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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,THINK ABOUT IT,1.Do you know any graduation songs?,2.What are they?,Listening,What jobs can you hear in the song?,1. professor,2. merchant,3. farmer,Phrases,1.,在方面做得好,2.,想成为,3.,决定,4.,长大,5.,使你的选择广泛,6.,一个成功的农民,do well in,want to be,decide to do,grow up,a successful farmer,keep your choices open,Read and think :,1.,在这首歌里,提到了几种职业,?,分别是什么,?,2.,歌里告诉我们怎样做,决定权将属于我们,?,Three.Aprofessor,amerchantandafarmer.,Dowellinschool,andthedecisionwillbe,yours!,3.,通过句“,Dowellinschool,andthedecision,willbeyours!,”,我们认识到了,dowellin,的使用。举一反三,你可以用这个短语说一些句子吗,?,译一译,:,1.,你想使你的选择敞开。,2.,因此,当你长大后,你可以成为你想成为的人。,3.,在学校好好学习,决定权就会掌握在你的手中,!,4.,你可能决定要成为一名教授。,5.,或许商人是适合你的职业。,Youwanttokeepyourchoicesopen.,Sowhenyougrowup,youcanbewhatyou,want.,Dowellinschool,andthedecisionwillbeyour!,Youmaydecidetobeaprofessor.,Ormaybeamerchantisthejobforyou.,1.He kept me,for half an hour.,A. waitB.waiting C. to wait D. waited,2.,保持冷静,一切都会好的。,and everything will be OK.,3.Nothing can keep us,ahead even if we will meet difficulties.,A.go B.going C.from goingD.to go,Keep,calm,You want to,keep your,choice,open,.,【,用法,】这句话的主语是,you,,,want,是谓语动词,后面的不定式,to keep your choice open,作动词宾语。在不定式中,,keep,是动词,,your choice,是宾语,,open,是形容词作宾语补足语。,Everyone should keep the classroom clean and tidy.,人人都应该把教室保持整洁。,His illness kept him in bed for months.,他因病卧床好几个月。,考点:,1,),keep +,宾语,+,宾语补足语 (,adj. /,分词,/,介词短语)使,保持某种状态,2,),keep sb. from doing sth.,阻止某人做某事。,3,),keep (on) doing sth.,一直做某事,Eg: 1,),We should keep the child from _ alone in sea.,A . swim B . swam C. swimming D. swims,2)She kept _ (read )for four hours yesterday afternoon .,reading,choice,【用法】作可数名词,意为“选择、选择权”,复数形式是,choices,。,【拓展】构成句式,have no choice but to do,意为“没有选择只能做”。注意,but,后要加动词不定式。,1.,丹尼,在你面前有,两个选择,。,2.,我,没有别的选择,只能接受它,。,【举例】,I have no choice but to accept it.,Danny, there are two choices ahead of you.,1.Lang Lang does well,playing the piano.,A. atB. for C. in D. on,2.,他擅长打篮球,。,He,/,.,、,basketball.,3.,多锻炼,你将会感觉更好,is,good,at,does,well,in,playing,Do well in,school ,and the decision will be yours,!,在校好好学习,那么决定权就是你的!,本句由,_,构成,祈使句相当于,if,引导的条件句,and,后的陈述句表示结果,常用一般将来时。,“祈使句,+and+,简单句”,Eg. Take more exercise and you,ll feel better .,= If you take more exercise ,youll feel better.,快点,不然你会迟到。,_,=_,1)Read this article ,_ you will understand that not everything can be bought with money .,A. or B. and C. but D. so,2)Put on your coat ,_ you,ll have a cold.,A. or B. and C. but D. so,考点:“祈使句,+or+,简单句”结构中的祈使句表示条件或假设,相当于,if,引导的否定条件句,,or,后表示结果,意为“不然的话,否则”。,Hurry up, or youll be late .,If you dont hurry up, youll be late .,辨析,succeed/success/successful/successfully,1.We are sure that the first National Youth Games will be,(success,).,2.Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to,(,成功,).,3.Finally the firemen saved the little,girl under the damaged building,_,(success,).,successful,success,successfully,根据汉语提示写单词,1.I have no,(,选择,) but to stay at home.,2.My brother has a good,(,教育,).,3.We havent made this important,_,(,决定,).Its still under discussion.,4.My uncle is a successful,(,商人,).,5.We will,(,毕业,) in June.Its hard to say goodbyeto each other.,choice,education,decision,merchant,graduate,用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空,keepopen, work for, decide to,graduate from, be successful,6.You will,if you try your best.,7.I want to,my opinions,for the future.,8.After,the college,he chose a well-paidjob.,9.He failed at first,but he,try again.,10.Would you like to,that newspaper?,be successful,keep,open,graduating from,decided to,work for,单项选择,( )11.Receiving,education is childrens right (,权利,).,A.aB. an C. the D./,( )12.I think I should be allowed to make decisions,myself.,A. with B. to C. for D. against,( )13.My mother kept,the housework . She felt tired.,A. do B .does C. doing D.to do,( )14.Jimmy is too fat.He decides,much meat.,A.to eat B. not to eat C. eatingD. not eating,( )15.Be friendly,you will have more friends.,D,C,C,B,A,根据汉语提示完成句子,1.,别开着窗户,否则你会感冒的。,keep the window,or you will have a cold.,2.,我在一个小村庄长大。,I,in a small village.,3.,在你生气的时候请不要做任何决定。,Please dont,when you are angry.,4.,她在英语方面比她弟弟好得多。,She,much,in English than her brother.,5.,我做了我能做的来提高我的学习。,I did,I could,my study.,Don,t,open,grew,up,make,any,decision,does,better,what,to,improve,Work in groups,What do you want to do /,be in the future? Why,?,C:UsersAdministrator.PC-20150613YAGJDesktop聂耳 - 毕业歌 - 田汉.mp3,聂耳,-,毕业歌,-,田汉,.mp3,尾字母,单词,-er,-or,-ist,-ian,,,teacher, singer, reporter, printer, waiter, photographer,professor, director, actor, tailor,artist, chemist, scientist, dentist, biologist,musician, librarian,lawyer,inventor,politician,specialist,Lets dig in:,er,farm,谢谢观赏!,


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