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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2022/7/8,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2022/7/8,#,1,数据纵览 考情分析,2,数据链接 真题试做,a,专题二 代词,目,录,3,数据共享 考点聚焦,专题二,代词,考情分析,返回主目录,人称代词,物主代词,指示代词、疑问代词,反身代词,不定代词,题号,题目设置,题号,题目设置,题号,题目设置,题号,题目设置,题号,题目设置,2021,32,his,mine,hers,yours,74,sheher,2020,77,weus,32,my,your, her, her,2019,26,his,hers,mine, yours,2018,77,26,his,,,hers,mine,yours,考点,年份,续表,专题二,代词,考情分析,返回主目录,人称代词,物主代词,指示代词、疑问代词,反身代词,不定代词,题号,题目设置,题号,题目设置,题号,题目设置,题号,题目设置,题号,题目设置,2017,26,his,hers,mine,yours,2016,27,her,him,you,me,2015,27,my,her,his,your,2014,27,we,us,our,ours,29,it,one,this,that,53,nobody,everybody,somebody,anybody,考点,年份,续表,专题二,代词,考情分析,返回主目录,人称代词,物主代词,指示代词、疑问代词,反身代词,不定代词,题号,题目设置,题号,题目设置,题号,题目设置,题号,题目设置,题号,题目设置,2013,27,I,me, my,mine,54,itself,myself,himself, ourself,30,something,anything,nothing,every-thing,2012,34,it, one, this, that,27,himself, herself, yourself, myself,考点,年份,续表,专题二,代词,真题试做,返回主目录,一、单项选择,1. (2017河北) Is this Kate,s bicycle?, No,_,is under the tree. She put it there this morning.,A. hisB. hers,C. mine,D. yours,2. (2016河北) Thanks for inviting,_,to dinner, Nancy. I really,enjoyed it.,A. her,B. him,C. you,D. me,数据链接,真题试做,2,B,D,专题二,代词,真题试做,返回主目录,3. (2015河北) My brother likes painting. It,s one of,_,hobbies.,A. my,B. her,C. his,D. your,4. (2021唐山滦州一模)We must protect the animals. They are friends of,_,.,A. our,B. yoursC. us,D. ours,5. (2013河北) You don,t have a drink. Can I get you,_,?,A. something,B. anything,C. nothing,D. everything,C,D,A,专题二,代词,真题试做,返回主目录,6. (2021石家庄42中一模)No matter what happens, children should,learn to stay calm and protect,_,.,A. they,B. them,C. their,D. themselves,7. (2021石家庄新华区一模)Mrs. Green will come here. I can,t wait to,see,_,.,A. him,B. her,C. you,D. me,D,B,专题二,代词,真题试做,返回主目录,8. (2021石家庄长安区一模)I wonder if this smart phone is Mary,s.,It can,t belong to her.,_,is totally different from this one.,A. Yours,B. His,C. Hers,D. Mine,9. (2021邢台一模)The color of,_,sweater is nice, but I lik,e,better.,A. his; yourB. my; herC. hers; yoursD. my; yours,10. (2021张家口一模)Helen, stop talking with Peter.,_,mom is,waiting for him to go home.,A. My,B. YourC. His,D. Her,C,D,C,专题二,代词,真题试做,返回主目录,二、词语运用,11. (2018河北)Then he told,_,(they) what I did on the bus this,morning.,12. (2021河北)She loves,_,(she) job.,13. (2021唐山滦州一模)There is a name for,_,(they).,14. (2021承德模拟)My mother has influenced me a lot in,_,(I),life. I want to say something about her story.,them,her,them,my,专题二,代词,真题试做,返回主目录,15. (2021张家口一模)When I was in Grade 7,_,(we) Chinese,teacher asked everyone in our class to give a speech in front of the,class.,16. (2021张家口一模)She was smiling at,_,(I).,17. (2021河北九地市联考一模)I had ever learned some words but I,just couldn,t remember,_,(they).,18. (2021张家口一模)Try to encourage,_,(other). Both of you,will feel happy.,our,me,them,others,专题二,代词,真题试做,返回主目录,19. (2021邢台二模)My parents give,_,(I) a lot of support.,20. (2021河北中考模拟一) Actually it,s normal for,_,(we) to worry about failure when we try new things.,me,us,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,数据共享,考点聚焦,考点,三,指示代词与疑问代词,考点,一,人称代词,考点,二,物主代词,三,考点,反身代词,四,考点,不定代词,五,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,人称代词,考点一,数据共享,考点聚焦,3,【学法方法点拨】,人称,单数,复数,主格,宾格,主格,宾格,一,I,me,we,us,二,you,you,you,you,三,he,she,it,him,her,it,they,them,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,1. 人称代词的用法,人称代词的主格在句中充当主语。,She enjoys reading. 她喜欢阅读。,人称代词的宾格在句中充当动词或介词的宾语。,We all like her. 我们都喜欢她。,The gift is from him. 这份礼物来自他。,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,2. 人称代词的语序,几个人称代词并列充当主语时,它们的顺序是:,单数形式(二、三、一)you,he/she and I,复数形式(一、二、三)we,you and they,3. it的用法, 代替指示代词this或that。, What,s that?那是什么?, It is a computer. 是一台电脑。,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录, 指代婴儿或不明身份的人。,Someone is knocking at the door. Please go and see who it is. 有人在敲门,请去看看是谁。, 指代时间或季节。, What time is it?现在几点了?, It,s 7:30. 七点半了。, 指代天气。, What,s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?, It,s windy. 有风。,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录, 指代距离。,How far is it from Beijing to Shanghai?北京到上海有多远?, it用作形式主语或宾语,用于下列句型中:,It is+,adj.,+(for/of sb.) to do sth.,It is nice of you to give me so much help. 你给予我如此多的帮助真是太好了。,It seems that 看起来好像,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,It,s one,s turn to do 轮到某人做,It,s a pity that 很可惜,I find it to do 我发现,I find it hard to do it well. 我发现把这件事做好很难。,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,【考点考法强化】,1. (2021唐山路南区一模)My sister is lost. Can you tell,_,the,way to the police station? I need their help.,A. them,B. her,C. me,D. it,2. (2021唐山丰润区一模)Please allow,_,to introduce himself.,A. me,B. her,C. you,D. him,C,D,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,3. (2021张家口二模)Peter and his friends like football.,_,play,it together twice a week.,A. I,B. You,C. We,D. They,4. (2021广西河池模拟)Many wild animals are in danger now, so we,must protect,_,.,A. it,B. them,C. they,D. their,D,B,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,5. (2021济南二模)Who is your best friend,Lucy?,Alice. She is outgoing and friendly. Let me introduce,_,to,you.,A. her,B. she,C. he,D. him,6. (2021荆州)Who,s that boy over there?,_,is my cousin.,A. You,B. I,C. He,D. She,A,C,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,7. (2021山西)Yuan Longping, known as the father of hybrid rice,helped lift the nation out of hunger. People will never forget,_,.,A. me,B. him,C. them,D. her,8. (2021岳阳改编)My best friend and,_,were fixing up the,broken machine when the rainstorm came.,A. I,B. me,C. mine,D. my,B,A,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,9. (2021济南二模)Jack, is Mr. Miller your teacher?,Yes.,_,teaches us art.,A. She,B. He,C. His,D. Her,10. (2021连云港)Miss Li, a humorous teacher, taught,_,maths,last term.,A. us,B. our,C. ours,D. ourselves,B,A,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,11. (2021重庆)The old man often tells them interesting stories, so they,like,_,very much.,A. he,B. him,C. her,D. she,12. (2021北京朝阳区一模)Peter has a baby sister. He wants to share,every toy with,_,.,A. her,B. him,C. you,D. them,B,A,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,物主代词,考点二,单数,复数,一,二,三,一,二,三,形容词性物主代词,my,your,his,her,its,our,your,their,名词性物主代词,mine,yours,his,hers,its,ours,yours,theirs,【学法方法点拨】,人称,类型,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,【考点考法强化】,1. (2021邢台二模)Congratulations, Susan, you got the first place in,the English Speaking Competition.,Thanks. Laura, a friend of,_, helped me a lot. I,m really,grateful to her.,A. my,B. mine,C. me,D. I,B,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,2. (2021湘潭改编)Is that bag,_, Anna?,No, it,s Tina,s.,A. your,B. yours,C. yourself,D. you,3. (2021南京)Amy hid under,_,desk in a hurry when the,earthquake happened.,A. she,B. her,C. hers,D. herself,B,B,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,4. (2021天津)Mike,s aunt is,_,English teacher. We all like,_,.,A. our; she,B. our; her,C. we; he,D. we; her,5. (2021成都改编)Lily, is this blue pencil box Steve,s?,No, it isn,t.,_,is black.,A. Mine,B. Hers,C. His,D. Yours,B,C,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,【学法方法点拨】,指示代词与疑问代词,考点三,近指,远指,单数,this,that,复数,these,those,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,指示代词的用法,this/these表示近指。,This is a good plan. 这是个好计划。,that/those表示远指。,Those boxes look heavy. 那些箱子看起来很重。,打电话时用this介绍自己,用that询问对方。,This is Mike speaking. 我是迈克。,Who,s that?你是谁?,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,that常用于比较结构中,代替前面提到的名词(可数名词单数或不可数名词),those也常用于比较结构中,代替前面提到的可数名词复数,以避免重复。,The weather of Changchun is colder than that of Shanghai. 长春的天气比上海冷。,People in this village live much longer than those in that village. 这个村子的人比那个村子的人寿命长。,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,this可起启下作用,指将要提到的事;that指刚提到过的事物或已经完成的事情。,Please remember this: No pains, no gains. 请记住这一点:不劳则无获。,I,m sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很遗憾。,that指前面刚刚提到过的事。,He was ill. That was why he didn,t go to school. 他病了,那就是他没去上学的原因。,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,that和those可作定语从句的先行词;this和these则不可。,God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。,2.,疑问代词,疑问代词,主要用法,例句,who,“谁”,用于询问人物、身份,Who is your best friend?谁是你最好的朋友?,whom,“谁”,who的宾格形式,作宾语,To whom are you talking?你在和谁交谈?,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,疑问代词,主要用法,例句,whose,“谁的”,询问所属,Whose coat is this?这是谁的外套?,what,“什么”,what询问事物或某人的职业, Whats this?这是什么?, Its a map.这是一张地图。, Whats your father?你爸爸做什么工作?, He is a police officer.他是一名警官。,which,“哪一个,哪一些”,指在一定范围内特指的人或物,Which one do you like best?你最喜欢哪一个?,续表,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,3. one/ones的用法,泛指上文提及的同类人或事物,同类而不同物。,Your hat is so beautiful. I want to buy one.,你的帽子很漂亮。我也想买一顶。,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,【考点考法强化】,1. (2021安徽淮南模拟)Mike, do you enjoy the life here?,Sure, but the traffic here is a little heavier than,_,in my,hometown.,A. one,B. it,C. this,D. that,2. (2021苏州)The gravity on Mars is only about three eighths of,_,on the Earth.,A. that,B. those,C. one,D. ones,D,A,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,3. (2021哈尔滨二模改编)What do you think of the weather here at,this time of the year?,It is much colder than,_,in my hometown.,A. thatB. the one,C. / D. this,4. (2021青岛一模)Students who often ask questions during or after class,can get more knowledge than,_,who seldom ask.,A. this,B. that,C. these,D. those,A,D,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,5. (2021东营模拟)The weather is much worse in Shandong,than,_,in the other cities, because there is too much haze(雾霾),recently.,A. those,B. that,C. these,D. them,B,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,6. (2021福建模拟改编),_,is the TV program Chinese,Conference on Geographical Names(中国地名大会)about?,It is based on knowledge and leads people to discover the secrets,and cultural meanings behind geographical names.,A. What,B. Where,C. How,D. When,A,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,7. (2021北京二模),_,book is this, Bill?,Sorry, it,s mine.,A. Whose,B. Which,C. What,D. Who,8. (2021吉林梅河口市校级模拟),_,one is your best friend?,The one with short black hair.,A. Which,B. What,C. When,D. How,A,A,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,9. (2021苏州模拟),_,is the population of India?,It is,_,than,_,of China.,A. How large; fewer; it,B. What; smaller; that,C. How much; less; it,D. What; fewer; that,10. (原创),_,are you looking for, madam? I think nobody is,absent.,I don,t think so. Where,s David?,A. Who,B. What,C. When,D. Where,B,A,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,11. (原创),_,is your English teacher?, The one with a pair of glasses.,A. Who,B. Which,C. Where,D. How,12. (原创),_,skirt is that?, It,s,_,.,A. Who,s; John,s,B. Who,s; Lily,C. Whose; Lily,D. Whose; Lily,s,B,D,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,【学法方法点拨】,反身代词的用法,考,点四,单数,复数,第一人称,myself,我自己,ourselves,我们自己,第二人称,yourself,你自己,yourselves,你们自己,第三人称,himself,他自己,themselves,他(她、它)们自己,herself,她自己,itself,它自己,数,人称,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,1. 反身代词的用法,反身代词用在动词后面,作动词的宾语。,I made myself a birthday cake. 我为自己做了一个生日蛋糕。,用作同位语,The children made model planes themselves. 这些孩子们自己制作飞机模型。,She herself is a teacher. 她本人是一个老师。,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,用作表语,That boy in the picture was myself. 照片上的男孩就是我自己。,2. 含有反身代词的常用短语:,dress oneself(自己穿衣服), teach oneself(自学), learn by oneself(自学), lose oneself(沉醉于), come to oneself(苏醒), hurt oneself(伤着自己), enjoy oneself(过得愉快;玩得高兴), help oneself (to sth.)随便(吃/喝某物), by oneself(独自),专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,【考点考法强化】,1. (2021石家庄模拟)No matter what happens, children should learn to,stay calm and protect,_,.,A. himselfB. herself,C. yourselves,D. themselves,2. (2021河北模拟统考)By protecting nature, we are protecting,_,.,A. ourselvesB. yourselvesC. itself,D. herself,D,A,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,3. (2021怀化改编)No one taught the old lady how to use WeChat. She,learned it by,_,.,A. yourself,B. myself,C. herself,D. himself,4. (2021恩施州改编)Once robots can think for,_, problems may,appear.,A. themselves,B. them,C. they,D. theirs,C,A,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,5. (2021昆明)Taichi, part of Chinese culture, is an exercise which helps,people improve,_,in health.,A. themselves,B. ourselves,C. itself,D. myself,6. (2021保定定兴县二模)Alice was very happy to see that the children,were enjoying,_,.,A. himself,B. herself,C. ourselves,D. themselves,A,D,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,【学法方法点拨】,不定代词,考点五,普通不定代词的用法及辨析,代词,含义,用法,例句,either,(两者中)任何一个,either of+名词/代词的复数+谓语动词(第三人称单数),either or“或者,或者,要么,要么,”,连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近原则”,I dont agree with either of you.你们二人的意见我都不同意。,Either you or he is wrong.不是你就是他错了。,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,代词,含义,用法,例句,neither,(两者中)一个也不,neitherof+名词/代词的复数+谓语动词(第三人称单数),neither nor,“既不也不”,连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近原则”,Neither of my parents is interested in pop music.,我的父母对流行音乐都不感兴趣。Neither Jane nor her parents are coming.简和她的父母都不会来。,both,(两者)都,与,neither,是反义词,可以和,of,连用。作主语时,谓语动词用复数。,both and ,“和都”,Both of my hands are full of candies. 我的双手满是糖果。,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,代词,含义,用法,例句,all,(三者或三者以上)都,可以和of连用。作主语时,谓语动词用复数,All of my friends are celebrating my birthday. 我所有的朋友们在为我庆祝生日。,none,(三者或三者以上中)没有一个,与all意义相反,表示全部否定,可以和of连用。作主语时,如代替不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式;代替可数名词时,谓语动词用单数、复数均可,None of the students is /are afraid of difficulties. 学生们都不怕困难。, How many students are there in the classroom?教室里有多少学生?, None. 一个也没有。,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,代词,含义,用法,例句,each,(两者或两者以上中)每一个,强调个体,可以和,of,连用。当它作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;另外,each,还可以作同位语,There are trees on each side of the road. 路的两边有树。,We each have an English dictionary. 我们每人都有一本英语词典。,every,(三者或三者以上中)每一个,强调整体,不可以和of连用。当它作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,Every student is getting ready for the final exam. 每个学生都在为期末考试做准备。,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,代词,含义,用法,例句,some,一些,既可修饰或指代可数名词,也可修饰或指代不可数名词;一般用于肯定句中,也可用于表示说话人希望得到肯定回答或表达请求、建议的疑问句中,Jane has some toys. 简有一些玩具。,Would you like some noodles?你想要些面条吗?,any,一些,可指代三者或三者以上中的任何一个,既可修饰或指代可数名词,也可修饰或指代不可数名词;多用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中,Tom is taller than any other student in his class. 汤姆比班上其他任何一个学生都要高。,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,代词,含义,用法,例句,many,许多,修饰或指代可数名词复数,He has many friends. 他有许多朋友。,much,许多,修饰或指代不可数名词,Students have too much homework. 学生们有太多的作业。,另:a few、few、a little、little的辨析(见第6课时),other、others、the other、the others与another的辨析(见第5课时),专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,2.,复合不定代词的用法,somebody某人,anybody任何人,nobody没有人,everybody每个人,someone某人,anyone任何人,noone没有人,everyone每人,something某事,anything任何事,nothing没有东西,everything每件事,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,复合不定代词作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。,Nothing is impossible. 一切皆有可能。,something、somebody、someone用于肯定句,或表委婉请求及提建议的疑问句中, anything、anybody、anyone用于否定句、疑问句及条件从句。,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,复合不定代词的定语放到它们的后面。,Would you like something to eat?你想要一些吃的东西吗?,复合不定代词可以和else连用,但不可以和other连用。,Anything else?还有别的吗?,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,【考点考法强化】,1. (2021武汉)There are mainly six kinds of tea in China. Which is,your favorite?,Green tea, I guess. I,ve tried black tea, green tea and so on, and,_,of them have their special tastes.,A. all,B. both,C. none,D. neither,A,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,2. (2021盐城)Why are you laughing, Daniel?,There is,_,funny in the newspaper. Come and see.,A. anything,B. somethingC. everything,D. nothing,3. (2021新疆)Where would you like to go next week, Beijing or,Tianjin?,_,is OK. It,s up to you.,A. Both,B. None,C. Either,D. All,B,C,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,4. (2021扬州)Which colour do you like, red or blue?,_,. I like green.,A. Either,B. Both,C. Neither,D. None,5. (2021达州)The two books are,_,about English. You can,choose,_,of them to read.,A. all; both,B. all; either,C. both; either,D. both; neither,C,C,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,6. (2021连云港)Look at the sign, please. You can park your car on,_,side of the street.,A. both,B. other,C. either,D. all,7. (2021齐齐哈尔二模改编)Amazing! Jack got the best grade in,the test last week.,_,is impossible. Many times he thought about giving up,but he fought on.,A. SomethingB. Anything,C. Nothing,D. Everything,C,C,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,8. (2021扬州)Which colour do you like, red or blue?,_,. I like green.,A. Either,B. Both,C. NeitherD. None,9. (2021武威)I have a few books on Chinese food. You can borrow,_,if you want.,A. one,B. it,C. much,D. a little,C,A,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,10. (2021东营区校级模拟)Is there,_,in today,s morning,news on CCTV-4?,Yes, earthquakes,_,in Yunnan and Qinghai on May 22.,A. anything new; happen,B. anything new; happened,C. new anything; happens,D. new something; happen,B,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,11. (2021吉林三模改编)During the long winter vacation, I watched,many films.,_,of them were fantastic.,A. AllB. BothC. None D. Either,12. (2021铜陵二模)I tried several jackets, but,_,of them,looked good on me.,No worries. We,ve got some new ones in the next room.,A. all,B. eachC. none,D. neither,A,C,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,13. (2021武汉模拟)Our classmaster requires that,_,student,who is late for school should do doubled homework.,Sounds like a nightmare.,A. each,B. every,C. any,D. all,C,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,14. (2021无锡江阴市一模)Excuse me, what would you like to eat,here?,_,except fish. It,s not my cup of tea.,A. Something,B. Nothing,C. Anything,D. Everything,C,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,15. (2021东营二模)President Xi said that,_,was more,important than people,s safety and health.,A. everything,B. nothing,C. something,D. anything,16. (2021福建南平二模改编)Where would you like to go for your,summer vacation, Chongqing or Tianjin?,_,. I,ll go to Sanya, Hainan.,A. BothB. Either,C. NeitherD. All,B,C,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,17. (2021齐齐哈尔二模改编)Amazing! Jack got the best grade in,the test last week.,_,is impossible. Many times he thought about giving up,but he fought on.,A. Something,B. Anything,C. Nothing,D. Everything,B,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,18. (2021成都模拟)Lucy,s Chinese friends tried to give her some,suggestions on how to protect herself from COVID-19(新冠病毒),but she seemed to understand,_,of them.,A. none,B. both,C. all,D. neither,A,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,19. (2021江西模拟)Why was our head teacher so angry?,Because we were asked to finish the tasks in time, but,_,of us made it in our class.,A. none,B. all,C. neither,D. either,A,专题二,代词,考点聚焦,返回主目录,返回子目录,20. (2021盐城二模)Are your parents angry with you about your,English?,Oh,_,of them is angry. They just told me to get better,grades next time.,A. none,B. both,C. neither,D. either,C,


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