英语演讲 - 龟兔赛跑

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2017/9/3,#,The,Rabbit,and the,Turtle,Today,,,my speech,topic is the,Rabbit and the turtle,One day,,,the rabbit and the turtle were,having a race.,“,I am very fast,”said the rabbit.,“You are so slow. I will win.”,“,I am not very fast,”said the turtle.,“I may be slow. But I will still win the race.”,The race began.,The other animals watched the race.,The rabbit ran very fast.,The turtle ran very slowly.,Halfway across the field,the rabbit looked back.,“I am very fast.” said the rabbit.,“That old turtle will take all day.,I will take a nap.”,Then, the rabbit fell asleep.,“,I am not very fast,”said the turtle.,“I may be slow. But I will still win the race.”,He ran past the rabbit.,The rabbit was still asleep.,The turtle ran,and ran.,He,ran as fast as he could.,At last, the turtle won the,race.,“I am not very fast,” said the turtle.,“I am slow. But I keep going.”,Keep Going,


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