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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语阅读微技能,-,细节理解题之解题策略,(,2019,省质检卷阅读理解点评),推理判断,猜测词义,阅读常见题型,篇章结构,主旨大意,作者态度,细节理解,高考阅读考查细节理解题:,201,6,年,8,题,201,7,年,7,题,201,8,年,7,题,S,pot,the,differences,大家来找茬,细,节理解,题,测,试学生,对,特,定细节,或,重,要事实,的,辨认能,力,类型划分,1,:,直接辨,认型,:,获取,信息,-,记,住信,息,-,回到原文,并对号入座,如:,22.,Who saved the boy before it was too late?,细,节理解,题,类型划分,1,:,间,接辨认,型,:,获,取信,息,-,加工转换,-,得出,正确,释,义,同义(反义)转换、,排序、图文转换、,数字转换、,细,节理解,题 类型划分,2,:,集中型,:,就单个,特定,细节提问,答案位于单句,和上下文处。,如:,26.,What should the participants do to get a SPE/GAR card?,细,节理解,题 类型划分,2,:,分散型,:,正确答案和干扰项对应的细节分散在,文,中多处,如:,1. Which of the following is,Not,M,entioned/True?,2. We can,learn from,the passage that _.,3. All the following statements may be true,except,_ .,细,节理解,题,题型,:,1.,文章细节题:,what/who/when/where/how/why,2.,是非题:,Which of the following is Not True?,3.,图表数据题,(,计算,),4.,排序题,5.,其他题:,21. What can we know about the writer and Orlando?,22. Who saved the boy before it was too late?,24. What is the aim of TRAIL SAFE!?,25. How long does it take the participants to watch the eight videos at a time?,28. Why did the adults suggest adding “life skills” to school curriculums?,细,节理解,题 解题原则及步骤、方法:,原则,:,忠实于原文原句及全篇逻辑关系,,不能主观臆断,步骤和方法,:,Step1,:题干中,选定,关键词,(定位词),Step2,:通过,略读、查读,锁定文中,定位区域,Step3:,结合信息区域上下文,理解、比对,Step4:,排,除干扰,项,,,筛选,得出答案,定位词,28. Why did the adults suggest adding “life skills” to school curriculums?,A. To vary school curriculums.,B. To enrich students school life.,C. To prepare students for future work and life.,D. To save parents the trouble of educating kids.,AUSTRALIAN adults want to see “life skills” introduced into school curriculums, including money management, job preparation and domestic tasks. New research from Monash University showed Aussie adults also widely supported the inclusion of technology, coding and artificial intelligence subjects to student curriculums to prepare them for future jobs.,定位词,34. What might the research make contributions to?,A. Language acquisition. B. Arithmetic learning.,C. Protection of animals. D. Development of AI.,Though the results came from just 14 bees, researchers say the advance is exciting. If a brain about 20,000 times smaller than ours can perform maths using symbols, it could pave the way to novel approaches in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Just dont ask the bees to do your homework anytime soon.,1,正误并存;半对半错,“,干扰项,”,面面观,3,无中生有;主观臆想,4,文不对题;答非所问,5,张冠李戴;偷换概念,2,以偏概全;过于夸大,以偏概全;过于夸大,My neighbor Orlando is a paramedic (急救医士). He and his wife are some of the nicest people I have ever met. A few years back we started this sort of “favor war”, where one of us would do something for the other, such as shoveling (铲) their driveway or helping them build a shed, and next time the other would try to top it with another favor.,Yesterday morning there was maybe 2 or 3 feet of snow on the ground and I remembered he shoveled my driveway for me last snowfall,.,21. What can we know about the writer and Orlando?,A. They once had a conflict.,B. They signed a favorable agreement,C. They favor shoveling snow together.,D. They are always ready to help each other.,正误并存;半对半错,Fast forward to this morning I got a knock on my door. It was him. He immediately shook my hand and informed me that because I shoveled his driveway and sidewalk for him, he was able to get to work earlier. As soon as he started his shift, a call came through that a young boy was in a medical emergency. Luckily he and his partner were only about 2 minutes away, but the next closest ambulance was in 10 minutes. This kid did not have 10 minutes. He barely had 2 minutes. Because my neighbor got to work sooner, the young boy got to live his life.,22. Who saved the boy before it was too late?,A. The writer. B. The boys parents.,C. Orlando and his wife. D. Orlando and his partner.,无中生有;主观臆想,My neighbor Orlando is a paramedic (,急救医士,). He and his wife are some of the nicest people I have ever met. A few years back we started this sort of “favor war”, where one of us would do something for the other, such as shoveling (,铲,) their driveway or helping them build a shed, and next time the other would try to top it with another favor.,Yesterday morning there was maybe 2 or 3 feet of snow on the ground and I remembered he shoveled my driveway for me last snowfall. So I took out my shovel and took care of both our sidewalks and driveways because it was my turn to do a favor back. It took a while but I finished and got into my car for work. What I didnt realize was that Orlando had to work that day too.,21. What can we know about the writer and Orlando?,A. They once had a conflict.,B. They signed a favorable agreement.,C. They favor shoveling snow together.,D. They are always ready to help each other.,张冠李戴;偷换概念,TRAIL SAFE!,is a unique safety training program designed specifically for National Park Service (NPS) Trail Volunteers, but is useful to everyone! Its based upon NPS Operational Leadership Training, where the human factor of safety is explored.,TRAIL SAFE!,captures (,捕捉,) the core learning objectives of the 16-hour Operational Leadership course while allowing volunteers to learn from their own homes online.,The,TRAIL SAFE!,series includes eight video lessons, each ranging in length from 18 to 40 minutes long. Watch them over the course of multiple days, or “binge watch” the entire series in three hoursits up to youbut please watch them in order from Lesson 1 through Lesson 8. After viewing the lessons, send your training verification (,验证,) emails to register your,25. How long does it take the participants to watch the eight videos at a time?,A. 18 minutes. B. 40 minutes.,C. 3 hours. D. 16 hours.,26. What should the participants do to get a SPE/GAR card?,A. Watch and register for all the series.,B. Give some comments on the lessons.,C. Send and receive training mails.,D. Answer all of the questions.,When you have viewed and registered for all eight individual lessons, each participant will receive a,TRAIL SAFE!,pin and a SPE/GAR card in the mail for use in the field.,同义(反义)转换,语言简化,长话短说,TRAIL SAFE!,is a unique safety training program designed specifically for National Park Service (NPS) Trail Volunteers, but is useful to everyone! Its based upon NPS Operational Leadership Training, where the human factor of safety is explored.,TRAIL SAFE!,captures (,捕捉,) the core learning objectives of the 16-hour Operational Leadership course while allowing volunteers to learn from their own homes online.,24. What is the aim of,TRAIL SAFE!,?,A. To develop volunteers operational leadership.,B. To offer links to the websites for learning.,C. To provide credits for viewing.,D. To pass the risk assessment.,1.,关注起承转合的,过渡词,,如,however,,,but,,,moreover,,,therefore,,,hence,,,thus,,,nevertheless,等,要特别注意句子前后意义的,转折,递进,因果,等关系。,2.,警惕,语气绝对,的词,如:must, never, the most, all, merely, only, have to, any, no, none,completely,absolutely,等,通常,不是答案,3.,关注,试探性语气,的词,如,probably, possibly,may,usually,might,moreorless,relatively,be likelyto,notnecessary,,,tendto,,往往,是答案,选项的其他注意事项,了解题目设计,常考位置,因果关系处,转折处,引言处,列举处,比较处,比较处,Though the results came from just 14 bees, researchers say the advance is exciting. If a brain about 20,000 times smaller than ours can perform maths using symbols, it could pave the way to novel approaches in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Just dont ask the bees to do your homework anytime soon.,32. Why do the scientists conduct the research?,A. To teach them maths.,B. To test the power of tiny brains.,C. To explain the meaning of colors.,D. To get access to machine learning.,细节理解,21. What can we know about the writer and Orlando?,22. Who saved the boy before it was too late?,24. What is the aim of TRAIL SAFE!?,25. How long does it take the participants to watch the eight videos at a time?,26. What should the participants do to get a SPE/GAR card?,28. Why did the adults suggest adding “life skills” to school curriculums?,34. What might the research make contributions to?,推理判断,23. What does the writer intend to tell us?,27. What can be inferred about the job of NPS Trail Volunteers?,31. What can we know from the text?,高考阅读考查细节理解题:,201,6,年,8,题,201,7,年,7,题,201,8,年,7,题,2019,年,7,?,8,?,9,?,.,5/6/7/.,2,分,Homework,


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