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Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges,三峡之旅,.单词盘点,根据词性和汉语意思写出词汇,1. _ (,n,.) 山顶;山峰,2. _ (,n,.) 平原,3. _ (,adj,.) 平坦的,peak,plain,flat,4._ (n.) 同事,5. _ (n.) 货物,6. _ (vi.) 做生意,7._ (vt.) 开发,8._ (vt.) 制止,9._ (adj.) 遥远的,colleague,goods,trade,exploit,forbid,remote,10._ (n.)地点;场所,11. _ (n.)风光;风景,12. _(vt.) 围绕;环绕_n.周围环境,13._ (adj.) 遥远的_ (n.) 距离,14._ (adj.) 多山的_ (n.)山,山脉,spot,view,surround,surroundings,distant,distance,mountainous,mountain,15. _ (adj.)多变化的_ (adj.) 各种各样的_ (n.)种类,多样性,16._ (adv.) 自然地_adj.自然的_n.自然;天性,性格,varied,various,variety,naturally,natural,nature,【品词自测】,根据所给词的适当形式填空,As a famous pop star, he loves being _ by so many fans coming to visit him from the _ towns. And he also likes beautiful _ with green trees and flowers, because he can get much more pleasure from nature. (surround),It is her _ to trust whoever she meets.So _, she is often taken in by others.(nature),surrounded,surrounding,surroundings,nature,naturally,.短语回放,1.在的边缘 _,2.有四周的假期 _,3.至少 _,4.穿过,经过 _,5.有大量的 _,at the edge of,have four weeks off,at least,go through,be heavy with,6.远处的 _,7.利用 _,8.敲竹杠;敲诈 _,9.(俚语)从中得到乐趣 _,in the distance,take advantage of,rip off,get a kick out of,.句式扫描,1.He and a colleague _ (将度过两年)there teaching English at a teacher training college.,2.We could _ (看见太阳西沉) behind the white pagoda.,3._ (在远处的山上是) a sign in 20-foot characters.,were to spend two years,see the sun setting,On a distant mountain was,4.Nearly 100 million people live here, _ (他们中的大多数在东部).,5.Im allowed to stick one in _只有Ive been in a place for more than 24 hours.,most of them in the east,only if,【仿句自测】,根据下面句式仿写句子,see +宾语+doing sth.,仿写:我经过那座村庄时看到一群孩子正在路边玩沙子。,_,表地点的介词短语位于句首句子用完全倒装,仿写:在森林深处住着美丽的白雪公主。,_,While going past that village, I saw a group of children playing,sand by the roadside.,In the deep forest lives the beautiful Snow White.,核,心,要,点,spot,三年,1,考,view,三年2考,be to do,三年1考,1.surround vt. 围绕;环绕;包围,surround sb./sth. with/by. 用包围某人或某物,surrounding adj. 只作定语周围的;附近的,surroundings n. 周围环境,Entering the room, I found Jack,surrounding himself with piles of books.,走进房间,我发现杰克身边堆满了书。,Thousands of people from,surrounding,towns came to see the great show.,来自周边城镇的数千人来观看了这一盛大的表演。,This is a small village _ _ green trees.,这是一个绿树环绕的小村庄。,surrounded,by,2.forbid vt. 制止;不准,(1) forbid sb./sth. 制止某人或某事,forbid sb. to do sth.,forbid sb. from doing sth.,forbid doing sth. 制止做某事,(2) forbidden adj. 被制止的;严禁的;禁用的,制止/阻止某人做某事,The school forbids the use of calculators in class.,学校制止在课堂上使用计算器。,The Forbidden City is a great attraction for foreign tourists.,紫禁城对于外国游客来说是一个非常有吸引力的地方。,The regulations _ _ in classrooms.,规定制止在教室里吸烟。,The museum authority _ _ _ _ _ _ in some special areas.,博物馆管理部门制止参观者在某些特定的区域拍照。,forbid,smoking,forbids,the,visitors,to,take,pictures,3.spot,n.,地点;场所;斑点;污点,vt.,认出;发现;找到;弄脏,This is the very,spot,where we last met.,这就是我们上次见面的地方。,Some of the,spots,on your trousers are hard to remove.,你裤子上的一些污点很难除去。,At the entrance I,spotted,a man wearing a long moustache.,在入口处,我发现了一个留着长胡须的男子。,【拓展】,翻译以下短语:,on the spot _,put sb. on the spot _,high spot _,scenic spot _,在现场;当场;立即,难为某人,显著之处,精彩的地方,风景区;景点,4.view n.风光;风景;个人的看法,见解,vt.把视为;看,观看,1come into view 看得见,进入视野,in view 在视野范围内,have a good view of 清楚地看到,饱览,2in view of 鉴于;考虑到,in ones view 在某人看来,point of view 观点,看法,3view.as. 把看作, As the car approached the town center, several tall buildings came into view.,随着汽车靠近镇中心,几座高大的建筑进入了视野。, Standing on the top of the mountain, you can have a good view of the whole city.,站在山顶,整个城市的风光你可以尽收眼底。, This _ _ _ the most effective way to overcome overeating.,这被看作是抑制暴食最有效的方式。,is,viewed,as,【真题链接】,2021山东,22If we sit near _ front of the bus,well have _ better view.,A./;the B./;a,C.the;a D.the;the,【解析】选C。考察冠词用法。the front of the bus公共汽车前部,have a better view更清楚地看到。应选C。,【想一想】,in view of 鉴于;考虑到。回想一下哪些词或短语还有与之相似的意义?,【拓展延伸】,considering, taking into consideration, given,seeing that都可表示“鉴于,考虑到。,Considering his working experience, we decided to give him another opportunity.,考虑到他的工作经历,我们决定再给他一次时机。,Given that he is only a boy of 10, he has done very well in the performance.,考虑到他仅有10岁,他在表演中的表现已经非常好了。,5.go through通过;穿过;经历;搜寻;检查;查看,Go through,the,door, and on the left is my office.,穿过这道门,左面就是我的办公室。, The family,went through,too much hardship of life.,这一家人经历了太多生活的苦难。, Customs officers,went through,all my bags.,海关官员仔细检查了我所有的包。,【辨析】理解以下区别并选词填空,go through/get through,1go through意为:经历,经受;仔细检查;浏览,查阅;通过。,2get through意为:通过(考试等);接通 。,3表示“通过时,go through不用于被动语态,而get through常用于get.through构造中。,Lets _the arguments again.,She _ all her students _ the exam.,go through,got,through,【拓展】补全以下go短语:,go _ 追求;追逐,go _ 不利于;违背;反对,go _ 爱好;参加;从事,go _ 复习;重温;仔细检查,after,against,in for,over,6.He and a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college.,他和一位同事将在那里的一所教师进修学院教两年英语。,句中的were to spend为be to do sth.构造,常用于表示:1方案、安排;2命令要求,意为“应当/必须做某事;3表示注定要发生的、不可防止要做的事。,We are to stay in the hotel for another three weeks.,我们将要在这家旅馆再待上三周。, All the drivers _ _ _ the traffic regulations.,所有的驾驶员都要遵守交通规那么。, The invention of the Internet _ _ _ the way we communicate with each other.,互联网的创造注定要改变我们相互交流的方式。,are,to,respect,is,to,change,【真题链接】,2021全国卷,32The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune _.,A.is made B.would make,C.was to be made D.had made,【解析】选C。考察动词时态。句意:在澳大利亚,金矿的发现使成千上万的人相信将来注定会发财。make a fortune意为“发财,make在句中需要使用被动形式,因此排除B和D,题干中led提示时间为过去,因此选择C。be to do表示将来,意为“注定要做某事。,1.at least至少;起码,He smoked at least half a packet of cigarettes a day.,他每天至少抽半包烟。,The housing prices will fall at least in 2021.,房屋价格起码在2021年将下跌。,【拓展】,翻译以下短语:,not in the least _,last but not least _,at most _,一点也不;丝毫不,最后但同样重要的是,至多,【真题链接】,2021全国卷,19The house still needed a lot of work,but _ the kitchen was finished.,C.at once D.at least,【解析】选D。考察副词和副词短语。句意:尽管这所房子仍然需要大量工作(才能建完),但至少厨房已经竣工了。D项意为“至少,根据句意可知此项符合;A项意为“相反;B项意为“总共;C项意为“立刻,马上。,2.be heavy with有大量的;充满,Youd better avoid the rush hour. It is too heavy with traffic.,你最好避开顶峰时间,交通太拥挤了。,The grapes are ripening, and the apple trees _ also _ _ apples.,葡萄就要熟了,而且苹果树上也结满了苹果。,【点津】表示“充满了,挤满了,拥挤的意思的短语还有:be full of;be filled with;be crowded with。,are,heavy,with,(1)see+宾语+现在分词作宾语补足语,(2)独立主格的用法,(3)表方位的介词短语位于句首且主语是名词时,句子用全部倒装,1.The company in Suzhou produced quantities of first-class silk, most of them _ to Europe.,C.were sold D.are selling,【解析】选B。考察独立主格构造。句意:这家在苏州的公司生产出了大量上等的丝绸,大局部销往欧洲。most of them与sell之间为被动关系,故用sell的过去分词形式。,2.On the wet ground _ a wounded young boy, weak and unable to move.,【解析】选A。考察倒装构造的谓语动词。句意:在潮湿的地面上躺着一个受伤的小男孩,他身体虚弱,一动也不能动。题干为介词短语开头,句子要用全部倒装。根据完全倒装句的特点,句子只能用一般现在时或一般过去时,谓语动词为主动形式的不及物动词,故只有A项lay正确;laid为及物动词lay的过去式和过去分词形式,意为“铺设,搁置。,3.When we dropped in on the family last Sunday, I saw the five children _ around the grandpa, listening to him telling stories.,A.gather B.to gather,C.gathering D.gathered,【解析】选C。考察非谓语动词。句意:上个星期天我们去拜访这一家人时,我看到五个孩子正围在祖父周围,听他讲故事。句中gather为the five children的宾语补足语,且两者之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,与saw表示的动作同时发生,故用现在分词作宾语补足语,选C。,


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