight.,3.小数表示法,小数的表示法,小数点用point,,点之前的读法和其它整数读法一样;点后的数读成个位数。,nine point six five,9,.,65;,two hundred and eighteen point three nine.218,.,39,4.分数表示法,直接将数词放在percent前面即可。 如 twenty percent为百分之二十。,分数和百分 数后不能直接接名词或代词,而用下面的形式:,分数/百分数+of+冠词/限定词+名词/代词,,其谓语动词与of后的名词在人称和数上保持一致。如:,Two-thirds of the money was spent on food.,About seventy percent of the earth surface is,covered by water.,四、算式表达法,加,法 A+B=C A,plus,B is C. or A,and,B is C.,减,法 AB=C A,minus,B is C. or B,from,A is C.,乘,法 AB=C A,times,B is C. or A,multiplied,by B is C.,除,法 AB=C A,divided,by B is C.,How much is two plus three? It is five,How much is ten minus six?,3X4? How much is three times four?,164=? How much is sixteen divided by four?,五、,需注意的问题,1. 数词名词用连在一起作定语,后面名词不用复数。 eg. a four-year-old boy,2. 有些结构既有基数词又有序数词。 eg. the first three questions the last five minutes,3. 英语中有一些短语包含数词,不能从表面上理解它们的意义,one and the only 唯一,be at one with 与 一致,one and the same 同一个;完全一样,ten to one 十之八九,talk nineteen to the dozen 滔滔不绝,by twos and threes 三三两两,in ones and twos 三三两两,first and last 总共,first of all 首先,from the first 从一开始,.,another, other, more修饰数词的用法,1.,another+,名词单数,表“,另外的、额外的、附加的,时,,+,具体数字的,复数,The strike may last,another three days,罢工可能还要持续三天,2,. other,+复数名词,置于数词之后,但与定冠词the连用时,other要放在数词前,Do you know where he found,the other two,photos?另外两张照片,Tony is going camping with,two other,boys next Sunday,3.,more可与a little,a few,a lot,several等词连用,(1)There are many more dictionaries on the desk课桌上有许多词典。,(2)Would you like some more tea?再喝点茶好吗?,4.,如果前后意思清楚,another或more后面的名词可以省去。如:,I climbed the stairs slowly,carrying a big suitcase,my father following with two more,选择填空。1March is _month of a yearA a three B the third C a third2We will have a meeting at 8:05_Afive to eight Beight five Ceight o five3Eight plus eight is_.Asixteen Bsixty-four Cone4He is an _boyAeight years Beight-year-old Ceight-years-old5We will have a_ walkAten minutes Bten minutes Cten-minutes,B the third,Ceight o five,Asixteen,Beight-year-old,Bten minutes,6The wall is_.Afour meters long Bfour meter long Cfour-meter long,7Whats the date today? Its_AMarch the eight BMarch eighthCeight,March8It happened in the 1040sA in the forties of the eleventh centuryB in the forties of the tenth centuryC in the forty,9About_ of the earths surface is covered with water.A. three-fours B. three-fourth C. three-fourths,Afour meters long,BMarch eighth,A in the forties of the eleventh century,C. three-fourths,10. He went down to the village which was _miles away from the city.A. three hundreds B. three hundredC. three hundreds of,B. three hundred,


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