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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,热身导入,Can you list some modal verbs that you remembered?,modal verbs,Can/could,May/might,Will/would,Shall/should,must,Ought to,Used to,dare,Be able to,need,Have to,1,情态动词的语法特征,1情态动词除ought to和used to外,后面只能接不带to的不定式。,2情态动词没有人称,数的变化,will can dare 除外。,3情态动词“时态”的形式并不是区分时间的主要标准,自主学习,2,自主学习,Read page7-8 and learn “can could be able to”,3,归纳总结,Can/could,(1)表示能力,(2)表示允许,(3)表示推测,Can/be able to,“设法做成某事”,表自身能力,表经过一段时间的努力后所具有的能力,=manage to do /succeed in doing,4,例1:-Could I borrow your dictionary? -Yes, of course you_.A. might B. will C. canD. should,析:选C。该句用can的委婉表达式could 来征求对方意见,could 和might通用,但回答时必须要用can或may,因此该题不选A.,5,归纳总结,May/might,(1)表示许可;,(2)祈使句表祝愿,(3)把握不太大的推测(肯定句)can(疑问句和否定句),6,归纳总结,Will/would,1 表示意志意愿,2表示请求建议,3表示习惯性动作,注意:,Would/used to,7,归纳总结,May/might,(1)表示许可;,(2)祈使句表祝愿,(3)把握不太大的推测(肯定句)can(疑问句和否定句),8,shall,和,should,的用法,Shall,(1),用于一,三人称,,征求意见或提议,。,Shall we go out for lunch?,(2),用于第二、三人称,表一种强烈的感情,如“,命令,禁止,威胁,允诺,”等,.,If you dare do that, you shall be punished.,9, The room is so dirty. _ we clean it?, Of course. (2003北京春),A. Will B. Shall C. Would D. Do,“The interest _be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by,both sides.,A. may B. should C. must D. shall,上述两题均考查,shall,的含义,当shall 用于一、三人称疑问句中时,表示征求对方意见;用于二、三人称陈述句中,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁等。,10,should,should,should用于构成将来时是助动词。should用于表示“应当”“猜测”是情态动词。,(1) 表示义务,责任,意为“应当” 。,You should pay for your taxes.,(2) 表示推测,可能性。意为“可能,应该”。,Its mid-night, he should be home.,(3) 表示惊讶和难以置信,表示说话人的感情(惊奇、愤怒、失望等)“竟然” 。,Why should he do such a thing?,(4)shoud+have+done表示本应该做但实际上没做,11,2. 表示否定的情态动词的用法:,部分情态动词的否定式是情态动词中的考点,之一。,mustnt 不准, 禁止,neednt 没必要 ( = dont have to ),cant 不能; 不可能,may not 不可以; 可能不,shouldnt 不应该 ( = ought not to ),12,Must/cant,1 must 表示“必须 ”“应该”,2 must 表示“命令”“禁止”,3 must 表示猜测 否定式 cant/couldnt,must+be,Must+be doing,Must+have done 过去一定做了某事,cant have done 不可能已经,Mustnt 不许,不应该,13,例1:-Must I start at once? -No, you_.A. needntB. mustnt C. cantD. wont,析:A。由语境可知该答句表示“不必”,而mustnt表示“不准、禁止”,不符合语境,显然应使用neednt表示“不必”,但肯定句回答继续用must,。,14,反馈练习:workbook(p9),1 Discuss the exercises in group of four.,2 Give you reasons why you choose it.,15,Homework,1 Recite the modal verbs and their usuage,2 Do exercises p9-10 in workbook.,16,可兼做行为动词的情态动词:need 、 dare,情态动词 (+动词原形),行为动词,.,need,dare,2.尤其用于:,*否定句及疑问句中;,3.常以neednt 和darent,的形式出现;,4.dare有其过去时dared.,多用于肯定句;,(sb.) need to do,dare to do,(sth.) need to be,done,(sth.) need doing,17,判断正误:,How,dare you say,such a thing?,How,dare you to say,such a thing?,He,darent to speak,English before such a,crowd, did he?,He,darent speak,English before such a,crowd, dare he?,18,Nobody need to be,afraid of catching the disease.,Nobody need be,afraid of catching the disease.,19,need 的被动含义:need,want, require, worth (adj.)后面接doing 也可表示被动,need doing =need to be done,20,表示推测的用法can, could, may, might, must 皆可表示推测,情态动词+动词原形,表示对现在或将来的情况推测,21,不同的“肯定”程度可按下列层次排列:,He is at home. (事实),He must be at home.(非常肯定的推断),He could be at home.(很可能),He ought to be at home.(很可能),He may be at home.(仅仅可能而已),He might be at home.(或许, 非常不确定),He might not be at home.(也许不在家),He may not be at home. (比might可能),He couldnt be at home.(很可能不在家),He cant be at home.(一定不在家),He isnt at home.(事实),22,二、情态动词+have done表示对过去情况的推测,(一)should /ought to have done本来应做而未做,表达遗憾感情色彩,例1:I told Sally how to get there,but perhaps I _for her.(NMET94),had to write it out,must have written it out,C. should have written it out,D. ought to write it out,23,析:选C。分析语境可知,口头上告知Sally如何去那里是不够的,所以我本应书面告知,却有没书面告知之,显得应使用should /ought to have written表示遗憾之情。,24,(二)may/might have done可能已做 / must have done 一定已做/cant have done不可能做,例1:-Where is my pen?,- I _it.(NMET88),A. might lose,B. wouldnt have lost,C. should have lost,D. must have lost,D,25,(三)could have done指本来能做而实际未做,表达遗憾的感情色彩,You could at least have sent five cards.你本来可以至少寄去5张明信片的。(说明没有寄那么多),26,He must be reading, _ he?,You must do it yourself, _ you?,He must have gone over the article, _he?,It must have rained last night, _ it?,表猜测语气的反意疑问句的构成,isnt,dont,hasnt,didnt,27,


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