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课时,5 Writing,牛津沪教版七年级下,Unit 2 Travelling around the world,本单元的话题为“介绍一处景点”。要求学生利用明信片来描写一处景点及那里的人物活动。注意抓住景点的特征来描写。,牛津沪教版七年级下,south, island, lie, perfect, excellent, delicious,east, prefer, enjoy, stay, plan, trip, beach,单 词:,get to, a place of interest, be famous for, go on a trip to.,go sightseeing, take photos, by plane, the capital of.,such as, be interested in, have a walk,短 语:,1. We got here by plane/ bus.,2. Its a place to have a good time.,3. There are many stores in the center of it.,句 型:,常用衔接词:,and, but, so, because,假如你是,Sam,,假期去斐济旅行,想写一张明信片告诉你的中国朋友张明旅行的情况。请根据提示,完成明信片。,提示词,: guest house, Fiji,(斐济), the Paradise Inn, bike, around, island,7 May,Dear Zhang Ming,_,Best wishes!,Sam,Zhang Ming,Room 2002, 20/F,Building 2 Garden House,Shanghai 200000,P.R. China,STAMP,1.,体裁,:应用文,2.,人称,:第一人称,3.,时态,:一般过去时,【,审题指导,】,【,思路构建,】,介绍一处景点,引出景点,I went on a trip to.by plane.,介绍景点及人物活动,There were many places of interest. I visited. /I took photos/I rode a bike.,人物感受,It was relaxing./It was a good place to visit./I had a good time.,7 May,Dear Zhang Ming,I went on a trip to Fiji by plane. I stayed at a guest house. The guest houses name was the Paradise Inn. After lunch, I,rode a,bike around the island and took lots of photos. It was very relaxing. In the evening, I went to the beach and had a walk. I,had a,good time,.,【,范文赏析,】,Best wishes!,Sam,点评:短文介绍了旅游的景点、交通方式、住处及人物活动和感受。句意衔接自然,语法正确。,go on a trip to, relaxing, have a walk, have a good time,的运用,使文章生动形象。,请根据以下信息,写一篇文章介绍南京,。,要求,:,1.,文章内容必须包含所有要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯,。,2,.,词数不少于,70,。,简介,南京是一个古老的城市,有着悠久的历史。,地理位置,离上海不远,乘高铁,(high-speed rail),只需要,1,小时左右。,环境,青山环绕,空气清新。,可做的,事情,每年有很多游客到南京来参观,南京有很多好玩的地方,玄武湖公园,(Xuanwu Lake Park),、紫金山,(Zijin Mountain),等,人们玩得很开心。在南京你也可以吃到各种美味的中餐,还能了解当地的传统文化,(traditional local culture),。,希望,很多人都喜欢生活在这里,我希望,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Welcome to Nanjing,Nanjing,is an old city with a long history. Its not far from Shanghai and it only takes about an hour by highspeed rail. Nanjing has beautiful scenery, and is surrounded by green mountains. The air is also fresh.,Every,year, many tourists come to Nanjing for a visit. There are many places of interest in Nanjing, such,as,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Xuanwu Lake Park and Zijin Mountain. People all have a nice day. In Nanjing, you can also enjoy a lot of delicious Chinese food and learn about the traditional local culture.,Many people like to live here. I hope Nanjing will be better and better.,


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