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Unit 3,Language in use,外研版九年级下,Module 4,Rules and suggestions,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,语法通关,练,5,11,答案呈现,D,C,A,C,A,have to,mustnt,cant,Could,may,提示,:点击 进入习题,May/Can I come in,12,13,must,can; more,14,must be cut,15,What language can you speak,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,基础巩固练,5,答案呈现,lost,climbing,fairly,suddenly,yourself,fell asleep,Pay attention to,playing football,setting off/out,Every time,一、单项选择。,1. ,中考,辽宁, You,_ smoke,at the oil,station; its,too dangerous.,Im sorry. I wont.,A. couldnt,B,. neednt,C. wouldnt,D,. mustnt,D,2,. 【2021,包头期中,】You,_ feel,all the,training a,waste of time now, but Im sure later you will,be grateful,that you did it.,A. should,B,. can,C. may,D,. need,C,3. ,中考,四川,Is that Tom over there?,It _ be him. He is on the plane to Chengdu now.,A. cant B. might not C. must,A,4. ,中考,辽宁,Jerry didnt pay me back, but he promised that he _ this Sunday.,A. must B. could,C. would D. should,C,5. ,中考,江苏,With this new lock, you _ search for keys in your bag any more. Isnt it cool?,A. neednt B. cant,C. mustnt D. shouldnt,A,二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。,6. It is 10 pm. I,_ go,now, or my parents,will worry,about me.,may, can, must, have to,have to,7. Look at that sign. It means we _ smoke here.,may, can, must, have to,mustnt,8. It _ be Lily, because she has gone abroad.,may, can, must, have to,cant,9. _ you help me? I cannot find my wallet.,may, can, must, have to,Could,10. The sky grows gray. It _ rain soon.,may, can, must, have to,may,三、按要求完成句子。,11. ,中考,福建,B,你想进入老师的办公室,应该,这样请求,:,_?,May/Can I come in,12. ,中考,海南改编, Jack went to school without breakfast, so he _be hungry now.,(填上合适的情态动词),must,13. ,中考,湖北改编,当今,在线支付能使我们的,生活更,方便。(完成句子),Nowadays, Payment Online,_ make,our,lives,_,convenient.,can,more,14,. ,中考,黄冈,在学校你的课业已经足够了,必须,删去课外,学习班。,(cut),(完成句子),You have enough classes from school. The,after-school classes,_ _ _,out.,must be cut,15,. I can speak,English,.,(对画线部分提问),_?,What language can you speak,一、用所给词的适当形式填空。,1. Its easy to get,_ (,lose) if you go to the,mountains alone,.,lost,2. Rock _ (climb) is exciting but dangerous. You should be careful.,climbing,3. It is a _ (fair) difficult question. I cant work it out.,fairly,4. The light went out _ (sudden). All of us felt scared.,suddenly,5. To avoid being affected by the virus, you can wear a mask to keep _ (you) away from the droplets (,飞沫,) coughed and sneezed by infected people.,yourself,二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一,词。,6.,他躺在沙发上很快就睡着了。,He lay down on the sofa and soon _ _,.,fell asleep,7.,过马路的时候要注意交通灯。,_,_ _,the,traffic lights when,crossing the road,.,Pay attention to,8,.,当老师到操场的时候,发现同学们正在踢足球。,When the teacher came to the playground, he saw the,students _ _,.,playing football,9,.,布莱克一家准备今天下午动身去上海。,The Blacks are _ _,for,Shanghai this,afternoon,.,setting off/out,10,.,每次我犯一个错误,我就会从中吸取一些教训。,_ _ I made a mistake, I learn some,lessons from it.,Every time,


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