四年级上册英语课件Unit2 Part A人教PEP含答案

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,Unit 2,My schoolbag,Part A,(,I,),一、,Read and choose.,读句子,选择正确的图片。,(),1. I have a new schoolbag. Its green. Its a frog.,(),2. I have a new schoolbag. Its pink and white. Its a rabbit.,(),3. I have a new schoolbag. Its black and white. Its a panda.,(),4. I have a new schoolbag. Its yellow and black. Its a bee.,C,A,E,D,二、,Read and choose.,根据情景选择正确的答案。,(),1.,你想知道,Amy,的新书包是什么颜色的,你问:,_,A. What colour is your new schoolbag?,B. Whats in your new schoolbag?,(),2.,你觉得,Amy,的新书包很漂亮,你说:,_,A. Wow, its so nice.,B. Wow, its so big.,(),3.,你想知道,Amy,的书包里有什么,你问:,_,A. Where is your schoolbag?,B. Whats in your schoolbag?,A,A,B,三、,Read and choose.,看图,选择合适的句子补全对话。,A. Can I have a look? B. Whats in your schoolbag?,C. I have a new schoolbag. D. Where is it?,E. Wow! Its a rabbit!F. What colour is it?,C,F,E,B,A,Unit 2,My schoolbag,Part A,(,II,),一、,Read and tick.,看图,用“”勾出正确的单词。,1. I have an,(,English book/Chinese book,),.,2. This is my,(,music/maths,),book.,3. Whats in your,(,school/schoolbag,),?,4. Look at this,(,Chinese book/storybook,),.,5. I like to read,(,notebooks/storybooks,),.,二、,Read and choose.,看图,选择正确的句子。,A. Put your Chinese book in your desk.,B. Put your maths book under your schoolbag.,C. Put your eraser near your pencil box.,D. Put your pencil box on your chair.,E. Put your pencil box on your English book.,F. Put your schoolbag under your Chinese book.,B,C,E,D,A,三、,Read, choose and write.,看图,选择正确的单词补全短文。,English, pencil, Chinese, schoolbag, storybook,Hello, my name is Sam! I have a new,_,1. _,_. Its black and white. Look!Its a panda. Its so cute.,Whats in the schoolbag? I,have some books. An,_,2. _,_ book, a maths book, a _,3.,_ book, a,_,4. _,_ and a,notebook. Where is my _,5.,_ box? Oh, its on the desk. Silly me!,schoolbag,English,Chinese,storybook,pencil,Unit 2,My schoolbag,Part A,(,III,),一、,Read and tick.,看图,用“”勾出正确的单词。,1. Hi! I am Wu Yifan. I am number,(,nine/fine,),.,2. Hi! I am Mike. I am number,(,four/five,),.,3. Can I have some,(,rice/ice,),?,4. Let s fly a,(,cake/kite,),.,5. I am Jim. I,(,like/lake,),honey very much.,二、,Read, tick or cross.,读一读,判断每组中另外两个单词与所给单词涂色部分读音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“,”,。,三、,Read, choose and write.,看图,选择正确的单词补全对话。,name, kite, five, fine, nine,1. A:Whats and four?,B: Its,2. A:Whats your,B: I am Kate.,3. A: Do you like the,B: Yes, its very nice.,


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