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牛津沪教版九年级下,课时,1,Getting ready & Reading,Unit 1 Great explorations,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,基础巩固练,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,11,12,13,14,答案呈现,repetition,regions,nowhere,peoples,discoveries,official,development,quantities,African,voyage,continents,Besides,silk,American,15,rises,答案呈现,16,17,18,B,A,D,19,D,20,C,21,22,23,for the first time,open up,go on a trip,24,set off,25,so young that,基础巩固练,答案呈现,能力提升练,26,27,28,B,G,F,29,D,31,32,33,B,C,A,34,B,30,E,35,C,一、根据句意和汉语提示完成,句子。,1. John is an experienced sailor and he has completed,the around-the-world _(,航行,).,2. We all know that there are seven _,(,大陆,)and four,oceans in the world,.,3. _(,除了,)reading, he is fond of dancing and skating.,voyage,continents,Besides,4. The scarf made of _ (,丝绸,)is expensive.,5. There are some differences between British and _ (,美洲的,)English.,silk,American,二、用所给词的适当形式填空。,6. One of his _(discovery) makes a great contribution to the society.,discoveries,7. The government _(office) should serve the people heart and soul.,official,8. With the _ (develop) of Xiongan New Area, more than 180, 000 jobs can be provided for local people.,development,9. As a result of destroying the forests, large _ (quantity) of desert have covered the land.,quantities,10. Drums are basic to _ (Africa) music. People there play them often.,African,三、从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空。,11. If you cant hear somebody clearly, you can ask for _.,people, repeat, region, rise, somewhere,repetition,12. I prefer to live in cold _because I like skating and skiing.,people, repeat, region, rise, somewhere,regions,13. We looked everywhere for the keys, but they were _ to be found.,people, repeat, region, rise, somewhere,nowhere,14. There are fifty-six _ in China. They form a big family together.,people, repeat, region, rise, somewhere,peoples,【,点拨,】,people,在此处是民族的意思,复数形式为,peoples,。,15. The sun _ behind the mountain in the morning.,people, repeat, region, rise, somewhere,rises,四、单项选择。,16. 【2021,南京,】I would be interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve, because it allows people _ closer to them.,A. get B. to get C. getting D. got,B,17. (,易错题,) He loved Hangzhou _ much _ he described it as “the finest city in the world”.,A. so; that B. enough; to,C. too; to D. such; that,A,18. The organization is _ to protect wild animals.,It has done a lot so far.,A. cheered up B. picked up,C. taken up D. set up,D,19. He was once _ killed in a car accident several years ago.,A. completely B. sadly,C. exactly D. nearly,D,20. Linda as well as Jim _ tons of attention wherever they go., Yeah, they are very successful. We believe that struggle (,奋斗,),creates history and hard work makes a _ future.,A. gets; brightly B. get; bright,C. gets; bright D. get; brightly,C,【,点拨,】,as well as,连接并列名词作主语时,谓语动词采用“就前原则”。,五、根据汉语意思完成句子。,21.,在中国,人们首次见面时应该握手。,In China, people are supposed to shake hands when,they meet,_.,for the first time,22.,这家公司越来越强大,它即将开拓美国市场。,The company is becoming stronger and stronger. It,will _ a,market,in,the US,.,open up,23,.,你去旅行之前,要打包准备些什么?,Before you _,what will you pack for it,?,go on a trip,24,.,如果你想赶上那趟火车,咱们最好马上动身去车站。,If you want to catch that train, wed,better,_ for,the station immediately.,set off,25.,她太年轻了,还不能明白这个事实。,She was _,she,couldnt understand the truth.,so young that,A,: Hello, Mary.,B,: Hello, Tom. It is so nice to see you here.,A,: Its nice to see you too. _26,B,: I am going home. I just came back from an exhibition(,展览,).,六、补全对话。,(,其中有两项多余,),A. When did you see that?,B. Where are you going?,C. Does it work on Sunday?,D. What did you see there?,E. Is it still open this Saturday?,F. Is it really very good?,G. I beg your pardon.,B,A,: _27 And what?,B,: An exhibition. To be exact, a fine art exhibition.,A,: Really? _28,B,: Yeah, pretty good, I should say.,A. When did you see that?,B. Where are you going?,C. Does it work on Sunday?,D. What did you see there?,E. Is it still open this Saturday?,F. Is it really very good?,G. I beg your pardon.,G,F,A,: _29,B,: A lot of traditional Chinese paper cuttings.,A,: I am also interested in paper cuttings. _ 30,B,: Yes, it is still open on Saturday.,A,: Many thanks.,A. When did you see that?,B. Where are you going?,C. Does it work on Sunday?,D. What did you see there?,E. Is it still open this Saturday?,F. Is it really very good?,G. I beg your pardon.,D,E,B,: You are welcome, and enjoy yourself there.,A,: Thank you, Mary! Ill be there on Saturday.,A. When did you see that?,B. Where are you going?,C. Does it work on Sunday?,D. What did you see there?,E. Is it still open this Saturday?,F. Is it really very good?,G. I beg your pardon.,七阅读理解。,【2020,衡阳,】,31. According to the first paragraph, which is,NOT true,about Chen Lin?,A. Sometimes, Chen Lins job may be dangerous.,B. Chen Lin comes from Guiyang.,C. He graduated from Peking University.,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,2,页原文。,B,【,点拨,】,根据原文第一段中句子,Chen Lin is a doctor who is from Hengyang.,可知,B,项不正确。,32. MSF sends trained doctors throughout the,world to,help people,_.,A. before an earthquake,B. who are homeless,C. who are injured in a war or a,disaster,C,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,MSF sends trained doctors all over the world to help people after a war or a disaster(,灾难,).,可知答案。,33,. Who are greatly needed in Africa according,to the,passage?,A. Doctors who have experience in,tropical diseases,.,B. Doctors who are kind and patient.,C. Doctors from all over the world.,A,【,点拨,】,根据原文第三段中句子,Doctors with experience in tropical (,热带的,),diseases are especially useful because most of MSFs work is in Africa.,可知答案。,34. What does a doctor have to do if he is,accepted for,a task by MSF?,A. He has to complete a few tasks.,B. He has to go for at least six months.,C. He has to go to Africa,.,B,【,点拨,】,根据原文第三段中句子,When MSF accepts a doctor for a task, he has to go for at least six months.,可知答案。,35,. From Dr. Chens words, we learn that “,_.”,A. Where there is a will there is a way,B. Good health is over wealth,C. Giving is getting,C,【,点拨,】,根据原文最后一段中句子,According to Chen Lin, the experience you have is a great help in your career.,可知,虽然去执行这些任务既危险又辛苦,但是这些工作经历对事业有极大的帮助,这说明了“给予就是得到”。,


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