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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Western Table Manner,Sitting,1. Do not sit down before all the ladies are seated.,2. It is,customary,(照惯例的),to say grace(,祷告),before the meal begins in many Christian homes,(基督教家庭),. Watch the host or hostess. If they bow their heads, join them.,3. When the hostess takes her napkin, open your napkin in half and lay it across your lap.,Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called an a starter .After the starter you will get a bowl of soup.,The next dish is the main,course,it usually is a beefsteak . A vegetable salad will be served.,Then a delicious dessert will appear at the table .At last is a cup of tea or coffee.,The order of dishes,TABLEWARE,When eating with silverware, begin from the outside piece, then knife and fork for the second course and so on. The pieces closest to the plate are for the last course.,From out to in,In England,Rest,(,图,),Finishing,(,图,),In,Franch,Rest,(,图,),Finishing,(,图,),A: Clapping your hands,B:Shouting,C:,Having a snap of the fingers(,打响指),D:Having,some,communitation,with,your eyes(,眼神示意),E:Nodding,How do you call the waiters?,How can you stop a waiter from pouring the wine?,a. Shake your head.,b. Knock the table.,C. Just say “enough”,D .Knock the wine cup,Tip system,Dont forget to pay some tips to the waiters to show your,satisfaction,You should pay the tips in the following countries: USA MEXICO CANADA,Most European countries,(,France,、,Germany,、,UK,、,Austria,),Thailand,、,Malaysia,10%-15% of your bill.,France,it is very rude to keep your hands in your lap while you are dining in France.,It is equally rude to keep your elbows on the table.,Also remember that the French almost never eat with their hands.,German,You must finish all the food that in your plate.,Switzerland,People usually eat a certain amount of food. If you want to eat more, pay for it,吃定量,多吃自费。,Spain,Have dinner for the longest time.,Africa,、,India,Eat with your hand.,course,n.,1.,课程,。,2.,进程,过程,3.,航向,航线,4.,一道菜,13.,行动方向,路线,15.,行为,举止,品行,16.,连续的事物,系列,1.,沿,(,方向,),前进;指引航线,The boats coursed along the west bank of the river.,小船沿着河的西岸前进。,in course of ,1.,在,过程中,2.,在,期间,in the course of time,终究,off course,偏离原路,on course,在原路上,


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