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,Unit 6,How,do you feel?,PEP,六,年级,上册,课时,5,Part B,Read and write,Lets,wrap it up,提示,:,点击 进入习题,四,五,二,三,一,六,七,一、为下列图片选择正确的单词或短语。,(,) 1.,A. ant,B,. aunt,(,) 2.,A,. grass,B,.,glass,A,A,(,) 3.,A,. fly,B. stuck,(,) 4.,A,. stand up,B. sit down,(,) 5.,A,. mud,B. water,B,B,A,二、读一读,选择正确的单词填空。,1,. That man is very_. He doesnt do good things.,2. Im_. I want to eat some noodles.,3,. Its snowy today. Its very_.,bad,ill,sad,hungry,warm,cold,bad,hungry,cold,4. Oh, no. My mother is_. She should see,a,doctor.,5. These winter clothes can make you_.,6. Dont be_. We can help you.,ill,warm,ill,sad,hungry,warm,cold,bad,sad,三、读一读,选一选。,(,) 1.,We _,ride our bikes to the park when my father comes home.,A. are,B. are going to,C.,want,B,(,) 2. Let_ help you.,A. is,B. us,C. I,(,) 3. Please pull,_,out,_,the pool.,A. me; of B. I; for C. me;,to,点拨:,let,作为动词,它之后出现的人称代词应使用宾格形式。,B,A,(,) 4. Dont_. I wont hurt you.,A. worried,B,. sorry,C,. worry,点拨:,dont,后应该使用动词的原形。,worried,为形容词;,worry,为动词。,C,四、请根据图片的顺序,将下面的语段按正确的顺序排列,并将备选的句子填入题中的横线上。,(,)Hey, wheres my popcorn?,Yum! It was so good.,What? How could you,eat,all the popcorn,?,(1,)_,2,1.,2.,3.,4.,A. You should see a doctor.,B. Then you should count,to ten,.,C. Wait for me.,D. We should share!,D,(,)Mum, I feel ill. Should I count,to ten, too?,No, dear. (2)_,(,)Hey, lets have some pop corn.,Great! Im so happy. I love pop corn!,Here you are. Ill go and get,some drinks,. (3,)_,4,A,1.,2.,3.,4.,A. You should see a doctor.,B. Then you should count to ten.,C. Wait for me.,D. We should share!,1,C,(,)Mum, if I feel angry, what,should I,do?,Well, first, take a deep breath.,(4)_,After that?,After that, you wont feel so angry.,3,B,1.,2.,3.,4.,A. You should see a doctor.,B. Then you should count to ten.,C. Wait for me.,D. We should share!,五、读一读,选择正确的单词填空,补全语段。,(,要使用单词的正确形式,其中一个单词可重复使用一次,),Its,Sunday morning. Look, some children1.,_,in the park. They are very 2. _. Now, some boys 3. _Tom. Suddenly,Tom,chase,happy,play,afraid,help,pull,are playing,happy,are chasing,点拨:,句首有,Now,指现在,一般和现在进行时态连用,指现在一些男孩正追着汤姆,跑。,falls into the river.,“,4. _,!,”Tom calls. The children are 5. _. Some men run to the river and 6. _Tom out of the water. They are very 7. _again.,Help,chase,happy,play,afraid,help,pull,afraid,pull,happy,六、核心素养练,我会得体地给出建议。请读一读,根据对话情境选择正确的句子,。,John,:,Hi, Mike! 1. _,Mike: No, I dont feel good.,John: 2.,_,B,A,A. Why?,B. Are you OK?,C. Because there was a car coming. So they put my bike beside the street.,D. Im so angry!,E. You should go and look for the bike. You can ask our classmates.,Mike,: Someone took my new bike. I cant find it. 3.,_,John,: Take a breath first.,Mike,: What should I do after that?,John,: 4. _,Mike,: OK.,D,E,A. Why?,B. Are you OK?,C. Because there was a car coming. So they put my bike beside the street.,D. Im so angry!,E. You should go and look for the bike. You can ask our classmates.,John,: Lets go and ask.,Later.,Mike,: Oh, I see. 5. _Thank you.,John,: You are welcome.,C,A. Why?,B. Are you OK?,C. Because there was a car coming. So they put my bike beside the street.,D. Im so angry!,E. You should go and look for the bike. You can ask our classmates.,七、阅读短文,选择正确答案。,In winter, the weather is very cold. Some people fall ill in winter. If you dont wear warm clothes, you will have a cold. How do you feel if you have a cold? You will be very tired. Your temperature will be higher than 37. Then you may have a fever. But dont worry! If you are ill, see a doctor, take,some,medicine and stay in bed for a few days. Drink some more hot water, and you will be better soon.,(,) 1. It is talking about_.,A. drinking some more hot water,B. what we can do when we are ill,C. how to be,strong,B,(,) 2. Sometimes, we will have the flu(,流感,). What shouldnt we do?,A. Take medicine or stay in bed.,B. Go to see a doctor or wear a mask(,口罩,).,C. Play with our friends for a long time,.,C,(,) 3. We will have a cold because,_.,A. we dont wear warm clothes on the cold days,B. we are too tired,C. we dont drink hot water,4,. Your,temperature,will be higher than 37.,“,Temperature,means” “,体温,”.,Yes,No,A,


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