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Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World,自然界未解之谜,.单词盘点,根据词性和汉语意思写出词汇,1. _ (vt.)袭击;攻击,2. _ (vt.)声称,3._ (n.)外表;水面,4. _ (adj.)平静的,attack,claim,surface,calm,5. _ (adj.)疑心的;不相信的,6. _ (vt.)占地多大面积,7. _ (vi.)适应;适合,8._ (adj.)有雅量的;大方的;心地高尚的,9._ (n.)名誉;名声,10._ (adj.) 吓人的_(vt.)使害怕_ (adj.) 害怕的;惊吓的;受惊的,sceptical,cover,adapt,generous,reputation,frightening,frighten,frightened,11. _(vi.) 存在_ (n.) 存在,12._ (adj.) 神秘的_ (n.) 神秘的事物;,谜,13._ (adj.)不可能的_ (adj.)反义词可能的,14._ (adj.) 绝种的;消亡了的_ (n.) 消,失;灭绝,15._ (n.) 毁坏_ (adj.) 破坏性的;消灭性的_ (vt.) 破坏;消灭;毁坏,exist,existence,mysterious,mystery,unlikely,likely,extinct,extinction,destruction,destructive,destroy,16._ (vt.) 象征;暗示_ (n.)指示;象征,17._ (n.) 身份;特性_(vt.) 确定;区分,18._ (n.) 运气;命运;财富_ adj.幸运的_ (adv.) 幸运地,indicate,indication,identity,identify,fortune,fortunate,fortunately,【品词自测】,根据所给词的适当形式填空,The girl was _ into crying by the _story. (frighten),People _ forests and rivers for their own benefit. Their _ activities are likely to cause the _ of the earth. (destroy),frightened,frightening,destroy,destructive,destruction,.短语回放,1.接近,靠近 _,2.伸出 _,3.对疑心 _,4.与有关 _,5.适应 _,go close to,stick out,be sceptical about,be related to,adapt to,6.灭绝 _,7.切断;使隔绝 _,8.帮助弄清楚;说明某事 _,9.谈正题;开门见山 _,10.不同寻常;了不起;真棒表示赞许,_,11.由于;因造成 _,die out,cut off,throw light on,come straight to the point,quite something,due to,.句式扫描,1.He _ (声称已经看到) a round black creature moving quickly through the water.,2._ (一直有) reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century, although no one has seen one close up.,claims to have seen,There have been,3.Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear dragon symbols,too,but with fewer claws and _ _(颜色不同).,4.Some experts believe it is _,_ (由于产生这些神话的动物).,of a different,colour,due to the animals the myths grew,out of,【仿句自测】,根据下面句式仿写句子,claim to have done sth.,仿写:老人声称他目睹了昨天的交通事故。,_,The old man claimed to have witnessed the traffic accident,yesterday.,due to由于,因而造成,仿写:许多专家认为不断发生的洪水和旱灾(drought)是由不断加剧的(worsening)全球变暖造成的。,_,Many experts argue that the frequent floods and droughts are,due to the worsening global warming.,核,心,要,点,adapt,三年2考,fortune,三年1考,due to,三年1考,1.attack vt. 袭击;攻击;疾病侵袭,n. 攻击;进攻;病情发作,(1)attack sb. with sth. 用某物攻击某人,attack on/against 向攻击,(2)under attack 受到攻击,launch an attack on/upon. 对发动进攻,a heart attack 心脏病发作, Some naughty children often,attack the passers-by with stones,on the road.,在这条路上经常会有一些淘气的孩子用石子袭击路人。, The city had been _ _ from the Germans for half a month.,这座城市受到德国人的攻击已有半个月的时间了。,under,attack,【熟词生义】根据语境选择最正确汉意:,The government has been attacked by the media for the high unemployment at home.,A.袭击 B.抨击;责难 C.侵袭;侵蚀,This is a deadly disease that can attack the brain.,A.侵袭;侵害 B.批评;责难 C.袭击;殴打,答案:B A,2.exist vi.存在;生存,(1)exist in 存在于,exist on=live on 靠生存;靠生活,There exist(s) . 有,(2)existence n. 存在;生存;生活,come into existence 开场存在,In Sweden,legends,exist in,peoples everyday life.,在瑞典,人们的日常生活中有许多传说。, The old man finds it hard to,exist on,the pension alone. 老人发现很难仅靠养老金生活。, _ _ many factors influencing the childrens future success.,有很多影响孩子未来成功的因素。,There,exist,3.claim,vt.&n.,主张;声称;认领;索赔,(1)claim to do sth.声称/主张做某事,claim that. 声称,claim sth. from sb.向某人索要某物,(2)lay claim to sth.宣称对某物有所有权,make a claim for sth.对提出赔偿要求, A man _ _ _ _ the accident called the police.,一个声称是事故目击者的男子给警方打了 。, So far no one has claimed the money discovered in the library.,到目前为止,还没有人来认领在图书馆发现的这些钱。, As the victim in the accident, I will make a claim for the injuries I suffered.,作为这次事故的受害者,我将就遭受的伤害提出索赔要求。,claiming,to,have,witnessed,【熟词生义】根据语境选择最正确汉意:,The flood claimed hundreds of lives.,【解析】选D。claim有“使失踪、死亡之意。, The project is unlikely to succeed if not carefully planned.,如果不进展精心方案,这个工程就不可能成功。, It is unlikely that she will accept the plan made by the boss.,她不可能承受老板制订的方案。, She gave an unlikely explanation for her behaviour.,她对自己的行为给出了一个让人难以置信的解释。,【点津】“It is likely/unlikely+that-clause表示“有可能/不可能。it在句中为形式主语,指代that从句,possible和probable也可用于此句式。“sb./sth. +be likely/unlikely to do sth.表示“某人/某物有可能/不可能做某事,possible和probable不能用于此句式。,选择正确的句子:,他和Melissa相处得并不融洽,因此他不可能邀请她参加这个聚会。( ),a. He doesnt get along well with Melissa, so he is unlikely to invite her to the party.,b. He doesnt get along well with Melissa, so he is impossible to invite her to the party.,c. He doesnt get along well with Melissa, so he is improbable to invite her to the party.,a,5.adapt,v.,适应;适合;改造;改编;改写,(1)adapt oneself to 使自己适应,adapt to 适应,adapt.from. 从改编,be adapted from 根据改编,be adapted for 为改编/写;被改编为,(2)adaptable 能适应的;可修改的, The older a person is, the slower it will be for him to,adapt to,changes.,一个人年龄越大,对变化的适应也就越慢。,The film,was adapted from,a novel written by a famous writer.,这部电影是根据一位著名作家所写的一部小说改编的。, It took him quite a while to _ _ _ his new surroundings.,他用了相当长时间才使自己适应了周围的新环境。,adapt,himself,to,【真题链接】2021浙江,11The good thing about children is that they_very easily to new environments.,A .adapt B .appeal,C .attach D .apply,【解析】选A。句意:对孩子们来说他们的优势是他们很容易适应新环境。adapt to适应;appeal to呼吁,吸引;attach to使依恋;apply to适用于。,【想一想】英语中还有哪几个短语可以表示“使适应这一含义?,【拓展延伸】,除adapt(oneself)to外,adjust(oneself) to和accommodate (oneself) to这两个短语也可以表示“使适应,其中的to均为介词,其后接名词、代词等。,6.fortune n.运气;命运;财富,1try ones fortune 碰运气,seek ones fortune 寻找发迹的时机;寻找出路,make a fortune 发财;赚大钱,tell ones fortune 给某人算命,2fortunate adj. 幸运的;运气好的,fortunately adv. 幸运地,unfortunately 不幸地, He went there just to,try his fortune.,他去那里只是为了碰碰运气而已。, She has the,fortune,to work with a creative team.,能与一个有创造力的团队共事,她很幸运。, Many people hope to _ _ _ by selling houses.,许多人希望通过卖房子来赚大钱。,make,a,fortune,7.die out灭绝;风俗习惯等消失,Some rare birds in the area are in danger of dying out because of human activities.,这一地区的一些稀有鸟类由于人类活动正面临灭绝的危险。, Some traditional skills are dying out because they fail to appeal to the younger generation.,因为很难吸引年轻人,一些传统的技艺正在消失。,【拓展】补全以下“die+ prep./adv. 短语:,die _ (声音或感情)慢慢变弱;渐渐消失,die _ (风、雨等)减弱;平息,die _ 为而死,die _ 死于,die _ 相继死去,away,down,for,of/from,off,8.throw light on帮助弄清楚;说明某事, The new evidence has thrown light on the connection between the two cases.,新证据已经说明了两个案子之间的联系。, The study may throw light on the future development of the Internet.,这项研究可能会让人们弄清楚互联网开展的前景。,【拓展】,翻译以下短语:,cast light on=throw light on _,bring . to light _,come to light _,_,see the light _,说明,使较容易理解,揭露;暴露;提醒;发现,暴露;为人所知;真相,理解;领悟,大白,【点津】,在以上所列举的light相关短语中,cast/throw light on和bring .to light为及物动词短语,主语可以是人或物,宾语是物;而come to light为不及物动词短语,主语只能是物。,9 e straight to the point谈正题;开门见山, As we are familiar with each other, lets come straight to the point.,大家都是熟人,我们就开门见山吧。,I like to come straight to the point. Whatever you have to say, just say it.,我喜欢开门见山,有什么话你就直说吧。,【拓展】补全以下“point短语或构造:,_the point 言归正传;开门见山,_ the point 抓不住要领,_the point 中肯地;切题地,_the point 离题;不切要领,_doing sth.when.,刚要做某事这时,There is no point _ 做某事没有意义,come to/get to,miss,to,off,be on the point of,in doing sth.,10.due to由于;因造成,due,adj.,应得的;正当的;应付的;预定的,be due to sb. 应付给某人,be due for 应得到,be due to do sth. 预期做某事, Several traffic accidents happened on the highway _ _ the heavy fog in the morning.,由于早晨的大雾,公路上发生了几起交通事故。, The death toll,due to drunk driving,has been greatly reduced.,由于醉酒驾车造成的死亡人数已经极大地下降了。,due,to, Have they received the money,due to,them?,他们是否收到了应付给他们的钱?,His new book,is due to come out,in November.,他的新书预计11月份出版。,【点津】 due to表示“由于,因造成,应给予时,其中的to为介词;当due to 表示“即将/预期将时,to为动词不定式符号。,11.He,claims to have seen a round black creature moving,quickly through the water.,他声称已经看到一个圆圆的、黑黑的生物在水中快速游动。,句中的claim之后接动词不定式的完成式,表示动词不定式的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。,动词不定式的一般式,to do;,to be done,表示不定式的动作与主句谓语动词所表示的动作同一时间发生或发生在主句谓语动词所表示的动作之后。,动词不定式的进行式,to be doing,表示不定式的动作与主句谓语动词所表示的动作同一时间发生,并且动作正在进行。,动词不定式的完成式,to have done; to have been done,表示不定式的动作发生在主句谓语动词所表示的动作之前。,不定式的三种形式:, He has been expecting,to find,his missing brother.,他一直期待着找到他失踪的哥哥。, The boy pretended,to be focusing on,his lesson, but in fact his mind was wandering.,男孩假装在专注于功课,但事实上他的思想在开小差。, The police seem _ _ _ the new evidence of his crime.,警方似乎已经找到了他犯罪的新证据。,to,have,got,12.Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear dragon symbols, too, but with fewer claws and,of a different colour,.,也允许其他皇室的成员穿带有龙标志的袍子,但袍子上龙的爪子少了并且颜色也不同。,此处but with fewer claws and of a different colour是对dragon symbols的进一步解释说明,它相当于一个句子,即:but they are with fewer claws and of a different colour。由此可见of a different colour起到了形容词的作用。,(1) be + of +n.=be +相对应的形容词(名词多为抽象名词,如use,help,importance,value,significance等),在句中可以作表语、定语或宾语补足语。,(2)be +of a/ an + n.=be + of the same + n.表示一样性,同一性。常用于该构造的名词有:age,weight,height,length,width,size,shape,colour等。,(3)be + of +different +n. (pl.)表示“不同的。,You will find this book _ _ _ in learning English.,你将会发现这本书在学英语中作用很大。,She is,of the same age,as Mary at her graduation.,她和玛丽大学毕业时的年龄一样大。,Your friends may be,of many different kinds.,您的朋友们可能会有许多不同的类型。,of,great,use,(1)情态动词+have done,(2)(un)likely与其他形容词的辨析,(3)due to的用法以及与其他短语的辨析,1.2021潍坊模拟Her English composition is much too perfect. She _ it herself, I bet.,A. might have written B. cant have written,C. cant write D. must have written,【解析】选B。考察情态动词。句意:她的英语作文太好了,我打赌一定不是她写的。因为write是过去的动作,表示对过去事情的否认推测用cant+have done;应选B项。might have done 表示过去可能做过;must have done 表示过去肯定做过,均与句意不符。,2.Studies show that people are more _to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.,【解析】选A。考察形容词词义辨析。句意:研究说明,如果总是长时间坐在电脑屏幕前,人们很可能会患上背部疾病。所填词作表语,主语是人,由more来修饰,意思是:可能的,只能用A。四个选项中possible和probable也都有“可能的之意,但它们作表语时主语只能是物,sure在此处意思不恰当。,(1)由于糟糕的天气,我们只能推迟旅行方案。,We had to put off our travel plan _.,(2)我们定于明天动身。,We _leave tomorrow.,due to the bad weather,are due to,破解细节理解题,细节理解题一般根据短文提供的信息和事实进展提问,命题人通常通过对文章细节加以改写,来考察考生准确理解细节的能力。,一、细节题的正确选项通常有以下特征,1.对原文句子中的关键词进展替换。把原文中的一些词换成意义相近的词,成为正确选项。,2.词性或者语态的变化。把原文中的一些词变换一下词性,或者改变原文句子的语态,给考生制造障碍。,3.语言简化。把原文中的复杂语言现象进展简化,成为正确答案。,4.正话反说。把原文中的意思反过来表达而成为正确选项适用于寻找错误选项的题目。,二、干扰项也是以文章中的某个细节设题,假设不仔细区分,很容易把它当成正确选项。干扰项通常有以下特征,1.将原文内容扩大或缩小。把原文中的限定词去掉或替换,使该选项看似正确,实际上却是错误选项。,2.把未然当已然。改变文中某句话的时态,如把将来时变成现在时,把未发生的事情当成已发生的事情。,3.无中生有。即选项内容是根据主观想像或推测得出的结论,而文中并未涉及。,4.偷换概念。把原来做该事的“张三换成“李四,所述细节确实与原文一致,一不小心就会误选。,5.文不对题。这类题最不容易区分,选项中的描述与原文完全一致,确属原文中的一个细节,这时要回到题干,看该选项是否能答复题干所提的问题。,三、细节理解题可分为三种类型,1.直接信息题:答案几乎可以直接从短文中获得,答案和原文中含有相关信息的句子在用词上也几乎一样。,2.间接信息题:有时在原文中找不到同正确选项相近的词,其答案可能是原文某一事实的结果、原因、前提等。,3.数字计算题:此类试题是在文章中直接表现出来细节事实,有的要经过具体的计算才能够得出正确的答案。,【真题连连看】,It costs 15 to join and your card can be used from 1st October 2021 to 30th June 2021.2021全国卷,50.How long will the membership for Cambridge Arts Cinema last?,A.Four months. B.Eight months.,C.Nine months. D.One year.,【步步精析】,50.选C。很明显从2021年10月1日到2021年6月30日是9个月时间。,总之,细节理解题难度不大,只要考生做题时细心,就会轻松拿到分!,


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